HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 20PAG* 8A---OODERICH SIGNAL-STA1., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973 x•WHAt'S NEW Ai HURIIKYIEW A Tum Athletic Award this year was won by the Senior Vikings Football team who captured the Huron -Perth Championship. Seen displaying the pennant and team -PECIALIZE AS \ LEGAL, MEDICAL OR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY! DId you know that Conestoga College offers a two year secretarial program at CLINTON? Some grade 12 graduates with good typing and shor- thand may complete the program In one year! Send 4i, clipping In now. I would like information on this full-time program designed for high school graduates or equivalent. Name -'- Address Phone Please return to: Registrar, Conestoga College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, 653- 2511 Ext. 261. GSS-LME trophy are team captains' Con Malady, Doug Fisher, coach Ray Donnelly and captains Brian MacKenzie and' Joe O'Keefe. (Staff Photo' ANN SANDERS SMS ... Dear Ann Landers: You seem to have a good understan- ding of the basic causes for fric- tion between brothers and sisters as well as trouble bet- ween parents and children. I have prepared a Recipe For Hate and I hope you will print pit. Take two or more children of any age, preferably young ones. Mix well with gifts. These gifts can be cash, real estate, trust funds, toys or dime store items. If one or more, of these children happens to be better looking, brighter or more char- ming, be sure to mention it frequently in the presence of the less favored child. This will' - make an impression on him he will never forget. Never miss an opportunity to brag about the brighter child's grades and achievements in. the presence of all the children. I can guaran- tee this technique will not only keep the flame of sibling rivalry burning but it will discourage the less able .child from trying_ t.P:.ac�at>1p�iah.4n�r.'t�t�ng,�1nGe. �,... will have decided he ' is hopelessly inferior. When these children are grown you will see the results of your early work, not only in terms of the alienation of the children, one from the other, .but in the ways the less favored child or children ignore you.--- Exhibit A Dear Exhibit: Well said. Not a day goes by that I don't see new Spring fashions from Gleneyr • proof of what you have written. Thanks for the testimonial. Dear Ann Landers: When a couple moves into a new home why do friends bring them bread and salt for luck? This must be an old tradition with special meaning. Please explain it. Thanks, Ann. ---Wanting To Know Dear W:T.K.: According to Hebraic tradition, bread represents the staff of Life. It is the staple ---the necessity. Salt represents the flavor. Salt is also symbolic of luxury because centuries ago salt was very precious. So the bread and salt _gift means ---"May you always have everything you need and some `added flavor as well." Dear Ann Landers: Please tell me what to do. I think I have really put my foot in it and I feel like a fool. I have a part-time job in an exclusive shop that sells lovely and expensive gifts.. A social friend of whom my,, llud and Iare -,quite: fond came in Iasi -Week k ani as1 et! me to help him select a piece of jewelry. I chose an elegant bracelet. While it was being gift -wrapped we chatted briefly and I made an off -hand remark which The*Huronview Auxiliary were hosts for the May Birth- day Party on Wednesday after noon. President Mrs.`Colclough introduced the program which was provided by members of the Various institutes. Mrs. Radford of Clinton played several piano melodies during the afternoon and ac- companied Mary ,Taylor, Nor - men Speir and Jerry Collins for some instrumental numbers. There were readings by Mrs. Shirray and Mrs. Clairmont, a piano solo by Mrs. Joyce Pep- per and mouth organ solos by Bob Turner and the program fini0 ed up with a IiVely sing song Following the singing of "Happy Birthday" gifts were presented to the twenty-three celebrants after which everyone enjoyed a social hour. Henry • Leishman thanked those assisting with the party on behalf of the residents. The residents were enter- tained on Family Night with a program from the Blyth, area arranged by Jim Lawrie. Everyone en,oved the jokes by seemed, at the time, most ap- propriate. I said, "Your wife will love this." He replied, non- chalantly, "This is not for my wife." I became flustered and blurted out (like an idiot). "You're fooling." He stiffened a little and replied, "No, I am not." ' Of course I would rather die than let anyone know about this purchase but I've seen the man five times since then and I have trouble looking him in the eye. He, on the other hand, is not the least bit ill at ease. It seems crazy that I should be uncomfortable when he's the guilty one. Any advice? ---Loose Lip Louella Dear Lippy: Yes. Tighten your lip, Louella. Next time, when a married man comes in to buy a gift, don't make any wild assumptions regarding the recipient. Mr. Lawrie in hie role as master of ceremonies as well as several Scottish numbers com- .plete with kilts. A group of young musicians from Blyth, Anne Thalen, Steve Walsh, Bill Burkholder and John Button played a medley of popular tunes with the Blyth Citizens Band playing some old favourites. There was step dancing by Karen Glousher, square dan- cing by Karen Young, Christine Chalmers, Jean Surtsima, Charlene Campbell, Dennis Knox, James Wharton, Johnny 9opd ancilf1 Nelson Caldwell. rs, Brown, pianist for the evening, accompanied Mrs. Cheryl Cronin for several vocal numbers. CRAFT ARTISTS Gruff~ icit STORE N 10:00 a.m. tot °1 2: 8 PA. to s8 PHONE S 24.6815 