HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-06-07, Page 26PAGE 12A---GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1973 .111E- RECIPE BOX 'L Create Tropical Flavors • At Home Old West Indies Dish Is Served At Caribbean Inn t hr.�t ,i,hcr t ,:11111 rs first s,t,lt,i t it+ ,un!ty 1,1c of \ u.t .11 ! i`14; tit,' 1„ < 1 'I'` t Ti -,'r it h 01C t',tr l l t iu ~,,,, ail th, Ni .t ir.,i" the .\11.inttt Iltt til ?hi dl,t• }1 11,7 A.111HI_ t',, I,t t,t,I tR,1t A nt.ng Phi t 1 tit, 11:1 ttc< in 1 -t t ,,.tt'1 , th it star11 Its the _i i gut i the t`1:4h tet .:it tt,,r\ are 1)rescr\etl ,.t( At•1-11 11,•h1.1111. a rc' ste,etl lir ,ilii .1:,rt1;l�,l1 1 ,tt!t't' `.AIth I it is ,,1 i 1,1t } cit rs 1 1, 1 eleis 1t In .1;,,t..,!, tt s.ln(1 ti lit t '.,!x,111 1 , r••, and !nt, n lint tomos tht 1it1 lit i• the tesotic tl.tt•nr of the \\ est • Intiio's to your own t unity .1 11,1 friends, prepare" Shrimp :incl Banana turn' in '\.,tfr4:'itchen This dish, from the \1.trmora lav Hohdav l 111 at Antigua, combines sea- food with the tropical delights o1' laminas anil coconut. 1 11'1 t,tt'i,tltit 1.111 he grated e Irl l in the d:►s and stored tri ill c• ref riger:itur to cut , bile' Itrrlr.lr.ttion time -im- mediately before the meal, or use canned coconut 'I'ime the shrimp and curry sauce so it will be done lust in time to flour riser the hot cooked rice for :i tempting one -dish meal 7 h ' Ilan ina and Shrimp ( urri l'. recipe is from the Halite' inn international Cook' 'Book, a collection of 1, 1111 t--sizt, recipes from chefs all over the world. ipead Weekly "ACTION PRICED" Specials ay it en at th pat Jame e P+ ugh sett) or t1 deo, off fart -tha the 0111, ROYALE BOWELS Pkg of 2 rolls BERRYLAND, CANADA CHOICE (ACTION PRICED) Asparagus CUTTINGS 3 oz $1.00 Mini Puddings Pkg of 4 tins 49¢ KING SIZE - (ACTION • PRICED) -. TIDE s lbE°s1.79 TREESWEET, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grapefruit Juice 12 fl -oz tin 495/ Rise 'N Shine Pkg of 5 -31/4 -oz envs 79¢ INSTANT COFFEE Maxwell House 10 oz ;ar ASSORTED FLAVOURS (WITH PECTIN) Eget Lot: l µ, tatic g on she( ing to of me. Ma Lan of 1 age! sa` vet eke] on the one RECONSTITUTED, LEMON JUICE Realemon WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES MIX & MACH (ACTION PRICED) STEWED TOMATOES, SEASONED WAX OR GREEN BEANS -FANCY CREAM CORN ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUI' RANTLED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 9th tv73 Mushroom, Vegetable Beef, Chicken Noodle, Chicken Rice Clark Soups CANADA CHOICE 4,o_noz tins 69,1 (ACTION- PRICED) Tomatoes AYLMER '3 28-f1 oz tins $1.00 (ACTION PRICED) 12 oz tin 695,1 YUKON CLUB, ALL FLAVOURS — CANNED Cise of 24— fl-oz t ns RAINCHECK: If an advertised special is ever for a Rair check. 0 sold out, ask the entitles you to the Master same special price the following same 'Ism at the Rive you a comparable item ing weeka Or if you wish, at the same `vF'll sPc'cial pricH GUARANTEE: A&P offers an unconditional moneyback guarantor No matter wt at it is, no matter who makes it, if guarantees it, A&P sells m A8P Shrimp -And Banana Curry ' int-dun/1 coconut, tgr:tteci* ,1 1 r. in 1.1 oz.) -braided coconut till bailie, «':iter 1 la n broth t ttrnstarch illc>111,1,111 ct1rry powder 1eltt;rl }cutter Illlrl tri• -h shrimp, shelled and deseined 1 i11111(11 green onions, chopped 1 medium .;reen pepper, chopped up diced peeled and seeded freshM tomato teaspoon salt t , tt .lspton lteppt,r `2,, cups, hitt conked rict3 Action priced ! In .1 Lite.! tlnlbine cot '1111It i7(r 1111111 ,:iter stir and press (it,‘tn with .t spoon: let stand at room temperature for 'tit „minutt s press :old strain through cheesecloth until all 11(111id is eytr:tcte(l (if using shredded canned coconutforthis pr,•,•tlrrrt• in, re•ise thicken broth to 31 ; cups Cannedcoco- nut nt,c, idea l•o .substituted 1 '\iakt`'s al -out 1 cup In a mt- lsone saiieep:ln. combine mbine coconut milk. chicken broth, corn- st:,rt h and cure, powier Cook. stirring constantly, until '-.:111(tri,:kt•ned and srnmmoth it is in half crosswvbse and lengthwise Arrange in -h 111 l shirt dish- i rush with melted butter. Pour half of the t,•,er l:tn;tnas and }sake at 370° for 15 minutes ,-,r in•lnas -ire tender. .n:.t 11.10. , ,)r,1; :hrimt) in remaining curry sauce for 10 remote or until tender Add green onions, green pepper, tom it,, salt .Ind pepper Cook 2 minutes longer, stirring now :trtrl- tht:•n. Serve over rice wifh_batranas: 1\lakes 4 servings. \",,te Puncture eves of °coconut with ice pick or scTew- dr.t ind hammer: drain and use as desired. Bake empty Hnt:t .it .100' for 15 minutes. While coconut is still hot in- sert lens s, rea driver through eve of coconut until it reaches the oth,.r.