HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-08-02, Page 1t.iflGt10liY
gown speaker
jdresses staff'
• Professor
fessor W. H. Trethowan,
nternationally known
in the field of psychiatry
an unscheduled address
ental health to several
rs, nurses and' visitors at
Goderich Psychiatric
tal Monday morning.
lessor° Trethowan, Dean
edicine and Professor of
iatry at • Birmingham
rsity in England is in
a on a country -wide lec-
ile in Goderich, he .visited
tomer colleaue and long
friend, Dr. Michael
W.H. Trothaon
Conlon, Goderich Psychiatric
'l-To"spital Superintendent. The
lecture was done as a personal
favour to Dr. Conlon and was
not part of his scheduled tour
of .Canada.
During his lecture he touched
upon the relationship between
mental health and the oc-
currence of road accidents.
An excerpt from his lecture
states, "While safer motor cars
and better roads' can obviously
do much to reduce the number
of accidents or minimize their
effects, there is agreement that
these measures aloe.°avill: never
solve the problem."
"There remains the vexed
question of the man behind the
wheel and his' proneness to
become involved in accidents
which endanger both himself
and others," he said. "As has
often been. said, :accidents do
not happen, they `are caused
and in the majority of cases, it
is the driver that causes them."
"It is not difficult to perceive
the mental mechanisms which
underlie the erratic•behaviour
of the car driver", said
Professor Trethowan. "Firstly,
the motor car appearsto be one
-of the -hest means yet invented -
for the release of pent-up
Professor Trethowan noted
the -names sewe mAinufa tttrers
give to their cars illustrate this
all too clearly, Some examples
he cited were Avenger, Cutlass,
' Javelin, Fury and Milstang.
He said there is the gam-
ble,the "it can't happen to me"
attitude can be construed either
as deliberate denial or as
Professor John Cohen of Man,
chest;er pointed out, a need to
gain ascendance over uncer-
tainty by dicing with danger
and pulling it off.
It is these kinds of factors
which m,ay, lead to -driving toofajit_t. or incautiously under ob-
viouslyunsafe conditions," he
said. „Thirdly, there is the
weary or depressed driver
whose attention is- more
engaged by personal problems
than by the state of the road."
Professor Trethowan said
these problems are -in addition
to people who have drunk too
much or are incompetent to
drive 'tor some other reason.
"It cannot be said that road
deaths are not too closely
linked with mental health," he
w citizens
ted by
E ladies
-Wednesday, July 25
Francis Carter presided
first Citizenship Court in
hteen new citizens
red .their Canadian'
nship certificates beforti-a'
of 40 people.
eception followed at the
of Mrs. Ronald McGee,
St. a Maple leaf- Chap
O.D.E. member.
fight -light was served by
ter members M"rs. N.
w, Mrs. L. Royal, Mrs. R.
Ilum and Mrs. C. Ed -
to the new citizens and
families as they visited at
attractively lighted
rvice to
A. Gori, 73 Britannia
was a recent recipient in
ome of a 60 year jewel
ted by her Sister Mrs.
Lawrence P.D.D.P. of
5 Goderich on behalf of
ich Rebekah Lodge No.
Gori has been a member
1912 and while ill -health
ted her from being active
ryears, she still retained
embership and
faith -
Rebekah Order.
on warden
bred at
'.. ha
� m hall
Pattison,Warden.. of
titY, Reeve of East
hi ar Township was
dance on July 27,
opham Legion Hall by
ttahip of East
B proved to be a
when '_'a large
tion of County
Y mem.
tad ratepayers
payers gathered
it A. memorable oc-
Ht114an, councillor
tirroeh having
Reeve Pattison the
Poriod of time was
tor the pTesentation.
Ptthison was
Ir +ether chait. Mrs, .
presented with a
fittingly replied
Nkecia tion,
1 26 YEAR -3,1
SignaISt, moving
New plant rising
in Industrial Park
ert tjj
After about 35 years at its
location at 37 West Street,'The
- Goderich Signal -Star and
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
will be moving.
President R.G. Shrier an-
nounced this week the business
offices for the Signal -Star as
well as the production plant of
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
will be relocating at the
Godertch Industrial Park just
south of town on Highway 21
late this fall.
The 10,200 square foot brick
and block building is presently
under construction on the five -
acre parcel of land which was
previously the property of Lin-
ton and Hirst.
Mr. Shrier praised Linton
and Hirst for, their co-operation
during negotiations with the
Signal -Star. He said the
English -based company has
proven to be "good `Corporate
citizens" because its officials
recognized the importance of
allowing the Industrial Park to
develop in an orderly fashion..
