HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-07-19, Page 7, 44114-430DEIRICIIII SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1973 1.1 1 Predict 7,800 workers at Bruce NPD by Officials of Ontario Hydro Lilly, been meeting with muinicipaal officials in the areas to, explain - why Hydro must take over part of Inverhuron Park and to fill the Councils in on other pertinent information such as manpower forecasts.' According to a preliminary evaluation... of the project, Hydro AECL and Lummus believe that the right to people living in _the vicinity of the heavy water plant is much lower than risks normally in- curred by the public. Therefore restrictions shouldn't be necessary. However, the heavy water plant safety advisory commit- tee has been concerned about the large number of campers using the Provincial Park. It prevented the startup of the heavy water plant last summer. In February it stated the plant and park- could co -exist -for the summers of 1973 and 1974 if protective measures were taken. After 1974, overnight cam- ping in the park will have to' stop. After this time, people_ will be restricted to daytime use of the Inverhuron Bay beach and the adjacent picnic area. Shelters will be removed from the camping area after 1974.. In addition to part of the park, Hydro feels it Should acquire vacant properties east of the present site to provide a consistent buffer zone. (See map):Hydro will negotiate on a BRUCE NUCLEAR PQWER `DEVELOPMENT. EXPANDED SiTE AND FACILITIES SCOTT POINT LAKE HURON LAKE EL. 580 BRUCE GENERATING STATION UNDERWOOD MACPHERSON POINT BRUCE HEAVY WATER PLANT AND EXTENSION ADDITIONAL PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED ----11111- -- - - - ACCESS RoAO r rif ca DOUGLAS POINT GENERATING STATION NEW GENERATING STATION WASTE STORAGE AREA ACCESS ROAD GUNN. POINT INVERHURON INVERHURON PROVINCIAL PARK MOM CALE McRAE POINT IN MILES WOODED AREA BRUCE NUCLEAR POWER DEVELOPMENT r Family a Over theholiday weekend a family reunion of the seven children of Joseph .13: and .Mary Griffin O'Loughlin, the first time in Ashfield since the Kingsbridge parents and minor children moved to Detroit in 1927 and joined the three older me -M. The reunion was sispon- taneous effort to wish Bernar- dine well as she has applied for Canadian residency to live in the home- she and her husband - bought in 1947 and resotred. A graduate of Prgvidence M _rl V* div plikposerml were heeled to a free e terseerr of Misr *ath. MIN Mend* alit MOM et !M erwMi The 1110101110 wee exeeltwK ,a about 190 c11r likes took part. Sete With *wpm ipor Cathy Voidekehenk tin Ni hetet tom Pte. Orte ; Ithertreed erg "nal Kepi, . skating. ( eft photo) Hospital, Detroit (1927) she has worked in the private duty field until now. The, other members of the family who attended were Len, his wife Merle, a retired Mechanical Contractor living in Rochester, Michigan and Clearwater, Florida. Norman, an employee of the Del Webb Corporation, Sun City, Arizona where he now lives. Al, wife Dorothy, a plumber living in Troy, Michigan, Norine (Mrs. Harry. Schmidt) an Elementary School Administrator of Blue Bell;. 'Pa., Philadelphia area, the Reverend Raphael, member of the BasilianYathers, now at Lethbridge, Alta. soon to serve in Mexico City, and Margaret (Mrs. Ed Shea) of Berkley, 'Michigan, a Junior High School teacher. Mrs. Kinney has been a frequent summer visitor and with Father Raphael, assisted in the. foundation of the Kingsbridge Genealogical Association and hopes to help in reviving its activities, following in the footsteps of her mother, who in 1936 compiled the recollections of many older and former residents into a brief "History:, of St. Joseph's Parish". A tour of the ancestoral great grandparents homes, the Brian O'Loughlin farm now owned by Gaunts and John McCann's , now owned by. Purdons in West Wawanosh, the King and Grif- fin farm owned Kellys in Kingsbridge and the Milten- - berg farm , where the family Hired until 1927. Attending the Saturday 7:30 P.M. Mass celebrated by Fr. O'Loughlin and meeting many former' friends, reviewing the family pictures, taking