HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-28, Page 14•w PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1973 Ref's' vender's permit •.. (Continued frorin page 1 noted in his hitter. Fraser was present at the meeting, and ''said he would be happy to meet with Chief King and a committee of council to work out the details as far as ;safety and similar aspects were concerned, and to comply with any necessary regulations. "Can we legally say no to this man?" asked Deputy -reeve Stan Profit. Profit said he en- tirely rejected the thought of present businessmen in the community objecting to the new enterprize. Looking around the council table, he asked if mem- bers would refuse a vendor's permit to a barber, a plumber or real estate agent. "It boils down to safety," said Profit. The recorded vote showed that Councillors Dave Gower, Frank Walkom and Eileen Palmer would refuse the per - Mit. Reeve Deb Shewfelt, Deputy -reeve Stan Profit and Councillor Leroy Harrison' would approve it. Mayor Harry Worsell broke the tie with a vote against the vendor's per- mit for Fraser. "That means there won't be a vendor's permit issued until it comes to council," said Reeve Shewfelt following the vote. "If I was the man, I'd be peddling it tomorrow." A motion was then in- troduced by Councillor Harrison to refer the matter to_ the solicitor "to see if we can legally refuse it". The -motion carried. According to Fraser, the Town cannot legally refuse the permit. In a letter to Council he wrote: Benmiller ... (Continued from page ment'Hearing Board comprised of Chairman Dr.'C.A. Martin, T.M. Murphy and Hugh E. Brown will now study the proposal of Benmiller Estates on the evidence presented at the hearing; will make a recom- mendation to the Director; and the Director. will notify the clerk of Colborne Township, Wilmer Hardy, of the decision. Hardy was present at the hearing and stated that no ratepayers had visited his office where the proposal of Ben - miller Estates was on display prior to the hearing. Reeve Doug McNeil said Colborne Township, Council and its citizens were "depen- ding on the Ministry of the En- vironment" to make the best decision in this matter. "The ratepayers are in favor as long as it is pperly operated':, said McNeil. Parking.... I have for OVVI a weeks been endeavoring to obtain the licence to permit me to proceed with the vending of ice cream products. "I have reviewed the reasons given :as the basis for the Town's refusal to issue the per- mit with my Solicitors in Wind- sor, Messrs. Paroian, Courey, Cohen, and Houston. They are satisfied that I have the right to obtain the permit I requested, and believe that the Towns failure to issue the per- mit emanates from a misunder- standing as to the nature of the business which I will be operating. "I can assure Council that the bicycle delivery of ice cream products does not constitute a safety hazard for the children. The bicycle is of course mtich smaller than a truck, and all Goatherder ... (Continued from page 1 Leri i count, which would make it legal for sale, the count was well -above 300,000. With this information, confir- ming their fear of a health hazard, Health officials retur- ned to the Rodges farm on Tuesday morning with a legal order in writing, demanding that Mr. Rodges follow the earlier instructions. Mr. Rodges was not at home but Mrs. Rodges was informed by word of mouth by the Health officials that the sign had to come down or be altered and the jars would have to be labelled "Not for Human Con- sumption." They planned to return later in the day and serve the written order on Mr. Rodges. In order to confirm this whole fiasco the Goderich Signal -Star sent a reporter to the goat farm, posing as a passing motorist, to see if he could.. purchase some goat's milk. When he arrived the sign had been removed but he had no trouble purchasing a coffee jar full of the milk. Mr. Rodges did explain that the Health Unit had been by and told him he could not sell the milk for human consumption. There were still no labels on the jars though. Having already heard the bacteria count in the milk the Signal reporter declined to sample his purchase. The written order drawn up - by the Health Unit notes, "Per- suant to the authority of the Public Health Act, -no person shall sett, offer for sale or deliver in any city or town, or in any other municipality or other area to which by order in council made upon the recom- �..s.. nendation of the Minister, this section is made applicable, milk that has not been pasteurized in a pasteurization plant to which the Department has issued a certificate of ap- proval in the prescribed form." "You are hereby ordered," the notice stated," to im- mediately remove the sign of- fering milk for sale and label all milk sold from your premises as Unfit for Human Consumption." By press time Wednesday the Healttl Unit had still not managed to serve the final of- ficial notice on Mr:-Rodges. tContinued from page 1 ministrator, reminded council the parking provision had been left out for businesses on The Square because such regulations would make it im- possible for businesses to be rebuilt if destroyed by fire, for instance. The lack of' extra available land for parking pur- poses in The Square area would make the regulations im- possible to meet. That's a good one parking authority," agreed. for the council Now Available ._ WOODS "THIN WALL" "SPACESAVER" HOME FREEZERS 6.6 r THE MOST MODERN SPACE SAVING, ECONOMICAL FREEZER ON THE MARKET. SAVES 25% OR MORE FLOOR SPACE. � SERVICE DOMINION NANDWiAIRE SODERIC11' 3i VICTORIA ST. NORTH S24-$5111 4 - R, other -Lars- or-, vehicles of the road have a clear view of all children in the area. In ad- dition, all of the bicycle operators are instructed to park their bicycles along the curb, and serve the children on the boulevards. 