Aa no ,time in ."our
negotiations with Linton and
Hirst was there any, indication
-the firm would not come • to
Goderich," Mr. Shrier com-
mented. "I believe the,company
is very interested in coming to
Goderich and that the Town of
Goderich and its people ,will
find Linton and Hirst a vital
addition to our industrial com-
munity here."
The phenomenal growth of
the company since 1965
brought about by "fantastic
public support" has con-
tributed to the need for expan-
sion. The steady and con-
tinuing growth in local retail
advertising and circulation
were cited by Mr. Shrier as
examples of community accep-
"The move is being made in
the interest of efficiency," says
Mr. Shrier. "We have simply
outgrown our. present
Signal -Star Publishing
Limited now publishes The
Goderich Signal -Star, The
Clinton News -Record, The Kin-
cardine News and The Huron
Shopping News. In addition, 20
other publications roll off the
Signal -Star press each week.
From- seven employees in
1965, the company now is one
of the" cominunity's most
thriving small industries with
45 on staff, 35 in Goderich;
three in Clinton; and seven in
When the Signal -Star does
move to its, new location,:.
hopefully by November 1, it
will he the first time since 1966
that the pressroom and the
ake money turns
p in local stores
Goderich Police Chief Pat
King has issued a warning to
local merchants to be on the
lookout for bad $50 bills.
Two such bills were
discovered by local banks on
Friday morning , having been
passed on Thursday at the
People's Store and Gerrard's
clothing. store.
Both bills bear the serial
number B/H 6712821 and were
described by Chief King as
"very good." He explained that
they differ from genuine
,currency in texture and lack
details in Queen's" hair which
he described as "fuzzy."
The Chief explained that
counterfeiters ,are switching to •
bills of $50 denomination since
the new $20 bills have such a
complicated and hard to copy
design.. Twenties had been the
most popular denomination to
The bad bills were passed by
"-a woman but Police say the
description of her could fit
A third bill has been sent to
Toronto for examination as a
suspected counterfeit as well.
Chief King urged merchants
to contact police if they had
any suspicions about $50 bills
and to get a description of the
person and a car licence-piim-
eber if` possible..
On Sunday another three of
the bogus bills turned up in
Grand Bend.
OPP in that community say
that the bills , were passed
Friday night at a furniture
store and two outdoor eating
establishments. They bear the
same, serial number as the hills
discovered in Goderich.
Grand Bend OPP termed the
bills the "job of a
other production facilities have
been upder one roof.
At the present time, the big
web. offset press is housed in a
separate building in back of the
main plant. The new building,
in the planning stages for the
last two years and designed by
Signal -Star officials based on
company requirements as well
as the result of a thorough
study of newspaper plant
facilities in other parts of -the
province, will put an end to the
inconvenient and uneconomical
shuffling back and forth bet-
ween plants which has been
Mr. Shrier said he plans to
move the pressroom facilities to
the 'new location by late Sep-
tember; the business office, the
advertising department, the
editorial desks and the com-
posing morn will follow in Oc-
One added feature of the new
plant will be the availability of
parking for customers as well
as staff. -
Mr. Shrier noted a survey
has shown that the bulk of
Signal -Star in •office customers
arrive by automobile and he
feels the move to the fringes of
the municipality will not im-
pose undue hardships on those
persons whose business is not
transacted by telephone or by
"It should remove just one
more downtown bottleneck,"
the publisher stated.
While no new equipment is
anticipated in the near° future
for the Signal -Star, the im-
proved facilities should provide
opportunity to more fully
Utilize the up-to-the-minute
'machinery recently acquired by
the firm.
"We hope to grow even more
under the new roof," commen-
ted Mr. Shrier, "and to con-
tribute more to the growth of
the area." -
Signal -Star, Vice -President
and General Manager of The
Clinton News -Record, J.H.
4itken, is also optimistic about
the years ahead.
"In the last few years, the
facilities 'have been out-
stripped in Goderich," said Mr.
Aitken. "The new building will
meet both our current needs
and those of the foreseeable
future, but the expansion which
the Signal -Star has enjoyed in
the past may well indicate the
new facilities will eventually be
out -stripped again at a later
"Ther esad," pas. et Mel membl M S W a. (*" fedi. ap-wrMB on the etas, beefed et the north side
portunhies for Youth grant, wereaamong various groups who K, of the court house, Ztrere Pendulum Players. (staff photo)
provided !hose attending Summerfest '73 with live entertein-
SiN-GLE,.Capt 20c.
