HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 18PAGE 4A—GODERICH S1r,NA1..STAR. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973 Travel feature 4-M.r+ .w-•rlOa ua....--..�iMY.�WL�..WY�.I+�...iM.�1•�YYtl�itlt 1LW41��>/-,+wYv+•,•s...� For the average tourist, perhaps the British West In- dian Island of Montserrat represents much of what the other Caribbean islands do in the way of a winter retreat from,the cold of North America and certainly the pressures of a busy life in • Canada or the United States, • - At least Montserrat tries to offer those things but only suc- ceeds so far as its existing climate and way of life provide those things on their own. Although , the Montserrat Tourist Board notes on its travel pamphlets — "Do you seek the pleasure of unwinding from the stresses and strains of a busy . life, in the cool breezes of a green, peaceful tropical islands-- rt dust cannot offer the same sort of holiday a tourist might find in the Bahamas, Peurto Rico, Bar- bados or Trinidad It can not offer these things because it •dust does not have the heavy investment in big hotels, with their night clubs. casinos and high class bars. Montserrat does noti-lhave the charter boat lines to take tourists fishing for the Carib- bean trophy of their dreams. And remember, 'Montserrat is less than 40 square miles in size. Don't, however, from these observations, jump to the con- clusion that Montserrat is merely some small back water of 'the British West. Indies. What it lacks in foreign invest- ment in the tourist trade, it - makes up .and surpasses in real hospitality. and warmth. Any of the tourist islands mentioned above can offer a bright night life with top notch entertainment and an endless list of suggested activities for the tourist who might find him- self bored, but few can offer the unspoiled beauty and personal attention found on Montserrat. Although there are no Holiday Inns or Hiltons there. are several fine hotels „on the island, The Caribelle Inn , provides both rooms and chalets and comes complete with a swim- ming pool. During our stay we enjoyed,one of the finest meals of our Caribbean visit at the Caribelle. ' The Vire • Pointe Hotel • is another fine establishment providing a pool and beach side bars as well as a tennis court and -fine food. The ,Coconut Hill Hotel, one of the older accommodation services on Montserrat, offers a beach, a downtown Plymouth location and good rooms in a plantation type surrounding. The Emerald :Isle Hotel is located on a hill sloe of. the slol)e of. • Ieeside of the island overlooking the coastline, the Harbor and nearby Plymouth. Specializing in West Indian cuisine ,it provides entertain- ment, swimming pool and cocktail lounge. The Olveston House, one of the smaller hotels of Mont- serrat with only six double rooms, also offers .a' swimming pool and excellent Caribbean surroundings. Night life in Plymouth may be limited in comparison to some of Montserrat's Carib- bean neighbors but, it can be most enjoyable. Steel bandy, native to the island, put up the entertainment in comfortable and friendly surroundings. It's hard to picture all those bogged cars as y a, January snowstorm hits your home town while you sit beside a pool, overlooking the lights of .Plymouth and its harbor, with a steel band banging out those Caribbean rhythms. And so it should be. For North Americans the Caribbean, and islands like Montserrat, are a retreat and Montserrat lives up to that ex- pectation in every way. If one stops to consider it, though accommodation, meals and entertainment to pass. those warm Caribbean nights, are only one part of a vacation experience. Vacations mean different things to different people and in that respect it is fortunate an island like Montserrat still exists. An island that can offer the important gore of a fine holiday, good food and comfor- table accommodation, and still provide a place to let your hair down without the pressure of an endless round of formal cocktail parties and the like. Thirty nine and one half square miles may sound like a very small chunk of property to Canadians accustomed to thinking in terms of millions of square miles but it took Peg and me every bit of our two weeks to explore even a large portion of Montserrat. It is in that exploration that Montserrat can offer something other islands fail on. Millions of years ago the island was formed' through volcanic eruption, unlike many of the other Caribbean islands which are coral in formation. As a result skin and scuba divers may be