HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-21, Page 21arried in Clinton on Ontario Street Church was decorated to hted candelabra. whiellow mums and tulips 2 for the double -ring uniting marriage'° m Ann Trewartha and Webster. The bride aughter of r' 4 Clinton ewartha H.R. groom is the son of Mr. s, Harold Webster R.R. rn• Lawrence Lewis of - at the wedding service. •Anne Alton, cousin, 'groom was the soloist. ;de entered the church e organist, Mrs. Doris e`,, played The Sound ic, Miss Alton sang''The g Prayer' and 'A Time ', Given in marriage by her, the bride wo re ngth gown of polyester immed with appliqued and a matching train. thedral length veil was ith tiny daisies and she a bouquet of American red roses. Marinus Bakker was of honor and wore a ngth gown of mint green' r. The waist line and were trimmed with mellow' rose -bud lace. idesmaids, Miss Jannet cousin of the groom, and nn Uvl, friend(, of the were gowned identically inatron of honor. They een ribbons in their hair rried bouquets of yellow Webster, brother the was best man and were John Wolf, friend groom, and Douglas rtha, brother of the— The recessional eis' was sung by the Following the nt; the bridal party was to a hay wagon ride by area friends The wedding dinner was ser- ved at the Ontario Street United Church where the mother of the bride received guests in a floor length dress of multi -coloured mauve chiffon with a corsage of ,yellow sweetheart roses. Accom- panying her, the mother of the groom received guests in a floor length gown of rose patterned chiffon with a corsage of white sweetheart roses. Ross Crich, London, uncle of the bride, was master of ceremonies. Following a reception at The White Carnation, Holmesville, the couple left for a honeymoon in Eastern Ontario and Mon- treal. The bride travelled in a navy suit with accessories and a corsage of white carnations. guests attended the wedding from 1.ucknow, Toronto, Guelph, Dunnville, London, Cardinal and Goderich., Prior to her marria a Marie had several showers ,/given in her honour including a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Keith Tyndall by Mary East and Phyllis Tyndall; one at the home of Mrs. Phyllis Morrison; one at the home of Mrs. Ruth Baxter and one at the home of Mrs. Albert Postma by Margaret Bakker. Mrs. Ross Trewartha held a trousseau tea on Saturday May 25, to honour her daughter Marie. Photo by Norm Hyde Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Webster Honeymoon in north and tulips graced the of St. Joseph's Church, , for the double -ring nv at which Harry Clarance and Deborah ith were married by Master-- stride is the daughter of d Mrs. Andrew Smith, ch and the groom's are'Mr. and Mrs. Ken e; Stratford. in marriage by her the bride wore a gown of chantilly lace with a neckline touched with and pearls, a natural e and Spanish -style full with deep cuffs. d lace tiers formed the worn over a hoop. Her p of pepieire lace with and sequins held her al -length lace -edged veil. She carried a e bouquet of white poms and stephanotis yed blue and yellow. of honor was -Diana • aster of the bride, h. She wore a short - empire -waisted yellow own and carried a hand of white 'divinity poms. ds of the bride ' were aids. They were Sharon Louisa McDaniel and Fisher, all of Goderich, aureen Kelly of *rat- wned similarly to' the honor except in blue_ ergirls were Suzanne and Cherly Smith, h, sisters of the bride. ore yellow crimp dresses ar style as the senior at- . They had hand cor- f white divinity poms tching hairpieces. bearer was Tommy brother of the bride, h. ms1na4--was- Wayne.. brother of the groom, d. Ushers were John David Clarance and Kremkau; Stratford, Smith of Goderich. wedding reception was Mr. and Mrs. N.S. Clarance at the Sunset Golf Course, R.R. 6 Goderich. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Smith chose a pink and white dress with a pink sparkled carnation and white accessories. Mrs. .Clarance wnrea 'purple and white dress, a white carnation corsage and white . accossories. For travelling north, 't, bride changed to an orangI'' pant suit and white accessories...