Among the more popular wares offered for sale during Summerfest '73' were, ceramic
products from the occupational therapy workshop at Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. The
mugs, cups, vases and candle holders are produced by the patients and bear the Town of
Goderich crest making them excellent souvenirs for,.visitors to Goderich. For those who
missed purchasing a mug their are also on-sala_through the local tourist booth.(staff ,photo)
ofinglonig t on
When Goderich Town Coun- by the council the final battle to the local board, asked Mr.
cil meets this evening they will will likely be fought in front of Robertson how he was so sure
find on their` agenda a recom- the Ontario Municipal Board. the new mall would -lower
mendation from the local Plan- If council approves the plaza prices and improve shopping in
ning Board that Council application the., downtown that way. Davidson said that
. proceed to make the necessary Businessmen's- Association is new competition did not always
zoning and land use changes in- expected to file objections lower prices. .
volving 161/2 acres of land off before the O.M.B. while if Planning Board member
Highway 21 south to permit the council should decile to turn.it Charles Snell took up the same
construction of a shopping mall down Suncoast Estates would train of thought asking Mr.
as proposed in ary application in all likelihood file its protest Robertson how he could be 'so
earlier this year by 'Suncoast before the O.M.B sure, about the prices coming
Estates. - Planning Board 'Chairman down when he didn't even
The --x5,2,000,000 ' project was Dave Gower said following the know what stores would be in
given the go ahead, as far' as Meeting that he was pleased the proposed mall.
Planning Board, is concerned, the Board had made a decision. "Certain stores could locate
following the board's meeting "We have ' heard a great there and push the prices up
last Wednesday evening. After many reports and read a lot of w you know," he told 'Robertson'.
listening to nearly three hours . information provided by all In' a later interview Chair -
of presentations ,from legal sides but we had to make a man Dave Gower said -that he
counsel representing both the decision eventually," ---he said, - felt the citizens'petition had ab -
Businessmen's Association and "and I'm pleased the hoard has solutely no effect on the Plan-
Suncoast Estates, as well as a
presentation and petition from
the "Build the Mall" citizens
committee, Planning Board
went into committee of the
whole for another 90 minutes
before arriving at a decision.
`'Planning Board's recommen-
dation came as a surprise to
•many' of the 30 persons atten-
ding the meeting when it was
announced. following the closed
session. Just before the meeting
%Gent into committee Municipal
made its decision." ning Boards decision:
Mr. Gower said that the ,. "That petition will have its
disagreement of survey figures effects later, like before the On -
that. caused considerable tario Municipal Board," said
debate over retail studies con- Gower.
ducted by two separate firms, In making,. his lengthy
one hired by Suncoast and one presentation to the Board,
by the merchants, could go° on Businessmen's Association
indefinitely but 'the decision lawyer George Plaxton told the
should not have been" put off. meeting that the situation
The motion to recommend to might be considered as "a bat=
council that they proceed with tle between experts over
the Suncoast application figures. , •
passed planning board - with "But there are two important
Planner -Consultant Dave Bar- only board member, Ebb Boss, questions," he said. "Is the
- ber had suggested that dissenting. shopping plaza feasible, and
Goderich_ eek- alarl&hezefin,.--. __During.the .P_lanning....Board- - -important;-where do -we --
surrounding townships. It was meeting the Build the Mall
that recommendation the board committee presented a petition
was 'expected to study behind bearing 3,091 signatures, 2,189
closed doors. from Goderich, in support of
The land freeze suggestion the Suncoast Estates proposal.
was tabled when Planning The . remainder of ,the
Board was informed that a signatures represented persons
developing firm known as living in the surrounding areas
"Multi -Malls" had taken out of Goderich as well as a few
options on land outside of holidayers who gave their sup-
Goderich: It had been rumored port to the theory of better
that such might be the case for selection and prices through
some. time but last Wed- more competition.
neaday's meeting was the first In presenting the petition to
roe the suggestion had been Planning Board G.R. Robert -
given any substance. son, organizer of the citizens
"Suncoast . Estates' ap- group, said that the signatures
plication for the necessary represented support for the
changes to clear the way for committee's feeling that the
development is now before new mall would provide more
Town Council. Several mem- - goods at a' lower cost through
bers of planning hoard noted in more competition.
interviews however, that County Planner Gary David -
despite what decision is made son, who serves as an advisor
want to put it?
"We do not agree for one
moment that the square footage
proposed is feasible," he said in
his summary, "but we question
even more the location of such
a center outside of the com-
munity as opposed to locating
it in. or near the business core
Suncoast,Estates lawyer Earl
Cherniak . contended to the
meeting- that the plaza will at-
tract more shopping. dollars for
Based on figures 'arrived °at
by Suncoast's retail study he
said that 70 cents of every
shopping dollar is being spelt
outside the municipality as far
as department store type pur-
chasing is concel'ned.
He claimed the reason for
Continued on page 14