HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 114 1M e' K Craw, yard „y, •1 50 yard enny M 50 yard (stsftp r, 046. both 100 both$ i111 A, a A• CN siGNAL.groJIWRSllAY, MAY 4_1�-1973--PAGE_ UES FOR SALE ECTAL GROUP YS LOAFERS and $ SS SHOES RUIN Godorlch ION -L» ii“ut Nur S1AGElt nitichltir notion:, txkrng a t Service to 1+11 aiaki•r , Enquire al„out ,,111 .-20t1 s,,ure tre.11c,l wit > nl r hlr �1: �- i,.. , � ,d•, �1�r� I,.I til i the1 it SIJA` n. uJ 't ;1111, th•r.�r p3\till t alar, cs. early, late and Irl- 0 127 «icder ,23 100% POLYESTER BLAZERS '8.9 9 EA• GAIN BOX Square, Goderich your 1111111,1 1 , ntrurtlun Canlr,l In -i1 1.; --.. ;VW hut. Irl t .1 I' '" k urninirl• t 1 $297) l lits 11, mlh�„t1, S n( Oho' r1�,i from the si,,,. SDI' ifs;110 111, 51 - Lr11, bound game, with toff Hot Wheel, .ars Troll Runner Conlplet( ay. puzzle •$1 I„I, h:lec II gang. ' 1 n1), ,,Misfit rr'that! Sac, tine ler- power Int baseball -:,lit._ 1,11r1 - difficulty A\ izzcr . 524.9106 - I+I fry, (; If equipment. haII,. ices. personalized fret putters, one old ten lyd n tinct $5110 Phi,ne 9tf ne CIAL GROUP ENS LOAFERS PS & OXFORDS SS SHOES ere-Gederich NA '73 NTIAC STRE TICKET WITH AY PURCHASE GAIN BOX Square, G,oderlch IANT •STORE„ EHOUSE SALE $AVEU$AV E a couple of exam. Savings you'll find. E'2OO,00 Style 2 place ilRFIELD SUITE ST $39 9 END TABLES IN 1/2 PRICE (LAMPS "5 0% OF (KSTONE RNITURE tits, Q0DERICH DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 1-2 O'CLOCK SJIARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCKFOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER. 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE TAMPS: 'Canada, U.S.A., World -s BLACK ANI)'WHITE T.V.and w ult., single purchases or approvals. stand. Apply 91 West St. --20 Bonus with purchases. . 524-9106 SPECIAL GROUP MENS LOAFERS AND OXFORDS $9 112-$1 ROSS SHOES On The Square „ Goderich AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner !ternoves rust. lime and mineral rlepo.lts SInij)Iy place in the corner of vour toilet tank. Available at i 1 lltnever Plumbing and Heating Kingston Street, Goderich--gl4tf Rabbit cages and supplies are available at. Sleepy Hollow Rab- bitry. A variety of styles and prices n feeders and water cups. 1 114 • miles south of Whitechurch on 1011.1;3. East Wawanosh.-Phoria HODGE-PODGE Polaroid Swinger i•.imera $3.00, Lighter fluid hand warmer 50c, triple tense magnifier 510c, 524-9106.-®19tfne SPORTSWEAR Clearance Racks $2 - S3 -$4 BARGAIN -BOX - The Square, Goderich 1572, 60 x 12, MOBILE HOME, -_,like new. Meneset Mobile ('ark, phone 524.9895.-19tf l"341'1' -STEP, the easy essay to buy better concrete steps. No waiting for oncrete to set.. Over 100 sizes in stock. Enhance the beauty and value of your home With precast -Leel reinforced concrete ['nit Steps.: Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Phone 527-1320, Seaforth".-19 to 22, 24 to 26. - citation, Golden Falcon, Holiday 'Travel 'Trailers; Bellevue, Woods, Olsen Tent Trailers; Truck Toppers; ('restliner, Springbok, Chrysler Boat:; & Motors; Hitches & Tenting Equipment. ('AMP -OUT, RENTALS, SALES. Huron St.' W. Stratford: :39.3-5938.--g16-30 SPECIAL GROUP Children's & Misses STRAPS & LOAFERS , ROSS SHOES On The Square Goderich GIBSON-EB3 Bass Guitar, 2 -Pick up. $350.00. List $610.00. Phone 524-9372.-20tf. 