-alt• Hit screwdriver with hammer to split coconut. Scr 1;,e me it from shell with sharp knife. Grate in blender -rn birth sane(( Barbecue Favourites — Great on a G,*ll1! SAVE 20c A LB SuperRightRed Rf ol.d fi -urde 'A- Beef Action priced F tf the growing llrth>l l,tr;1 , .t golden -brown french fries. n1a11v hornemakers i�,iid rtitlk,ng there either he( a l_t- ,tt the 1'engthy prepac:lt:,,n ttrrie and attenti(iin required hee,itl:e (if the lack of 1ht• proper (•rt:llpment. that fr„ien french fried potato,- .ire rt•arlilV rlvaillhle' in r ht ret;i i t stores. yriu ca n take ,iris„lrtt•tgt• of their con- vent(•n, t• to -arI-dv the familv's ctonstatit d td orrnarid for these crisp\ HP tr.ei. Fro /1•11 free It fried potatoes. one o,f the fir -,t frozen foods to he 1narkr'ted. art the most poj)t).lar ,,f all processed potato produ, 1•- J llcv re sold as julienne shoestring, regular cut or ( rink It. cut They have horn peeled 111• blanched, then fried and immediately frozen, leaving ortk the task of heating and ser. mg to the homemaker \'hat (1111r1 he easier and Mesult in more eating pleasure? It must he remembered that, ailhotigh this extra processing adds to the coot, to the busy homemaker to whom time is money. they are a real saving. Browned )ust right to suit Your taste, french fries are a hearty and satisfying com- panion to many meats and meat dishes They may be pt n - fried, (14ep fat fried or simply heated irttthe oven Heated on foil on the barbecue, they are the perfect accompaniment to a sizzling steak For gourmet fare. cut . crisp , and golden r. french fries in cures and toss them with sauteed mushrooms sled onions. The home ei nnomi-t-. Agriculture Canada have tested two very interesting recipes using 'frozen french fried potatoes. The "Quick Potato Casserole” and the '•Flash Brown Potatoes" provide hearty food for hearty appetites. - SHOULDER OR BUTT Pork Chops FROZEN, IMPORTED NEW 7EALAND, SHOULDER SHOPSY BRAND, COLE SLAW OR 24 -oz carton ~QUICK POTATO CASSEROLE 1 cup chopped onion 2 tablespoons butter 1 10 -ounce can condensed cream of celery soup 1 teaspoon celery" salt 1 1 'cup milk 2 It- nonue package frozen French fried potatoes 1 cup diced bologna ' cup grated cheddar cheese `saute onion in butter Until it is transparent. Adk1 soup, celery salt send" milk, stirring until smooth. ('ombine 1''Tench fried potatoes aril bologna in baking dish and pour soup mixture over, top. Sprinkle with c'h'eese and bake 20 to 25 minutes at i50°F 41 servings HASI"tBROWN POTATOES 1 clip chopped onion cup butter 2 9 -mince package frozen French fried potatoes, chopped 1 teaspoon .salt 11" teaspoon pepper Saute onion in butter until it is t,rtsnsparent.. Add remaining ingredients and cook, at - medium heat, turning oc- casionally until browned (about 20 minutes). 6 servings. FACEIIE ROYALE BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORK Sausages .Ib 7;:' TOILET TISSUE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, 2 -PLY SUPER -RIGHT RED' BRAND G! ADE:. PONE IN c,I Shoulder Rli41 BONELESS, POT ROAST Brisket Plat COUNTRY STYLE Pork Ribs SX BRAND Wieners SX BRAND, FROZEN Hamburg P4 ties r' BEEF n Pkg of 4 Rolls gue pie Action priced ! LIQUID JAVEX BLEACH JANE PARKER (Tart 'N Sweet 'N Good to Eat!) (ACTION ICED) JANE PARKER. PINEAPPLE TOPPED CherryPie Fill8tnch, 24oz pi �� Sweet Rolls Ji NE PAR"1 R ( (BUY 3 CAKES --a I$A 17c) 1" NE P • R'/ER, FROSTED Golden Loaf Cake 3,10 -oz cakes s 0 Ball Donuts u JANE PARKER H( E 6c) JANE PARKER, PRFMIU`A OUP l'.TY Chocolate Brownies 15.oz tray t Vienna Bread (BUY 2 SAVE ilc) 2 s*xGs — [ Pkgs of 8 89 ISAVI Ikl Pkg of 6 39a (ACTION 1111001 24 07 loaves $1.00 128 -fl -os plastic jug JANE PARKER BRAD 3 79c FIRM, RIPE Tomatoes