HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-07-19, Page 10fa 32 • JULY 1,7 11-441,04:1 is ONTARIO - HOUSING EOR'ORATI011-•= AifOthe ri INTERIOR & PACE PAINTING 0.11.1 & 11.2, F.P.1 /52 E NO. T.5.803 be received for the 1240 noon E.D.S.T. t13 by the Ontario pion, 101 Moor Nolo, Ontario, lolh.chiel Purchasing floor, • from whom forcIflcatIons may be or tolopt one 0663600, 04, quoting reference 'Oro. The lowest or n ornscsssarlhr accep- 1 2. AUCTION SALE RWATHWELL' 3 -'1 ins • ow= 0111 LUMBER - TO SELL dY AUCTION M . Vanastra, 2 miles south of Clinton And follow sale signs on Saturday morning, July 21 at 10;00 A.M. Used Lumber - T5 shoats of 4' x 10' by 1/4" plywood;, 100 part sheets of 1/4" plywood; 200 • r' x 4" short lengthy (2.3 ft.); 1" lumber N1 IsnOths;-10 doors, frames, locks;10 green pass chsckboards; 150 shoots of 1/r " drywall r x e' sheets; work- bench and odds and ends; con- duts real boxes. Posit No Reserve T : _ Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 4824120 Brucsflsd 2/6 Auction -isle of New FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & GIFTWARE at BALL AUCTIONS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO DIRECTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL 'day, July 2O at 8 p.m. urinp: Matching stoii(r'andlefrlgirator; In avocado -i 'groin, Deluxe side by side refrigerator oast* Leonard. Matching washer and dryer, bnd black A white T.V.s,' several styles. of suites, swish and maple bedroom suites, bods, coffee end tables, prism lamps, swag lamps, amps, kitchen suites, contlnsMal Owox spring and , desks, .lazy boy chairs, aufriank sip zap machines, tapestries, dishes; *swords, plus many kerns too numerous to mention. lairs conducted weekly by Ball Auctions gallon*: .. R. A. Illa11 .. Lunch booth and. sating provided HOUSEHOLD AND NTIQUE AUCTION be held at 119. Main Street North, Ssaforth on Saturday, 71, st 1:15 P.M. Wig of Admiral 21" TN.; 4 matching cane bottom S pc. chrome kitchen sults; 2 rocking chain; arm ; chaisrilsld; cherry chest of drawers; steel and wood ;drums; chat of drawers; single continental bad Sim - mattress; General Electric stove ° 24"; Leonard ata; 'wringer washer. electrical kitchen appliances; do dock; mantel. clock; radio; 2 wicker:Armories; card ; wood paper rack; hooked and woven rugs; lamps; plc - and frsmetrCushion tops; mirrors; Iawn chairs; garden ;'1,V. aerlah and many other Nems. - •Cash , Propristnu - Mrs. Laura Ings ME's. Myrtle Krueger P./ANTED'' No Reserve RATHWELL'S AUCTIONSERVICE 4823120 Brumfield 28,30b 8. HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED CAR SALESMAN 'ONLOOKING FOR AN ENERGETIC, SELF • WE OFFER IN RETURN GOOD PLUSI STRICKLAND TOYOTA SNE :MALL CAR DEALER OF GODERICH ken Rd, Oodltrlch t*44M1 12. AUCTION SALE _-47 "'13. SERVICES AVAILAiLE ATHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and UQUIDATORM IRUCEFIELD, ONT. , Offer the most modern auction methods. UCENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -..WIDE BRUCEFIELD 4824120 - cgtf 13. SERVICES AVAILAILE FOR EXPERT dressmaking and alterations contact 524- 9683.-28,29x LADIES — have your sewing done for fall so that you are prepared. Phone 482.31x98.-28,29,30,31 FURNITURE refinishing and folk art decorating. • Prompt ' service. Phone • lioderach 524 6110.-22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED. lawn mowers, outboard and chain - ,saws. Phone 524.9636 or 524- 2596.-20tf VACUUM • CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days kW** V" Mon. thru Sat. SIN dark Sunday 12 to 6 ART'S Landscaping & Nursery 66 BENNET ST. E., GODERIC 524-9126 DONATION AND: CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Proceeds for the Varna United Church.Sale to be held In the Varna Arena on Saturday, July 21, at 1:15 P.M. Partial N - 3000 ft. of inch lumber; two'wheeled"trailer'Bier boots and r' press; 8 hp. garden tractor 33" mower; f x 9' tourist tont with _center pole;-50-year--old-dining-room table.. 