HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-02, Page 2PAGIII,.1-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1973 vrai EDITORIAL COMMENT %. Make suggestions now Due to the recent prompting of Huron County Council the Jail Committee of GoderickTown Council th‘Jail Commit- tee of Goderioh Town 'Council is now ac- cepting proposals for the future use "of the former Huron County Jail. Round one, the rather heated battle to save the jail and its court yard wall from the bulldozer, was successful in that the jail still stands and an alternate proposal for the 'expansion of the nearby assessment office was found. Construction on that expansion will be underway shortly and the last kinks have been ironed out as far as its future is concerned. The future of the jail will be round two. Many people put a lot oftime and effort into saving the historic building and they were aided with both moral and financial support by many others but the fight is not over. Only one battle has been won. Concrete suggestions must now be forthcoming for a suitable use. These suggestions should not just encompass pet projects but -cover the complete rebirth of purpose the former penal in- stitution mut now undergo. The suggestions -should attempt to fill every corner of the rather large building with new productive uses. Proposals for future use, should be complete in'their coverage. More important, though, suggestions regarding these uses 'must be forth- coming ifrom the people of Goderich, and indeed the people of Huron County. The jail has been saved and it must now be put to good purpose. Without public input the best future use for the structure may -never be found. Perhaps one program or another. will not.be acceptable in its entirety but by mixing the_ best ideas of numerous suggestions the best possible outcome will surely result. Those who fought so loud and so long to save the historic building should let _ , their v,pices be heard again in the form of project proposals. Granted these proposals will take con- siderable time and effort to prepare, but in addition to providing the jail with a functional future it will prove that those who felt so strongly about saving the building were indeed earnest in their beliefs and are willing to continue their work and to see the job through. Once construction at the assessment office is compete, Huron County is ex- pected to,turn its attention once more to the jail.question. When they do we hope they have something to study, something that will prove their move to save the jail and its wall was not a fallacy. The Town Council Committee will ac- cept proposals on future use through the municipal offices as they are prepared. We hope. round two will have as successful!.'a conclusion as round one.—R.S. •‘'• • • `.•,, , „„„,-• & .0 ••• •.• • • • •• • / ih'..fav.:111•• f••.• • •• ••••• ••••• • 411., '1 • •• .0•Ir V•111.4? dk..% f •• W • - • • . ift • •••.v • • • . • 401 SO • • •. •/, .a.r•r•:•'• ....1.•‘,1.;•.•••••• • f• '.•.'.*•••••. •• 0.• •••••• • • .64' 4r.•:•.• .11:‘ f.•••• • • • . ••„•,1•4r,•00•'. • • • . • •. 4••' •",....,••••••, •• •• • • •4•.•• •••'.., • • • • • , • Ift.•••••11...e0.'•••••••• • • ...70.1re 4/,`,••••••` 41.", • • •.9.'"I• ••••&'.• '4.• • , ...IA', • lk •. • • • • ..6.4,10,0•.•. • • • 1# • ••-• ••• ••411411, ".14.•*: •••••••••••••••••• • re WINO NM a Good work Goderich Kinsmen dub deserves the commendation of the community for its continuing interest in the senior citizens • of the-dfstrict through- the annual Oc- togenarian Picnic. The Kinsmen Club, is .fortunate, of course, toThave the membership of Pat 'Patterson ,who organized the event in 1949. For 24 years, Patterson has been the life behind the Octogenarian Picnic. Now, nearing the magical age of 80 him- self, Pat is still going strong far his favorite project..., and expectsto keep going for at leaSt one more term of of- fice. . It is people. like Pat Patterson and clubs like the Kinsmen that keep towns like Goderich a most popular place to live. When people care for each other, a town is always stronger and more alive. Stop the world Anyone who has been shopping lately doesn't have to be told how prices are steadily clirribingfor all types of mer- chandise. The most common complaints are about food and children's necessities. But' that's op19 because' people are anxious to pound home the fact that high prices have struck even the post basic of needs. It is to ward off any in- sinuations that 'sOciety today is kept poor buying services and commodities for which it has no real use. , When workers vote to strike for more money, their cry is that the cost of living is increasing faster than their pay checks. They lament over the spiralling cost of basic needs jike food and clothes and rent and utilities. 