HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-24, Page 21TON tr (44, Iatt FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY y gentleman, who ntly bereaved of nion, asked, "Can s recipe that will orth living?" tie Paul, writing o inspiration, an - question to the ion of every sincere "Godliness is unto au things, Tse of the life that of that which is to, 'In. 4:8) barterer by nature ly concerned f, able out life a P This engages his his mind for the of hie working day. t be admitted that somehow, we have durable satisfac- 1 V/AIT UNTIL LASTER FALLS, BEFORE YOU PUT IN 1 'PLUMBING CALLS! a MaING ATING 55 KINGSTON 3T. Sy REV. RONALD KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH C. MoCAL. L.1 tions of life that are promised to us in the Bible, which is the one and only rule by which we can plan our present life and make, the necessary preparations for "that which is to come." The hard headed business man who realizes 100 percent on his investment experiences some degree of satisfaction, but it does not endure. One such left this suicide note, "I seem to have missed something; I have been crushed by my possessions." And another, who did not resort to such an extreme, acknowledged, "I have been in- venting a;cures for getting through my twenty-four hours." That is the sorriest kind of living. It can be stated unequivocally, that it is simply bad business in this brief span of life to be a non -believer in the great verities of the Christian Faith:'Leave God out of your life and you lose, for humanity bears a very low price mark when God is left out. Give God -His rightful place in your life and you have assurance of the highest order, ,that success is yours. If we wo6ld experience that "profit" in the investment of our lives, of which Paul is writing a profit that is biblically defined in that con- stantly recurring word "Blessed (or happy) is the man we must have set before us, on object that has at. least .two characteristics: 1. It must be obtainable by all. 2. It must give reasonable ential Lighting Display Electric Heating "INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL" RESIDENTIAL - WIRING CUSTOM TRENCHING assurance of bringing satisfac- tion when it is obtained. Hear the combirted warning and assurance in this same epistle, (I Tim. 6:17-19) "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, nor trust in un- certain riches, but in the Living God Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy." This is but one of the great number of Bible promises that confirm the all-inclusive promise that "no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." God's eternal salvation "which alone maketh rich and addeth no sorrow" is ob- tainable by all, and gives an assurance' that has its source in the Eternal God Himself, that it brings to the heart of the believer that "profit" which is that "recipe" that makes .this life "worth living" and gives assurance of "that (life) which is to come." It is but the highest common sense to be a true and con- sistently practising Christian. "Worthwhile living" is the major emphasis in most of Paul's epistles and is made possible through faith in the sovereign and saving . grace of God, and is perpetuated by a life that is patterned after the example of Christ who • has "brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel." Huron -Perth CNIB Board at hlltchell Thirty members and guests were present at the annual meeting of the Huron -Perth Advisory Board of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind held at the Royal Hotel, Mitchell. Members were present from Goderich; Blyth, Listowel, Hensall, Zurich, Wingham, Clinton, Exeter, Stratford and Mitchell. Mrs. Colleen Misener of the Social Services Committee brought greetings from Strat- ford's mayor, Keith Culliton. Ernest Burford, Stratford, reported the new slate of of- ficers: Chairman, Glenn John- son, Stratford; Vice -Chairman, Eric Luther, Hensall; secretary, Mrs. Eric Young, Stratford; treasurer, James Bird, Goderich. Donald Webster, Exeter, reported on the activities of the Huron County'CCB-Bluewater Club, and Mrs. Kathleen Dixon reported for the •CCB -Festival Club, Stratford. R Wallace Kennedy, District Administrator, announced that a new staff car had been donated by Lions Inter- national, Zone 2E, and Lloyd Casernore, Wingham, Chair- man of the Sight Conservation Committee of the Lions Clubs, told of the work being done for the blind in the Huron -Perth area. Miss Kaye Leslie, Rehabilitation Teacher, Tweedsmuir Hall, was in- troduced. Dan MacDonald, Stratford, was guest speaker, and told of the benefits of natural foods in maintaining good health, Harry Lear, Blyth, the Outgoing chairman, thanked the Board for t‘fir cooperation, and introduced the incoming chairman, Glenn Johnson. Mr. Johnson introduced four. new Board members - Mr. and Mrs. C. Gelinas .of Zcirich, and Mr_ and Mrs. Jack Corrie, tratfo,rd..K Lutherans. move to new location The Lutherans of Goderich, Clinton and area are moving to a new location this weekend and will be holding services every Sunday morning begin- ning Sunday, May 27 in Rober- RAHAM ELECTRIC RIA. RD. N. ,.GODERICH 4411 ' AU -DE LOVE BODY MOI$TURE SPECIAL Tal price! cial size! ee pump. e the lar size fl. oz. ly half uch more! agrant, moisturizing lotion with free p for easy, convenient application. yes the body, even dry areas, feeling k and silky. ECK PHARMACY Square Larry Rleck, PHM.B. Goderich Archie Barber, PHM.B. The Dedication Service for had as guests this week, her the new Books of Praise was two sisters Miss Charlotte and held at the Ashfield ; Miss Anna MacKenzie from Presbyterian Church on Sun- Toronto. day May 20., Mrs. Donald Simpson Special music was rendered motored to London this past by the Junior choir under -the week to visit her mother Mrs. direction of Mrs. Lillian Simp- Earl Elliott of Kincardine who son. Mrs, Bertha MacKenzie is a patient in Victoria Hospital sang a dedication hymn "These London. Gifts Are Thine" Rev. K. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Rooney delivered the sermon MacDonald their son Mr. "Sing A New Song" A list of George MacDonald, and Miss the books dedicated are 'rirk-Aridrea Culbert Motored to follows. London on Sunday evening, to In Memory of Mr. Richard meet their son Mr. Torn West by Mrs. Richard West, MacDonald at the airport who Mr. Wilfred Farrish by Mrs. - flew home from Fort St. John Wilfred Farrish *and Family, B.C. after spending the past Mr. D. F. MacKenzie by Mrs. five years in the North West. Donald F. MacKenzie, Mr. and Tom will attend the wedding of Mrs. Alex MacDonald and Mr. his twin brother George and Lloyd MacDonald by Miss Andrea Culbert this Friday Mabelle MacDonald, Mr. and evening, Mrs. Duncan A. MacKenzie by The North Ashfield School Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson, pupils and teachers were Mr. and Mts.. Alexander pleased last Tuesday to have as MacGregor by Mrs. Colin a guest at the school Miss MacGregor, The MacLeod Sherry Pollock of Ripley who is Family by Mr. Duncan Allan, the Ontario Dairy Princess for William .A. Johnston, and . 1972-73. Miss Pollock spoke on --Margaret .;. Jobtnston -by .The_ .,-.the;.--importance- of milk and. Family and Grabdchildren, Dr. delighted the pupils with A.A.J. and Flora Simpson, stories of her experiences as Margaret Simpson and Arthur, princess. Simpson by Families of' Dun- My apologies to Mrs. Wilmer can, Robert and Donald Simp- " Robb whose name I missed in son. • my column last week when In memory of Mr. and Mrs. reporting the shower news at D.A. MacLean by Mrs. Isobel North Ashfield school. Also to Martyn, Alan and Ewen Mrs. Bob Courtney and Mrs. MacLean., Kenneth and Bill Kempton and Mrs. Lynn Florence Farrish by Bill and Lowry for their duet and ac. Jean Farrish and Family; Dun- , companiment. can and Peggy Farrish and Family, Doug and Helen Farrish, Muriel Farrish, Sadie and Alvin Gilders and Family, Margaret MacKenzie and Family. In memory of James and Catherine MacDonald who im- migrated from Isle of Skye 1840-50 by their descendants. .Dr. F. Scott MacKenzie by Rev. and Mrs. K.J. Rooney, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes - TREVORTHEO 'P T1kwFic Bug SAYS k of %, t= r Naw o YOU OR 4Pr LAWFtn—ofe AwFu, 7 f4„ ; SUNDAY, MAY 27 Rev. Stairs of TM Leproliy Mission will speak The Clayborn Hill Indian Family.. will Ding WESTFIEID - 2 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL - 3 P.M. i Next Sunday Night The Sound of The Trumpet 1 Evil Prevails When Good Men Do Nothing tson Memorial Schobl gym- nasium. Bruce Bjorkquist, a teacher at. Conestoga College, Clinton Centre, who has been pastor of the local group for about 18 months, announced at last Sun- day's service that Sunday School will be beginning this weekend too. Time will be 10 a.m. and classes will be provided for all ages. The regular worship service will begin at 11 a.m. The Lutheran group has been worshipping in- ' Knox Presbyterian Chapel since beginning servicer in early 1972. 't& group is expecting a fulltime pastor in the area sometime this summer. The triangular district to be served will extend from Goderich to Bayfield in the south, Seaforth in the east and Kincardine in the north. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1271—PAOI 7w j0 TESE FAREWfII ELMER E. WETTLAUFER Elmer E. Wettlaufer, 205 Warren Street, died May 18 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was 73. Born July 20, 1899 in East Zorra Township, he moved with his family to North Dakota when he was just a boy. He served in the United States Army while living there and returned to Monkto&Ontario, about 1924. He was married June 4, 1945 in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, to Margaret Dorothy Proctor who survives. He came to Goderich in 1956 and was a member or First Baptist Church. He worked .as a motor, mechanic. Surviving besides his wife are one son, RCMP Constable Ken- neth Wettlaufer, Regina, Saltkatchewan; three sisters, Mrs. Addison (Miriam) Kline, Goderich; Mrs. Marilla Knoll, 'Seattle; Washington; and Mrs. Merle (Alma) Killens, Caledonia; and one brother, Howard Wettlaufer, Wood- stock. The body rested at the Stiles Funeral Home until Monday, May 21 when service was held at First Baptist Church with Rev. E.H. McWhinnie of- ficiating. Interment- was in Maitland, Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bill Berger, Don McMillan, Bill Chase, Don Palmer, Charles Proctor and Claude Sinclair. Flowerbearers were Ron Wet- tlaufer and Bob,Kline. WALTER CRANE Walter Crane, Saltford, died suddenly Sunday, May 20 at his residence. He was 42. He was born in Prince Edward Island April 5, 1931, the son of Walter and Ruth (Grant) Crane. A