HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 12--110-1AMIV AND -- COUNTRY 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1972 PL1'MOI" TH Fun 11 2 door hardtop 14,000 actual miles Many extras Phone 529 768:1 one owner ---22'2.1 3A. - PET STOCK - • BEG 1s, IsbeEy*-Frisk Setter pup- pies, rich inahogan% red colour Parent, t)oth champions Phone Mr4 1•'! re!i.e Pullets 482.7896- 22 110 )I'I \I I' �' l',I '•111 ,�1 \tun ��•' 1•.v,i'r )/ICI!!i„ „nin�a c l rt( 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE eA. BAILEY • Real Estate Ltd. NEW E..PjTiNG' 2 miles north of Clinton on Highway 4.:)0 acres witch sprang fed pond and excellent ofd brick home Ideal hobby farm. 62 acres on highway. near a village Good clay loam s011. log house, ,reek on property • .. _ores t hot , .to post ,)face and shot )in a inton Lxv dim n iI tile. 7•roonl stucco home in nearby )Ilage New oil furnace. small barn on property Priced to sell' Henmrller - 1 1 2 tore frame home on 1 arre lot. wrath heated workshop Lots of trees New :i bedroom brick bungalow in Clinton, built to your specifications. Inquire now if you need ;one this v&. r Choice of lots,. Fully equipped restaurant with modern *living quarters in Huron- 1'aunt. 'Iwo separate river lots, ap- proximately one acre each, on the Maitland River; 200 feet of river frontage, hardwood hush. Easy ac- cess. FOOD FOR 'THOUGHT Everv'hodx wants the same thing ---- MORE Mason Bailey, agent Dorothy Schneider, agent PHONE 482 9371 1MMEDIATE possession 1 1 2 stored 2 or :3 bedrooms, garage, and basement All in good state of 'repair Must sell App13.• 482- 7902 - ''2,2.)x HARM FOR SALE: Small acreage, good land, barn, nearly new house, electric heat, full basement, located partially In Dungannon' village . -_Marvin Ihirnin, Dungan. - non Phone 529-79;37-22,2:3,24 8CENI(' LOTS for sale Gloucester 'Ferrate Goderich , Overlooking Gulf Curse. Appy Chapnla.-s, 1' () Box 198 Clinton 482-9410, 482- 7082-.2'2,-':3,24 1101's : - large six ulg room, ex ,ellr'nt kitchen, dining room, fi°)ur he'lroopls, 1 1 2 bathrooms, fireplace, oak floors, large lot, garage, etc Phone 524-7586, let the phone 'ring. -22 LOOK OUT FOR THE HIDDEN "EXTRAS" You can get mortgage money at competitive rates without paying commissions, bonuses or hidden lees. We provide all t;•pes of mor- tgage money and we specialize In purchasing existing mortgages.' So come to the company that has built its business on experience and friendly service. Niagara Realty Ltd. 48 THE SQUARE, GODERICH 524-8357 e treat people the way they like to be treated. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. Auburn area. 102 acre dairy farm, 9 room house with bath and oil furnace, barn 64 x 70, ;table cleaner, milk house with hulkcooler, silo with silo unloader, :3)I milk cows, 10 heifers, im- plenlents Homesville area. Highway „property, 176 acres good farm Jand, no buildings. .80 acres in Goderich Township, 8 room . frame house, barn 50 x 6) ) 2 miles South of Goderich on High- way 21, 154 acre, 9 room Krick house bath and oil furnace. Karn 55 95, silo,llrilled well. 15)) acres between Holmesville and Goderich Highway 8. C. BURUMA, R.R. 2 CLINTON. 482-3287. SALESMAN FOR K.W. COLOUHOUN LIMITED., CLINTON. ALEXANDER le CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE GODERICH PHONE 524-9662 RETIREMENT COTTAGE Beautiful xear around 3 bedroom, furnished cottage north of Hayfield on Lake Huron , fireplace, well, large treed lot Hrick :3 bedroom , full basement,' good location, large lot, excellent farnik home, moderately priced. VLA SUBDIVISION Nearly new hru k bungalow, Targe lot.- a well built home, one mile east of Godenc h. Family room: living room with fireplace, gas hot water heating, attached garage. Low taxes DREAM HOME IN COUNTRY ideal retirement home close to Point Farms Provincial Park and i,ake Huron. Good two storey red Krick home, drilled well, barn, implement shed Fifty acres of good land , easily rented if desired, owner retiring immediate possession. COTTAGES See lis for your summer cottage on Lake Huron. Now is a good time to buy. Ask us about one at Huron Sand's (near Kingsbridge) on the lake and one only five miles north of Goderich among white birch trees with good view of Lake Huron Only $12,500. 