HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-28, Page 13Es RE, 24 5,631 ANC; il(f BA1L, 300 99 !9S 95 95 95 154 95 95 95 98 95 95 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1973 --PAGE 13 AWN ANP COUNTRY ION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 21. BIRTHS 23. ENGAGEMENTS Auction Sale of New FURNITURE"APPLIANCES i GIFTWARE at L AUCTIONSBAL BRUSSELS, ONTARIO DIRECTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL off, June 29th at 8 p.m wing: Matching stove and refrigerator, In avocado a, grown, Deluxe side by side refrigerator tea) by Leonard. Matching washer and dryer, • and black & white T.V.s, several styles of erfleid sumps, spanlsh and maple bedroom suites, lobs, toff.. end tables, pry lamps; swag lamps, fps, kitchen suites, continental box spring and mese, desks, lazy boy chairs, automatic zig zag machines, tapestries, dishes, swords, plus many Nona too -numerous to mention. Eslss conducted weekly by Ball Auctions Auctioneer: R.A. Ball Lunch booth and seating provided ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES - when you're in the market for promotional gifts or calendars. "Buy Canadian and Save Money." Check our good prices and reliable service. Just call Mary E. Hanlon, representing Commonwealth Adver- tising Ltd. Clinton 4822:7037 --Bow SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED' _ lawn mowers, outboard and chain - saws. Phone 524.9636 or 524. 2596.-20tf FURNITURE refinishing and folk art decorating. Prompt service. Phone Goderich 524 6110.--22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29 I)AILY ('Aft It ENI'A1. Reasonable Rate. MtGEE•S l;odera h Pht;ne 524-s 1!# LICENSED BRICKLAYER With S year training and ex- perience, qualified to do a0 your brick and block laying needs. Fireplaces a specialty. BRYAN STOTHERS RR 6 GODERICH - 5 2 9-7 309 t;19t1 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK Twilight Auction Sale PONIES, RACING PONIES, HORSES, EQUIPMENT & SPECIAL CONSIGNMENTS at the farm° of es Buchanan - R.R. 4 Goderich 1/2 mile north of Goderich to Saltford 1 mile South East and 1/2 mile East In Colborne Township Thursday, June 28 at 7 p.m. Ty fes 16.00 on ponies and horses - 5 percent on pment. (will be held under cover in -case of rain). h Booth on Grounds, Auctioneers #nd.owners not Ale for 'accidents_ on day of sale- latl consignments - yearlings and 2 year old half d bred pacers - trotters with proven records. Ino old registered hackney good for show, best time 1:38. Show buggy rey Double Pony trailer and other articles too numerous mention AUCTIONEER - JAMES BUCHANAN VARNA 262-5748 gctfn WATER WELL DRILLING COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE And SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a Week Mon. thru Sat. till dark ' Sunday 12 to 6 Landscaping & Nursery 66 BENNET ST. E., GODERICH 524-9126 15. PUBLIC NOTICE WHEELCHAIRS -WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Commit- tee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah L edges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frit- zley, 524- 7 21 7 .-®-eow Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free estimates. 5" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call Collect 855-4605 RADIO & TV Fleetwood Sales.& Service Repairs to all makes of Radio a Televisi6nl 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY PERMA D R I V -.E PAVING and Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTORS -- Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 5 2,t-66 2 3 Goderich EARN MONEY IN SPARE TIME Men or Women id re -stock and infect money from New Type high quality coin-operated dispensers in your area:: No selling. To qualify, roust have car, references, $1000.00 to $3000.00 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent in- ,ome. More full time. We establish your route. For persojnal interview write: including phone number. B.V. DISTRIBUTORS UMITED Dept. "A" 1117 Tecumseh Road, East, WINDSOR 20, Ontarlo.-26x 20. TO GIVE AWAY SIX kittens to give away. Phone af- ter 5 p.m. 524-8963.