- The ccessoriesThe newlyweds are living at 165 Britannia Road, Goderich. UNDAY,.JUN 2 4 SPECIAL SPEAKER WESTFIELD fELLOWSHIP HOUR - 2 p.m. REV• LEN WARR VICTORIA `UNITED CHURCH, GODERICH *If ipeak at HURON MEN'S CHAPEL, AUBURN,„:-; $p .m. Special Music at Roth Services liVerso r gext y Services . Sunday Pinivika WHEN GOOD MEN+DO NOTHING Pior to her wedding, the bride was feted at showers hosted by the bridegroom's sisters, Carol Verrier anti Lynn Scott in Stratford; the bride's aunts, Elaine Smith and ='Fheresw--Hodges,,G oderich; and the bride's friends, Louisa McDaniel and Sharon Daer, Goderich." A mock wedding was hosted by the bride's aunt, Jean Wilker in Stratford. -. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR THURSDAY, JUNE 21, -1973—PAGE 7A PERFORM LIGHTSHINE AT KNOX Michigan choir presenting musical at -Ioial.church The St.. James Singers of St. James United Methodist Church, Detroit, first perfor- med the relit;ic�us folk musical "Lightshine" on Marsh 15- of this year. They will do' it again at Knox Presbyterian Church this weekend. Sunday, .June 24. The text of the Buryl Red - Grace Hawthorne musical is based on .Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount", hut with up-to- date dialogue and accompanied by contemporary musical sounds alnd heat. A-nd - though -performing "Lightshine" is relatively new to the": -Singers, the group has been together for over two years. During that time, it has performed other works for church audiences around Metropolitan Detroit. Last summer the group toured In out -state Michigan. Not a professional group, nor even a church choir, the Singers is made up of people from ntici* teens .on up. Most, but not ,til: are menib-ers of St. .James Methodist Church. The original group of Singers got together because they en- joyed singing and wanted to do religious -oriented music but in a contemporary vein. - At the suggestion of Ss. James senior pastor Ralph I) Churchill, the group listened t.• a recording of "Tell it Like It Is", a folk musical about God written by Ralph Carmichael and Kurt Kaiser. The Singers liked it and decided to give it a try. • On the first Sunday in May, 1971, the St. .James Singers presented "Tell It" for a Family Day audience at St. James. The sanctuary was packed. Many there were visitors from other churches. The performance im- mediately produced requests from many of those other chur- ches to come and perform. And the Singers have been at it ever since. A few of the original mem- bers still remain. But member- ship in the group is an ever- changing thing. At present it is abnctt-_4(}--voices-.-strong:-an.d As,.. accompanied by piano, guitar. -'bass guitar, drums and harp- sichord. For "Lightshine" they have added an harmonica. Director of the group is Mark DO YOU, NEED - A WATER WELL??? DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU - - 73 years of successful water development. - The most modern, fast equipmet available. - Highly trained personnel - Fast service and free estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost. PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE BOX 486, WINGHAM - OR PHONE 357-1960 Benner. Instrumental director 1, Lou Sco\ill. technical direc- tor i; Bill Harriss and dramatic Hordinator is Susan Hut- hinge .Among those in the group are a;satiate pastor of St. -James, Gordon :vusz and his wife Shirley, also Jean and Jan Churchill. wife and -daughter of the senior pastor. In addition to "Lightshine the group also sloes a few current hit songs that have a message, songs like: "Aquarius'Let the Sun Shine In" from "Hair"; "Everything's Alright" from ".Jesus Christ Superstar"; "I'd Like to I"each the World to Sing'' "Both Sides Nciw" and "Put Your Hand in the Hand. 0 J[SE [AREE11 Y. though t walk through die volley of thr shadow of deuth. 1 shall foots** r.,1 for thou url with me —Tiro Psalm 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HARRY A. LEACH The death of Harry A. Leach, a former Goderich resident, oc- curred in Ann Arbor, Michigan on June 5 aft,°erw et long illness. Funeral service. took place June 8, with burial in Washtenong, Memorial Park, Ann Arbor. Mr. leach watt a U.S. Army Veter$h �'of World War II, was an active member of Post 46 American Legion and mernbtr of Masonic Lodge No. 262 F and AM. Prior to retirement a few years ago, he was assistant property manager for Univer- sity of Michigan R.O.T.C. in Ann Arbor for many years. His wife,Ruth I. Leach sur- vives along with one step son; and one brother Burt Leach. 