4 -BEDROOM WEST SIDE Beautifully landscaped, almost new brick, 2 storey with double garage, electric heating, finished recreation room, laundry room main floor, large attractive kit - (hen. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Nearly new split level with garage, very attractive well maintained, modern home 'in choice location, gas hot water heating. 3 BEDROOM - NEW Three new homes, brick, West- side, Electric Heating, close to schools, nearing completion, ready .Tune 30th. Ask to see these at yonr convenience. MOBILE HOME 1962 Sky Line 10 x 53 furnished two bedroom, with side exten- sion, enlarging living room, built in stove, washer and dryer, priced low to sell at -$5,500. Ex- ( -client year round retirement or young married couple. INCOME PROPERTY Park House on West Street, pyerlooking Lake Huron. 15 bedrooms, -two dining rooms, two kitchens. Great possibilities. immediate possession. Open for offers. BERT ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine 8t., Tel. 524-7836 ' GERRIE & BERNICE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel. 529-7924 LES PENTLAND, 182 Cameron St., Tel. 524-9047 DON ABERHART, 38 Britannia Rd. W., Te1.,524-7216 • • PAGE 12-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY MAY 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED Wardtman G Strack ltd. Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloos oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without embarrassing credit investigation; for confiden- tial, competent service, for mor- tgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 744- 2264. 5A ROOM AND BOARD I(00'1N1 ANI>-BOAE31) .l\.ltl,lhlr' toi ie,pon-sibse And reli,Il le ,;entlem.ln ,'\)'rl)ni;, -i21 )o;.si s l -),f ;6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT LIGHT housekeeping rooms, fully furnished, including T. V. illias Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street, phone 524.8642-I8tf THE KEN"[' HOUSE furnished rooms with living room and kitchen privileges. Phone 524.84;33 or 524- 7177.-18,19,20,21,22 24.7177. -18,19,20,21,22 THREE bedroom town house for rent 111 A'ai.stra. R R ',, Clinton. j1() 1))) 1s'r month. all utilities paid Phone 182 9712 or 1s2 7190 ;111%1111W NH ROOM available. Kitchen facilities. Phone 524-6261) THREE bedroom farm hous(, ` II modern conveniences, 14 miles north of Goderich on Highway 21. Phone 524-7756.-7-21,22 FURNISHER 4 bedroom home last 2 weeks of .June $100.00 per week Phone 524-7885.-21,22 LARGE 2 htdrtrom apartment close to square. Phone 524-1)906 after 9 pm. -21,22 • ROOM to rent with separate skit, chen. Phone 524-2198.-22tf WANTED one or two girls to share expenses of a modern two bedroom furtished apartment. `Phone '524- .9171.-22 7. WANTED TO RENT 111. WANTED to Rent three bedroom house or apartment by July 1st. Phone collect 284- 3292.-20,21,22,23x WANTED to Rent - Three or four bedroom house to rent in Goderich. Phone 524-7584 after 6 p.m. -20,21,22 WORKING couple require house in Goderich area. Phone 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 524-9344, after 6:00 p.m., ' 524-9353:-29tf WANTED 3 bedroom cottage for 1st week of .July in Goderich area. Phone 524-9074 evenings -22x WANTED -to Rent, two or three bedroom house with one or two acres of land. With a chance to buy. in the vicinity of Goderich. Call I- 519-623-7947.-22 - 519-623-7947.-22 WANTED:3 bedroom house by Aug 31. Close to schools. Phone 524- 6960.-22,23 AREA SALES PERSON required to ,ell in nn)tr►l guaranteed mor- tgage ►tlyestlnent tor Tax Savin8 Plan. App1x Box 190 Clinton News lie( ord. Clinton, Ont 19,')2 • 11"AN-TH:D a to -note coach to assist a, mother' helper for large family during .lul% " and August. Call ('„llert 1-519•04,M 44:32 19,20,21 22 SA1.ES('1,E11K for ladies ready to wear Reply to Box :37 eo Signal - Star, :37 West St. Goderich-22 STUDENT to do ha1)srtttng and farm errand". live in, weekends off. State wages. Write Box 38 c'o Signal Star, 37 West St. Goderich, Ont. ---22 SALES POSITION for non sales ,---p'')1)1e \Ve don't look for people with a sales background, even though we are a sales company of- fering a well paid sales position. We want people who .are interested in serving their community. Sales ex- perience )s secondary. For an inter- view, write Mr .lames Edgar, Box 12:3, Listowel, Ontario, or call 291- :37633 after 5:00 p.m. --'22 VGLt'NIE DEALER in new and used cars. Generous commission and weekly draw. 