'i'i1REE rooms of furniture, four rugs. Phone 524-6984 before 12 anon. ----20,23 NEW Mattresses and Chesterfields at reasonable prices C & E new and used furniture 1 mile s. on Bayfield Rd. Dial -524-72:31--20,21,22,2:3 GERANIUMS, IViES, Petunias, Pansies, astres, alyssum, marigolds, tall and dwarf, Salvia, Snaps, celosia, impatiens, portulaca, tomatoes, cabbage. -Keith Musser, 156 Eldon St., opposite the race track. --19,20,21,22 BOUCLE LADIES SHELLS $'2.99 EA. BARGAIN BOX The Square, Goderich CLEARANCE -CORSAIR 15 foot, 17 foot, 17 1(2 foot 19 foot and 23 foot motor home. Morgan Trailer Homes 482.7066.---20,21,22 135E%I) Furniture - Pattersnn's Used Furniture, 97 St. Patrick Street, Goderich. Phone 524.7616. 21 tfn OXYGEN Acetylene Set, everything necessary for welding and,wutting included. Phone 524-8784.---22 Maternity Dresses :10.99 BARGAIN BOX The Square, Goderich .IAYCO Hardtops and 'Travel "Trailers, 6 and.8 sleepers; Hardtops starting at $1450; Travel Trailers starting at $2500. Demonstrator 16 1 2' Special .$2100; See us fur all your camping accessories. Bumstead Metal Fabricating Josephine St. Wingham, :357- 2272. 22,26 HIGFI chair, $12.00; 10 ft. high triple swing, $75.00; or hest offer Phone 524-7:0)4.=- 22 t3F:NCH saw and :3 -1 h.i,. (motor Phone 524-708o- 22` HEA'I'TY washing machine; Elec- trohomea.itereo; studio couch. Phone 524-6(188 after 4 p.m. -22x TASCO telescope. 7011 mL Tripod right angle viewer, sun filter, ektra lens. $75.00. .Jigsaw on stand, $15.00. Microscope Kit. Phone 524- 9352-22x HOOVER washer spin dryer $30.00. Gerald Spain, 192 East St.. 524- 6217.-22x TRAILER, 4' x 8', insulated walls and floor. Phone 524-9419.-22x 16' CEDAR SKIFF good condition - asking $75.00. -,Phone Service Dominion Hardware 529-8581.-D2 ViKING automatic washer, good condition. Phone -1342-389( after 6 p.r)1. or weekends.---22tf - • CROWN Tent Trailer, large zip -on add -a -room, sleeps six, privacy cur- tains, Coleman heater and stove, spare tire. Phone after 5 p.m. 52T - 9586.i -22 AN'T'IQUE recliner chair, $15 00; toilet, basin. wine colorer, $A.00; self propelled reel mower, $35.00. Phone 524-8195.------ 12' 24.8195 ---_12' FIBERGLAS motor 'boat, 9 1/4 motor, with trailer, licence. For fur- ther information call Joe Du&-harme at 524-9591.--22.2:1x ONE :31" Frigidaire Electric Range. Good Condition Phone 524- 7869,-22 THREE used riding mower- $75.00, $14000, and $211).00 at Steve Argyles Outdoor Equipment, Hayfield, Ont, Phone 565-2800--22 ONE year old automatic aerial with booster. Phone 524-8185.-22,23x TWELVE foot Springbok Aluminum Boat. .3 h.p. Evinrude motor $200.0) firm. Phone 524- 9217.-22x. 24- 9217.-'22x I)01;131,E st;linle55 steel sink; range hood; scout suit, size 12. Phone 524- 953;3.--22 1972 HONDA 500 only 2,000 miles. Must sell. Phone 524-7266 evenings. See it at 251 Shore Crescent. ----22 PiCK-UP Topper, used only once. Phone 524-0094.--22 BEAT`T'-Y twin tub washer. spinner, two years old. Phone 529.7:357--- 22 EI,ECTRi(' Singer sewing machine; outdoor vestibule. Phone 524.9134.- 22 ON SPECIAL AT DON'S BICYCLE REi'A11(5. the .JEl1NET 10 -speed, regular $139 95 for $114.95, Also available Sekine 10 - speed, Raleigh 5 -speed, new"' and used hic 'Clea and tricycles, tares, tubes, pt'ts and- accessories. For further information contact DON'S B1CYCi,F, REPAIR(, 305 Ontario St., Clinton, Phone 482-9941.---22x BOYS 100% POLYESTER ° KNIT .SLACKS $3.67 EA. BARGAIN BOX The Square, Goderich • 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 14' MOULDED PLYWOOD BOAT with mahogany deck, complete with 25 H 1' .Johnson, A 1 shape, gas tank, steering wheel, gear shift, tarp, trailer and 1973 plates, two life Jackets, going cheap. Phone 524- 85(13. - -22 '23 24 ft. converted bus camper, gas fridge and stove, toilet, sleeps severs, $1100.00- Phone 524.7527.