-26 BRYANT: At Alexandra Hospital on June 21, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryant 225 Picton St. W. a baby girl Tracy Lynne. GRIFFITHS: At Alexandra Hospital on June 20, 1973 to Mr. and Mrs. R. Terrance Griffiths, 339 Comox Cr'. a baby girl Teresa Lynn. 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Argyle' Lockhart, ''Goderich, announce the forthcoming marriage of their youngest daughter, Colleen Faye, to Mr. Paul Arthur Pigeon, son of Mrs. Dorothy Pigeon, and the late Leon Pigeon, Stratford, Ont. The wedding will take place at North Street United Church, Goderich, on July 20, 1973.-26 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas V. Blacker wish w announce the engagement of their daughter Lesley Anne to Mr. James Dalton McConnell all of Goderich. The marriage to take place August 4, 1973 at St. Georges Anglican Church. Goderich, Ont, -26 25. IN MEMORIAM FULLEI$: In loving memory of a dear son and brother Earl R. Fuller who passed away June 30, 1952. A cluster of beautiful memories Sprinkled with love and tears Are in our book of memories Of a son and brother we loved so dear Sadly missed by mother and sister Olive -26x HUNTER: Terence and Edna Hunter would like to thank our neighbours and friends who helped in any way to make our Golden Wedding Anniversary such a perfect day. -26x TERRYBERRY: The family of the late Florence I Terryberry wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, relatives and neighbours during the recent bereavement in the loss of a loving wife, mother and grandmother also for the many floral tributes and contributions to the heart, cancer and Gideon Bible Society. Special thanks to Rev. L. Warr. the pallbearers and Stiles Funeral Home and to the neigh- bours , ladies who prepared and served the lunch. Your thought- fulness will always be remem- bered -Vern and family -26 BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL TOPSOIL BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATING R. No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804' CUNTON - 482-7644 tfn 12. AUCTION SALE SEPTIC TANKS northofGoderich on Hwy. No. 21 in the Town Sight of (follow signs) to be held on Saturday, June 30 at 2:00 p.m. 6.132' x 165' lot upon which stands a 3 bedroom frame tags, large Nvingroom, dining area and kitchen, utility , 3 piece bath, fully Insulated with electric heat -1 year • 7.132' x 165' lot 2 -bedroom frame Cottage, living room, room kitchen, utility room, 3 pc. bath, cedar deck, b doors, cottage framed but not finished. 6.11/2 storey frame house, 4 bedrooms, living room, kit- , 3 pc. bath, large laundry room, oil and electric heat, gs treed lot. say Harris 30 tractor and some equipment to be sold. y selling subject to low reserve. • 10% down on property day of sale balance in 30 days. • immediately. Proprietor - Lorne Brown For Information - Plane RATH.WELL'S AUCTION SERVICE- ... AUCTIONEERS & LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD - 482-3120 TWILIGHT Auction Sale MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale of Household Effects and An tiques for Mrs. Barbara Dixon, 202 Cameron St. Goderich on Friday evening .June 29 at 6:30 p.m. CLINTON Phone 482.3320 Frost free Frigidaire refrigerator; Westinghouse electric stove; Rogers Majestic T.V.; cabinet radio, 5.- pce. chrome set; sewing machine; roll away bed; single continen- tal bed; metal bed; vanity, 2 dressers; chest of drawers; leatherette davenport and chair; coffee table with mat- ching end tables; 2 step end tables; -lamps; smoker's stand; antique desk; trunks; hall tree; blanket box; dishes; pots and pans; bedding; wooden folding table; 2 lawn chairs; garden tools; power lawn mower; step- ladder etc. etc.! Terms - Cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 GENERAL MAINTENANCE' EREqUIRE MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL FOR OUR PLANT IN MITCHELL ONTARIO APPIcantta must La experienced in the general maintenance of machinery, puiom* t and buildings or have mechanical experience. Rate of Pay after Probationary 'Periods • 93.72 per As of February 1, 1974 - 93.90 per hour. COMPANY PAID • Life Insurance - Hospital Insurance - Medical Insurance - Sickness Insurance - Pension Plan APPLY T0: PERSONNEL DEPARTME, T NDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA 1030 Erie St. Stratford, Onto*); hour LIMITED • RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well .north • the reasonable investment, See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC HU R O N PINES ELECTRIC The Pep -per' 'Reunion was held in Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday, June 24 with 52 per- sons present. Result of'fhe entertainment was: Races, 6 and under, Judy Walter; 6 - 10 years, Laurie Pepper; 10-14 years, Brenda Pepper; young ladies, Brenda Pepper; kick the slipper, ladies, June Walter; kick the slipper, men, Ross Gordon; elimination, ladies, Laurie, Jo- Ann Pepper. Oldest person, Mrs. George (Kate) Pepper, Mitchell; youngest person, Michael Pep- per, son of Ron and Patricia Pepper Kitchener; guess, a can, Cliff Pepper; unbraiding, men's team, balloon. relay, Lois Barker's team; lucky spot, Cliff Pepper. After a peanut scramble, a delicious lunch was enjoyed by young and old. A business session followed. It was moved the same executive would stand for another year. A picnic will be held the fourth Sunday in June for 1974. The Executive is President Cliff Pepper; Vice -President Cecil Pepper, secretary - treasurer, Lillian Pepper, sports, Roy and Irene Pepper and Roy and Barbara Walter, table, Glen Pepper. The-RotaryChub-of Goderich held their installation of Officers meeting at the Bedford. Hotel on Tuesday June 26. Officers for the coming year are: front row; Mike Rogers, Governor's Aide District 633, Bob Swartman President and John Lyndon Secretary. Back row; Roy Hilton Vocational Service, Dave Gower Treasurer, Bob Alien Community Service, and Jim Peters Club Service. Missing from the photo Is Bruce Heath Vice -President and Mike Watts international Service. (staff photo) MOSQUITO On Saturday at .Clinton, the Knights of Columbus recorded their second success of the, Season with a good 6 - 0 win over Clinton A. This was a very entertaining game in which the better teamwork and passing of the Goderich boys was the deciding factor. Gerrard Stinnisort again ex-, celled in goal for Goderich. The halfback line of John Clement, Kevin Dykstra and Mike Grace played solidly throughout. Ronan Conlon scored three goals from the centre forward position. Gregg Ferris positioned himself beautifully for two well taken goals, while Harold Sartori scored the other Goderich goal. . PEE WEE Although still undefeated, the PEE WEE's winning streak was broken in a well played, hard contested battle in v(hich both Seaforth and Goderich recorded only one tally a piece in the game played in Seaforth last Friday evening. The only Goderich goal was scored by Mark Bellinger on a well executed play by Gordon Budny, but Seaforth fought back and tied the score in the second half. Despite a valiant effort in the dwindling minutes, the Goderich contingent was unable to score. Sgaforth also pressed in the dying minutes but a strong per- formance by Dan Wilkinson and the hard working backs held the game to a 1-1 tie. Youth Evangelist Frank F. Klees the assistant pastor to Rev. Ken Knight of Leamington will be irtithe area this weekend to speak at the Westfield Fourth Anniversary at 2 p.m. and again at the Huron Men's Chapel In Auburn at 8 p.m. 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIADVITIAL FARM WIRIN CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL iN THE ESTATE OF GORDON WILLIAM HARWOOr), late of the Township of Goderich in the County, of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 28th day of April, A.D. - 1973, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 16th day of July, A.D. 1973, after which date the assets will . be distributed, • having regard only to the claims of Mvhich the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 0 18th day of .tune, A D 1973. E.R. Menzies, Q.C. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for Executors. -26,27,28 About 36 students of the Mary Lynne Telford School of Dan- cing congregated at MacKay Hall last Saturday to give a dance recital for senior citizens In the area. Attendance at the recital was about 150. Dance varying from the Salto?* ,hornpipe to the Highland Fling Were displayed. (staff photo)