'Apply in writing to Box 220,. Clinton News Record. --22 • AVON (-'an Help Make Ends Meet - Earn the money you need for your family selling Avon. Write Avon Products, 17 i11wkesbury Avenue, London, Ont. ---2(1,22 LADIES - enjoy steady year round income introducing friends to the wonderful ►few' Cameo paint tube decorating"hobby. Completely plan- ned part' selling program. Work at. your convenience. Liberal guaran- teed earnings Bonus & prizes. Call Nora C'urrell 524-9687 to arrange for your -•personal interview to oh- tain full detail:-t'i,w GODERICH Auto Supply requires store manager. Apply Box :39 c Signal -Star. --22 -BARTENDER for evenings only APPLY AT CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT or p ne 524-7711 ford a . a ointment 9. WANTED (General) BASS, Guitar Player, to complete a Dance Band Trio now -forming;. Please phone after 5:0(1 p.m. 524- 8843.-21,22. . WOULD like' transportation to • Zurich Monday to Friday from July 3 to August 24. Would pay going rate. ('all 524-8123-22 ('HiSHOLM T.V. has a number of customers who Want good used an- tenna systems. If you wish to sell your antenna system, phone 524- 9576. We will try and place thein for you. --22 WANTED -One :30 foot T -V Tower. Contact Wallace Conn. Phone :357-3337 or 528-2040.---22x COUNTY Employee seeking fur- nished apartment near square. 3'O 41'Li:'FJ- household ellc•t.s ,u Phone 5?4-2188 9 a.m. to 4 jsm)ill lots watate4, ('all (' .1Z E Flo intim., 521 72:31 i;tf i Required Immediately CLASS A LICENSED AUTO MECHANIC All fringe benefits. Good remuneration. Clean. Large modern shop. Apply to: McGEE PONTIAC-BUICK GODERICH 1 HELP WANTED Clinton Raceway Requires several, people to Serve as sellers, ,cashiers, sellers runners, cashier runners, sheetwrlters, calculators, etc. Persons with cash experience, go with figures, pleasant personality and able to meet th. 1P' public will be given preference. Ali formes employees must also submit an application. Applications must be in writing arld will be abcepted up until Saturday June 16th. ' training will be given to Inexperienced help. Good wages and working conditions. Duties to start Sunday July1,lst and continue each Sunday through Sept. 23. APPLY IN WRITING TO ARCHiE HUNTER 199 CAMERON ST: GODERICH, ONT. BY JUNE 16TH 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 11 EBI:R'S s1-;WW'AGI•: I)ISPOSAI. 81-;1 \ICI: We pump 113)11( tanks, , esspools, etc Modem equipment used. 15 `'ears experience. Phone or ,o rite Lloyd \Veber and Son, 887- 1,700 Brussels-- 171311 11 AN'T'ED lawns to cut on Satur- wl.Ivs and on holidays. Reasonable' rates apply at 91 West St call bet- ween .-1 • 5:3(1 pm. 524.6627.--20m. 12. AUCTION SALE RATHWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 ,hit 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE cerrlent work, 11111 •,;r'n1 ra'l clean-up Paul Lassaline, ;,1),ne 52-1-7158 -gLitf VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn 1)ONN'T settle for less take the best ('hone Karlo's Plastering at am tinie I'ron)pi ser\ ice, Lllcall 227 150:1-g,,,7,t 1 PERMA DRIVE PAVING and Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing " Free Estimates Phone 524-6623 Goderich HURON PINES ELECTRIC • 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL WATER WELL DRILLING Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Fr-ee estimates. 5" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call Collect 855-4605 TWILIGHT AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ANTIQUES at The Auction .Rooms 1 MILE SOUTH OF GODERICH ON -HWY NO. 21 Friday Evening June 1, at 7 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; Westinghouse automatic electric clothes -dryer; Westinghouse electric . stove; 4 refrigerators; 5 pce. chrome set; 5 kitchen chairs; pressed -back chairs; pressed back arm chair; rocking chairs; chesterfield and 2 chairs; china cabinet; rugs; mats; 3 dressers; 3 beds; wardrobes; wicker fern stand; oil lamps; crocks; copper boiler; clocks; dishes; fruit jars; electric heaters; tools; power lawn mower etc. etc. Terms - Cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE TERMS CASH 12:30 SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Gordon Brindley Farm- 11/2 miles north and 1/2 mils east of Carlow or 7 miles north -oast of Goderich, Ont. TRACTORS OF ALL SIZES & MAKES 141 WD 6, ED 40 AC, MM 445 with loader, 8N & 9 N Fords, Case 430 with Loader, J -D 520, Ford 871, MF, 650 with Loader. EQUIPMENT , MF 36 12' swather, Versatile 12' swather, Ford 615 12' swather with conditioner. 