----22x THE TA('K SHACK Special -$1.99 nylon rope halters. horse and pony sizes. We stock both, Western and English saddles and Farnham horse, products. Save a -bit on a bit at '1'F1I TACK SHACK; 2 miles west, 1 mile south of Lucknow. Phone 395-544:3 Open week days 4-9 p.m. Saturday 1-6 p.m. -22 WALNUT, five piece Spanish bedroom suite, complete mirror 60 x 28, like new,,;$4(10.00; two pair Tined matching drapes, overall size 19 ft. x 7 ft. long, $100.(0; G.E. console 'i'.\'., black and white, $100.00 Phone 524-6003.-22 1972 KAWASAKI, 10:39 miles, like new, must sell, hest offer. Phone 482-319:3.-22 I'\ti 0 basket Electric French Fryer; Electric Floor Polisher. Phone 524-8658 or 524- 9925.-22 COINS Paying top prices for Canadian and American coins,' Silver Dollars, Mint Sets, etc. also all Gold Coins. ALL DEALS CONFIDENTIAL Contact V. POPE 524-9085 - GODERICH 1111111111111111111111111 EXCESS MUSICAL EQUIPMENT GUITARS 1972 MODELS Harmony Sovereign Jumbo Acoustic - $125.00, Pan Acoustic, must be seen - $75.00; Pan Electric with hard shell case - As new - $135.00; Pan Electric Bass with hard shell case - 1130.00; Several Microphones - some used only a couple of times. Professional and semi-professional. Real reasonable. CaII Gord Munroe at 524-9412 or 524-8841. CLEARANCE SALE Quality Plants At 20% OFF Our Low Prices Open evenings, all day Satur- day, and Sunday afternoon. THE BENMILLER PLANT FARM THE GREENHOUSE BY THE RIVER 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAI, RENTALS for all nc. casinos Pickett .tit ('arllphell Ltd . Clinton and Goderich.--c•gtf 'TO I(I':N'i'--$1-',n per day rent. knit an electric rug slianrpooe'r a. Iternd,�c's spot'., grease, etc tier‘ ice I )ominion Hardware, - phone 521 ,:83 `glltf FORMAI. RENTALS for all oc- casions. Free style brochure, Earl Rawson Style Shop, Goderich-201f 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE imomimlimomor 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W.J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED REAL. ESTATE OFFICE 524-8100 OFFICE 524-9131 GREAT HOMES IN ERINDALE 1'11c 're hug roomy completely hruadloonred well planned and franksv well worth much more than we're asking fi,r them. Take the Norfolk with Its 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and a whole lot of living. Panoranuc Itvingroonr, twin closet and hath In master bedroom. GENERAL INSURANCE 38 „EAST STREET LAKEVIEW HOME Charming brick ranch home in choice location. ;3 bedrourps, ideal kitchen, Itvingroom 26 x 13 beamed ceiling, game roc,rn. Custom built well landscaped 38 EAST STREET The location for itll limes of (;enertll Insurance For excellent st• \ I1 e and LAKEVIEW LOTS • competitive premiums, Contac t 1)on West end choice location. Talk MacEwan o\er your building plans with' Er(c Krohmer building contrac- , for for custom built homes.' RANCH HOME 20 -ACRES Three bedroom ranch 'home, full hasennt•nr. :recreation room, treed ccenk ;Area 31153 9 01111. from town. s, hoot bus at door 'Taxis $100. In- terior to he completed. BISSET FARM location, 401) acres, :300 w nkahIe-, 1 1 2 storey home :3 33,11.. ' ;,lo, and driving shed_ CLINTON-2 STOREY lnllmedlate possession 00 this well kept family home featuring 2 baths, sunfrorch. . closed verandah, large kit: her. and 3 bedrooms, Central loc;itom near all schools. 