HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-07-19, Page 20ge
20 participants of project 'SWEEP were in Goderich the Huron County Museum as part of the
to tour the Water Treatment Plant, Sewage Plant and segment of their program. (staff photo)-
EEP students visit Goderich
ten you? Don't let it get you
down - the worst is yet to come!
Worry ,can cause "hi bld., pr-
ier”, so calm down. THINK
POSITIVE - and ask Peter
Bisset the secret of a young
_ Congratulations Pete, and
best wishes from your many,,
many acquaintances who just
don't seem to keep in touch.
Altho' Pete -claims he doesn't
read this column; I hope others
will call him to let him know
we think he is just `GREAT -
and hope to be around when -he
reaches 100!
Here is a fine quote - "I shall
grow old, but never lose life's
ZEST, because the road's last
turn - may be the BEST!"
For those who are sending
donations to the Sorority Girls
for their- - FLEA MARKET -
July 26-28, here is another
great quote: "HONOURABLE
are those who can give without
the past several weeks,
t ,SWEEP (Students
in an Environment
cement Program) has
Wive. in the Maitland
Conservation Authority.
SWEEP 1973 is being
in this its third .sum -
by the Conservation
rides Branch of, the
of Natural Resources,
a part of the Youth
riat's Experience '73
t summer' employment
ject SWEEP in the
nd is employing 21
is this summer from
high school and post-
ai)? institutions.
Pearson, of Ethel, a
year Biology student at
ity of Waterloo, is the
Supervisor for Project
He 'has-been working
April 30, coordinating
projects fn various
lities throughout the
, as well as planning
projects on the
'ty's own property,
working since April 30
as Technical Advisor, is Brian
_ Sachs, a Fisheries and Wildlife
Biology Student at the Univer-
sity of Guelph. Brian's tasks
:have,.. been,. .to- assist the
technician in :the planning of-
developmeri't for newly
acquired authority property,
partic4larly the McDowell
Property in East Wawanosh
Township. Anne Harrison, a
second ` year Arts student at
York, University ,in . Toronto,
has' been employed in a
secretarial capacity, to assist
the regular secretary in han-
dling •' thg„additional work
load caused by, ,the .. new.
SWEEP employees.
Also, employed by the
Maitjand Valley Conservation
Authority as foremen on
project SWEEP is Jfesjeryet,
of Witigham, who is -entering
his second year at Sir Sanford
Fleming Forestry College in
Lindsay. This is Les' third year
on Project SWEEP: 'An -other
Sir Sandford Fleming student
employed as a foreman is Mery
Weishar of Teeswater. Both
• Mery and Les are foremen of
ICE : L:
aks dining here a •
Pleasure. ERV
56A EAST ST. —
I • Dwelling -Commercial - Life
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler
and children Darrel and Karen
the .Falls Reserve Crews at from Parkhill visited on Sun-
Benmiller: Foreman of the day with Mr. and Mrs: Chas.
Wroxeter crew is Blake Fowler. Other recent visitors
Ferguson of Gorrie, who is en- included Corporal and Mrs.
...tering . his second year - -of --En-Harold Jenken `ai td `son "Rickey`
vironmental Biology at the from Camp Boden who are
University of Guelph. moving soon to Saskatoon, also.
The three foremen have been Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clifton
working since the 18th`of May,, from Winnipeg. Mrs. Jenken
and have assisted the regular and Mrs. Clifton - are sisters;
authority staff in various works and nieces of Mrs. Fowler.
such as tree planting and grass An item of interest in the
cutting until June 25, when Sarnia Observer states- that. the
they took charge bf their popular entertainer Robbie
respective labour crews. $herwood, who built the group
'Municipal works which, the called Sugarfoot is now
crews will become involved in manager of the Guildwood.
throughout the summer include Robert has been in several
r and -`stream cleanup in ban'Is since High School before
several towns, work in organizing his group called
municipal parks involving ' Sugarfoot.. Recently he had a`
painting, parking . barrier in- trip, to Las Vegas selecting or-
stallation, and weed cutting, chestras for the Guildwood Inn
til[n'li"ei`oilg" 'bergtiii"'""gTfil""i""i1Cd.. - ., -...._ �...
repair tasks in some oldCongratulations to Bill
cemeteries. in addition to this, Errington for 'being top boy
they will be undertaking dead- student 'in -grade nine at
tree removal and Goderich District Collegiate,
cleanup,illegal ,roadside dump 'Kith an 86 percent average thus
cleanup, and restoration and winning a scholarship of $50.
reseeding of an old landfill site. 'He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
In addition . to Municipal George Errington.
works, the crews will .be spen- Mrs. Harold Congram, John
ding about 75% of their time and Marilyn of Wingham
on' Authority property in the visited last Sunday with Mr.
'Conservation Areas doing. _and Mrs. Lorne Ivers. Other
development work such as cam,- guests recently' have been Mrs.
psite clearing at Galbraith Con- Mary Cousins and George
servation Area at Listowel and Miller of -Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
marking of a nature trail in the Lyle,Jackson of Lucan, also Mr.
Falls reserve Conservation Medford Elliott' from Van -
Area at Benmiller. Work-in the couver.