'There will be many more household artkOlss, f cors ilnd .antique.; Plan to attend • Rummage and Bake Sale same day RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 482-3120 - Brucsfsd To Donate or. odnsign Phone - 482.3276 or 482-0654 29b ESTATE AUCTION, To be held in the village of Auburn for the Estate of. the Late Mrs. Christina Craig on Saturday, July 28, at 1:00 P.M. Automobile - 1970 Chsv Belpir i Antiques and household Nems - 4' x 8' Nate pool table; and ac- cessories; Nordheimer piano; Philips 21" T.V.; round attention -table; buffet; china cabinet; coffee and end tables; chesterfield and chair; 4 washstands; commode; office desk and chair; ex- tsntlon'table; wood and"mete) beds; oval top table; chesterfield • and two chairs; pr.esback rocker and arm chair; iron crib; highboy chest of drawers; 6 pc. chrome kitchen sults; pine top - cupboard and ' pine chairs; 'wringer washer; Sniper pew(n0 .machin.; rocker; _ mantel clock; mirrors; oil lamps; teacher! school bell; depression and carnival glass; dishes and china; 3 telephones; pictures and frames; brass;crocks; souvenirs: toy dishes; school desk; quilts; kitchen appliances and, utensils. - - Two power mowers; homemade riding mower Terms - Cash Property sold - No Resew on contents RATFIWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE 482-3120 '- Bruceflsld GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE Of 3 area estates, store furniture, and oflcs qulpnwsnt and ori* consignment from Rev. Mowatt, his collections of Inlaid and hand carved furniture, to be held in, the Canton arena on Wednesday, July 25, at 1:15 P.M. Furniture and Antiques - 2 pump organs; player piano; -Dominion upright grand piano; mahogany china cabinet -curved glass front; set of 4 Victorian carved oak choirs; pine harvest table; pins washstands;.round oak pedestal table; solid state sterso cabinet modal; 4 arc. bedroom suite -walnut; Inlaid tables; cedar chest; blanket boxes; trunks; coffee tablas; end tablas; - oak secretary; marble top washstand; . 2 bedroom suites; 4 dressers; 3 chest of drawers; awls. - all mates and shapes; .quare Walnut- pedestal table; chest teals; china • cabinet; wicker rockers and 'chairs; what -not; bookcases; upholstered. arm chairs; cane Aldan; 4 rocking chairs; Duncan Phyfe tables; ,2 Mvl ngroom suites; cherry drop leaf table; hall trio and seat; chesterfields 2 kitchen chrome seta; wiNon rug and underlay; carnival glia; corn flower; fle-bees dishes; vlctorian vises; brkgol vase; biscuit barrel; compotes; cake Nand; depression .glass; dashes; china and many, many more Nems. - Appliances - 3 sets washers and dryers; 3 refrigerators; 4 elec- tric stoves; dishwashers; small, apphlancss • elf appliances In excellent working order: Odds mei Ends - Large city. of bake and magazines; brass; tollst sit; American steeple cock; mantel clocks- and wall cooks; lamps; pictures a d frames; ferneries; Ikon; 011,'lamps; crocks; lawn "furnituri` hewn and garden equipment; Inter- national riding mower. Office 'Equipment • (to Beef M 1:18 sharp) - firs proof Ming cabinet; 24" 132" lets' electric adding machines; cash regkNer; office desk; oMMoi rniturs; display shelve., and coun- ters; cloth's • racks; glass deploy mantes; 2 Jaidy'sf Plan to attend the largest auction to be hold this poor commen- cing at 1:15 P.M. to Approx. 9810 P.M. Lunch ay.lable Paddle Bidding Terms- Cash RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE or Chirp For iintirin ion phssns 4EER120 - • 13. SERVICES AVAILAiLE 13. SERVICES AVAILAILE. 23. ENGAGEMENTS=' datessramimpito REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE DARREL BALTZER 524.2481, GODERICH HOME REPAIR SERVICE Roofing, painting, cement work, eaysstroughing FREE ESTIMATES • PAUL, LASSAUNE 524-7158 I KEN DUNCAN 524-!!086 WATER WELL DRILLING Tom Lang, .proprietor. Latest fmodern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free ,estimates. 5" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call Collect" 855-4605• SCREENED - 'TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK • GRAVEL and FiLL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482=7644 tfn SKELTON .. APPLIANCES Ing! is—Moffat—Beatty- Sales---Service Re airs to all makes 3g Britannia' Rd. W. Ph. 524.7871 17tf ACE. • RADIO & TV Fleetwood Sales & Service Repairsto ell sakes of Radio & Television 60 P.ICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoemaker announce the engagement of their. _ , daughter Linda.' Alice to • Mr. Richard St4wart Bisset, son of Mrs. P.A. (Sandy) Bisset of Goderich. The wedding to take place, the Lord willing on August 10, 1973.