The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-31, Page 1obe rtt1j
EAR- 22
THURSDAY, MAY_3 1 , 1973
Rev- Peter St. Don of Bethel
Pentecostal Tabernacle ex-
pressed concern this week at
proposed consolidation of the
acts governing schools in the
province of Ontario.
Ac( ording'to Rev. St. Don,
this amalgamation of the
various legislation covering
si,hools will result in the
deletion of several pertinent
clauses in present legislation.
These are:
1. No pupil in a public
school shall be required to read
or study in or from a religious
book, or to join in an exercise
of devotion or religion, objected
to by his parent or guardian.
Subjec :i to the regulations,
pupils shall be allowed to'
receive such religious instruc-
tion as their parents or guar-
dLans desire.
The Public Schools Act
Page 8, No. (1), (2) 1967
(presently in the 1971
regulations, 13.8, No. 7 (1) (2)
2. It- is the duty of the
teacher, to inculcate by prece1pt
and example respect for
religion and the principles of
Christian morality and the
highest regard for truth, justice,
loyalty, love of country,
humanity, benevolence,
sobriety, industry, frugality,
dred and eighty members of Local 682 of the Inter -
Chemical Workers 'walked out on strike Sunday at
against Domtar Chemicals' Sifto Salt mine at
in support of demands for more money and shorter
ttlement in sight
working hours. Conciliation broke down some time ago and
a last ditch attempt to resolve the dispute with negotiations
failed last week. Negotiations are suspended for the
moment. (staff photo)
ndred and eighty
f Local 682 of the In -
1 Union of Chemical
alked off their jobs
tar Chemicals Sifto
at midnight Sunday
tuitions for a new
broke down.._over
or more money and .
irking hours.
48 members of the
loyed at the Domtar
Evaporator Plant on
eet, under a separate
ere also off the job
fusing to cross picket
up by the, strikers
at plant. Workers at
rator Plant still have
left in their contract
orkers were back on
Tuesday, however,
al 682 lifted the
onday evening.
r of the Evaporator
Boutilier said .Mon
ing theplant was still
salt but would have
wn if the work stop-
82 president Harold
plained that union
any negotiators were
nts apart when talks
wn last week. The
taken a strike vote
ks ago, after con -
,failed, but the. talks
a week ago in a last
mpt to avert a work
ddy said the Union
to sign a three year
ith Domtar although
originally asked to
negotiate in terms of a two year
Local 682 has been deman-
ding an increase to bring wages
paid at the mine on a par with
wages paid by Canadian Rock
Salt at its Windsor complex.
In ' addition to wages and
hours -of .work the dispute also
centers around matters of
fringe benefitssuch as
vacations and medical coverage
of the workers.
Saturday, negotiators for the
union rejected ,a Domtar offer
of increases, amounting to $1.05
over the three year contract.
Local 682 has countered with a
demand for $1.65 over the
same contract period. At
present the average- wage or
underground workers is about
$4.39 per hour.
Domtar's latest offer was ter-
med generous by mine manager
Gordon, Muir and written
cdpies of that offer are to be
distributed to the striking
union members today.
The Union is also demanding.
an increase of $10,000 on the
life insurance policy paid for by
the company. Local 682
demands also include a request
for implementation of a drug
plan and changes in the com-
pany's vacation and hours of
work policy.
The Evaporator Plant
manager A.P. Boutilier, said he
felt«the picketing of that plant,
where Local 682 members are
still under contract, was illegal.
He said there had been strikesc
at the mine and the evaporator
plant in the past but never
before had striking local mem-
bers ever picketed the other
Union President Leddy said
he was sure the picketing was
legal since Local 682 was on
strike against Domtar not
against the Sifto Salt division
Officers of the Goderich
Police Department have been
on duty at both strike centers
but report no incidents along
the picket line.
To Whom .This May Concern,
Up to this time the local School Boards have had the
opportunity to choose as to whether or not there should
be religious education taught in the schools.
It ,has been the privilege of the Goderich Ministerial
Association to be able to teach religious education in the
Robertson Memorial School to the Grade 8 students each
Friday morning betwen 9 and 9:30 a.m. Our efforts as
ministers have not been to teach denominationalism but
rather, basic principles of Christianity.
Should the newly proposed consolidation of the School
Acts be passed In parliament In June, with the above writ-
ten regulations deleted, it could In effect deny us, your
town clergy, to teach any religious Instruction at all to
you students. Up to�this time you at least have the choice
In this matter but the newly proposed consolidation could
deny you this liberty.
This Is a matter of concern which I felt could be shared
with you. Perhaps you could see your minister about this
matter; and if you are opposed to this newly proposed
consolidation of the school acts, draw top a petition to
send into your Member. of Parliament as quickly as
possible. Sincerely,
Rev. Peter G. St. Don.
purity, temperance and all
other virtues;
The Schools Administration
page 20, No. 22(1) (c) 1967
(presently in the 1971
page 16, No. 21 (1) (c)
3. Judges, members of the
Assembly, and members of
municipal councils, are school
visitors in the municipalities
where they respectively reside,
'and every clergyman is a school
visitor in the municipality
where he has pastoral charge.
School visitors may visit public
(continued on page 10)
Stan '.P.cares
Sign.aI e,xagg�rated
A recommendation presented the guidance of this Recreation
to the Recreation Committee by Board. .
