The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-07-19, Page 3• Women's Missionary village on the highway will be mans, Jayne Arthur, Joanne
sty • painted soon. Hickey and Yvonne Bean. The
Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Plans were made for a musical assistant was Doris
president of the Auburn " meeting near the end of August Naylor and the games helpers
Presbyterian , Women's when, Mrs. Beth Lansing and were David Durnin, Sherry
Missionary Society was in Mrs. Celia Taylor will give the Verbeek; Fred Hakkers, Diane
charge of the July meeting held report on the Ontario Hor- de Graaf, Wayne McDowell
at the home of Mrs. John ticultut•al Society annual and Larry Plaetzer.
Hallam. meeting held at Guelph in After each class had presen-
She opened with a call tt• June. Mrs. Taylor will show ` ted their program a film "A
worship and the hymn, My God pictures of this and local views. new life for Candy" was shown.
I Thank Thee. She welcomed Other members will also show Mrs. Ross Andrews spoke a few
all- and the roll call was an- local pictures. Each member is words of appreciation, to Mrs.
swered by a Bible verse con- asked to bring a floral Hallam and presented her with
taining the word - Prayer. arrangement to this August a book. Mrs: Ronald Hallam,
' The devotional period was meeting. , ' the Sunday. School superinten
taken by Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Robert Phillips will be dent thanked all who had
she chose John 17 chapter for in charge of musical numbers assisted with the school which
her scripture lesson. The and the lunch committee will had been a great success. -
meditation - The Fruits of a ' • be Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. Members of the Unit Three
Prayer World was dosed with Dorothy Grange and Mrs. of alis.. U.C.W. provided mor -
prayer. William Straughan. ning snacks With—helpers to
The minutes of the previous Anglican Church Women serve it.
meeting were accepted as read The July meeting of the Sty '
by the secretary, Miss Minnie Mar Anglican Church Social*sws
Wagner. The- financial Women as held at the home. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of
statement was given by the • . of Mrs. Ed Davies. Mrs. Elmer London visited last week with
treasurer, Mrs, Frances Clark. Trommer opened the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay.
An offering waa taken and and welcomed the members in . Mrs. Hugh Bennett of Port
presented to the Auburn Daily place of Mrs,. Davies. Albert, Mrs. Harry Arthur and
Vacation School. The first hymn chosen was Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock atten-
The study book on India was "The Church in the ,Wildwood" ded the funeral of. the late
• taken by Mrs. Eleanor Brad- which was accompanied by Ronald Pentland at North Bay
nock. She spoke on Indira Gan- Mrs. Celia Taylor,on the accor- last Tuesday.
dhi and the Indian govern- dion. The topic was given by Mrs. Myrtle Munro . spent a
ment, policies and problems: Mrs. Celia Taylor who chose few days recently at Homestead
The offering- was received by three short talks on Confir- Heights cottage with her son
Mrs. Clark and dedicated by mation, Preparation and Com- Mr. Robert Youngblut, Mrs.
prayer by Mrs. Sanderson. The munion. Youngblut, Susan, Bruce and
meeting was closed with the - Prayers were read by Mrs. Kristen.. of Toronto who were
hymn, Thy .way not mine 0 John. Deer and the General on vacation there.
Lord and the benediction. A Thanksgiving was said by all. Mrs. Frances Clark spent a
dainty lunch' was served by- Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell gave few days last weekend with Mrd
Mrs. Hallam, assisted by Mrs. a reading entitled- The Roads. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh and
Roy Daer,_The hymn - What a Friend we Miss Margo at Port Stanley.
have in Jesus vas sung after Mrs. Cliff Bastla of London
which the Mission Theme was visited a few days last week
given by Mrs. Donald Cart- with her sister Mrs. Ed Davies
wright who chose the reading- and Mr. Davies.
Paper Dolls.. ° . Mr. and Mrs. Robert
The travelling apron received Youngblut and family of
a , penny for each letter in Toronto visaed last week with
Dominion of Canada and the nthe former's mother,, Mrs. Myr- -
roll call was answered- by tle Munro.
naming a province that each Miss Barbara Sanderson of
member n -had visited. . Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, George
The business section of the'
Twenty Fifth
, Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ar-
cl}ambault were the guests of
honour at their 25 wedding an-
niversary celebration on Satur-
day' June 30. The family,
Douglas `• and friend Cheryl
Graham of St Marys, Brenda
and Don Parker of Goderich,
, Rick and Marilyn at home,
treated them to a dinner and
dance which was held in the
Clinton Legion Hall.
