HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 17CTIVE I8� I5>� I9� ,28 ,88 11 r WHERE ECONOMY, ORIGINATES mao-1-111111 11111r-11111,41111r------uNoE--- 1 WITH THIS COUPON ISWEET MIXED OR BREAD L BUTTER i Rose Pickles 20.FL OZ 4 3 ¢ JAR TIAT A EO E02nd, ONLY, STORES 1973 UNTIL SATURDAY, tcP SAVE 6? • 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON (PLUS RTL DEPOSIT) -I 26.FL-OZ Coca - Cola I I BTT 5/$1.00 VALID AT •LP WEO STORES ONLY, I I UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. hp I I I 1 Punch Powder IGIANT SIZE S8.OZ BOX 8 9 'DNI VALID AT ARP WEO STORES ONLY IUNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. SAVE 235' WITH THIS COUPON DETERGENT (BONUS PACK 1 1 SAVE 10? a 1 II 1 I rrMININM —E IMI 1.11 MIN -M--- MN NMI -r INN ----�- —— NE - - r INN NO 111111 MI 11111-- .111IS NM -- 1111 ION IN M. Ili s amu- amu- lir mu umum 1 1 N R'P 11 WITH THIS COUPON JO 1 WITH THIS COUPON' WITH THIS COUP 1 GLAD ...u.. r+.n, II I WINDOW CLEANER WE0"" , REGULAR OR LEMON ,,,, ;,�......eWEO I. 1-. Garbage Bags 11, Bon Ami 1 1 1 I OF 10 5PKG (r� SAVE 10? 2 69' AEROSSOLOLTIN VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. SAVE 10% 1 I Johnson Pledge ‘SAVE� 10,2( I I , AE O6785iSOLZ TIN VALID AT ATP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. iirNM—ION MI— NM 11111 -----I— r--- am ---II aa am -- MIr r - —1 II- -i -- — ■-i — — MN M- — M- II -t 1—I -Ell — so - - - id' 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON kP 1 1 WITH THIS COUPONkP gW..�...�n1 1 1 RED ROSE Schneiders Cheese SAVE I / iced Tea Mia SAVE I 12.0Z 13-0Z PKG 78 ¢ I JAR 59F, I I VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, 10fi ! 1 VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY 1O" I I Ill UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. I I • UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. i WITH THIS COUPON RLiG CLEANER Glory Spray 1 AEROSSOLOL TIN 2 $1 .44 -,•y TTr"'AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, IUNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. SAVE 25¢ 11 FARMERS' a MINN Ell 111111 EN MN NI mum 011111111111111111111111111 MINIM —I EN wai E. imm um um mu MI-IIT-- NMI NI — - Irl-- all NI -.- 111111 um ---- 1 WITH THIS COUPON kP WITH THIS COUPON kp 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON . kl' - ■ BORDEN, ALL FLAV•URS 0 BORDEN, ALL FLAVOURS WE°, 1 es mom omens VEGETABLE OR' BEAN TRIO UN. Elsie Popsicles Ice MiIkBick"s Salads - I SAVE( OPKG 7 F 12 6fit CARTON / SAVE , I �15 FL OZ 3 45i 951 ,1 Ai ALP WEO STORES ONLY, 1 1 VALID AT A&P WEO STORES ONLY, 15 VALID AT AEP WEO STORES ONLY, �" SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. UNill SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. 111 UNTIL 'SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. VALID SAVE 12? TIN - UNTIL 111111 111111111111 '.1111111111111 -1111- r — N — �-- r — - r■- — ..■ 1111 "Ill al - ----INN r --'- CLIP THESE COUPONS SAVE i 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Black Diamond 69? I PKG .VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. kP 1 1 1 SAVE 10¢ • --------- P --- — — -. - ow mu — — — mu mu an - -- — — — — - - -r WITH THIS COUPON BEEF OR IRISH Clark Stews kP 1 1 II MIXED OR RICE WeD .,. ,owaira,,, 1 1._IPAGH,FTTI 1-2 3 iN iOMATO SAUCF.1SAVE ' Heinz Baby Cereal SAVE Heinz Noodle Numbers -r �II 1 15•FL•OZ 1/69,iI I PKOG 18� r 19TINOZ 22s�T10 15 , I IVALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. � UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. a I I UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. a I all-- 111111 111111 111111 111111 NM---- 111111 111111 111111 EN ----- 111111 MI 11111 INN • r- MI Ii- 111111 1111111 NM Nil MN INN NMI NM —, r- NMI II- - II- -- 11111111111111 am im as -i 11 le, 1III I WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 8? WITH THIS COUPON • WITH PORK Heinz Beans 1/-FI-0ZTINS 2/35? Af I I WITH THIS COUPON kP SAVE 15� ORIOLE BRAND Soft Margarine TUB 3/59Y SAVE 251 WITH THIS COUPON FOUR VARIETIES, CAT FOOD 1` 1 Tender Vitiles ' PKGOZ SAVE 15? 