LOWER INTERESTRat T ES Now Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTR and FARM PROPERTIES Mrs. Mary Taylor, a lifetime resident of Blyth and who will son be celebrating her ninety- fifth birthday, expressed the ap- preciation of the residents for the program. Invitations will be going out soon to the senior citizens of the County to visit us during ,, Senior Citizens Week. Ontario wheat men seek marketing agency The Farm Products Marketing Board announced today that it had accepted, in principle, the proposal of the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board for agency .marketing of wheat. All wheat producers will shortly receive from the Wheat Board a letter explaining the proposal and notice of meetings to be held across the province. At those meetings the proposal will be explained and discussed by representatives of the Wheat Board. Producers will also be informed that their opinions regarding the proposal will be SUGARLESS GUM expressed at the meetings by IS CALORIE -FULL means of a secret ballot. Sugarless gum is calorie -full, If the result indicates reports Consumers' Association producer support for the ,na ,A0ostivkxe .. les . wroposal,. the, Farm -.,Products gum *lila about eight calories, Marketing Board will recom- while sugarless gum has about ,mend its adoption. This would seven calories per stick. CAC permit the expanded authority national headquarters is located at 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa. to apply -to the 1973 crop. Under the proposal all producer sales of Ontario wheat would be to the Ontario ' Wheat Producers', Marketing Board through appointed agents. Wheat used on a producer's own farm or sold to another producer for his use, will be exempt from the regulations. BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN100% MACHINE -WASHABLE POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS AND SWEATERS 713—V -neck, flat rib sleeveless shrink with candy stripes at waist. Sizes 38 to 42 Each 12.00 DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Ba ield Rd. 482-7971 Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED' ACCO U NTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 „Goderich, Ontario R. W. BELL ,OPTOMETRIST The Squire 524-7661 • Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 714—matching V-neck cardigan with long sleeves, candy stripes at waist 81zee 8 -M -L Each 15.00 D24—fully-lined front \ leated, regular length s in in solid shade. Si zipper closing. Slue to 18 Each .00 *OPPE Tl1E 'SQUARE + OODi ICH OPEN FRIDAY NICHT TILL 9 P.M. For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS -SHOES The Square Goderich • FRIGIDAIRE • WESTINGHOUSE • GIBSON • HOOVER Sales and Service JEWELL -BROTHERS:- APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich 33 EAST St. Goderich Goderich I -tea FRENCH Dry Cleaners It" 35 WEST ST 524-8452 , Interim Financing For New Construction & / Development For Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office - 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, p —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Ca wl�a ( Hayter of m as the n County w rep of Uel FORD cot° PLYMOUTH PONTIAC wok NO MATTERWHAT MAKE OF CAR YOLJ BUY Ws would be pleased to change It over to the world's best tire — MICHELIN, Michelin offers you • Longer life (50,000 - 60,000 miles) • A.minimum of 6% improvement In gas mileage • Far superior handling -ability • Snow tires not necessary • improved ride and i Safety. Drop In for pricd to change over your new car to: MICHELIN McGEE PONTIAC • BUI(K 524-8391 G O DERICH and the n the Bc sera from 1 huge burs through caring rn to ider d and gi tion to thi climbing r just as rece oughout to overs! o beeation exl s out of vsit. nday the Duce take t for_thE A limited e'invited afternoon s Bay. ous Baycountl', provides ming on !serrate h (the otl d). lice Laun view of Caribbeai for sever at the ba t yard it i register y astaking they 1 Your Ger i Bu HN JE $ Phone enitcomesto Anh HING ATING NG, lAl money . .gement, E we wrote the oo There are many very good reasons to save money. For a house, or a car. Sure, we could remind you of these good reasons to save. But we think it makes more sense to show yoy, how to manage your money in the first place. Which is precisely what our books are all about. They're called Focus on your Finances. And there are three. One is Personal Financial Planning.It shows you step -by- step budgeting in such areas as food, clothing, transportation, and recreation. Follow these steps, and you can budget your money for those good things you have always wanted, maybe a house or a car. And that's where our other two Focus on your Finances books come in. Because these books can help by showing you how to avoid some of the common pitfalls you might face when buying a house or a car. . Ask for our valuable books at your local Commerce branch. M They're free. Along with something • else that's valuable. Sound advice on choosing the right Commerce Account to help you manage what you save. Commerce Savings Accounts, Chequing-Savings Accounts, Personal Chequing Accounts; and for higher interest, savings ask about Term Deposits and Growth Savings Certificates. Do it today. y� CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF C ast o ned set i ntlnus Sia al during 1 to do he rata CHISHOLM FUELS Distributors For • PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * Free turner !Service • Furnace Financing * Gasoline 1 Diesel Fuets. " 524,1 681 529-7524 A oven DR E S RY ESIDI Com! W, Hour IO K.W. •K,q SOO K.1 hbnal E�cTa KW Iona Mo A III c You and the Comm Ite. lbgether v're both gong!!