1-H No. 16 Harvester with hay and corn head, Fox Blower, Versatile sprayer with 50' boom. A. -C 5.16" bottom semi -plow, 1-H hay bine, 1-H 16' cult, M -H 68 Baler, M -H Super 66 Baler, 2 -M -H Side Rakes, J -D mower, M -F manure spreader, 50 gal of Surfactant Base for Atrazine spraying, Large section of Snowmobiles, Including 6 new Polaris machines, Riding Lawn Mowers. etc. TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE GODERICH 524-6451 LUNCH BOOTH ON THE GROUNDS Auction Sale of New FURNITURE, APPLIANCES & GIFTWAR'- at BALL AUCTIONS BRUSSELS, ONTARIO DIRECTLY BEHIND THE QUEENS HOTEL Friday, June 1, at 8 p.m. Featuring: Matching stove and refrigerator, In avocado gold or green, Deluxe side by side refrigerator (foodarams) by Leonaird. Matching washer and dryer, colour and black & -whits T.V.s, several stylet of chesterfield suites, Spanish and maple bedroom suites, bunk beds, coffee end tables, prism lamps, :Way lamps, polo lamps, kitchen suites, continental box spring and mattresses, desks,- lazy boy chairs, "automatic zig zag sewing machines, tapestries, dishes, swords, plus many other Items too numerous to mention. Salesconducted weekly by Ball Auctions Auctioneer: R.A. Ball Lunch booth and seating provided 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ROGER Magestic Colour 'I'.V.'s, Antenna Sales and Ser- rit'e, contact A1vin's 'I'.V • , 162 Mary Street, phone 52.1 9089. ---gt f 13. SERVICES AVilli PRESS OPERATORS Required Immediately We require operators to run our heavy presage our plant in Mitchell, Ontario. - No experience needed. - Rate of Pay - $2.84/hr. Plus Bonus, -- Company Paid - Life Insurance' In surance; Hospital Insurance; M Sick Pension Plan. t edical InsurerE�l APPLY IN PERSON TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St. Stratford, Ontario "Good Used (or Prices Will Rise" this is pretty well an accepted fact,,, BUT! - you can still make a reasonable deal on any units that are left which we adver. tised last week. As our FISCAL YEAR-END SALE WHICH IS MAY 31, 19.1 1972 MATADOR WAGON V-8, automatic, Power steering, Power Brakes, 35,000 miles, new radial tires - Like new condition - Uc. No. DHE -295.. '339 1972 JEEP COMMANDO WAGON Demonstrator, 1,400 miles, fully equip- ped. Lic. No. DHE -289. Sacrifice 'Price - Limited Offer. t '' 1911 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM WAGON "Fully equipped with every option In- cluding .air conditioning, Radial tires, All heavy duty etc. One owner 40,000 miles, Uc. No. AOE-154 Prlce- 1971 '399 $349 FORDCUSTOMFORDCUSTOMFour door, V-8, automatic, Power Brakes andSteeringVinyl Interior, One owner, 32,800 miles, LIC. No. DHF 681 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 1970'. AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, V-8, automatic, Power, Air Conditioning, new tires, One owner, 46,000 miles, Uc. No. DHE 296- 90 Day Unit - Must be Sold - asking price - 249 1969 PONTIAC LAURENTIA Two door hardtop, V-8 automatic, new 595 white walls, Lic. No. DHB-264, and1 Priced to clear at only - 1968 CHEV. WAGON V-8 automatic, Power equipped - Lic. No. FNZ 6571 PRICE $1195 OR $ 1 398 WITH NEW PAI 1968 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, economical 6, automatic, radio etc. Lic. No. DHE 290 - To Clear. '1095 1968 REBEL REALCLEAN Two door !Atop,' 6 cylinder automatic, 1195 radio white walls Lk. No. DHE,- 291 "This is taartiai Listing Only" We have a good number of Ar some its priced from $200.00 and up. Also a real sharp trade -Ins arriving s o so ON THE SPOT FINANCING -TOP TRADE IN ON YOUR CLEAN COMPACT TR FINA GRAF'SSERVICE JEEP -AMBASSADOR -JAVELIN -AO MATADOR -HORNET -GREMLIN 52011 BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH JOHN GORD MUNROE, re WIC ENOI ne 522. SCA TO £(CAVA ACKH( RAVEL ciegh LE MC CLINTO STI 01 Corr (ate the nt, See AU1 ID AC EL T01 RUI CONS AND El R. No. Phont KE PLI is -Mol Sales - airs to Britan Ph. 52 LICI RICI Par qw a 51 RR 6( 529 RAD Flee les Repo All Ito l 60 PI( wli ) Si TA 11 DER RK Writ' ars Pho 124 WIC 21 111 iOA 111