disappointed in underwater exploration but hikers and campers will find climbing the steep,[ rocky 4nd jungle covered mountain sides a ohallange indeed. There are two "Soufriere Hills" high in the south moun- tains of the island— Soufriere meaning sulphur and the hills Joie Your Fellow Canadians on TRAVELLINGA'S 1973 -. Community Friendship Tour to the British Isles.I and Southern Ireland ., "You are invited / to . attend a SPECIAL PRE -TOUR FAMILIARIZATION COFFEE PARTY to be held 'on THURSDAY JUNE 7th at the ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH HALL, CLINTON beginning at 8:00 p.m. At this party we will be. featuring a film on Southern Ireland and The British Isles, go over the Itinerary of the Tour, meet the Tour Hosts Walter and Grace Forbes and answer any questions you may have. If you wish to attend please call Walter Forbes at 482-7858 in Clinton:'a4 22 DAYS — DEPARTING FROM TORONTO SEPTEMBER 9, 1973 This outstanding tour has been especially arranged for you and your fellow Canadians. You'll visit an Irish Castle where you'll enjoy a magnificent Mediaeval Banquet; "kiss" the famous Blarney Stone; mix with the rollicking Irish and hear their merry ballads in one of their friendly, traditional pubs: Dublin, with a history stretching back to pre-viking days. In Edinburgh you'll visit the magnificent Edinburgh Castle and the Palace of Hoiyrood House; visit the walled city of Chester; Stratford-upon-Avon and the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre; you'll spend 'four days in Europe's largest capital, London, where you'll visit Buckingham Palace; the Changing of the Guard, an evening at the Theatre. All this and much, much more. You'll fly with Air Canada Jet Service; stay at first class Hotels; all land travel by luxury modern motorcoach. r ` We ars happy to announce that this Tour will be personally eicor-' ted throughout by Wailer Forbes former Warden for the County of Huron. In 1971 Wailer led our most successful Community Friendship Tour to Europe and extends a cor- dial Invitation to you to join him and Mrs. Forbes on this outstan- ding Tour. Experienced Travellers, they are most . qualified and congenial hosts. Membership on this Tour is limited to 32 persons. Reservations are being accepted on a first-come, first -serve basis. For further information and Brochure call TOLL FREE 1-R00-R26S-5254 OR WRITE: VELUNGA'S WORLD-WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE LTD. 244 QUEEN STREET CHATHAM, ONT. 3S2 -31S0 actually being semi -active volcanos. Its quite a climb up into the cone from where one must park the jeep, but its an experience v ...+�.�.a...�••._.fert „r..w�........-.r..rrrwY... ,.+r-,+.+-.,.r„�ir�,+•�IrY� ..- ...+.. .-.,... .. - utation remained fairly dormant. A visit to the Soufriere Hills is a must foo the hardier, more adventuring tourist, the excit- ment heightened by the fact the edge of a river gorge. Agajfthe climb is worth the, energy expended. The waterfall brink is in a horse shoe shape with crystal well worth the. effort. Down in- side the volcanic cone itself you walk on crusted sulphur which once spewed out of the moun- tain top. Numerous geysers of hot steam still belch and the water running from the crevices is well above boiling in tem- perature. Combined with the tropical heat, the temperature makes it difficult to breath, especially since the smell of molten Sulphur lies thick on the air. At one point I knelt down to photograph some of the spur- ting steam and gave myself a rather nasty burn since the ground on which we were walking is also rather warm. The last time the volcano erupted was during the 1920's and since that time it has that only a very few feet beneath one's feet hot lava is still bubbling and ready to burst out again. On another hiking adventure we camped high in the southern hills, south of Castle Peak, and just downstream from the Great Alp Falls. The falls represents one of Montserrat's most impressive natural tourist attractions but getting to it makes the ex- perience all the more exciting. There are no chairlifts up the mountainsides, or roadways with a car park overlooking its splendor. To get there it means . a two to three hour elimb up the mountainsides along a goat path. The trail winds under thick tropical vegetations and at times clings precariously to Enjoy a ZNight Special in TORONTO The Lord Simcoe has -something extra for you- It's a 2 night special for two at a cost of only $5990. it includes deluxe accommodation Tor two nights, dinner in the famous ('alitain's Table complete with a champagne cocktail, breakfast each morning at (I a sightseeing 'tour of Toronto's many exciting attractions all for only $59.90, subject to advance registration, The Lord Simcoe is in the heart of downtown Toronto, close' to shopping, theatres and entertainment. You get something else that's special at til( Lord Simcoe it's friendly hospitality you will enjoy through- out your stay with us. Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned. Lord Simcoe Hotel (J) Sce your travel agent or contact us at: 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: 362-1848. clear water cascading down some 70 feet into a mountain pool. After the exhausting climb in 80 degree plus tem- peratures a shower under this falls can prove to be one of the most rewarding parts of the ex- pedition. .0001. vY1 r0iM11 %O. ..IMAM L�Y1L v... 000 COW,. _E. •Y. Ou.11ff 0.0.0•5LS 110 ...LAW .0114 M4Nv1 NL1.1 G.Nf 110 LTM.! f 1/LX,,MIViL1 -" N, ADNf 110 461010.1 OMIH/I.1 011i101.1 COCOM01 Will MOM That night we camped down- stream from the falls. A guide and bearer cooked our meals and helped around our camp- ' site. Across the river, high on the 'cliffs, we could watch the scurry of large . Iguanas, those ugly but harmless giant lizards of the tropics. Montserrat makes for safe outdoor holidaying. The Iguanas though huge, are har- mless. There are snakes but none poisonous and insects were few and far between during our visit. The only major danger is in the form of a tree- The sap of that plant, looking muat like the sap of a milk weed, is deadly poison. Taken internally it will kill in a matter of ho'trs and' if spattered4 on the skin (continued on page 7A) Vlo.r4 Ar k.‘ 1.001 S.0.t 1., GOVN00.00/0.61,MOOY 00.01 IrvNf ,.J/W 1104140u,0. FOR THE FINESt IN - HUNTING FISHING b SPORTS EQUIPMENT 10) HUCK'S1.0 SPORTING GOO 73 Hamilton St. S2 ILY of ndrew. (ding an a`, June in in he th Wed( Evervo 21,22 L 73 a 004"C iss. Con Collegit or � Lions 1,22 ND CA .AND E of Har .v June sponsor esley-til Tea tick( sur, .50c. 11. Wil u DRI t Ai CONCE in Florida the 15attecentall Ifs e., ««I� Vow .1114 3200 Galt. Ocean Drive, Fort Lauderdale 33308 M . • .0 • Acres of private ocean beach • heated pool, sun decks • luxurious rious accommodation•golf priviledges on 3 championship courses • free tennis on premises • superb (lining •nightly dancing and entertainment • visits to Walt Disney World available. See your travel agent or contact: Innkeeper, 212 King St. W., Toronto, Tel. (416) 3627537 FOR YOUR 1973 HOLIDAY YOU'D BETTER GO SUNTOURS SUNFLIGHTS 2 WEEKS -BARBADOS FROM $302.00 1 -WEEK -BAHAMAS, FROM $179.00 2 WEEKS -ACAPULCO_ FROM • $319.00 SUNFLIGHT INCLUDES: *Jet Mr Transportation from Toronto to your destination and return. * Air Conditioned Accommoda- tions with bath and full use of re- sort facilities. * Transfers between Airport and Hotel and return including the handling and tipping for one piece of baggage. *Sunflight Reach Bag. SUNFLIGHTS DEPART WEEKLY SUNTOURS 'BRITAIN FOR LESS' Special New CHARTER FLIGHTS ... WITH A DIFFERENCE s� FROM R9. TORONTO -LONDON -TORONTO hi! DIFFERENT BECAUSE: You fly the newest and quietest giant on the route.. . the magnificent DC-10. Gentle Giant comfort... big windows, room to stretch, walk around... a marvelous, roomy feeling. Free in-flight movies and stereo... superb meals.. . free first class bar... duty free shopping privileges. Departures for two, three and four weeks from Toronto every weekend. For more exact departure dates call us toll free at 1-800-265-5254 Cr•• CANADA WEST ROCKIES -8t PACIFIC 15 DAYS- $695 A fully escorted itinerary f Toronto visiting Calgary, Columbia Icefields, Jasper, toria and A'ancouver.Ind Economy ('lass Air Fare, ,e private m otorcoach ing, four breakfasts and six ners, First ('lass Acc f and handling and tipping piece of baggage per person GRAND PACIFIC CIRCLE - 15 DAYS $738.00 A fully escorted it aFrryf Toronto visiting San and environs, Portland, and a ferryboat cruise 1 Juan de Fuca Strait to Vic Vancouver, Fraser Canyon, per, Banff and Calgary, DEPARTS WEEKLY Jt'NE • SEPT.- BETTER EPT,- BETTER ' BECAUSE * You get a holiday that takes you there... and brings you back! * You get the best possible values!r *You get all the benefits of Suntours and the Royal Bank of Canada. * Last, but not least, you get the professional services and free advice VELLINGA'S WIDED TRAVEL SERVICE LID. 244 Qom Street, Chatham, Ontario TrevoIpMole 519.350 Call Toll Free 1-800-265-5254 P.S.----We look after all your Travel Documents! II, Its