The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-28, Page 22ea Pt r+'►Vr. dA-- lUDE,tticH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1973 Tennis court for Grey Twp. at no cost. to Huron Board The Huron County Board of Education meeting in Clinton Monday approved a request from a group of adults around Ethel to build a tennis court on Board property at Grey Central Public School. 04, The, court would be built at 'no cost to the Board at an ex- pected cost of $1,000. The 36 foot by 78 foot court will be asphalt covered with a fence at each end. The group indicated in the letter to the Board that by building the court at the school, it could be used by the pupils during the day. The Huron Board will sign an agreement with the Perth County Board of Education on Huron County pupils attending Listowel District Secondary School following receipt of a letter' from K. Self, Director of Education for the Perth Board that it will recognize the right of Perth County pupils residing in that portion of Hib- bert Township, that was part,of the farmer Seafor.th High School District, to attend the Seaforth District High School. Mrs. M. Zinn, Chairman of the Education Committee, reported that Trustee Wilfred Shortreed of Walton had atten- ded the committee meeting to report on the Ontario Public School Trustees Association conference,, held in Cambridge June 3. At the conference con, cern. was expressed by the trustees attending on the decision of the Huron County School Board to ratify a one- year collective agreement con- taining an appendix on a pupil - teacher ratio which agreed that vocational classes will have 18 to 20 students, while academic classes will have roughly 35 students each. Until the Huron decision was made final .two weeks ago, Ontario school boards had refused to bargain with teachers over their working conditions such as ,pupil -teacher ratio, class size, number of teaching hours each school day, selection of teachers, teaching methods or course content. This had been ..onsidered the prerogative of management. At tie Press conference following ., the meeting, Cayley Hill, chairman of the Board, in- dicated the trustees and the press at the conference had over -re -acted. He said he had sent a letter of explanation to the Trustees Association and to the editor of the Goderich Signal Star: He said the Board had not negotiated away . any prerogatives and that there was no monetary value to the pupil • - teacher ratio. He stated the Board had developed a better rapport with the teachers. The two members of the press at the meeting questioned The symbol of friendship Mr. Hill as to why they were not informed of this clause in the agreement when they were given the • report the salary negotiations with the secondary school teachers had been ratified at the May meeting of the Board. To this Mr. Hill replied that perhaps it would have been better if this had been done. He said that as other school boards in the area were still negotiating with their teachers, the Huron Board did not want to influence them. The Board approved in prin- ciple the recommendation from the Education Committee that the request for increased secretarial help in the elemen- tary schools be referred to the Management Committee for budgetary consideration. In turn the Management commit- tee's recommendation was ap- proved that this request for in- creased secretarial assistance from the elementary principals' and vice -principals' association be referred to the ad- ministrative staff for further study. Other recommendations from the Education committee that were approved by the Board are as follows: That composite advertisements listing courses of each centre be placed in all Huron County weekly newspapers; that fees for 1973- 74 be set at $12. for a 20 session course, $7. for a 10 session course and $5. for cour- ses of fewer than 10 sessions; that salaries for night school instructors be $10 per hour; that salaries for night school principals be the same as last year and that the starting (ILO of the 1973-74 classes be the week of October 15; and that the night- school principals for 1973-74 be Richard Whiteley at Central Huron Secondary School; Edward Beard at F.E. Madill Secondary School and William Wark at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. The Board approved com- pulsory Tuberculin tests and/or chest x-rays for all employees of the Board. The Board approved the ,recommendation' approving the principle of developing students' interest,. knowledge and participation in recreation -type activities and that provision be made for use of the necessary facilities through budget allocation and /or local arrangents. Some of the activities recommended are golf, curling, skiing, archery, canoeing, sailing, bowling, ten- nis, snowshoeing, etc. The Board approved two field trips; One from Stephen „Central Public School to Camp Sylvan for 40-45 Grade 8 students on September 12 to September 14, 1973", inclusive; and the other from Huron Cen- tennial School to Camp Sylvan for 64 Grade 8 students on Sep- tember 17 to September 19, 41973, inclusive. Bill Martin, an employee at Dominion Roads Machinery Company Ltd., hes placed third di the Ontario Championship for Industrial Fork Lift Truck Operators held In Point Edward last Saturday. There were 34 competitors from across the province in this contest, some of them from very Targe firms like General Motors. Judges were supplied by the Chemical Valley Fork Truck Driving Association. -This was Martin's first time In competition except for May 12 in Stratford when he won the Western Ontario Division finals. (staff photo) Christian Farmers disagree with F of A "Gordon Hill, President of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, does not speak for all farmers in Ontario when he insists that farmers must be compensated for their loss of development rights when the Provincial Government locks their land into agriculture," says Martin Verkuyl, President of the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario. Mr. Verkuyl, a Woodstock area corn grower and pork producer, was reacting -to- news -- reports alleging that the On- tario Federation of Agriculture, will oppose new provincial legislation designed to zone some rural lands for agriculture unless the acts are amended tp include compen- sation for those farmers who lose development -- rights on__ their property. "The government is right in refusing to compensate land- owners for overnight drops in speculative property value when land uses