more and taping the seven members' thoughts, gratitude to their parerfta, the Parish and the blessings of good health of all, ended a memorable weekend. willing -seller basis as Hydro ownership is not mandatory. • * The preliminary evaluation also *predicts that the number of workers at the Bruce Nuclear Power Developmet#t will start to increase in the new year and reach a peak of 7,800 men during the summer of 1976. There are presently around 4,200 men at the site. The new generating station at the site will be similar to the four unit Bruce Generating " Station. It- will produce 3,000 megawatts and will be located at the south end of the site. The new heavy water plant will ,be built to the north and east of the present heavy water plant. * * * Although Hydro is acquiring part of the park for safety reasons, it does not feel there is much danger to the surroun- ding community because of per- manent buildings, greater distance from the danger source, and a familiarity with the surrounding area. - Hydrogen sulphide, used, in the heavy water production process, has a strong odour of rotten eggs '''at • ylow - concen- tration (0.03 parts per million), is toxic at high concentrations (lethal in a few minutes at 1,000 parts per million) and burns readily. In spite of all precautions, some leaks will occur. However, although - significant leaks must be expected and ap- propriate measures taken to protect plant personnel, the risk of harmful concentrations extending off the site is small. Several factors combine to reduce the risk: . Leaks will be infrequent due TALENT SHOW 1973 St. Joseph's Parish Hall i Kingsbridge was the scene o Sunday evening, July 15 for th Community Talent Show Spon sored by the Catholic Women' .League. Master of Ceremonies Donald Frayne welcomed everyone and introduced the following numbers: Solos by Mr. Bill, Black, ac- companying himself on the guitar. ' Songs by the pupils---of--St Joseph's school accompanied by Miss Denise Dalton on the _piano. Solos . by Miss Donna Sue Errington" accompanying her- self on the. guitar. Piano solo's by Miss Denise Dalton: Musical. production based on "Oliver" a musical show by our young parishioners, was very well done and showed a lot of good talents. • Songs- by Shawn, Paul and Jennifer Drenn,an_with_el%.:ac,. Those attending the wedding, n the dinner and reception at the n Cutten Club, Guelph were- her e parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe - Maclntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd s Collins, Mr. Larry MacIntyre, Doctor J.A. Maclntyre, Mrs. , Maclntyre • and - family Catherine "and John of Yocton, Saskatchewan, Mrs. earl Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cole of Underwood,' •Lavina Bunce, Tueson, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yassella, Mr. and -Mrs. 'Alex Farrish`, Gordon and Jack Drennan, John 'MacKay, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart MacLennan, and Mrs. Ber- nadine Kinney. . Mr. and Mrs. Denfils. Sinnett and family of Detroit Michigan are holidaying at the Howard • Cottage. • Edward Cou-rtney is wearing a walking cast ,having hurt his - foot 'while helping at the haying. . Miss Fay Hogan of London • spent the weekend at the home ° of .her-,-par-ents-,,--Mr:-a-rrd--Mrs:- companiment on the guitar and autoharp. Scottish dancing by Miss. Kathy Simpson accompanied by piper D.A. MacLennan. • Solos by Miss Marianne Frayne. - Scottish dancing by Misses Mary Lillian Simpson 'and Helen Simpson accompanied by piper Dave MacDonald. Bagpipe numbers by D.A. MacLennan ,and . Dave MacDonald. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sinnett and six daughters entertained the audience with their unusual talents for over 30 minutes with both Irish and Scottish favorites, with bango violin, guitar and tambourines, etc. Ray Dalton joined in- with.. the Sinnett family and was later joined by Reverend Father Ed..Dentinger with the audience joining in for a Com- munity - sing song. A prize draw was made for the following prizes: first prize a hand knit afghan knit by Mrs. Dennis Dalton was won by Mike Drennan, 121 Fast Street Goderich, second prize $25.00 won by Mrs. Bilis Silcock, Bayfield. (Mrs: Silcock donated the $25.00 prize , to the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's League; third prize, $10.00 cash was won by Mr. Theo Van Diepan, R.R. 7 Lucknow; fourth prize, a wallet Was won by,Mrs. Wilfred (Mary) Hogan, ▪ Hamford Crescen'' oronto. A bount>fjil lunch was served by the ,ladies to bring a delight- ful evening to Je close. • BRIDAL SHOWER A shower for Miss Debbie Wilkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilkins was held at the ,Brookside School on Wed- nesday, July 11th. She received many lovely and useful -gifts. A party was' held on Saturday evening for Henry Hendriks, son df -- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hendriks. They plan to be married on Saturday, July 21. - SOCIAL ITEMS - 'Several from this area atten- ded the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chisholm (nee Dorothy Elliott) on Satur- day July 14th in the Lucknow Arena. Congratulations to Miss- Ma>rilyn Maclntyre daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maclntyre who was 'married on Friday, Juy 13 to Rob Coleman in the Church OfOur Lady, Guelph. Con Hogan. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Larry Wallace on the sudden death of his brother John Wallace on Monday, July 16th. Funeral Services, will be held on Wednesday July 18th at St. Joseph's Church in Kingsbridge. John resided with his brother Larry and was in his 88th year. e' Dr. Fred - E. Flynn, Prof. Philosophy, St. Thomas College, St. Paull Minn. visited briefly. Reverend and Mrs. KennetI -- Rooney of Ripley were invited to meet Fr. O'Loughlin at a luncheon. Wednesday. Other guests were Frs. Fred McGregor, Mrs. Cecil Blake and Mr. John Austin. Mr. and Mrs.,_Wm. Hoogland and children Yolanda and Ger- bert of Holland, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. An- 4thony Knoopandfamily since - the 22nd of June returned to Holland on Tuesday, July 17. Mrs. Hoogland and Mrs. _ 4 Knoop -are sisters. Recent Sunday visitors with Mr. Frank Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt and family -were Billy Finn of St. Peter- sburg Florida, Mrs. Verna Johnston of Goderich and Harry and Margaret Phalen of Acton. Mrs. William Donkers' from Holland is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Van Rooy, and family anc4" Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van Dyke and family, Mrs. Donkers is a.sister of Mrs. Van Rooy's and of Bill Van Dyke. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bowler, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farrish Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dalton attended the wedding of Ann Bowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bowler, formerly of this parish on Saturday July 14 to Suli Yashar in St. Michael's » Cathedral Toronto, and attended the dinner and reception at the Town . Hall, King Street, Toronto, in the evening. Mr. and Mts. Eugene Zremb- ski and family from Livonia visited with -his " sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt and family. John and Barbara Zrembski retur- ned home with their parents af- ter spending a three week vacation with their aunt and uncle.' Miss Ann Van Der Ven and Mrs. Bernadine Reynders of Holland arrived on Friday July p• to the high standards of design, construction, operation, and . maintenance. . Small leaks ire important to the safety of plant personnel, but qnly larga.aeaks are poten- tially hazardous to people living in the general neigh- bourhood. Leaks from the hot parts of the system tend to rise due to the buoyancy of the hot gas, Operating staff are trained to take prompt action to limit the amount of gas escaping. . Significant leaks will ignite spontaneously due to the mophoric ferrous sulphide for- med as a corrosion product* in the system. The combustion' products are carried aloft by the heat. . Operating staffare trained and equipped to ignite escaping gas if it does not ignite spon- taneously.' • Dilution due to diffusion quickly reduces concentrations to harmless levels in all but the 13th to spend three weeks with their sister Mrs. Martin Hen- driks, Mr. Hendriks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sandy (Rose Vogt) and baby son Paul of Goderich visited at the home of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt and family. Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary Luanne were Reverend Father Lloyd Ryan. and Reverend Father A. Nolan of -Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bruder and Paul of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Silcock, David add Lisa of Kitchener and Dorothy and Bernadette Ryan 'from Toronto who are spending the holidays with Mary Luanne. - - Sergeant Douglas Ritchie and Mrs. 'Ritchie (nee Helen Fitzpatrick) and daughter ,Christine of Petawawa visited recently withl Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin. Walter Kelly and friend Miss, Edna - Mottram of London visited friends in this com- munity recently, " Mrs. Len Woodley (Veronica Austin) and children,, _1of Malton spent the weekend with her mother, . Mrs. Clifton Austin. ..... Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds lost their barn by fire last Friday morning, July 13th. The Lucknow Fire ,Brigade an- swered the alarm but were unable to save the building which held the season's crop of hay and a number of pigs. Dennis Dalton has returned to his boat at Port Colborne. Congratulations to Miss Judy Wintemute, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wintemute who was married to Brian Draper on Saturday ' July » 14 in the Dungannon United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Con ,Hogan most adverse rom!', leak size and weatik chemical nde ption by vegetation ►►► The radioactive store a areae andast of heel'" t statin Storage of radioed waste other than and are surrounded fences. �! Sampling holes means of checking radioactivity is into the ,�t�, Found water, ►►► Ontario Hydro will, to work with mun`: and Ministries of the , government to find soli, specific problems rela proposed expansion. visited during the with their son and da law, Mr. and Mrs. Ke and family of Glencoe, Mr. "and Mrs. Joe attended the reception and Mrs. Suli Yalhax(, Bowler) at the Town Toronto last Saturday, Mr. and- Mrs. Casey' berg of Holland who ita visiting with her bio, Martin' and Heinz and the Hendriks f returned to Holland! day, July 14th. Doctor. J.A. MacIn Maclntyre and Catherine and John of Saskatchewan spent a here visiting with -hie Joe and Mrs. MacIh other friends. N.F.U. YOUTH EXCH Four pretty girls Alberta are spendingtw, 'learning how_ operations are prefo in the east. Miss Debbie Gabrysh. Holden, Albe to and hosted by Mr. and Mn. 1 Van.Diepenbeek. Miss Carol Dm„yt . • , • ,. and Mrs. John How. Debbie Rimer of W Alberta with Mr. lil, Lorne MacDonald, M' Winter from Wets Alberta with Mr. al, John Austin.' - Other families will girls next week. On the girls were taken on of Douglas Point find o day a tour of G Elevators, the harbour, A barbecue is being for Thursday evening home of Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald. ,4_ SUMIIER-FEST A complete weekend of fun for the - whole family at H-ULLY GULLY SATURDAY — SUNDAY July -21-22 THE ACTMTIES SATURDAY Saturday Noon - Dinner 2:00 P.M. - Horsehoe Tournament 4:00 P.M. - Tug o f Oar (Cheer for your own townsh.' Saturday Night Dance - Six hour of continuous music by the Alp1 aires and the . Bluewater Plavboy Admission $3.00 per couple. Poli Contest. Free 2:00 4:00 3:00 - 64 00 P.M. - Musicby tate SUNDAY Admission - Children's G''" P.M. - Fast Ball Game, Holmesv - - - -- vons= P.M. Polka Demonstration Alpinaire5- Famous Oc-toberfest food serVe d continuously from noon SaturdaYa ,Refreshments available both, d Y . • Sponsored by Hully Gully Four t Web Phone Seasons Country Club.. GranJ President, Phoi1 4$2-"9102 Z6e • Armstrong, Secretary e, 5 4'3 3 Proceeds to Community Diamond. 4 e, .r k1 01 St IS. 2: Fu re lie of or • R 11.f ji ,Id) Su It Liu In L -'`I de 12.0 18, _gP ON 11 War er singl wit RE F 1149. 12ti ME AN r AO Tho 13.E flan, andi n,f in s ala r2 'Con Cal 482. Ilow safer Only )11