construction worker employed by Kerr Construction at the. time of his death, Mr. Crane had resided in Saltford, for. the past 12 years. SUNDAY SERVICES .Yeu two h ulk Ihruu4h t1.. vuM1r I the ,hoiuw ul Jeuth 1 shull leer no ..il (ur rhuu urt .r,th me —17rd Paulo, He was a member of St. . Peter's Church. Surviving are -his wife, the former Lillian Naddy; "three sons, Barry, London, and Brian and Michael at home; and one daughter, Deborah, also at Dome; two sisters, Mrs. Fred (Rete) West, Scarborough and Mrs. Ed. (Margaret) Morrissey, Boston; two brothers, Emery, Scarborough and Arthur, Don Mills; and his parents of Millview, .PEI. Funeral service was Wed- nesday, May 23 at St. Peter's Church with Rev. R. Moynahan officiating. Interment was in'Stt eter's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Kerr, Gordon Stewart, Dougald Morris, Thomas Mit- chell, Joseph Moore and Murray Johnston. , 'McCallum Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and'buebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett . 10:00 _a.m.—Sunday School 1'1.00 a.rn. Worififp Servke Preacher: Pastor Dwight B. Strain. First Baptist ¶Lurch, Clinton, Ontario Tuesday, 6:30 p.m..,FirSt Baptist Youth Crusaders Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study ALL ARE WELCOME The Free Methodist Church Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls Phone: 524-9903 10:00 a.m. Be part 01 a growing Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Bible Study and Outreach Everyone Welcome - CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC FUNDAMENTAL REV R. BRUBACHER, Pastor 10:00 a.m.-8IBLE SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 6:30 p.m.—Y.P. Word of Life Club 7:30 p.m. --Guest speaker Pastor Eric Watson, Cambridge, Ont. COMING: EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Sunday June 3rd - Frl. June Ilh With REV. & Mrs. ROBERT EATON, PONTIAC, MICH. Wed.. 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL, 8 A , Minister THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1973 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon: "Looking Two Ways" (Nursery and Junks Congregation) Enter to Worship . Depart to Serve 0 THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIME YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Bob McCallum Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich .Phone 524-7345 hold meet at H.nsall The spring meeting of the Huron Presbyterial of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society was hold in Carmel Presbyterian Church Hensall with the president, Mrs. A. Enright of Goderich in charge. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. R.S. Kerslake of Seaforth. Plank were made. to have the Fall Rally on October 10 at 1:30 P.M. in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich and to have the Study book introduced and a film on it. Mrs. G.W.McEwan of Goderich the treasurer gave the financial statement. Reports were given by Mrs. Gordon Schwalm on Children's work and a piano solo, was played by Mrs. William Dougall of Hensall. Reports of the Synodical meeting held last month in Wingham were given by Mrs. Clayton Edward and Mrs. A. Enright. The offering was received by the Seaforth ladies. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. John ' Hallam and Mrs. Frances Clark of Auburn. Mrs. Clark read the scripture lesson Luke 24hh chapter and Mrs. John Hallam gave the meditation on the 'Spirit of Springtime and closed with prayer. Mrs. Enright also ►spoke and her theme was on prayer. The Ladies of Hensall served lunch. FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 COME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL. IF YOU NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A BUS. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal 'Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN and WATERLOO STS. REV PETER G ST DON, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1973 10:00 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP 7.00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Tues. 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER • Friday -7:30 p.m. —Youth Night One of the Devil's greatest wiles Is: "Walt Awhile!" For further information about church services call 524-8506 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1973 EASTER V Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11:00 a.m. Sermon by the Rector Sunday School and Nursery at 11 a.m. Mr. Paul Rice with pictures of Africa Wed., May 30, 1973 Holy Communion at 1 p.m. (chapel) Rector: The Rev. G G Russell, 8 A, 8 D Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m.--Bible School For All Grades ' GRAND ANNIVERSARY. SERVICES 11 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. 11. a.m. Rev. S.R. Clyde ' B.A., B.D., M. TH. Sermon: "THE DOOR OF LIFE" 7:30 P.M.- 100 KODACHROME : SLIDES ON INDIA-NAPAL-HONG .KONG- KOREA BIG WELCOME TO EVERYbNE Mrs. J. Snider -Organist and Choir Director North Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, MAY. 27, 1973 9:45 a.m. - 10 year-olds and over 11:00 a.m. - Babies to 9 year-olds 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship eormon:,-'-"PREPAMMNG A PLACE" Members of the Maitland Lodge No. 33 A.F. and &M. MI be le attendance. Lorne H. Dotterer - Director of Mtuele Mise CP+re McGowan • AeslstaM Iftell r r.,