6 2Oce I VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, a UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. ' -••- INN NM -- IiI--- INN MN NMI MN —r-- 1.1111 nu -- IIII Mil MN- S- - - ----I Ell 1111 - - Mill — Mill —all -- - - A 1 WITH kP 1 WITH THIS COUPON M' TH THIS COUPON 1 1 «eV 1 1 ASSORTED COLOURS � V I I DAYTIME 1111.n......,SAVE1.1 Delsey Toilet Tissue SAVE r Curity DiapersSAVE IIIII PKG OF 5. ' PKG 71/rOI ENVS 5951 ! 2 ROLPKG LS25e,, a (73002) I OF $1.2730 VALID AT ALP WE0 STORES ONLY,1ST 1 1 10" 1 VALID At ALP WEO STORES ONLY, 50" I UNTIL SATURDAY1973. VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, JUNE 2nd, 1111 IIII 111111. 1 UNill SATURDAY, JURE 2nd, 1973. UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. IIIIIIIIIII MIN 111111 11111 all IIIIII ail • imme"." all Mill In IIIII an MN 111111 Ell IIIIII IIIII 11111 ME mil ER IIII am Illa 11111 l- - - —I--1 ma am - - ----- --- all kr) 1 WITH THIS COUPON kl' 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON Iv 1 1 IIRDSEYE, FROZEN ' Yr/ , I FROZEN, WHITE OR PINK LEMONADE I Frozen, Chocolat• or Vanilla layer ORO ,,� arm • Izza Stix Minute MaidIISara Lee Cake .4E-0_„ SAVE 111 L0= SAVE SAVE 1 " 131 -OZ 5511 PKG S 9 i 12•Fl-OZ 1CAKE VAllp. !l'" d• TIN 95z' 10 I 1 1O¢ 1111111 SATURDAY,WE0 STORES ONLY, r JUNE 201 VALID AT A&P WEO STORES ONLY, VALID AT ALP WE0 STORES ONLY, II E 2nd, 1973• 1 1 UNLIT SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, 1973. I UNi,L SATURDAY, JUNE 2..d, 19/3. Mil le ~- a - -- -1-- I 11111 all -I M---- — — nun `��III MIL --Nil ----SMR---—INN --- MIN --wl AP. ' 1 WITH THIS COUPON AP 1 1 WITH THIS COUPON (kP 1 AINfBORO 1 HOLIDAY FARMS, FROZEN "�j 1 1MO ROW MOM, STOUFFER', . ..►,tN Cabbage Ro Is Macaroni & Cheese -I 1bb SAVE1i 12.OZ 4149 PK(f 49j r273, /� PKG / 5 / 1 Q 1 1 VALID AT AAP -WED STORES ONLY, VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, ` I I UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. I I UNI,( SATURDAY. JUNE 2nd, 1173. ~�M--- IINomen----------i—.I---- UNTIL SATURDAY; AT ARP EJUNEO2nd, S 197J:'� WITH THIS COUPON SWING Orange Crystals WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON a U011, FROZEN, WHITE Bread Dough 16.01 LOAVES VAlp YEEO2O ONLY, SATURDAY, JUNnd, 1973.1111 SAVE 10¢ VALID AT ALP WEO STORES ONLY, UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973. SAVE' Mie 1 1 1 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1973—PAGE 3A • Some Huron staff resigning in June By Wilma Oke The policy review committee presented their final report at a meeting of the Huron County Board of Education at its meeting in Clinton Tuesday. Jobn Broadfoot of Brucefield, chairman of the committee reported that his committee had spent many hours reviewing the policies and that the Director of Education, D. Cochrane, had • spent' hours rewriting the policies to meet the wishes of. the committee, Mr. Broadfoot reported there are 23 new or amended policies to be recommended to the Board for its approval. Cayley Hill, Chairman of the Board, stated these policies are the guidelines by which the Board operates and he said he - believed every item should be looked at carefully, just to follow through that this