HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 8• PAGE 8—GODERICH SIGNAL-STAP. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1973 NEWS FROM. KINiAII Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simp- son visited in Lewiston, New York, with Mr. and Mrs. Bar- ney Carney over the weekend. The service in Ashfield Presbyterian Church was with- drawn on Sunday as the An- niversary Service was held in Ripley Presbyterian Church. Marty from this area atten- ded the wedding and reception for Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald in the Legion Hall Lucknow Friday evening. Congratulations- to Mr. and Mr.k! Howard Robb who were married in Southampton on Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Duncan Simp- 'on, Mary Lillian and Duncan tr . -41r Finlav MacDonald an;d MIS. O. SIMPSON 519-1548 Mr. Allan MacLean of Collingwood were dinner guests at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer MacKenzie of Mount Forest on Sunday evening. Mrs. Bruce Miller from Palmerston was home for the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Rhetta MacLennan. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald included Cathy and Jim Robson and daughter Thaidra, Kitty" and Bill Cobourn, Sue and Jim Cobourn and daughter Tammy and son Jimmy, Miss Lisa Parets, Cathy Angew, Walter Murray, Doug and Scott Agnew, and Delores Rippetoe, all of Detroit. KINDSBRIDGE KAPE.RS Mrs Joe Caurtoey 519 / 189 Congratulations to Andrea Luse Culbert and George \lacl)onalcj who were married in -the Ashfield Presbyterian Church on Friday May 25. Several from the area attended he reception held in their honor At the Legion Hall in . i,.ucknow following the wed- ding Several children from this :trea registered at the Town 'all Lucknow on Saturday stip imnung instructions to be roti at -the new Lucknow -' ,nci District Swimming Pool +urine the months of July and August • ".l rs Nora Sinnett, Mr. and tris. •John Austin, Joe, Ralph rd Eugene, Mr. and Mr%, Leo 'ourtuev. Mrs. Percy N1cCIt noghan (Sharon Court- ney! t'rsula, Matt Richardson, Mr and Mrs. Con Hogan, Mr., and Mrs. Kerr Hogan, Mr. and Nirs. Joe Courtney and i; a r\ spent the weekend in, I')ronto with Mr. and Mrs. - Fred Courtney and. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Bryan (2ita. Court - and attended the wedding of Wayne Cornack and Theresa Courtney, the' only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Courtney. Mrs John Austin and Joe remained in Toronto itr a few extra days. Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Hogan, Todd and Chad of Glencoe visited recently with his Carl E. Simpson received hilt Bachelor of Arts degree on May 20 at the Spring Con- vocation of Waterloo Lutheran University. Carl is the son of Ars. Mildred Simpson, 90 8t. Patrick Street. For .ATI Your Lumber a Building Needs sOJOHN JEFFERY & SONS Phone 524-8171 parents Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Joe MacIn- tyre and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farrish visited . recently in lwToronto and attended the edding of Miss Ella Bowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bowler. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sinnett and family of Detroit spent the holiday weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinnett and family. . Mrs. Marie Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Forbes.and son, Patrick and Kevin Cook, all of Detroit, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and family. Salkeld reunion on Sunday The annual Salkeld family picnic was held on Sunday, May 27 at the United Church Camp, north of Goderich. It was attended by 46 members whose ancestors had arrived in Canada 140 years ago. A buffet picnic luncheon was served at 1 p.m. and a business session, convened by President Howard Aitken was held after lunch. Mrs. Florence Talmay read the 1973 Salkeld Spectator to the group bringing up to date news of the many members of the family living throughout Canada and other parts of the world including New Zealand. .Officers elected for the coming year were President, George Hume of Toronto; Past President, Howard Aitken of Goderich; 1st vice-president, Doug Blacker;,, secretary- , -treasurer, T.J.. Salkeild of Lucknow; • Editor, Florence Talmay, R.R. 6 Goderich. Family members were present from Toronto, Scar- borough, Stratford, Clinton, Goderich, Lucknow, St. Helens and other points. SHOP AT YOUR COMPLETE HOME CENTRE Glenmark Lumber 35 SOUTH ST 524 730e ANYONE CAN AQUASKIM! IT'S THE TOP OF THE WATER SPORT Slip on a parr of Aquasklms "j and walk on top o1 thy water or water ski, Run and Rap, Play Games, Fish. Perfectly Safe. Perfect lura„ sport. At the beach, on the river or at the pool. 411111111. Aquasklms - the new water " way to fun and recreation. -.. Pendon Enterprlsis P.O. Box 1299 St. Marys, Ont.. Dear Sirs Please send me pairs) 01 Aquasklms at 1134.95 plus Prov. Sales Tax per pair. I enclose my money order for $ Postage Prepaid. 