HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-28, Page 12Mason Bailey, agent Dorothy Schneider, agent PHONE 482-9371 ivI9NTEE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE' Just listed a large two storey .red brick home on 'A beautiful lot, with three bedrooms, dining room, living "room, full basement, 2 car garage, verandah. Centrally located. LARGE FAMILY HOME WITH OFFICES Five -bedroom home with 2 baths, rec. room, two fireplaces. Paved 'driveway, and 2 car garage. Three rooms for offices attached. ideal for dentist, doctor, lawyer. Near husinesii area. BRAND NEW Four-bedroom birck home with full basement, living room, dining room, one and a half hath. Located dose to the schools. Ideal family home. NEAR BAYFIELD Three-bedroom brick home with finished rec. room, new roof, fireplace, on approximately 213- of an acre of land. JUST ARRIVED Brand new home at 190 South Street. It has three bedrooms, with shag rug, dining room and living room carpeted, boomed ceilings, one and a half baths, colorful kitchen, - and a list of extras. Must he seen to be appreciated. Call us for an ap- pointment to go through TODAY. TWO STOREY RED BRICK On a lot 52' x 104' with three bedrooms, heated study room, dining room, garage and sun porch. Open for Offers. COTTAGE AT SUNSET BEACH Two-bedroom with living room, fireplace, on a large lot 100' x 100' Priced less than $10,000. AT. BLUEWATER BEACH Small two-bedroom cottage with dining area, 2 pc. hath and wood stove.. Just been completely renovated. Priced at oniy $7,000. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE At Snowden's Acres, located south of Bayfield. On lot 80' x 214'. There are three bedrooms, 4 pc hath, win- terized with electric heat, and 'a fireplace. A beautiful year arounu home. EXCELLENT LOT 92' x 104', located on Brock Street. Owner must well. - CHOICE LOTS Three west end iota right along the lake, in quiet area. TWENTY ACRES - On Highway 8, 2 miles from Goderich. FIFTEEN ACRES ust iminutes north of Goderich, ith right-of-way to the beach. Well treed and at' the right price. •�'(p BRUCE RYAN. - Res. 524-7762 • B.R: ROBINSON Res. 524-6905 WARREN ZINN R.R. 2 LUCKNOW Res. 529-7350 .3 PAGE; 12---GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, i t-iLKSDAY, JUNE: 2$, 11573 TOWN AND COUNTRY LASS EDS 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE S. REAL ESTATE WANTED 'WANTED-- — Large !runt lot with COT'l'AGH: LOT 50 x 180 .11 t{ hides prl‘at on Lake Huron 11'rlte Box north Goderich Hiw)', :'1 reelect ►' 14 t o Signal Star- 26 Nara t'hisholtn R U 6 Goderich Phone 524-63"2, or 524-6462 eater %'AN'I'H:D '1'() 131Y Small house, hookup and access to the near Square - !'ash, If price beach — 26,27 SCENIC Iota for sale Gloucester "Terrace Goderich over-I'uokulg Golf ,c•c►ur'.e--- Apply ChapnianS Clinton Phone 4,82-9410- -1182-7082— 26.27,28 1 Nardtmau G Strack ltd. Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without embarrassing credit investigation; for confiden- tial, competent service, for mor- tgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 744- 2264. reas4,11ahte. Appy Box 43 Signal - star - 2,5,26x • 111)1f- F: hawed. tit„ „) ht ,ll,,,,nl 111 VI, II ill 1I11lrlt',tlalt' area Would ton—.idol ,! huI!r11n� 1 1 % rite Tom l.i' nlastune. li„x 76. l'eter-hurg, ()warm, 2.3-26. thrt e 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 1'II1H:H; `bedroom town house It rent 'In 1'.tn.t'tra. R Il -,, (Tinton. ',9.-',1)11 per month. •t 11 11tlitUes fit,) Phan' 1''+2 9712 l l.s2 7 ;'h; ill\ tune 1; SPACIOUS file roum unfurnished self (untamed apartment,, quiet area. Suitable fur couple. Phone 524-7276 after 6 p.nl.