'Their argument sounds fair. Their , demands appear just. But when the -,surface excuses are stripped. away, it is surprising the num- bers of times that food budgets are ac- tually cut to permit payments on a color television; or clothing accounts are truly tightened to finance a holiday. - Society willingly swaps necessities for luxuries and has itself so thoroughly confused it is no longer able to differen- tiate between the two groups. Modern living results in over- spending. Like an infection, greed for more and more of anything new and up- to-the-minute. has, spread over the land until it now is strangling the whole of society. DEAR READERS By 'Shirley J. eller Ask -the employer what's happening. ,Hell tell you the average worker expects more money than ever before in history .... and at the same time is ready to ex- pend far lets energy to earn it. The reason? What's the ,use of a camping - trailer and no time to enjoy it? Why have a snowmobile and not enough hours to _ run it around? Yes, the prices' are steadily clirnbing and it isn't difficult to see why. The trick iS convincing society to get off the merry-go-round that is affording such a lovely ride! Summerfest- '73 is over and aside from the problems brought on by the weather, it appears that this year'sversion was a huge SUCCeSS. I suppose the new feature that everyone was most in- terested in was the Kinsmen beer garden in Court House. Park. Most people will recall that last year, the Kinsmen Club was denied the privilege - to operate a beer garden because the former police chief in Goderich, Fred Minshall,• would. not give hi 4 permiAsion. At that time, Minshall argued the risk was too high that an unusual number of problems would result from the sale of beer in the streets of GOderich.' This week, I got in touch with the Goderich Police who . told me there was no problem at all, as far as police were son- cerned. Sergeant Mery Witter told me there was one distur- bance, but the person', involved is not new to such behaviour and the police did not feel the incident could be pinned to the Kinsmen beer tent. In fact, Sgt. Witter stated that at least three persons tur- ned their 'keys over to police of their 'own volition when they realized it would be best not to drive their cars home from, the outing. But there. was absolutely no .rowdyism and no problems of any sort necessitating the inter- vention • of police. The Kinsmen experiment in Goderich, then, has turned out much the same as similar ven- tures in other towns. Outdoor pubs are a part of a great many summer festivals .throughout the district .... and4t is good to know that Goderich citizens and their guests stack .up well when it comes to good sense. For many, the Kinsmen Beer Garden with its recorded Ger- man music and its gala lighting was a great place to meet frienils and to enjoy some geod old-fashioned - fellowship at Summerfest. And that's the spirit the Kinsmen hoped to in- duce, I'm certain. * * * Tale of woe If you think you have troubles, pity the poor Editor.' If he attends a meeting he's being -nosy; lf,he doesn't he isn't interested. If he writes an indepth story, it's too long. If he condenses one, it's incomplete. If he takes sides on an issue, he is prejudiced. If he doesn't he is a coward. . If he asks for advice, he's ing9,ompetent; If he ,doesn't he is a know-it-all. If he expresses an opinion, he, wants to run the show; If he doesn't he tacks• ' guts. If he misspells your name, you never forget. it; If he doesn't, you didn't read that story. ttljt goberitb SIGNAL -STAR 40' ' -0-- The County Town Newspaper of Huron .-13-- Found•d 1.4. and published every Thursday af 37 West SI God.. ich, Ontario Member of the Audit fluceiU of Circulation, the CWNA andOWNA Advertng rates on request Subscriptions payable in advance, $e 00 in Canada,,$S SO in II countrios othor than Canada, single cop..% 20 cent% Second - clammed Regest•ation Number 0716 Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the event, ed typwoptucgl error, that portion of the adverliting space oc cupord hy Di. or.5>neous 'tern, tergot4r enthritatclitable allowance for signature, wi I. not by charged for but th• bafanc• 0 the advprtisemoint be paid fbe at the applicable rata In the event of a typograppic al orro• adver,liting good% or %orifices at avrrong prica. 9oodi or services may not b• sold Advertising is merely on offer to sell. And may b• withdrawn at any torn. Busints and Editorial Office TELEPHONE 5244331 area cod* 519 Second claus rnail registration numbor,-0716 Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. ROBERT G.,SHRIER-preskfont and publisher SHIRLEY J. KELLER-editor R. W. SHAW -editorial staff EDWARD J. BYRSKI-adverlising manors' DAVE R. WILLIAMS-advertising representative Last wlk was a time for 'fir- sts' I guess for it was last Week The Goderich Signal -Star published an article and a pic- ture about the Miss Nude On- tario contest. And that's a first, I'll wager, for, this paper. Around this office, there was a great -deal. of speculation,as-to-- whether or not,the item would stir up a 'major controversy in the community. The vote seemed to be split about 50-50 here. Half_ the employees felt a good many people would be of. b5, the article ... and half said the item would be noticed and shrugged off. Some urged the story be withdrawn in order to sidestep trouble. Aside from a few remarks about the Signal -Star looking like Playboy these days, the nudity story and picture drew very little comment. Not one Letter -to the Editor so far (this is Tuesday at 