are changed," says Mr. Verkuyl. "Develop- ment rights owned by us far;. mers - as part-time speculators - are the same as those owned by full-time speculators adver- sely affected by the legislation?, To be consistent we -would have to. Asked for his reaction to the news reports, Elbert van Donkersgoed, secretary - manager of the Ch ' tian Far- mers 'Federation f Ontario says, It will be most unfor- tunate for agriculture if the OFA joins the speculator lob- bies in opposing this legislation and trying to keep these initial steps in land use planning as small as possible." "The members of the Married in B.C. Margaret Anne MacDonald R.N., daughter of Donalda MacDonald of Goderich and the late Lloyd MacDonald, was married to Wm. Robert Charles Crouch, son of Mr. Robert Crouch of Chemainus, B.C. on May 12th, 1973, in Sydney, Australia. Mr. and Mrs. Crouch are residing at 1691 Boundary Cres. Apt 5, Nanaimo, British Columbia. EATON'S LOWEST PRICE EVER! SAVE x30.00 on 10.1 Cc Ft. REFRIGERATOR MANUAL„ DEFROST - REGULAR 11190.05 and 17.8 Cu. Ft. FREEZER REGULAR . 1tIE19.00. J Christian Farmers Federation are pleased with the new steps in planning even though the Parkway Belt Act and the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act are but a baby -step of what needs to be done all across the province. Agriculture needs to be protec- ted from the influence of speculators everywhere. Now that they cannot operate near Toronto they will just find another area in which to play --their game.- We--need--a- com- prehensive program of land use planning for all prime agricultuyaj lands in the province. Asked why the C.F.F. disagrees with the OFA about compensation Mr. Van Donker- sgoed quotes from the C.F.F.'s policy statement on- land use. planning in Ontario: `The C.F.F. believes that no compensation should be paid to a speculator for a los, , ,That he suffers as a result of the rezoning. of his property by a1 government. Windfall gains a'nd losses are a part of speculation. Society has . no responsibility to reimburse him for his loss just as it has no claim on his windfall gain.' "This," says Mr. van Donkersgoed, "applies to the farmer -speculator as well as the full-time speculator." "There is a second reason," he adds, "why Christian far- mers find the OFA position unacceptable. For too long far- mers in Ontario have - been dependent on sources outside of the returns on products produced on the farm for an adequate_- incorne -To ask for - compensation for loss of speculation rights it to ask for a continuation of this policy. A farm family should receive a fair income from farming and not be dependent on all kinds of 'government programs`for a standard of l.ving compareto to the rest of- sodtty. Ifs tie government gives in to the request for _compensation what chance will we have of getting a fair return fir our produce?" ' It is unfortunate that On- tario's general -farm organizations do not agree on this issue,",concluded. Nor- mally the C.F.F. is not keen on making- -differenc-es--of---opinion-- among farmers so public. But in this case where the pocket book and the hank balance are rated so much more important THANK YOU The Salvation Army desires to thank most sincerely the many workers who gave unstintingly of their time and energy and the friends who responded so well to the Annual Red Shield Appeal. We are grateful. SEE THE HEA T BEATER MARK IV AUTO AIR CONDITIONERS • Custom -engineered air—Mark IV. Each unit is styled and enigineered specifically for your .automobile. It will look lik'itbelongs to your ar and is not just suck on! This particular unit is made for Ford, L.T.D., Galaxie or Custom. No matter what Ford you drive, Mark IV. will do a better job of cooling it. And iook better doing it. This unit follows the dashline for elegant appearance and whole -car cooling. This is another custom, engineered air conditioner for Ford Torino. We will install this Mark IV by putting 2 louvers through the dash, and convert the existing outboard registers to cold air outlets for door to door cold air circulation. Don't forget Mark 1V has a unit for just about any make of car. See us soon and we'll order a -unit for your car, and instar i it economically. Keep Cool! KEEP YOUR COOL - DROP IN AND SEE US ABOUT A CUSTOM AIR CONDITIONER FOR YOUR SUMMER COMFORT. OUR PRICES ALL INCLUDE -INSTALLATION WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONERS FOR OF OUR MARK IV UNITS. ALL MAKES & MODELS-- LIONEL'S SUNOCO AT THE S POINTS GODERICH 524-6131 bA (' than basic principles and life style, the Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario can not sit back and leave the OFA statements unchallenged." For All Your Lumber & Building Needs seJOHN JEFFERY & SONS Phone 524-8171 HOME REPAIR 'toeing, Painting, Cement wkk, Eavestrodghing A.VAILABLE NOW FREE ESTIMATES PAUL LASSALINE 524-7158 KED U LOWER INTEREST R Now Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESID-ENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUS?RI and FARM PROPERTIES 'Interim Financing For Ne Construction & Development For Representatives In Your Area' Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, 0. —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Ca TES THE MONEY GAME $ 2 5°° WINNERS GEORGE TURTON - GODERICH $ 1 00 WINNERS RAY YOUNG JENNIFER HARRISON JANE BISSET GARRY ALLEN - PAUL CARMAN JIM LEDDY 'LARRY CRAWFORD GEORGE TURTON 524-6202 - GODERICH - GODERICN - GODERICH - GODERICH GODERICH - GODERICH - GODERICH - GODERICH JOHN B. PROUSE 5 POINTS GULF GARAGE GODERICH, 0 46+ ,.t HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADIANS r4r WE ARE NOW 106 ¥ARSOLD Few of us remember the significance of the July lit holiday. - We are prpne to forget that 106 years ago, we became a nation and that July 1 Is our national Birthday. On this July 1, pause and remember what the holiday Is marking and that you are Indeed fortunate to be alive ,..and well in one of the greatest countries on earth. This reminder Is published by SHOPPE GODEK101 OPEN ALL DAY WIDNESOA OPEN FRIDAY NiGHT Til O ret Al Bar red h Barna phot 1 bitors it • no ghts, a d this Just 1 result h Gard Show t years I Howe rrange ented d Mrs They often s was ngmer rs to oy col by th Churc g slid Festiv rdens, a proje Gode Awai ping d the Bank or the est nu: •le sho Mrs. 1 have that he o. Edna ee trig three e Floo high the f he D• foi en. ii bite 1 for the Upper for the owell, ze for classes Clara inners Garde' rs. A r.Ar ntest al•Sta ores Centra soft ificates whose All r mbar OH SNS 11 CAN EI