--25,26x JUST LISTED Nine year old home of brick and angelstone construction with three bedrooms, dining room, living. room, 2 baths, full basement, finished rec. room, broadloomed floors, paved drive and garage. Near the schools. ifisINTEE - WARREN ZINN- - A.R. 2 LUCKNOW - Res. 529-7350 BRUCE RYAN - Res. 524-7762 B.R. ROBINSON - Res. 524.6905 1 BAILEY it Real Estate Ltd. JUST LISTED Exclusively decorated fine brick home ul Clinton. Reawulahle terms Nearly new :3 bedroom, ranch -style home: electric heat, double carport, in Clinton 1 1-2 Storey frame house on one acre 'of larid near Auburn - :3 bedrooms, living room with panelling and carpet. Will trade for farm. 50 acres with spring fed pond and excellent -old brick home, 2 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4_ Ideal hobby farm. :3 at -re corner lot on paved road near Auburn, partly wooded with run- ning stream. 62 acres on Highway near a village. Gaud. clay loam soil, log house, creek on ilroperty. 200 acre farm with modern home, good barn, rolling land, near Belgrave. ideal for cattle. Two separate river Tots, ap- proximately one acre each, on the Maitland River; 200 feet of river frontage, hardwood hush: - Easy ac- cess. 1 1'2 storey frame house in nearby Village. Open staircase new elec- trical service, good workshop, double garage. Terms available. 1 1.2 s ” er• f u► Mill St., Clinton..,- `-•' - "FOOL) FOR THOUGHT" Mens gossip Tess than women, but mean it. 100 acre farm ',with 1 1'2 storey white ,brick house, attached garage and hank barn in Londesboro area.' Approx. 93 acres workable. Creel: crosses property. •- ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE GODERICH PHONE 524-9662 IDEAL FAMILY HOME Sure to please with- carport and two storage areas, beautifully lan- dscaped front and rear. 3 bedroom brick home with finished recreation room attractive kit- chen, laundry room, cold room and wash room. Immediate possession. COTTAGES. Bluewater Beach — 3 bedroom on large well landscaped lot. Could be converted to year - around home. Close to Goderich. Furnished too. Bayfield — About 3 miles north year . around 3 bedroom, fur- nished. Lakefront. Large treed lot, fireplace, would make an excellent retirement home. Price slashed open to offers. Huron Sands — One mile north of Kingsbridge. Lakefront fur- nished 4 bedroom cottage. Good Beach. Price reduced for quick sale . Hunter's Beach — 5 miles north of Goderich among white birch trees with good view of Lake Huron. Furnished, and *iced right at $12,500. NEW=WEST SIDE See these new homes, under construction, electric heating, close to schools, two brick 3 bedroom and one 3 or 4 bedroom split level with car- port. Ask us for more infor- mation and we invite your in- spection. Located in the growing area. SMALL ACREAGE Near Goderich, excellent building sites. INCOME PROPERTY Park House on . West Street, overlooking Lake Huron. 15 bedrooms, two dining rooms, two kitchens. Great posstblllties. Immediate possession. Open for offers. VILLAGE LOTS 4 lots, excellent for building, total price $2,400. Community , water supplied. RIVER LOTS HOUSE—WITH INCOME Good building sites on the nine mile river. Priced at $2,200 each . Very centrally located with com- Terms available. piete 2 bedroom apartment up- stairs and modernized 3 bedroom home first floor, good basement, hot wfiter gas heating, ideal retirement home or for anyone wanting something nice and not too costly. COUNTRY HOME - At -out five miles north o1 Ooderkh, close to PWM Farms Provincial Park and Lake Huron. Good two storey red brick home, drilled well, barn, implement shad. Flfty acres of good land, smelly rented If desired. Owner retiring. kn- , **diets possession. Farm NEW—CUSTOM BUILT HOME You can have your new home built to your own Individual tastes. We invite your inquiry and will discuss with you building plans and the cost, of course, at your convenience. LISTING'S WANTED We have many inquiries fo housing accommodation. If you are thinking of a larger home or maybe Just one a little different, ask us to call at your con- forms Nies tide one are scal'cs. venience. BERT ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine St., T.I. 524-7836 GERRIE & bERNICE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel 529-7924 DON ABEAHART, 38 Britannia Rd. W., Tel.,524-7218 t3.A000NIMODATION TO RENT 8. HELP WANTED "i'WO bedroom apartment, near the Square. Phone 524-9421.