100 ACRES FARM H lgho,ly frontage 96 acres workable. :i bedroom home in good condition, modern furnace, bright „e•hc rr' kit, hen, c lose to Goderich, h,u is lot 60 ()peen for inspection. (I-od '.11uahle property. JUSTLISTED -tonsy • red brook, central 3 . 01.,n, 3 bedrooms plus den, large ki? 11a11. dining room and Ir. ul rl ole WEST END VIEW - -'OF THE LAKE 2 bedroom home, large lis ;ngroom with log burning fireplace, dining room and full basement. Spai•tous" grounds with well treed lot. --GOOD SOLID HOME storey red brick with spacious GOOD FAMILY HOME Two orae home, l c kitchen, , 3 t h act a livingroum, .. hathr torn ► hedroonrs, large family kitchen at- four bedrooms, three pie, e tractive family room full basement. bathroom. Excellent location. CENTRAL LOCATION 2 or :3 bedroom home, farnilt ave kitchen Weli lands, ,,ped yard °THE HOME WITH EVERYTHING ' Most attractive well maintained split level home, 3 bedrooms, den, 2 baths, family room, log horning fireplace. Choice West end location. MENESETUNG PARK Mobile home, two bedrooms, family, size kitchen, large livingroun Large sun deck with view: of lake MODERN HOME ON 1- ACRE 5 bedrooms plus den, spa( roux custom huilt home, 2 hath,, garage, ileal for the growing f,lrnll\ that likes space. broadloom throughout 1 mile from Goderich ATTRACTIVE RANCHER Park -like setting in this treed lot, 110' x 1:32', Well maintained, 3 bedroom home in good location Raised patio, full basement MONTREAL ST. 4 BEDROOMS Charming older t}pe home, natural trim, double 3IvIngroonl fur gracious living, log burning fireplace. 2 baths. Goad solid red brick home 53 West Street 524-8951 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE No erosion, just a wide safe sand beach when you buy this very at- tractive cottage Just a feW minutes lJdrIve north of Goderich. Lots of room for the family or entertaining as it has 3 bedrooms plus a guest cabin. Well-maintained and nicely furnished including an electric fur- nace to let you enjoy an exten- ded season. When you inspect It, you will agree it is well worth the asking price Sof $26,500.00. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION can --be yours as owner wishes to dispose -of this family home within 60 DAYS. Here Is an opportunity to own your own home with 10% down. Located on Warren St., is this 4 bedroom home with large living room, den, dining room and cheerful kitchen. A real good basement, gas furnace, and new wiring make this a bargain. Priced at only $19,500.00. REDU-E YOUR COSTS Are you tired of living in an apart- ment? Then see this retirement home. • Where else can you pur- chase a 2 bedroom bungalow, fully insulated, electric heated, wall to wall shag, new modern kitchen, and professionally decorated throughout, for $12,900.00. SHORT OF MONEY? Then see this 1 1 2 storey family home, featuring new F -A furnace, low -taxes and nicely decorated. Extra building lot is included in -the full listed price of $13,900.00. P.S. If you don't' want the extra lot, 46 BRUCE ST, Four bedroom home located on lot 8:3 foot frontage. Family size kitchen with new - cupboards, panelled double Iivingroom. New 4 pt- hath. immediate pOssession_ ' NEAR SUNSET PARK Cosy :1 bedroom bungalow Large livingroom, gas hot water heat. fib' x 132' lot. Financing arranges - IMMACULATE HOME Two storey red brick family home: four bedrooms, two bathrooms, family kitchen• attractive setting t..11ust