A corsage of pink roses and a
white boutonniere were pinned
on the guests of honour. Rick
proposed a toast. Mr. and Mrs.
Archambault were presented
with gifts and Mr. Cliff"Saurr-
dercock presented a special gift
from ° the Legion. A
smorgasbord lunch was enjoyed
---,with a three tiered wedding
cake. Friends attended from
Sarnia, Clinton, Goderich,
Auburn, Walton, St. Marys,
Londesboro, Brucefield and
Horticultural Society
Mrs. Kenneth Scott,president
of the Auburn Horticultural
Society, presided for the July
Executive meeting in the Town
Hall last *Thursday evening.
She welcomed all and thanked
everyone ,for cards sent while
she was ill also to Mrs. Dorothy
Grange who had conducted the
meeting` was presided over by
the president,' Mrs. . Elmer
Trommer. The minutes of the
previous meeting were accepted
as read by the . secretary, Mrs.
• John Daer. The financial
,tstaterrmnt ,was, given by, the
treasurer, Mrs. 'Phomas
Haggitt. As there was very little
business to discuss,,the meeting
dosed with the -hymn, Abide
with me.
A number of articles were
brought for auction, the auc-
tioneer being Mrs. Tommer.
A -lunch was served by Mrs.
Cliff Bastlaof London, sister, of
Mrs. -Davies assisted by Mrs.
Thomas Lawlor.
_: Bible School
Parents and friends filled
Knox United Church for the
closing service of the Daily
Vacation Bible School last
Friday evening. Pastor , Alfred
Fry presitted and Miss- l7oris
Naylor 'was at the piano.
last meeting. - The theme of the school was
Mrs. Scott thanked all those "We Look to Jesus" with Mrs.
who had worked on the flower- Brian Hallam as the leader of
beds and stated how beautiful the school. The leaders who
they ail were. The minutes of werein charge of the different
the previous meeting were ac- age groups were - Mrs. Ross
cepted as read by the secretary, Andrews, Mrs. Donald Haines,
Mrs. Beth Lansing. It was Mrs. Gerald McDowell, Mrs.
reported that the old minute Peter Verbeek, Mrs. Brian
books had been ` found and Mustard and Mrs. Brian
would be placed in the Library Hallam.
room. A District Workshop. was Craft leaders were Trudy
discussed and the secretary was Machan, Barbara Empey, Faye
instructed to write Mrs. Seers, Wanda Plaetzer and
William Klie for more infor- Arva Ball. The. helpers were
mation. The AUBURN letters Janet Cook, Wendy Beavin,
at both approaches to the Lynn Turner, Andrew Koop-
Robb and infant son of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul John-
ston of London, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Sanderson.
.Mr Daryl Ball recently spent
• a week in Minnesota where he
., chaperoned a bus load of -4-I-1
excl}ange delegates from Bruce
Miss Tracy Schmidt and
Master Brent Schmidt of
Burlington are holidaying with
their grandparents Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Mills.
Mr. and Mrs: Sam Russel of
Don Mills visited last week for
a few' days with Mrs. Myrtle
Mr, Lundy McKay of Scar-
boro visited last week with his
sister, Mrs. Willialn Moss and
Mr. Moss.
Mr: and Mrs. Stanley Ball
accompanied -their son Daryl to
Toronto Airport Friday evening
where he left by Laker Airlines -
for a three weeks vacation in
the British Isles. -
-The sympathy of this com-
munity is extended to Mr. and.
Mrs. Allan Craig on the death
of her father, the late Mr. Jack
Scruton of Clinton.
Mr. Steven Popko sand 'Mrs.
Iola Ridderhouse of London
visited last Sunday with Mr.
and- Mrs. Robert Phillips.
resident of North Bay sip
In1949 he married the for-
mer Vivian E. traughan of
Auburn. He was a retired
salesman associated with Pen-
tland Barber Supplies of North
Besides his wife he is sur-
vived by one sister, Xis.
Margaret Pritchard, of Toronto
and five- brothers, Allan,North
+bay, LaVerne, Detroit,- Ben of
London, Frank and Wilfred of
The service took place -at
Martyn's Funeral home with
burial in Terrace Lawn
cemetery, North Bay.