-26tf COTTAGE for rent, 5 miles north of Goderich, private, sandy beach, beautiful view. Phone 524-9062-26 7. WANTED TO RENT ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED by young working girl, room and board or an appartment to share: phone evenings, 529.7405.-25,26x %"ANTED one car garage, dead storage. Goderich area. Write Box 1(12 Goderich.--26x %'EL1, equipped cottage to ac- commodate 6-8 responsible people in the Port Albert area from August 25 to September :3. References available. 'Phone 529-731 1-25tfnc 8. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED, Goderich Raceway. Apply in writing to Ted Williams, 43; West'Street, Goderich, Ontario, before June :30th. --25,26 STORE clerk required for part time work. Write Box 45 Signal - Star. ---26 HERE is your chance for higher earnings. We are a nationwide sales organization representing one of Canada's leading financial cor- li►rations. If you can work hard -- have sales ability and good charac- ter—you can succeed with us. For details write to Box 46 Signal - Star. -26,27,28,29 COUPLES,. wit,tout previous business t4lierience'but willing to work and Iearn together, pleasant, profitable work. Phone 451-6049 or Write Box 1368 Oxford St. East., London, Ont. -23-26x ' 3 Experienced COMBINATION INTERTYPE and FLOOR COMPOSITOR For Interview Write or phone - -- 432-1181 Lawson & Jones Box 3240 London, Ont. Huron County Board of Education requires CUSTODIAN for ROBERTSON MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Written applications stating age, experience end telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant , Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. NOM 1LO Applicants will be notified if required for an inter- view. Deadline for applications July 9, 1973. E -C. Hill Chairman D.J. Cochrane, Director. • 26 REQUIRED DAY SHIFT "Bartenderette" Telephone 228-6649 DUFFERIN HOTEL CENTRALIA SUMMER HELP REQUIRED TWO FOR DAY SHIFT TWO FOR EVENING SHIFT Good salary for the right people APPLY IN PERSON AT THE CLUB GRILL Kingston St. Goderich 9. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household effects or �nulll lot. wanted ("all (' & E Fur- futur'• :)21-72:11 --i;tt N E E D E 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 13ABYSl1"1ING wanted by ex- perienced high school girl, Monday through Friday. Phone 5'24- 9.167.-25 MATURE WOMAN will do habvsitting in your home. Phone 524.867:3 after five P.M. -25,26x GET the Blue Suedes. For en- joyable dancing music contact Steve Walsh, 523-9352. or John Button, 523-9660, Blyth. -23-26 12. AUCTION SALE - 13. SERVICES iV11 RFHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS -and LIQUIDATORS RRUCEFiELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 SMALL ENGINES lawn owers 03t3 3l yw.m ; Phone 524 d ' 596.-2Utf REFRIBERI AND APPLIAN( SERvici BARRELIALT 524.2481, GO TOP! Have you been looking for one owner low mileage USED CAR Then Check These Out HISTORY SUPPLIED ON MOST UNITS 1967 CHEV VAN 108 Series, long wheelbase, Big 6, standard transmission, cer- tified, (could stand paint job.) Lic. No. C28-979. Priced for quick sale at D 1973 MATADOR (Demonstrator Information . in the form of records, artifacts, or personal recollections about Colborne County, especially the village of Benmiller. Please Contact:,- Barb ontac,:-Barb Fisher 524-9856 or Ken Doherty 529-7474 atter 6 any day 11. TENDERS TENDER Addition to dial exchange building, Grand Bend, Ontario, Hay Municipal Telephone System. Sealed tenders for the above will be received by the architects untll 4 p.m.