1 will allow 10 days for Delivery. Thank you. NAME _ ADDRESS _ Llf Cheryl Munroe received the Public Speaking Award white Susan Freeman (right), picked up a Music Award and the Executive Plaque. (Staff Photo) -AUBURN AND a1$TRICLNIS. Mrs was 8rablock 516-1595 Mr!'and Mrs. James Vinall of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gagner of Toronto, Miss Junia Corcoran of Toronto and John Hamilton of Montreal spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Youngblut, John and Jennifer of Ottawa spent a few days recently with the former's mother, Mrs. Ralph Munro. Miss Brenda Archambault was guest of honor at a bridal `-khower held by. Miss' Anne Brown of Toronto. She enter- tained girl friends who had trained for nurses at Western hospital, Toronto, with Miss Archambault. An enjoyable evening was spent and gifts were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allan and William J. Craig visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Idson of Arra and Heather, Jennifer and Jill Henderson of Mississauga are enjoying a holiday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alton while their parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henderson are in the Bahamas. On- Friday the elementary school children had la holiday while their teachers had an Ob- servation Day. Mrs. Jas. McFadgen of Guelph visited her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Jones, and Melvin on Wednesday. Others who called to visit on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Andrews from Exeter who were visiting relatives in this area. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Maize and children of Toronto were at their summer home in the village and plan to be here of- ten during the holiday months. Mrs. J.M. Reed and Girvin attended Graduation Services at Convocation Hall, Guelph, on Friday when Douglas and David Eadie, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie of Holyrood, received their Bachelor of Science degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stirling and Darlene from Thamesville visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Irvin. On Friday Mrs. Irvin was a guest at Graduation Services at Goderich man to Assemlaly The eight Presbyteries which comprise the Synod of Hamilton and London have commissioned 54 ministers and elders to the 99th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada which com- mences in Glenview Church, Toronto, Sunday evening June 3. It will be constituted by the Moderator of the Last General Assembly, Dr. Max V. Patnam, Kingston, formerly of Knox Church, Listowel. Elder F.E. Clark of Goderich has been commissioned for the Stratford-Htdron Presbytery. the University of Waterloo wheh her niece, Jean Smith of Listowel received her degree in Computer Science. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bradley and daughter, Brenda Faye, and Alice, of Goderich, and Lou Miller from Stratford were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Webster on Sunday May 27 in honor of Mr. Webster's birthday, (May 26). On Monday Mrs.. Victor Errington spent her birthday with her sister, Mrs. Webster. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Langevin (nee Sylvia Stingel) of Kingston called on Mar. and Mrs. Bill Park. Miss Valerie Park daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park is going to Southfield, Michigan for the summer months as a mother's helper. This should be an interesting experience. Miss Rosemary Eedy and Bill Gardner of Stratford were at the former's home this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Eedy. Mr. and Mrs. Hector MacAuley (nee Marjorie Elliott) from Calgary, Alta, who are travelling in their motor home to the East Coast of Canada, have been holidaying this week with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Lorne Ivers and Mr. Ivers. Another niece Mrs. Frank Chaplin (nee Doris Plunkett), who has been visiting her aunt, also enjoyed the visit with her cousins from Calgary. - The Dungannon .Institute ladies will have a busy time this week with the District An- nual meeting on Wednesday all day, and their regular Branch meeting on Thursday evening. Congratulations to Miss Deb- bie Hodges who received her diploma in Respiratory Technology at Fanshawe College on. Friday, May 25. Members of tier farnily, and friends who attended the Graduation Exercises were en- tertained afterwards at the Ivanhoe. A community bridal shower was held Wednesday evening, Mav 2'3. in the United Church Sunday School rooms to honor Miss Marsha Hodges. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE, & SUPPLIES WILSON'S PUFFER GUN and 1 LB. REFILL REG. 3.38 ROSE DUST BOTH FOR x1.89 WILSONS PUFFER GUN and 1 LB. REFILL REG. 3.38 TOMATO & VEGETABLE DUST BOTH FOR 51.89 Clay bird baths, decorative planters, cedar planters and tubs, white swan planters. TREES - ROSES - EVERGREENS BOX PLANTS - PACKAGE apd BULK'SEEDS Everything for your Landscaping Needs ART's LANDSCAPING lit NURSERY 108 BENNETT 9T. E. GODERICH .• . 