-29x , Mr. and Mrs. Warner R. Collings, • Londesboro, Ontario, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara, to Mr. Wayne Streughan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Straughan, R.R. 2, Goderich,w Ontario. Service to be held on August 4, 1973, in Lon- desboro United Church, at 2:30 p.m. RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well north the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC BULLDOZING -BACKHOE GRAVEL • SAND TOPSOIL BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATING R. No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 4 ESTATE AUCTION :SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- FECTS AND ANTIQUES OF THE LATE MRS. HANNAH WILLIS, 95 PICTON ST. WEST GODERICH • Sat. July 21 AT 1 P.M. McClary frig.; propane gas stow; Beatty washing machine; Wooden kitchen table; 4 chrome chair.; studio couch; chester- field with matching rocking. chair; antique library table with 2 ihatChing chairs; wicker rocking chair; 2 wicker fern stands; wooden floor limp; an- tique wooden bed; spool bed; rope bed; walnut . dresser; cherry bureau; 2 droi'ers; cedar chest; smoker stand; hail mirror; small tables; Victorian sideboard; .quare dining -room extension table; a dining, room C hoirs;dsak; large frames; oil Mnmps; -pert toilet Ret; trunk; blanket box; Ihsddifhg; qulNs; boppor , boiler; McClary ooal and wood stove; Coal scuttles; oil.Adowe; chicken coop choirs; 12 place -stetting of English china:- dishes, pots and pans; Peden tools; step ladder etc. Me. TERMS CASH HOUSE SOLD Mike' Cumiiugs At�hctlo iw i 4-9064 HURON PINES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST: - INDUSTRrAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL HOUSE AND BARN ROOFING� EovestrougbiNg FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 5'24-7174 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GRACE GER- TRUDE LILLIAN BLOOMFIELD, late of Goderich, Ontario, Married Woman, Deceased. ALL persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars=of such claims to • the undersigned Solicitor for the Executrix on or before the 20th of August, 1973, of ter which date the' estate's assets will be distributed, ,having regard only to claims that have then been received. CHARLES B. KIRK, Q.C. Solicitor for the Executrix, 385 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario. I —29,30,31 16. PERSONAL DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? The Ministjy of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment., phone 357-3370. 29tf 21. DIRTIES RHODY: At Alexandra Hospital on July ' 13, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rhoda RR. 2, Holyrood twin girls Michele Irene and Mary Anne. - LAITHWAITE—At Mississauga General Hospital, Mississauga, on June 28, 1973 to George and Juli Laithwaite, Mississauga, a daughter, Shannon Lee. -29 ROY—At Toronto General Hospital on June 13, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roy (Nee Nina See, R.N.) a daughter Lana „Jean. First grandchild for Dr. and Mrs. John N. See Islington, and Wing ,Commander and Mrs. Charles Roy, Virgin Gorda, British Virgin islands. -29 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Adolf Dierolf, Goderich are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Sylvia Dierolf to Mr. William Allan Ball, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Hugh Ball, R.R. 5,, Goderich, Ontario. .The_..wedding' will take place on Friday, August 10, 1973, in North Street United Church, Goderich, Ontario at six o'clock. -29x 25. IN MEMORIAM 1 CAESAR—In memory' of Paul S. Caesar who passed away one year ago. July 24, 1972 Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far a*ay into the silent land; When you can, no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay, Remember me when no more, day by day, You :tell me of the future that you planned 'n -Only-rememberme: you understand It will be late to counsel then or Pray, Yet if you should forget me for a while And afterwards remember, do not grieve; For if the darkness and corruptiimn leave A vestige of the thoughts that once I had, 'Better,by far, you should forget and smile ,,- -Than- ,-Than- that -you---should remember and be sad. Lovingly rememberedby. wife Joyce and three sons Gary, David and Stewart. -29 26. CARD OF THANKS' .BROWN—We wish to thank everyone for the lovely evening in honour of our 35th Wedding An- niversary. Thanks to our family for their efforts in arranging the dance. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. Ben and Jeanne Brown. -29 SIEMON—The family of the late Frederick Siemon wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to all their relatives, friends and neighbours for the kind- ness and sympathy extended to them during , their recent bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and messages of sympathy. Special' thanks to Fr. Durand, Fr. Bensette, Fr. Moynahan, and the Westlake Funeral Home; Zurich, On- taaio.