Conservation Areas will also 'Mrs. Mary Bere, David and
include some general grounds Jamie, spent Friday and Satur-
improvements4 such as drains day in Windsor with the for -
around water taps in campsites, mer's daughter, Miss Ruth
painting of the various wooden Bere.
structures such as washrooms On Sunday afternoon several
and picnic shelters, and minor families from here attended the
erosion control projects. Orr -McNee- Bere family picnic
An educational program is at Pine River.
also being conducted aid is ex, Mrs. Paul Henderson and
pected to take approximately , .aught rs, Heather; `Jennifer
1/2 day every 2 weeks. The first and Jill of Mississauga visited
day on Friday, July,13 included for the *eekend .with the for-
a tour of the sewage mer's brother, Lorne Alton,
treatment plant, water . and his daughter Marsha. On
purification plant, and the - Sunday afternoon other mem-
Huron " County Pioneer' bers of the family gathered for _
Museum in Goderich. lunch together, also, Mr. and
It should be a busy and in- Mrs. Harry Westlake,
teresting as well as informative daughters Janice and Pat of
summer fir 21 eager students. Goderich and Murray Wight -
Mrs." Cecil Blake and Bar-
bara visited members of the
family' at Galt -Cambridge and
Alliston; also Mr. and Mrs. B.
Comfort and Mr. and Mrs.
Ennis - Comfort in St.
Catharines. Mrs. C. Blake and
Mrs. Jim Blake called to visit
Miss Flora Durnin near Tot-
ctenham on Saturday.
Mr." and Mrs.' GG. Wilbur'
Bradley of Willowdale and
Mark Loveday of Delhi, are
holidaying at their hone in
Mr; and Mrs. Bill Hitchcock
of Windsor, Ont. visited with
Mr. and -Mrs. Alvin Sherwood
last week, also called on other
relatives in this area. They had.
attended the Finnigan picnic at
Seaforth the previous Sunday,
July 8, as did a number of
families'irorn. here. -HIT itch -
cock is a son of the former
Mary Finnigan at Amherst
Mrs. Jaynes McKenzie was
htnoured on' her 90th birthday
Saturday at the home of her
daughter, Mr. and -Mrs. Robert
McAllister. •
Friends are pleased to know
Irene Hasty has returned„home
following a gallstone operation
in Wingham hospital.
Miss Judy Wintemute and
Brian Draper were married on
Saturday, July 14', in Dungan-
non United Church -with Rev.
„Clarence McClenaghan perfor-
ming the ceremony. The U.C.W.
later served wedding. dinner to
the 75 guests.
Mr.' and Mrs. Donald
Nicholson, and sons, Brian,
Greg and Wayne had a holiday'
trip to Bracebridge, Santa's
Village, and Gravenhurst last
week, and on the week -end
visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Oliver at Hillsburg... Mrs.
Nicholson and Mrs. Oliver are
John, Gregory and Larissa
Aldham of Goderich are having
a few days' holidays with their
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Bere,
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reed of
Toronto are at their summer
home north of Dungannon.
remembering, and takewithout
Believe me, you will not be
forgotten as your gift,will help
make waves that will touch
many needy people-- in OUR
This morning ,(Monday), I
thought I heard a new bird
yelling in the yiud, Our big -
and I mean ' BIG - cat - has
been given a rough time by the
feathered population since
moving back to town.
Whether it is because he is a
stranger or a predator, I don't
know, but since the birds 'are
nesting in the trees near the
house they just don't give ANY
of us any peace.
The red ones are the noisiest
and there are times I have
had to go out and throw gravel
at them to move them off the
Anyway, when I heard the
squeaking or screeching I
thought the Blue Jays had
moved in - nd that's just
about all I need! Luckily it tur-
ned out to be a neighbours
clothes line that needed
Did you read the column -
Recre/Action? The young folk
at 26 THE SQUARE - in
charge, have many plans for
A'CTION and 'recreation for
this summer and there is no
reason for the kids to claim
there's "NOTHING TO DO.”
The Cycling WORKSHOP
for July 20 & 21 at Victoria
School__, should- be -well attenr---
ded. If they - the kids - are in-
terested at all,_ they should at-
tend as there is a lot to learn
and they will be glad they at-
tended. - Also, „the registration
fee is real LOW. -
They also have a bus trip
planned for July 3l to Royal
Ontario Museum, . Toronto
Dominion Centre and the
Science Centre which will take
35 to 40. So, when you receive
the flyer listing the Recre/Ac-
tion programs, pin it up where
the kids can read it, and en-
courage them to participate in
these programs.
Let's take advantage of the
hard work a few people have
done and make EVERYBODY
wo..ld like to call on you with,
"housewarming gifts" and in-
formation `about your new
location. The Hosts wiN bi
glad to arrange : your lubscrIP.
tion, to the Signal -Star
C.II'kw et 524-7854.rriwriirirwroirwvirwrexi_
Mothers who purchase fruit
Savoured or animal shaped
vitamin' supplements• for
children are buying expensive
nutrition, says Consumers'
Association of Canada These
tablets cost two ..to three cents
more per tablet ,,than ordinary
shaped, plain flavoured sup-
plements that contain the same..
nutrients. CAC national
headquarters is located at 100
Gloucester Street, Ottawa.
PHONE 524-6838
Formerly of the "Clip Joint" in
London - has joined 'our.
tali Ernie Dian - Pat
For an Appointment
44 WEST ST. GODERICH - 524-9632
(Also , be sure to visit our newly
remodelled "THE STORE NEXT DOOR" )
July 23 24 & 25
10 AM -9 PM