Rec Director Mike Dymond in Chairman Pete McCauley ex -
his regular report, created some pressed his agreement with
stirring discussion at the board Dymond and added that the
meeting held in the council committee had no real policy or
chambers last Thursday guidelines to their operation.
evening. Councillor Stan Profit com-
mented that it was his opinion
In his report, he recommen- that "the relationship between
ded that material be gathered the committee. and council has
from other communities, and always been congenial, and if
the Province, on policies and people thought ,otherwise it was
procedures affecting the because the • Signal -Star has
operation of a recreation board blown the assistant arena
and the extent of its authority. manager problem all out of
According to Mr. Dymond, proportion."
this material should be studied 'H did however, support
and a policy be established for
(continued on page 10)
The May meeting of the
Goderich and District
Association for the Mentally
Retarded was held in the
Queen Elizabeth School,
Goderich, on May 28. Fifteen
persons were in attendance.
Two representatives from the
New Horizons were present.
Debbie Johnston ' noted the
various activities planned for
the summer for approximately
twenty students. The rural•
students will attend Tuesdays
and Thursdays and the town
students will attend on Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The Goderich Lions Club will
supply milk for the snacks.
Miss Johnston mentioned
that there .were problems of
transportation for the ,rural
students by taxi. At this point
there weta discussion of the
problems in general of tran-
Mrs. Evelyn Carroll pointed
out that there had been no suc-
cess with transportation of
trainees in bluewater Taxi
from Vanastra to the Workshop
It now costs $8.00 per day for
the three trainees' from Clinton
to come to the Workshop.
Mrs. Carroll was requested
to inquire further into the cost
of transporting by itaxi the two
trainees from Vanastra and a
'trainee from Blyth.
Mrs. Carroll reported on the
activities of the Workshop. The
'majority of the trainees accept
with enthusiasm the work
situation, she said. She demon-
strated some of the work as it is
carried out at the Workshop.
Mrs. Elsa Haydon inquired
ce and
;tors 1
4 -watt
r fast,..
homeAsn dwgMsr of Mr.lind Mrs. Stan Ryan of 7 Slake Street South Goderich, Mt+ 'lly
tiw brass" after last Thursday's Awards Assembly held at G.O.C.I. Awards won
Infer• Arthur Poacher/ Memorial Trophy, Most Valuable Female Athlete, Athletic
and th r Plaque. Year 5 Athletic Trophy, Most Valuable Senior Girls Basketball
•.nior G11ris' Track Contributor. (Staff Photo)
It was incorrectly
reported in The Goderich
Signal -Star last week that
the minutes of the In-
dustrial Commission
were approved by
Goderich Town Council.
in fact, the minutes ore
now before the Ad-
ministration ,Committee
of Town Council chaired
by Councillor Dave
Gower and a recommen-
dation from that commit-
tee is expected to come
before council sometime
in lune.
Paul Carroll
at Seaforth
Paul Carroll of Goderich was
appointed a vice-principal in
Huroh County at a Committee
of the whole tin camera) -01)
May 22 following the regular
meeting in Clinton of the
Huron County Board of
Mr. Carroll, presently a
teacher at Victoria Public
School in Goderich, Will be the
vice-principal at. Seaforth
Public School beginning Sep-
tember 1.
Gary Jewitt of Clinton,
presently vice-principal at
Seaforth Public School, will be
the vice-principal at Exeter
Public School in September. ►
as to the amount of wages the
trainees are paid and was told
it is .06 per hour, financed by
the Assocciation. Mrs. Haydon
felt that this was not sufficient.
The secretary noted, that this
was discussed at the March an-
nual meeting and was to be
continued on page 10)
No word yet
despite help
from Members
Although officials at the
Huron County Health Unit
have been informed by MPPs
Jack Riddell (Huron) and
Murrary Gaunt (Huron -Bruce)
that Minister. of ..the Environ-
ment James Auld has agreed to
supply two technicians to con-
duct a cottage survey along the
eroded shoreline of Lake
Huron, no official word has yet
been received from the Ministry
More than 40 cottages along
the shoreline have been con-
demned by the Health Unit as
being "unfit for human
habitation" because of
damaged and destroyed septic
Originally when the local
Health Unit applied last year
for the survey, it had been ap-
proved but was later cancelled.
Medical Officer of Health
Frank Mills sent a series of let-
ter to the Ministry asking for
reconsideration of the request
citing what he termed "a
possible health crisis."
Despite Health Unit protests
no change in the Ministry's
position occurred until Mr.
Gaunt ''and Mr. Riddell
questioned the Environment
Minister on the floor of the
Legislature last week.
At that time Mr. Auld selid
his Ministry was ';quite
prepared to give whattechnical
assistance we can to the health
unit to deal with this."
The Ministry's regional office
and the health unit • agreed
some time ago that such a sur-
vey was badly needed and the
province initially agreed to the
Town work crovis were busy this week refacing the west cat -walk at Snug Harbor. The
repair work is of a temporary nature, allowing boaters to get to and fromythelr craft with dry
feet, until the Federal Department of Public Works decide dust how extensive repairs they
have promised will be. Originally the Department wanted to only replace the present cat
walks with a sliding version that could be raised or lowered with the water. The Town of
Goderich, however, would like to see the walk moved back toward the west harbor shore so
that more boats could be accommodated through a system of slip docks. The Department
of Public Works have agreed 10 at least consider the suggestion. (staff photo)
Vic. ..