HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-21, Page 13Goderich Power
n Sailpast will take
is Sunday afternoon
in the Goderich Har -
the major attractions
will be the appearance
Butterfly 11", the 43
,w custom built ocean
oop with black mast
ing owned by Bruce
e boat was .to leave
last Sunday and is ex -
arrive in time for 'the
Commander Beecher Men-
zies is in charge of getting the
"show on the road" by placing
the participants in their various
Beecher has had previous ex-
perience in arranging these
having organized such sailpasts
in Ottawa, London and
Goderich power squadrons.
The boats will assemble in
the harbour basin at 1:30 p.m.
dressed and decorated for the
occasion. There will be a prize
for the best decorated boat.
All participating boaters are
asked, to register with John
Sully who will„ set up office in
the dock area from '12:00 to
1:30 Sunday.
Dick Atkey, Squadron Public
Relations Officer will be using
his boat the "Miss Clinton" as
the press boat. He encourages
all boat owners especially the
smaller powerboats to par-
ticipate and make this sailpast
one of the best ever.
After the event, the wives of
the executive committee mem-
bers will serve light refresh-
ments to those who par-
ticipated. Entries are expected
this year from the London
Power Squadron, the Bayfield
Squadron as well as the
Goderich Power Squadron.
If the weather is good, en-
tries could exceed the amount
of 40 which took part in the
sailpast two years ago. The
tournout last year was rather
poor because of the rain.
e u: oaerirfj
1,26YEAR -25
"The'town of Goderich will be treated to a special event
this summer season as the Canadian Aerobatics Cham-
pionships and Air Show will take place at Sky Harbour
Airport, June 30 and July 1.
The show previously held at Centralia may become an
annual event fo'Goderich If this particular one proves
successful, according to an official of the Experimental
Aircraft Association sponsors of the show.
Competitors will be participating in three classes, spor-
Goderich Sailing Club
very interesting as well
sing demonstration last
ay in the harbour.
demonstration which
I on by Pat Shanahan
ke Watts Commodore of
b was primarily for the
of finding out the
nd best way of righting
'mini -mac sailing crafts
they capsize.
people who will be M-
g in the sailing course
by the Goderich club,
n hand to see the most
I method of escaping
ch a predicament.
information _ will be
on to their students.
urse is being offered
the town recreation of -
e will be two courses.
st will only be a week in
n much like a clinic.
Y this course is full with-
60 people reg'iotered. It
e place the first week in
other course to be of:
is season will last most
summer and be taught by
ers from the Goderich
Club. This course may
obtained by contacting
reation office.
Mini -mac sailing craft
onated by Bruce Sully,
Sully, George Robertson
the fourth boat was
d by the Salt Mine,
ch Elevator, MacDonald
and the Upper Lakes
ng Limited.
two men are going to in -
the flotation in the little
cause as they found out,
g them after they are
d is not the easiest thing
Almost there; as Mike Watts shifts his weight to try and right this Mini -mac. After ex-
perimenting with the craft, It was determined that for the purpose of instructing with these
boats, the flotation should b• increased. The Goderich Sailing Club owns four of these
crafts which were donated. (Staff Photo)
tsmen, intermediate and .senior. Along with the aerobatics
competition and demonstrations, there will be skydiving
events, •
In this event, the competitor will be timed or? the dump
and the time It takes for he or she to get rid of the "chute"
and travel the distpnce to ring a bell on the field.
Some of the pidnes which will be involved In the air
show will be Harvards, Citabria and Pitts -specials, the
mini bi-planes. The raindate for the show will be July 2.
Sailors' school is valuable
The Canadian Power
Squadrons' Boating Course
provides a general introduction
to safe boating for those using
either sail or power boats. It is
of interest and value to both
the experienced yachtsman as
well as the complete novice.
The course provides valuable
knowledge and background to
all who sail upon Canadian
waters, be it ocean, lake or
river, and regardless of the size
or type of boat used.
The Goderich • Power.
Squadron is a Unit of the
Some of the subjects which
are covered in detail are as
Nautical terms that boaters
use. Types and handling
characteristics of both power
and sail boats. Docking and tin -
docking. How to manoeuvre a
boat in wind and current. Car
top boats: handling, trailer and
- launching.
Anchors and mooring. Types
of anchors and dock lines.
Essential knots and the care of
rope and other boating tackle.
Weather and its effects. Use
of tide and current tables. How
to successfully negotiate canals
and lgcks.
How to read information on
charts -- symbols and ab-
breviations. Piloting in-
struments: lead line,- log,
pelorus, protractor and parallel
rules. How to lay and plot a
course. Finding position by
bearings. Dead reckoning.
Types of compasses, .their
care and use. Variation and
deviation True, magnetic and
compass courses.
Buoys and beacons, their
types, colors and numbering
systems. Radio aids. Lights,
ranges and fog signals.
The life saving, fire fighting,
signalling and lighting equip-
ment which the law requires
boats --to, carry. Also the ad-
ditional equipment every good
skipper should carry.,, How to
license, register and number a
Traffic Claws of the water-
ways. The rules of right-of-way
when boats meet or their paths
cross, for both sail. and power.
The whistle signals and all the
other pertinent regulations
governing boat operation.
Mand Mike Watts look the problem over of
MMhse Selling craft after they deliberately
Y�ts PurPollm Of the test 1s to determine the beet
way to right the craft wll�t hat be aMklnB lessons In tMtechnique can be peritedtM•
to the students -that
season. (Staff Photo)
National Safe Boating Week
will be recognized from July 1
to 7 as the Canada Safety
Countil makes an all out effort
to inform the boating public of
the hazards of pleasure boating
and the alarming toll of,death
and injury on Canadian water-
According to statistics, 302
...people were drowned in boating
accidents last year when the
boats in which they were riding
capsized. Overloading, over-
powering venturing into
dangerous waters and sailing in
poor weather were some of the
factors contributing to this
needless loss of life.
Fire prevention in fuel han-
dling. Ventilation. Use of life-
saving equipment, and ar-
tificial resuscitation. Distress
and fog signals. Emergency
situations: heavy weather, man
overboard, holing, sinking,
grounding. Towing and ren-
dering assistance.
Proper clothing and footwear
for safety aboard. Obligations
of a skipper, crew .and guests.
Yachting and naval customs.
Thursday morning Goderich motorists
were perhaps somewhat startled to find
an airplane moving along one— of the
community's main thoroughfares.
If the sight was startling, or perhaps
annoying, to those who found them-
selves tied up in slow moving traffic
along Victoria Street, the- event
represented the high point in a five-year
labor of love for the owners of the craft.
Fred Bruinsma, 230 Jones Street, and
Syd Bullen, 184 Gibbons Street have in-
vested all their spare time for the past
five years in the project of building their
own plane.
The orange and white two seater
"Cavalier" was constructed in Mr. Bruin -
sma's garage. Neither, man was
prepared to put a value in dollars and
cents on the long' hours of work it took
to complete the craft.
With a special escort by local police
the plahe was taken from the garage on
a flat-bed truck and carried to nearby
Sky Harbor airport. Completing the
strange parade was a line of cars con-
taining friends and relatives who had
gathered to see the project completed.
Final mechanical checks on the plane
are now being tarried- out at the airport
and it is expected the craft will hgver its\
first test flight soon with Lloyd Atfield at
the controls.
TMs orange and white Cavalier home-buUt plane Is the product of five years of work and
tender loving care. It was bulli by Fred ',minima and Syd Sullen of Goderich. The plan .
was moved to Sky Harbour Airport last Thursday morning. Its test flight will not be for a
couple of weeks. (Staff Photo)