-29x • m ARCHAMBAULT—We would like to thank -our- friends, neighbours and relatives for their cards, gifts and for attending our 25th Wedding Anniversary Party, which was put on by our family. Special thanks to them. Len and Betty • Archam- bault --29 THE Manager and coach and the tyke baseball ' team would like to thank the Goderich Legion Auxiliary Ladies for their new uniforms. Russ Pruder, . Ron Sowerby and players. -29 HAMILTON: I wish to say thank you to my relatives and friends and all the nurses on 2411 West Children's Ward, .Alarxandra Hospital, who helped take care of me. A very special thank you to Dr. Lomas, Miss Jordan, student nurses in emergency. Shelley- Hamilton.-29 helleyHamilton.----29 GLEN: The family of the late Hugh Glen wish to expresa their sincere thanks and deep appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, memorial donations to the heart and cancer foundations and the Gideon' Bible Society, cards and messages of sympathy and the many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Gratitude to Dr. Death*, Mrs. Mabel Clark, R.N., Mrs. Jessie Twamley, R.N., Mrs. Ivy Weigel N.N.A. and ambulance at- tendants, Mr. Chrysler and Mr. Harrison. Special thanks to Mr. Ed ,Stiles, Rev. A.E. Eustace, pallbearers , and the Honorary Guard of the Dominion Roads. The thoughtfulnesi of 'everyone will never be forgotten. Kathleen Glen, Phyllis end John, Feegan, Donald, Joan add Cris Ray, Janice, Alex Glen. -29 26. CARD OF THANKS CROUCH: We would like to thank our friends and relatives for making our night at Saltford and our visit back to Goderich so enjoyable, Bill and Anne Crouch --29x j1 Sherwood family meets for picflic The annual family reunion of, the descendants of the lata Wm. G. Sherwood and Elizabeth Twamley was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Henry, R.R. 1, Kincar- dine on July 15. After a bountiful lunch at, noon, a short business session was held followed by , games, - 'reminiscing, visiting and a ball game. - For the coming year, - the. president will be Cordon John- stone; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Dan McInnes; lunch com- mittee, MTs. Melville Henry and Mrs. Lorne Henry; sports committee, Bob, Dale • and Nancy McInnes. Prizes were awarded for the largest family present to Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton; oldest person, Al. Morrison; youngest child, Darren; Henry; most recently married couple, —Mr. and=Mrs.-Robt: Benson; -for"- races, under 6 years, Robbie -Benson, ' Michelle Henry; 6-8 years, .'Dianne and Sandra Henry; 9-11 years, Murray Thornton, Nancy .McInnes; 12- 14 years, Mae and Shirley Thornton; 15 years and over, David French and Druce John- stone (tied), ~Allan Thornton; balloon breaking contest, Dianne Thornton, Dianne Henry. This was followed by a peanut scramble. Mr. and • Mrs. -Gordon -John- stone extended an invitation ,for the picnic to be held next year in Lucknow on the third Sunday in, July with lunch. Qntparks crack down on visitors A determined 'crackdo n on law -breakers and rowdies in Ontario provincial . parks 'was announced recently by the Hon. Leo -Bernier, minister of natural resources. The action stemmed from • increasing in- cidents of rowdyism, vandalism and other breaches' of park regulations. Noting that both parks staff and the Ontario Provincial- 'Police intend strong action, Mr. Bernier commented, 'your .provincial parks system is the finest in the world and we will not tolerate misuse of park facilities by irresponsible per- sons. All park visitors and' campers are entitled to an en- joyable outdoor experience without haraspment." The new "get -tough" policy is designed to protect park property and reduce incidents of vandalism and rowdyism - particularly drug -and drinking situations - which have in- creased in recent years causing considerable inconvenience and loss of sleep for family campers. 'In addition to hiring extra staff for both day and night patrols, increased assistance will be provided by the Ontario Provincial Police.. Several parks are already patrolled by OPP vehicles equipped with special radios for speedier com- munication with parks staff. In oth s, police detachments operkte from seasonal bases within the parks and`are On 24- hour duty. .. Several, ether methods and techniques are -also being in- troduced this year to ensure the well-being of campers: _ • Resulting from these new policies, a marked itth�` provement has been noted. On a recent weekend, 96 of' 104 parks reported normal traffic with no problems. ,The ministry of natural resourcea will, however, take necetosary action to ensure that everyone visiting any of On- tario's provincial parka=` will have an enjoyable catmphng .tt- perience. . • M