8244128 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE a SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a week MONDAY THRU `SATURDAY1'IU. DARK SUNDAY 12 to Marsha received many lovely and useful gifts and thanked all her friends and especially those who planned the programs and special evening for her. Mrs. Clifford Crozier, Goderich, with her daughter Mrs. George Bushell and little David Montreal visited recen- tly with their former neighbour, Miss Mabel Reid, Crewe. Rev. Stairs spoke on thq--- Leprosy Mission when he took the service at Dungannon United Church on Sunday, May 27. This crippling disease can be helped or cured by special treatment. We can assist by donations even by 'saving used postage stamps! Rev. Clarence McClenaghan was an- niversary guest speaker at Calvin Brick Church near Whitechurch, on Sunday. Liquor approved Voters of Stanley Township gave approval last Wednesday to both questions in that Town- ship's first liquor vote. Of the 922 eligible voters, 380 or 41.2 per cent voted on the questions and 68.8 percent were in favour of the sale of liquor under a diningroom licence on licensed premises and 66.2 per- cent were in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence on a licensed premise. The vote was held after coun- cil was presented with a 300 name petition last February asking for a liquor vote in the ,c Township. Clerk Mel Graham of Brucefield said he believed it - was the first liquor vote held in Stanley Township. also with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Idson and Gary of Arva. In the evening they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Craig and family in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Watterton of London visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross and Anita visited last Sunday with mem- bers of the McEachern family at Mount Forest. The flowers in Knox United Church sanctuary last Sunday were provided by Mrs. Elsie Scott and are in memory of her husband, the late Charles Scott. Mr. and.Mrs. Donald Haines attended thie Spring Con-' vocation of the University of Waterlog last Friday when their son Edward Haines received his Bachelor of Mathematics degree. Miss Barbara MacKay of Sault Ste Marie visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay. Congratulations to Miss Lorie Cartwright on winning honors at the Hullett Township field day recently. Mrs. Harry Arthur visited last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keller at Dublin and took her father to Victoria Hospital where he is a patient undergoing treatment. Mr: and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright, David Derrick and Lorie and" Mrs'. Edwin Cart- wright of Huronview visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bryant of Stratford. Mrs. Jessie Naylis a patient in Universityor Hospital, London, where she' underwent 'surgery. Friends of Mrs. John Maize of Dungannon are sorry to learn that she is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. tv W 6) 61 6) 6) 6) 6) 6). 6) 6) ri 6) 6) O 6) 6) 6) If you are looking for, . • FARRO.WINQ-PIN$- • -CO VIt • SOW TIE STALLS • WATER BOWLS • FINISHING PENS • LIXIP PIGIPPp� • ALL TYPES OF FEEDERS IP' Contact Henry Gerritsdarn I: quip, 482-9588 Distributor for HYDE PARK Farm 84* • 1 OPENING SOON Completely Renovated rZ2t'ril-Ir27. LAKEVIEW SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 88 WEST ST., GODERICH Featuring he finest In 41 cdnii•ae meals, Tight snacks andlea take-out eirvice. Fish will be our specialty. '/i espi Teri IPIieIrZr T< r r r r' v R6PI2 rads RR 2 Grand Bend, Ontario FASHION BOUTIQUE Ladles • Misses Juniors HERE COMES SUMMER! • . SPORTSWEAR • „SWIMWEAR • DRESSES • JEWELLERY 238-2818 21 - 11/4 miles south of Grand Bend OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY- 10 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. 01 L: M [YEWS e from t lie behin calm ball all my. day beit1 t me come OSE T0 1 6 here is a beforee'o' h !s./Arent ave been rain we ha in the ve to calci ein•dancer 11 time during tl rain torte rets. The look fres the dri2 nd ladle; a big silt excellent it more f nks to their spec night wine 'A FLI POWEI CHNICI .Io soak hydrsun k pulpm paying ld start by a Power T m at Cc SATISFY BOTH! If you are caught between pride and price, -and- wish to satisfy. both . . come and see our twt• standing selection of the season's fashions and .fabrics, • We have just the style, the pat- tern, color and shade to make you look your flattering best! Our clothes are individually tai- lored to your precise build and proportions. Our specialty is the man hard to fit or please and the man who wants to Inst his hest looks forward! And our. prices will surprise you! Rawson & Swartman LTD. - Style Shop For Men - GODERICH HELLO! Ford lovers ... HAVE WE GOT A BARGAIN FOR YOU! 1973 MERCURY METEOR Two door hardtop, "Sliver Anniversary Special Limited Edition" model. Features VS, automatic, power ,steeling, power disc brakes, halo vinyl top, tinted windshield, custom radio, whitewalls, discs, electric rear defogger, bumper protective strips protective side mouldings, beautiful custom Interior with fold down arm reals. Only 5,000 miss. Llc. No. FJZ- 941. Ierrific Serials $439.5 T973 FORD GALAXIE 500 Ford four door pillared hardtop. Only 4000 miles, V$, automatic, power steering, power disc brakes, custom radio, rear defogger, whltewaN tires, wheel discs, bumper guards, side mouldings,• beautiful blink finish. Llc. No. CTL454. Hurry for this one. Dost Miss Out 339.95 In both cases, these can were dealt on air conditioned models. Trade now. M GEE PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC Goderich 524-6391 Rs Inform program hoot gra return It 211 YO ON TIM nit n MIRTS RT SI SON I ETS cke