is what the members wanted for board policies. "This is a very impor- tant •subject. Take a look at this; Give it the attention it • deserves," Mr. Hill advised. On the review committee chaired by Mr. Broadfoot were J.P. Alexandq,r of Wingham;- K.C. Cooke, Clinton; Herbert Turkheirn of Zurich, Mrs. D. Wallace of Goderich and John Westbrook of Goderich. The Board scanned about half' of the policies and the procedures at the- meeting and at the June meeting ,will scan the rest and then approve them if satisfied they are properly updated and -will meet the current needs of the Board. In other business the Board 'received two resignations of non -teaching personnel --Eric W. ,Jolly„ bus driver at Grey Central Public School, effective •April 30 and Frank Wildfong, senior custodian at Exeter Public School, effective June 20, retirement in accordance with union agreement. The following resignations were received of teaching staff, effective August , 31: Clinton public School, • Miss Edythe Beacom, J. Graham, Mrs. San- dra Billson,, Mrs. Helen Craig and J. A. Gray, principal; Colborne Central Public School, Mrs."Jeanne Stutz, also Blyth. East Wawanosh Public School, Mrs. Nancy Campbell; Exeter Public School, Mrs." Margaret Turnbull and Mrs. Doris Weigand; Grey Central Public School, Mrs. Jane McDonald; Hensall Public School, Mrs. Shari Burton; Holmesyille Public School, Mrs. •Jean Eaton; Howick Cen- tral Public School, Miss WaverleyGoforth, - Miss Lorraine Wilson and • Miss Mary M'ae Schwartzentruber; Hullett Central Public School, Mrs. Nancy Weber; Huron Cen- .tennial Public School, Mrs. Karen Menheere; Huron Hope School for Trainable Retarded, Mrs. Janet McAdam; Robert son Memorial, Public School, Miss Bonnie -Ann Perdue; Seaforth Public Schocil Mrs. Charlotte Baechert; Mrs. Marilyn Hohner and Mrs. Brenda Holland; Stephen Cen- tral Public School, Mrs. Shirley Mousseau; Turnberry Central Public School. Ronald" Wall; Victoria Public School, Miss R. McKague; Mrs. Carol Nivins; Wingham Public School, T. Stewart Beattie principal. and Mrs. Vera Elliott; and Queen Elizabeth School for Trainable Retarded: Eric Eberhardt. Central Huron Secondary School, James Cooper, Gurnos James and William Thurlow;, F. E. Madill Secondary School, Mrs. Barbara Green, Miss Lynda Kennedy, Emery Stuckey and N.M. Wolsey; Seaforth District High School, Mrs. Larisa Tymchyshyn; South Huron District High School, Morley Sanders, Vice- principal, Victor Dinnin, Miss Patricia Gilleland and Miss Laurette Siegner; Goderich District' Collegiate Institute, Jack D. McLean; and Board of- fice --William Carter, Psychologist. The Board approved the establishment of a media cen- tre --the board will seek the ser- vices of a media co-ordinator with duties to commence- as soon after June 1 as a supply teacher can be engaged or' as soon after June 30 a person from outside the -county is engaged; and that the Board establish a foilr half -days a week courier service on a tract basis to provide twice -a -week delivery from the Educational Administration Centre to all , the Board's schools in the County. That the service provided by the incumbent audio-visual aid technicians, Messrs. Turland and Bridges be continued for the present time. Mrs. M. Zinn, Chairman of the Educational Committee, in presenting the recommendation to the Board for the courier ser- vice reported it would mean a saving of $1,700 on postage alone. The couriers would carry audio-visual materials, mail, books, etc. John Broadfoot expressed his; concern that it would be a costly thing, costing twice as much as the present system, when one considered mileage. The tenders