be seen to he appreciated PRESTIGE HOME Well ,proportioned 2 storey, natural fireplace, 5 large bedrooms, 2 baths & garage Beauty enhanced by Verandah, screened porch. patio, swimming ix,ol & change room. Central location on well landscaped grounds. PRESTIGE BAYFIELD'ESTATE Situated on a beautiful double Int. (lose to lake Featuring two fireplaces, deluice Hano\er kitchens. Shown by appointment only. SEMI DETACHED Located on East St., excellent condition, 4 bedrooms each. Featuring sun porch on each and sound proof walls. Spacious grounds. • EAST END INCOME Double house, extra large suites in good condition, 2 bedrooms in each. ('lose to Square. 6 ACRES SPLIT LEVEL Stone front custom built, family room, log hurning fireplace, broadloom throughout. Only 5 min. to town, school bus at door. Proper- ties like this are scarce. Wi'axes $250. JUST LISTED Well kept, 5 bedroom family home. Large kitchen, separate dining room And Iivingroom 15' x 18'. Good lot. ()ne and a half blocks to square. WELL PROPORTIONED 2 STOREY BRICK Beauty enhanced by verandah of rnerous width. 10 principal rooms, -,In deck, hill hath tip, two - 2 pc. fr,wn, broadloom, 4 car garage, large lot with 1011' frontage. 2 BEDROOM WEST END t 'ni v bungalow.. Lot 66' x 165' tipacious kitchen, lotx of cupboards. 3 . \repent. location. Taxes $100. • CHERRYDALE. FARM 200 acres, 3 storey 'house with 8 bedrooms. Limestone fireplace, beautiful setting with 3/4 nide of CAMPER for rent --Phone 521- raver frontage, barn and shed_ 9903-20,21,22 ' Spring water with pond. WEST END BUNGALOW .3 bedroom brick, spacious 2A ARTICLES WANTED li. ingroom, family -size kitchen, panelled recreation room, full basement, carport. CUSTOM BUILT Hest of materials professional workmanship makes this an outstanding home, all brick, hest quality broadloom and cushion flooring, recreation room 28' x 17'. om' and half baths, paved drive double carport. Convenient location. .WANTED -----vise, 32 foot aluminum extension ladder, heavy duty wheel harrow. Phone 524.8842--22 WANTED -old records and phonographs-- used envelopes and posit cArds (old) Phone 5234- 884 2.--22 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE (111,11 t 1111 finals In drea-undit 1r, ted 111 11,4.11 ar, 1 111(3 guar Ant ee(I, trade iris accepted and term„ available Rouse Auto Elec gl9tf - 1966 LAURENTiAN 2 door Pon- tiat, 6 cylinder. Phone 524- 7561- 52'1- 7561- - 21,22 1973 PONTiAC 1,EMANS, 10,00() miles, phone -,524-9249.----22 OFFICES, STORE, APT. Solid brick Atte and two bedroom apartmentsi' plus store. three washrooms, three separate heating units, ample parking, Reasonably priced. 1'1l2•B,)..00KS FROM SOUARE Two storey brick in good condition Presently duplexed with .111 1on- yeniences. Garage and sun put-, h HOLMESVILLE Good starter three-hedroorn hone Well landscaped, located across from Holmesville central school DELUXE COTTAGE - Lakefront 1 1'2 stories, 2 haths, twp way- fireplace, large lands, aped lot. 5 bedrooms. EXCLUSIVE LAKEFRONT Beautiful setting on well land- scaped spacious Int, twlo hedroi,ms, two screened porches_ Stone log hur- ting fireplace, private - access to 1a'rtch, share 1:30 friot well Irl NTEE WERE SELLING OUT! 