4 Mr. Leach was born in Blyth --1 and moved to Goderich aran an early age. He was associated with his father in the grocery retail business for. many years. Many„ of the town's senior citizens will recall the modern and popular store where the Leach family conducted a suc- cessful business, where Craigie Bros. store now is. New rector named for Kincardine parish The. Right Reverend Carman , who moved to the Diocese of J, Queen, Bishop of the Kootenay at the end of April. Anglican Diocese of Huron, an- Born in Galt, Mr. King nounced today that he has "ap- trained for the ministry at pointed a Rector for the Church Seager Hall, London, after thir- of the Messiah, Kincardine, teen years' business experience. and St. Luke's, Pine River. He served in the Parishes of The Reverend John Robert Lucknow and Walkerton before King, Dip. Th., will move into .moving to St. Clair Beach in the Kincardine Rectory on Sep- .lanuary 1968. Three years tuniber 1st. He succeeds the later the Congregation of St. Reverend William D. Townson, Michael and: Angels, Wind- sor, was added- to his parish.. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention or Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV W H McWHINNIE F R G S Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett • CHURCH ANNIVERSARY 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special ^Preacher Rev. R. HARMER B.A. B.D., Secretary of Christian Education Come and hear a Ventriloquist and Tommy McTavish Young People of all ages invited ' ' Wednesday 8,p ria - Prayer & Bible Study ALL ARE WELCOME The free Methodist Church Park St. at Vittoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls Phone: 524-9903 10:00 a.m. Be part of a growing Sunday School 11:00 a.m. The Recycling of History 6:30 -p.m. Bible Study and Outreach Everyone Welcome -CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EV-f�GELISTIC FUNDAMENTAL REV R BRUBACHER. Pastor 10:00 a.m.—BIBLE SCHOOL -FOR ALL AGES 11:00 a.m. REV. KENNERICK S. SHARPE - Missionary on Furlough with the Sudan Interior Mission, Nigeria. 6:30 p.m. - Y.P. WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 p.m. - REV. SHARPE WILL SPEAK AND SHOW PICTURES OF THEIR WORK Wed. 8 p.m. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox "Presbyterian Church THE REV''�'G ��LOCKHART ROYAL. 8 A . Minister THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM r4,4' CAMERON. Director of Praise SUNDAY JUNE 24, 1973 11:00 a.m.—DIVINE WORSHIP * * * THE ST. JAMES' SINGERS * Detroit, Mich., (Nursery Facilities) Enter to Worship Depart to Serve WELCOME - SERVICE ELCOME- SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscrip- tion to the Signal -Star Call her at 524=7854 Mr. King and his wife, the former Marjean Delores DeMille, have a family of two boys and three girls — Gregory, Kathleen, Nancy, and twins Paul and Jane. WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Bob McCallum Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich Phone 524-7345 L.OME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL IF 'YOU NEED A RIDE. WE HAVE A BUS . Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacife "A For Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN and WATERLOO STS REV PETER G ST DON, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1973 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.--MORNING WORSHIP 7.00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Tues. 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Friday 7:30 p.m.—Youth Service smile Is a curve that can set a lot of things straight." further information about church services call 524-8506 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH JUNE 24, 1973 TRINITY I Hely Communion at 8:30 a.m. Outdoor service and parish picnic at 11 a.m. Maitland Conser vation Area. Bring lunch. Cars leave church at 10:40 a.m. vector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D. Victoria Street United Church HOUSEOF FRIENDSHIP REV LEONARD WARR i0:00 a.m.—Bible School. For All Grades 11:15 a.m. COMMUNION SERVICE Sermon: "BREAD MONEY CANNOT BUY" BENMILLER -UNITED-CHURCH 10:00 a.m. Worship Communion Service & Bible School W—E—L—C—O—M—E Iters. J. Snider - Victoria St. Organist and Choir Director North Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1973. (Nursery up to 9 year-olds) 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship OUT -DOOR SERVICE AT CAMP MENESETUNG SERMON: "UNPROMISING MATERIAL" - Mat thew W--E--L---C—.0—AA—E . Lorne N. Dotterer - Director o1 Music Miss Clare McGowan Assistant Visna