- E.D.T.; July 13, 1973. Drawings and spec.;; -.,atoms may be obtained from the architect's office upon deposit of $25 which will be refunded when these are returned in good condition. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Hagerty, Bulst, Breivik & Milicks, Architects, 310 Princess Ave., London, Ontario TYPIST REQUIRED Apply in person to Lloyd Lounsbury, Signal -Star, 37 West Stret, Goderich on Thursday or Friday - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A- FOR SALE TWENTY halfblood limousin hulls off test April 13 and May 28, .john Howard R R 7 Lucknow, Ontario 519.529-7348-22,26 REGISTERED Arabian Palomino mare, 4 years spirited, needs experienced Phone 482.7694-26 and old, rider. IL CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM swathing and ion• ditioning for hay. Phone 524- 7096.-24.25.2(3 A- FOR SALE PURII3RED Serviceable age Ham-- pshire Boars, R.O.P. tested and commercial. Contact Bob Robinson R R 4 Walton 345-2:317---26 F - TO RENT AI'I'ROXiMATELY 60 acres of land between Goderich and Bayfield on Hwy 21 for rent for pasture, hay or crop. Available im- mediately. Phone 524-7632 between 4 and 9 p.m. -24,26 Two door hardtop, fully equipped including V-8, automatic, - power brakes, power steering, radio, electric rear defogger, vinyl top, Individual seats, plus many other extras. Lic. No. DHE 297. 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 V-8 , automatic, radio, ,good runner and fully safety checked. Lic..N9. K47 _395,,1-- 1963 FORD BUS Just retired from service in March -1973. Ideal for camper con- version and priced for quick sale at only 8995. AS IS - (Not cer- tified) , ORIGINAL 32,800 MILES. 1970 Pontiac Laurentian two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, chrome reverse wheels, extra snow tires, local owner, like new condition. Lic. No. DHP-071. SERIOUS INQUIRIES INVITED 1969 Plymouth Fury II -four door sedan, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, etc. 14,000 original miles. Stock No 73-2HA.' Priced, firm at 1972 MATADOR WAGON V-8, automatic, Power steering, Power Brakes, 35,000 miles, new radial tires Like new condition - Lic. No. DHE -295. 1971 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM WAGON Fully equipped with every option including air conditioning, Radial tires, All heavy duty etc. One owner 40,000 miles, Lic. No. AOE-154 Price - 1971 FORD CUSTOM Four door, V-8, automatic, Power Brakes and Steering, Vinyl In- terior, One- owner, 32,800 miles, Lic. No. DHF 694. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1970 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, V-8, automatic, Power, Alr Conditioning, new tires, One owner, 46,000 miles, Lic. No. DHE 296 - 90 Day Unit - Must be Sold - asking price - 1968 CHEV. WAGON V-8 automatic, Power equipped - Lic. No. FNZ 657. PRICE $ I I 95 1968 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, economical 6, automatic, radio etc. Lic. No. DHE 290 - To Clear. 1968 REBEL - REAL CLEAN Two door hardtop, 8 cylinder automatic, radio, white walls, Lic. No. DHE 291. GRAF'S 899 4295 s $1 119S, 995 595 2050 $3 X95 3-495 7495 OR $139 WITH NEW PAINT B FINA SERVICE VIJEEP-AMBASSADiOR-JAVELIN-AIX MATADOR—HORNET—GREMLIN Meters SI S 520411 BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH CORD MUNROE , PETER JOHN ORAF ACROSS FROM CONKLIN LUMBER 095 1195 ION S pu FURN BA DIRI ay, ring: I or.. 9 ons and KAsid bars, twee Ilona fielel Lu PON EQUIPM es B 1/2 1 Ti Ty fee peal h Boolf s. Irl cc d brt yuok time Show b ray Double F mention Al otta twit! (follow •-132't togs, Is 3 pie 7.132'; root b doors 1.1i/2i ,3pc Oe trwc ley Hi ya • 10% P 1 Al E RE( APPllcs pu o% AP