'I'l1ESE ARE JUT A FEW OF OUR RECENT SALES. THREE BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Excell location car lot 6, ' Lar oo ' ,, din' pane heat r nd'pric&1WtIG NEW' BRICK HOME Must be seen to be appreciated. Four -h oms, 2 lull aths, broad om, ale� isat. lily room s ot¢o7re at ' wo- car , cheg paved driveway, full basement. Y PAY R NT? ThreeSo I co ra ho with dinett 1 tree t 52' x 104'. x 132'. room, ically Two -b Street. roof, e 14,500 SMALL ('omple bungalo hasem SEE THIS horn on Picton tl oug new c riced a ails e. term IREMEN elled, lc HOME - oom ull with terms available. INCOME PROPERTY Three apar ,Isting u ment, tw all self co conditio system, e_ nt building con - 'o -bedroom apart- edroom artme ts, exc nt h t g all ows. aluminum doors and w Situated on lot 100' x 104'. Ex- cellent terms available. COUNTRY HOME ON'FIVE ACRES Remodell ome in nice country setting bre hedro - 1s, modern kitchen. d ng lin, acinus we have a builder interested in living e o r+ Four just the LOT. -- d"Iles s c acres 0 of fenced in property. Good garden, LUXURIOUS EXECUTIVE HOME never failing creek Here is a home that will satisfy HOUSE ON every dream you have had in ONE ACRE OF LAND owning a home. This rambling iiiiejaiiimtes north oi Goderich, a side -split, 4 bedroom, has a formal dining room, huge living room with t ee be nom ho t with n, full log -burning fireplace, kitchen with a un/sTc �ro� bayent�lt,l�iO�? ne pur- loads of built-in cupboards, plus ham., price Is one alllililillrrtn tool many more extras Bill Clifford will shed, all aluminum windows and be happy to show you with a per- 11oe1., sonal appointment. g, Hrpn reed riot THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY WItt41'gQunum si for someone..tookting. for_ extra -In ma: come. You can live in one part of sf this house which has 3 bedrooms, tacf`�garage Targe panelled living room with HOME. broadloom, kitchen with modern 96 ACRE FARM Ing, , irpet in ing ro, has tct n nd at - AL MILY cupboards, 3 pc. bath and brightly carP effect sun room. Here is the bonus. completely separate 2 bedroom apartment presently ren- ting for $110.00 a month. For more details, phone Jack Cummings. TIRED OF RENTING? Name your own dawn payment on the 3 bedroom 1 1 2 storey family home, 'located on an extra Targe lot. Could not be duplicated for the mere asking price of 516,900.00. New -siding and freshly painted. What is your offer? NEAT AS A PIN See this spotless, lively, 3 bedroom home.. Features new siding, carpetting throughout, modern kitchen and bath. Perfec- • tly situated on an extra large lot, yet close to uptown. Don't be disappointed - see it today. Priced t0 sell at 1515,800.00. WATCH THE SUNSETS from the Lakefront home, located south of Goderich. Where else can you get a quality -built home, featuring custom-designed kit- chen, quartz fireplace, plush car- pets throughout? Ail this can be yours including frig- and stove for $23,900.00. NOW IS THE TIME to -STOP, 'LOOK AND BUY one of these choice building sites. STOP in and find out how you can own this one acre building lot close jo Goderich, 'tor • only 53,500.00. MAITLAND FALLS LOOK me over, you won't be Privacy is yours in this panora,ni, disappointed when you see this setting. .Attractive .3 bedroom cot treed ravine lakevlew estate lot, tage on approx. 