'In addition I should like to point out that there would be a far less significant litter problem than the purchnse of similar products in the stores. Every bicycle is equipped with litter containers on ' the front and the back of the bicycle, and the children almost always remove the wrappers at the bicycles, and the wrappers are placed in the containers. This is particularly the case since most often the children are obtaining the ice cream products on their own yard and are not likely to litter their own front lawns. "It seems to me impossible to RED& WHITE • FOOD / SiOREi / suggest that 1 ought not to be entitled to compete with other merchants in the town. I reside here, and 1 have made an in- vestment in acquiring the bicycles and the product necessary to carry on business. 1 will be creating jobs for students operating• the bicycles and certainly have as much right to carry on business in the community as any other person. "I would appreciate your ex - Dixon ._ (Continued.. from page 1 Mayor Harry Worsell and 'Ad- ministrator Harold Walls both hesitated to introduce the letter plaining these matters to Coun- cil in order that I might obtain the licence without any further delay. I can assure you that I will carry on my business in a manner which will be abenefit to the community." ri in open council because it was not addressed to the council, but was the carbon copy "of a letter from Haas-Ruebsarn Limited to Dixon. The letter called Hill's study as reported in The London Free Press either "the worst kind of speculative reporting or irresponsible, immature and inaccurate verbiage by an unqualified junior official" The etter tial study was eyh Was ey his trai s 0Nth, nin1 and rta� The site was d ti acrd as being in a eor surrounded ae S. by omes. of the sial frame and tars�aller which surely areeo�' architectural valuef ON G1 ER D$ M• CUTT FOODMASTE 9 VICTORIA STREET GODERICH OPEN NITELY TILL 10 LUCAS ARTHUR BONELESS DINNER HAMS 'BURN'S - RINDLESS BACON 21/2 -ti3 LB. AVG. 49 LB. 99c SCHNEIDER'S RED HOT ,OR SKINLESS WIENERS 00. 4, ,,���c. �` SIZE - 5 Lg. s r c�'`� ��» Meh D 1 1 N. �` '4syi USE 10 OZ' M H :� ��":�• MAXWELL 0 vi '„...44. ,;. 1.:" STAN ,s i.o �e.:,..���M CpFFEE , r..e.... L N Oft ilkte Oiler "7"igkaitt 4oviteow' 00,0 Ilk odoott t 1081041 twrtr MMAII birmistirtamk I.',t f.t, S �19Ohl '111: far MAPLE LEAF - ALL BEEF WIENERS.89 BRANDED SHOULDER CHUCK STEAKS BRIGHT'S - 48 OZ. TINS TOMATO JUICE 2 e 79C JAVEX BLEACH 128 oz.79c COFFEE MATE 18 O_ j•ws''$ 9c BEANS•TMPORR 4; Si:oo BABT BURGER ROLLS 39c CINNAMON BUNS ;x 39c ROLLSWHAMBINERI°U GAND OF 8 STRAWBERRY SHORT'CAKE CUPS PKG. OF 4 DONUTS RED & ' WHITE PKG. OF 12 GRANNY TARTS ; 0Z F CHASE & SANBORN GROUND COFFEE BAG' CRISCO t OIL 3 � 99c 4esioo 3 ° 99c 79c 88c LB. • 00416 c (4, ,Pram• -11.6\ w►� ' 0" W. Iii .t4 1011 �iwl+t tMis LM °Oa' PAI ate SILVERWOOD'S SUNSPUN M STRAWBERRIES ONTARIO - FRESH DAILY FLAT OF 8 BOXES r POTATO CHIPS HOSTESS 10 OZ. BAG 69c SIZE f3.99 GARBAGE BASS GLAD 10's SUNSPUN - 32 OZ. SALAD DRESSING TREESWEET SALADA - PRIOR PARK - 100's TEA BAGS RISE 'N SHINE 31/4 OZ. ORANGE CRYSTALS 59c 5 5c 5 5c 69c 79c KRAFT - JET PUFFED 11 OZ. MARSHMALLOWS 2 -59c 24 OZ KRAFT DINNER 71/4 OZ. 79c .5i 89c ALLEN'S 48 OZ. TINS FRUIT D.RINKS 3 $ 00 HEINZ - 16 OZ. PREPARED MUSTARD 2:59c KETSUP LIBBY'S 20 0Z. 2 p 8 9 c pe-rniceo eac SUNLIGHT LIQUID 419c 24 MAPLE LEAF CANNED LB. TIN HAM s1 ,99 GINGER A E'; CANADA DRY 5 99c R PLUS DEPOSIT 30 OZ. BOTTLES ROASTS BRANDED BLADE SHORT OR RIB CHUCK OR BONE( CROSS RIB P01 La. 99C �s. $_1 09 LB. FRUIT DRINK POWDERS 6 9cKLEENEX 1 Tissue 200s 79( X11 KOOL-AID 10 R 49 PURITAN - iz Oy59 CD STEWS 11 OZ. TINS 1,2 RAID BUG ,KILLER VAPONA PEST STRIP2,2 SPAGHETTI HEINZ 14 OZ. 5-:' $h AYLMER - 14 OZ. TINS. CHOICE PEAS jt 9 NAIR SPRAY Thrtr. BEAUTY REALEMON JUICE250z� VI OF4PUDDICUPS DELMONTE NIL 6 CANNEDCHICk!!_!L DARE - 2 LB. BAG - COOKIE JAR 9 ASSORTED COOKiL_- CULVERHOUSE- 14 02. VI CREAMCORN PI • ° s l TOMATO SOUP 10EINZ OZ. 9� 2LB.BAGSo�aFRENFRIES 11 SOME'RDAail IRISH SPRING - REGULAR SIZE SAICO • 6 OZ. HAND SOAP .3.5 OZ. 3L5 1 c LEMONADE OPEN SUNDAY JULY 1 - 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. FINK OR WHITE 8 OPEN MONDAY JULY 2 - 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. Ca k III aien Senior s bei with uditoi ken pie, ith d Churc Dc g spec well a ohn L n Syn nts f Lonc car, ay afi upper Hon Arc sum. the onsist' nfals das nistr weld organ pprec is fol me h Sen the H n ai f ent as w