5 p.m.) although the editorial staff had hoped to 1 spark some sort of written diction from our readers with the item, Funny thing about working in news. When you publish a story with which you expect to ignite the readers, the result is , most .often zilch. But just spell pomebody's name incorrectly or leave out the annual report of the garden club ..., and you've got threats of everything from law -,suits to cancelled subscriptions. Funny thing! * * * dous ciowds milling around in the Square during Summerfest. They must have wondered just what was that had attracted them .... Aid what it would take to keep them here .... or at least bring them back more often. Think about it for a while. Really turn the whole matter Over thorougly in your minds. Then tell me that Goderich is great just as it is .,.. that this tremendous town couldn't be better yet .if each of us con- tributed some inventive suggestions'to the cause .... and if some brave committee was on, the , ball to co-ordinate them and to put the best ones into action. Another first last week was . closing off the Square for three full days. What did you think of that? As a motorist, I found it a lit, rle inconvenient .... until I began to remember I had to bypass the Square by choosing an alternate route. To be sure, you cad drive a long way in Goderich getting from point A to point B if one or two streets are closed off. I '-learned that if arrangements could be made for off -the -Square parking facilities,' there's very little reason that the core area could not be closed to traffic on a' more regular basis. also suggest that 'editorial" page readers take a look at the Let- ter to the Editor this week from an Islington woman who sings the praises of the Square as a, natural rnall. There', s some food for thought in that bit of corregpondence. • * * DEA EDITOR Likes !gigs Dear Editor: Thank you very much for putting the paper in an en- velope instead of rolling it up in a paper. Good luck. 1{ay E. Nagle, Whitby, for John F. Nagle; tenance, as an example for its neighbor merchants. We're told "Competition is the life °Oracle" (even..4for the Square) and a commercial Mall certainly should help con- siderably in taxation problems. Best wishes for your en- deavors. prepar on o sort a:i, fThroeror;erneniele it in its. last issue had an Mayo 1;k4iLellw:isQw11438 a thoawv elk wehs toa, abrl i:haebdie todrusu thiWs ca tan:bc. u sgrtraejlettait:T.01:0Islleatryzair community With v generally approved, The t u n a te experience His Worship's action, that is naencedascaaryn get tha 4141 has had more than one wellvendors,rrhew.iToronto travellid gordoDreittOrS8uandly' hout them. ' dileiuscsrtripattiivoens.ofThGoe dart'icii be I fished with ley racily written and does to the writer's lois ' powers. Theo are some a native never finds out his own town until a a tells him abodt them. The Bell Telephone completing arrangements the establishment a telephone system bet Blyth, Auburn and Be When the scheme is coin the three villages will COQ one station. Any, subicr. Blyth may talk to a su in Auburn or Belgravew v 0 There nation.rewas extra charge, and ariendsr. with the other villages m Harbor Park on Sunday in the afternoon, a stre grass on the bank over the road to the harbor burned from the summer to near the entrance d p ark.It is though,t the fire have started from a thrown into the grass. do-enot_seem_to_have noticed for some time church 3ervices had not rauat nrth.tinmueabendr onfor obalarro gAmg fire out with pas of from the Pump op the hill. ilpath running along ledong_ tth spreading below it. he pe - t of the way down cline LOOKING BACK; 25 YEARS Is The heavy rain on M morning caused a lands( Sincerely yours, V. Miller, the north side orthe leading to the Safford Islington, Ontario. , Men of the Highways . On the 11101 , a guard' fence was put lig merit were quickly on tla i .. steps taken to fill thew Dear Editor: ' In answer out portion of the hill. was noNtstructed.. No , _ Murdoch Incidentally, I had a few visitor to your pretty to n 1 am "disgruntled; disillusioned' and similar action against interested in the sub of a As a steady Summertime ters to the ,Eitor , I became Goderich Hockey Clu ^ After reading last week's_Let- in 'an action against , MacDonald, of Goderich, shopping Mall. There sh uld be just that, --, was awarded $4,895 da . Signal -Star editorial last week disgusted" by a letter signed Goderich . Town Corpor . , the back of my mind for wish to stand up and be coun- balcony of the Goderich was -dismissed. MacDonal comments this week about the the Square should it be closed However, I trust there will be ding .her voice to others" who en a cable _around How can a person'who is ad- -fe ed injuries January 6, advantages. concerning the possibilities ,for more than one.drawing 'submit - July 17th does not show much ted as many share the opinion tee leave such a letter un- broke, causing him tofall to traffic. That editorial has been in the sketch in your edition of signed? 