Pendulum Players, a young
people's theatrical group from
Goderich, held their opening
night for the summer season at
the Harbour Park bandshell on
Saturday evening. A crowd of
about 100 was on hand for the
performances, of "Box and
Cox" and the "Red Key".
"Performances will only be
held on Tuesday and Saturday
nights so as to not interfere
with any other activities which
'may be going on around the
town", according to Markson.
He also stated "the players.
were disappointed in the
45ounty's refusal to grant per-
mission to use the jail yard
again this year but that is over °
and done with and I wish that
they would . get going on the
assessment office addition so -
diet Pendulum can move back
into the jail for next year's per-
Performances begin at
,, 7:30, on Tuesdays and Satur-
Tlw Pendulum Plan summer theatre began last Saturday Park Tuesday and Saturday nights. 'Thep
night. This year the performances are being held at Harbour pithily volunteer. -(Staff-Photo)'
Pendulum Playprs. first
set gvari
13y Shirley 'J. Keller
The second season of Pen-
dulum Players began this week
with two varied offerings, Box
and Cox, a'comedy; and The*
Red Key, a drama.
'.The group is performingin a
new outdoor location this sum
mer. Harbor Park is the setting
since the large courtyard at the
former Huron'ounty Jail' was -
refused to the Players for at
least this' season due to the
propoed construction at the
Huron -Perth Regional
Assessment office next door.
. Although the acoustics at
Harbor Park -are far from,those
at the excellent theatre -like jail
courtyard, the performers in
these first two one -act plays
could be heard_ relatiyely well
above the usual din and clatter
of the neighborhood.
Box and Cox by John Mad-
dison Morton is a . delightful
script which features a fast-
moving series of events which
keeps the audience happily 'en-
tertained - from beginning to
nd.-Mark Riley as John Box -and
Lawrence Cox as° James Cox
were'strong and well-balanced,
in their roles.
Although Shelly Grange had
a rather' insignificant part as
Mrs. Bouncer, the landlady,
she brought the character alive
with her voice, facial ex-
,.-pressions and on-stage
Director of the play was -Liza
Williams, w a Bayfield summer
resident who also worked for
The Goderich Signal -Star two
summers ago.
Greg Markson directed the
second show, The Red Key by
Charles Emery.
A Goderich favorite, Tony
McQuail portrayed Nicholas -in
his usual confident manner and
Linda Carman as Karen, his
young lover, was suiiabl
and charming.
The real star of the
Kate Williams who gave
rate' performance as
Nicholas' . emotionally
sister. Kate, a real•life
Liza, showed a maturity
role which is surprising'
a yputhful actress perf
in summer amateur
is to be hoped audi
see more of this young 1
The ,most remarkable
about Pendulum Players
(continued on pogo'
'O Sf ill
Clearance SALE
Entire Stock .of Summer Shoes Will Be Sacrificed At
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bennett of
Amherstburg visited last Satur-
day with Mr. and Mrs.,William
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Noble nee-
. Eleanor Monck of .Londori
visited recently with her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Davies "
Mr. and Mrs:' Ben Hamilton
visited- on the weekend ,,with
Mr. and Mrs, Luther Morley at
Aisle Craig. .
Masters Paul - Helesic, of
Goderich, and David Rodger of
R.R. 1 Auburn are visiting
with their grandparents 'Mr.
and Mrs. Emerson Rodger of
R.R. 2 Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs. Clare Rodger
of Goderich visited on the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Emerson Rodger.
Mr. Benson Walters of -
Toronto spent the weekend
with. his sister, Mrs. Dorothy
Master Scott Rodger, sen of'
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rodger
had the misfortune to have
bones fractured in his foot in
an accident at his home last.
Mrs. Gordon Wall of
Wifigham visited last Sunday
evening with Mr.. and Mrs.
Harry Arth%r and family:
Funeral services were held
last Tuesday July. 10 for
Ronald A. Pentland of North
Bay who passed away after, a
'short illness"
He was born near Dungan -
nos on March 3, 1913, the son
,o( the Iatsr Mr. and Mrs. Alex
' Pentland, He had been a
Oaf In. and ovoid 'Ow nsA1. ,� MyN ati't ids It this week REMEMBER