HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-07-12, Page 20w
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Dear An 4 Landers: Your
eulogy , to your mother-in-law
was beautiful; but no matter
how good something is; there
are bound to be a few people
who go picky; pick; pick; pick
and find something wrong. I'll
bet you received some letters of
criticism because you called the
doctors and asked that' no "ex-
traordinary measure" be taken
to keep that dear lady alive.
In my opinion such a request
is an act of love. As a registered
nurse of long standing I can tell
you that needles; tubes;
surgical procedures; heart
machines and other devices
prolong death; not life. What's
more; they do nothing but drag
out and intensify the agony for
both the patient and the family.
A friend of mine wrote this
poem while he was visiting. his
90 -year-old father in the
hospital. I hope you will print
Pardon me doctor; but may I
I know your oath requires you
to try - Dear Ann Landers: My
To keep me alive mother is 42 years old and tries
So long as my body is warm . to keep 'it a secret; which is
And there.is a breath of life in dumb because all our relatives
me. ' ,know how old she is. They live
But listen; Doc; I've buried my right in town and talk freely
wife, -about everybody's age, in -
My childreh are grown and 'orA eluding hers.
their own. . 4 I n. Mom keeps a large
My friends are all gone; and I ,-iotograph of herself on the
want to go; too. piano. It's the first thing people
No mortal man should keep me see when They walk into the
here house. It's very nice, but it was
When the call from Him is un- taken 22 years ago when she
mistakably clear. • was engaged. Mom has gained
I deserve the right to stip .'a lot of weight and she doesn't
quietly away. look like the person in the. pie-
My work is done. And I am ture. Some of my friends have
tired. asked who it is. When I reply;
Your motives AIN noble; but "It's Mom," they say, "She
now I pray , sure has changed."
You can read in my eyes, what ' Last night I suggested to
my 'lips can't say. Mom that she get a new picture
Listen to my heart; you'll hear taken, that Ccs like her. She
it cry, became upset. Do you
Pardon me,; Doc; but may I think I s wrong to suggest
die? - it?—Flapsvi le; Maryland
—Michigan, Reader In Midland
_ Dear Midland: Thank- you
for those generous words and
that poignant poem. -It was
good of you to share.
All Types of Insurance
Dear Flap: Stop and - askT;
yourself—why would a person
put a 22 -year-old picture.. in the .
most conspicuous place in the
house? When you figure out the
answer you'll feel sorry for
your mother instead of resent-
. We would advise you to order your bins now while It
some available at -the old price. We have erecting
assist you ki erecting or we will do It for
Just 'C'all
A-drillingrig arkicrew were at the 'harbour last week drilling test holes to .determines the
rock strata. The holes were a necessary steplfor, pile -driving In replacing the north-east wall
of the harbour. (Staff Photo)
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Mrs. Edith Brothers of Strat-
ford is -attending a . Canadian.
wide Nursing Seminar in
Respiratory Disease in Calgary
which is being held in conjunc-
tion with the Canadian TB and
Respiratory Disease
Association Annual Meeting.
Mrs. Brothers is the
'Rehabilitation Chairman of the
_local Huron Perth TBRD
Association, Past President of
the local Association and a
Past Chairman of the Nursing
Section of the Canadian TBRD
A highlight of the Annual
Meeting of the national body is
the proposed change of name
from the Canadian TBRD
Association to the Canadian
Lung Association.
-At has been encouraging
during the past month to see
some, of the visitors making use
of the picnic tables and benches
on the lawn to have family get
togethers with the residents.
There was special music for
the Sunday morning chapel'sen-
vice conducted by the'Chaplain,
Rev. McWhinnie, with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Symonds singing two
duet numbers.
A, group of young musicians
organized through the Oppor-
tunity for Youth programs who-
hoare known as "The Band",
visited the. home cast Monday
-and played for a concert on the
lawn. These young people ares,
equipped With an amplifying;
system and portable organ?
They will' be playing each Mon-
day .afternoon for the next eight
weeks. Members of The Band
along with their: leader Dwayne
Linner are Wendy McAstocker,
Gerda Potzel,' ,Elizabeth
Scaman, 'Marie Boyle,.Paul
Cummings, Ernie Pfrimer,
Ernie McMillan, and Stephen'
Smith. A special number -was
played for residents having bir-
thdays during the week with
special mention for those over
90 which included Mrs. Mary
Taylor and Miss Ida Cun-
ningham. '
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scrib-
bons showed coloured slides
and Mrs. Clara Shaddick enter-
tained- i-th piano selections at
thetrr li y night .program. The
pictures were . - taken by Mr.
Scribbons during a trip: to the
old country and the continent__
Being originally from Epgland
Scribbons-was_.able to -. give_ .a_.___..._,-_
very interesting tommetitary:
Miss Bertha Deihl expressed
the thanks of the residents.
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