for the courier ser- vice will be presented to the board for approval 'and at this time they will have a chance to weigh the costs against the con- venience to the teachers and the administrative staff. R.B. Allan said that courier service was used in Kent County where he had been for- merly employed and had been successful. There the boatd owned a van and paid an ,em- ployee as a courier. Proposed amendments toOnt.WPMP announced The Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board announced today notices were mailed to Ontario wheat producers May, 23rd -outlining proposed amendments to the existing Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Plan. Under authority of the • On- tario Farm Products Marketing Board, the notice to producers provides for information meetings to be held at which n expression of opinion by secret ballot will be conducted by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food, Extension Branch per- sonnel. The notice, mailed to over 22,00(1 persons listed in the 'board's mailing. system, con- tained dates and locations of meetings to be held in 32 coun- ties across the province' within a four day period, June 4, 5, 6 and 7. Chairman of the Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board, Fergus Young, R.R. 1, Ennismore, Peterborough • County, said board directors will be in attendance at all the information meetings to ex- plain the p9oposed amend-- ments and what they -will mean to producers and the industry in general. Mr. Young conveyed the l "nlie that producers will take the opportunity to attend the meetings and support the .proposed amendments in strength. The board chairman said the basic issue is simply that the marketing board wants to get the best price possible for wheat producers. He said directors feel this can be accomplished by amen- ding the present marketing plan to allow -the marketing board to purchase and sell the entire crop of wheat rather than just the volume declared to be surplus a to domestic requirements as administered under the present marketing plan. In the notice- to producers, it was pointed out that '"world wheat prices have soared to new levels. The world market continues strong. Current prices in Ontario do not now 'reflect the higher world prices. Present board authority does not provide the marketing •mechanics necessary to take ad- vantage of such price levels to the benefit of producers". Mr. Young concluded by saying if the producers support the -amendments to the satisfac- tion of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board, the new marketing system could be _ implemented for the 1973 crop which will be harvested begin- ning in July. 11111 OU•,iTr nUM,(S 5,",,,1.. 10,000 satisfied families live in HALLIDAY HOMES q. • COLONIAL } • 1V en* Obits ick That says a lot for Halliday quality - and value! Home buyers builders developers — they re all building The Halliday Way, Our computerized construction makes the difference It s geared to quality, speed and economy Halliday s 3 5 different models and dozens of optional floor plans mean your hone can be as individual as you are Don t take our word for it though. Ask your Halliday Dealer to show you some of the Halliday Homes in your area Hell also help you find a lot. arrange a mortgage and the necessary sub -trades to complete your new home The HalIIda Way .ti r --- MAIL THIS COUPON –get all the facts about building The Halliday Way! rIAML ADDRESS CITY PHONE f^r(,g,.1,s . /) (, 1 'r ; , 5(); nrt.)q.. `Nalliday `Homes `Ltd. D. SAGER CONSTRUCTION ZONE 210 •MILL ROAD GODERICH, ONT. Phone 524-9530 Hallidays makes Home Ownership Easier •