0 imagination..artistically. What ' 26. . casipn was never just ripe tb Mitchell, July sometime now ... and the ocr By being a highly disciplined. Toronto City this type seems to cp:nrstoroni wmitahkeysouforraacntioirnosnuicndeexr. railway bridge on wh' The thoughts expressed in ditions..r.an excellent -com-,-... Canadian National li is more monotonous than a For those readers who straight line? In various case..."You would do more Goderich districts in and arouna this big sesda own. They may be weak. They but?'You are in fact con Carlingford roacd"wsas present it. thought the editorial put forth than just write a letter?" You The inner part of the "U" with Saturday at about 4:34 some rather radical are sitting back:- Waiting for is a very handy parking area You have used the television when a bulldozer goingt at the u tzar streu deteriorate the mot quickly. suggestions, it should be nked the others to swing into action? stance, is in the "U" shape and, bear" One of our -best Malls for in- , of course, has the covered walk- willing 'titco obey? Apathetic... Docile...easy to teach and that, people -have always scof- can. Why? Because the people , . Planning Board would° arrange his $1.50? Why hadn't he gone heovuenriannga tea Goderich could contain more, is cars. and movie media as just one of delayed track. Tohnee modity. 'It also has a hand- -Blameless....I would do more in action? ted at imagination. known as the "Humbertown can a person be "sucked in" Goderich from Stratford ways against weather con - last week's 'editorial are my ' , at Rsotyral tr_orlectirkedr and Dun- awareness? Did he ask any per - Did the title not lend a note of minutes while repairs may be impractical. But pfelnacienling over the backyard Shopping Centre" and located who is capable of being aware? made. , some, raised, fountain -garden. some small trees interspersed, ... , afraid to try new things. They They would find the effort felt cheated? • rewarding. , ceed Ann The appointment of Yr they are thoughts ... and- they Triuniciritlityity this -pa -trot the" P h ps- some- , son -at-the-theatre , _what _t!le_. H. Kinahan ,Ps station province can ptill It off, Zurich delegates from the Goderich movie Was about befOre paying des, Trans -Canada Air, do prove that the Square in Supply ,deliveries are made the examples of what is corrup- aren't afraid to be different to visit and see for themselves. to 'the Matinefnent when he Kinahan is the datighiet C.H.inchargeofstpeawsseardnig than traffic and frustrated ' at the rear of each store. It is ting the youth of today. How and they aren't afraid to fail. . Something along sim'ilar just as cheated because they Maybe the management feels sKuiPenarvhaisn°?; e was announced here'tod Martimes 'and Nobs drivers and pedestrians. I've not visited the new far-. debuted in Zurich this summer What was the movie's rating? have no control Over the movies in brother, Wilfred Kinahen, effective 1 Kinahan of St Augutt' latc Mr. and Mrs' , recently- to bemarrieft Goderich. Moffat, who r mPrm°51editaipterily: astern region. mers' market which has .... but I do know that if any of that little, village aren't Dear Editor, Re -the potential shopping Mall When the brain -Wave for the lines° would be, in essence, a ', GodOch citizens must have that it won't succeed, too? noted last weekend the trernen- proper, ,that will constant! support attractive main -y ,, corruption is very low. ' , a solid upbrin ih gives the freedom of choice to necessary their child and have given him discussion be h "1“ After the age ,when a parent sday. the television program was held over for two! • f t r LOOK for dotal I: no nosed folks around the Zurich best of my travel kno'wledge being sent to them by the owners of such a theatre. Zurich Bean Festival was born, stepsaver • too --such as ,your for instance, some of the hard- present octagonal one. To the about taking the lowly white yours in Canada and Goderich As long as there is a market Augula ' 1 1 bean and 'turning it into a can be proud of its design. If items have been 'forgotten it's for any type of movie, be it por- nographic or educational, there -'- district laughed and joked there is none Other quite like the tourism - map -of' this hoped that finally educational in the fact that of-- Marine for a tvin Year A request from Mil tourist trap. But the people of &rich had an easy matter to simply cioss through that comely court , will be ,the supply. Is it not movie Or provinec ' Now it is a farmers' market. an one "Supermarket" - but , ter you find a certain type of the building it now so. ei, on an annual event which has net- ack in a seemingly long way, if 00' an idea .... and it paid off with back Park instead of doubling ted that little village a spot on it were in a strip. • town Anyone 'want to make any bets Departmental store choose to see its type again? its regular 'In— 00 repulsive you are not likely to Qoderic gating list than new Mall would have more The (isle if not --a " . , It is to be His or her 'mind will ohly be Iclhdaviircme :tit tfahne "nal j :hi Continued on page 3 'man of ProPe"' and in orderly -,g ng the c ance o e bour chl"--,„ coo MI UFO Ell inu en ced ed ow hini ren th Ps g the atio e and to e? here chit PCI uin ethic ars ul Wei an, I the isti sok, ake Y CA, Ctioi Proj ot che thi ilI3 hmn n?" I )1 'id4 t