1 acre rner iron- south of Bayfield. Only 56,000.00. tage. Well furnished Taxes $4; BUY this. double lot'- 2 -tor -1 sale - located in the village of Port Albrlrt. services available. Now reduced to 53.500.00. ESTATE SALE These are true Sportsman's Paradise .Retreats and are only minutes from Goderich. PARCEL A consists of 43 acres with unlimited potential, over a mile of the Maitland River, park -like set- tings, mature bush. Excellent for Camp -site. PARCEL B consists of 10 acres, with over 800 feet fron- tage on the Maitland River. Cedar treed with clearing for cabin and never failing spring. PARCEL C consists of 100 acres conservation land with Sharp's Creek flowing through. Concession 6, Colborne Township-. - MODERN COTTAGE Near Golf course, 4 bedrooms, rami stone brick fireplace. at cess to good' beach. Large lot 145' x I2)' MODERN COTTAGE Attractive cottage beamed cathedral ceiling, fully fur- nished, situated on treed private lot. .Just north of Goderich. Owner open fol. all - offers. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE 510,500 Privacy is yours in this cdlttage- nestled among trees, .3 bedrooms. excellent view, Just north of Goderich, furnished, read\ to tnoye in.'Taxe's $60. YEAR ROUND COTTAGE Attractive cottage close to Goderich in unique setting Deluxe haths, pine floors, panoramic view, electric heat, a real home at $19,50( HURON SHORES :3 bedroom cottage, furmsjed. rinse access -to lake. Lot 80' x Sk1' "Taxes $79 iX)NAi.I) MacEWAN 49 Bruce 524-7685 DEB SHI•:WFELT 342 Mill Road 524-9581 RiTA ALLEN 154 Esset St. 524.8480 EBB M 1(055 92 NeWgnte St 524.8786 JOAN GIESBRE('HT R.R. 6 Goderich 529-7192 LISTINGS WANTED Never a week goes by without enquiries from people who want to purchase homes in the Goderich Area. We have the sales coverage, including newspapers, radio and T.V. But we NEED your property NOW. RIGHT now, there Is a demand; prices being offered are the highest ever recorded. members of 'CANADA WIDE REAL -ASSIST JACK CUMMINGS 524-9824 BILL CLIFFORD unimm524-9097 _ ti year hat h9 trlc -x60'onleel Ouse wi 5 h ne , fir r g v ran . rooms, 3 � elec- • n ,-' is 40' . EXC OT 70' x l C t t e e x,ls. IF YOU ARE THI:N`KING OF SELLING PLEASE CONTACT US AS WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF - PROPERTIES TO SELL. r, ONE BLOCK FROM THE SQUARE Two-storey red brick with 3 large bedrooms, verandah, 2 baths. rec. room,full basement. Priced at only $243)00, with terms available_ _.. JUST MINUTES FROM GODERICH Three-bedroom frame home on lot 1.55' x 114', with dining room, sun deck, 4 pc. hath.. new roof, elector heat. House is only M yearsoldand is located only 2 1 2 miles south of Goderich on Hwy 21. COTTAGE TYPE HOUSE 00 .8 lot 66' x 165'-- with two bedrooms. 2 baths, full basement, and located close to the schools. TWO STOREY RED BRICK On a lot :>"2' x 104' with three bedrooms, heated study room. dining room, garage and sun porch. Open for offers . EXCLUSIVE HOME Must be seen to he appreciated. Four"hedroom brick home with finished rec_ room, garage, paved driveway and electric heat. Located on Huron Rd. FOR THE MAN WHO LIKES TO LIVE RUGGED A two-bedroom cottage at Hluewnter Beach. with dining area, 2 p hath and wood stove included in purchase price is all furniture. Was $9,000, but is now reduced to $5,000 Owner., is most anxious to sell An excellent buy_ AT HURON SANDS Two-bedroom frame cottage with aluminum siding. Owner is anxious to sell, will look at any reasonable offer LAKE FRONT COTTAGE At Snowden's Acres, located south of Bayfield. On a lot 80' x 214'. Their are 3 bedrooms, a 4 pc. hath, winterized with electric heat and a fireplace. A beautiful year around home. CENTURY MOBILE HOME Two -bedrooms, 10' x 40' mobile located at M. neset Trailer Park. A11 furniture is to Amy. Priced at only $4,000 Owner must sell. BRUCE RYAN I- Res. 524.7762 B.R. ROBINSON - Res. 524-6905' WARREN ZINN ' - R.R. 2 LUCKNOW - Res. 529-7350