HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-24, Page 12• PAGE 12--GODERICH SIGNAL. -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE* 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE AND SOLD Stanle nshii 160 acre tiara fare,, la o n bn houth bath and of n 4 0, '30 x 50 new to mil rause Anti hulk cooler Stanley 'r ship . acres, 6)) . acres worke. il� h (l + Godert, h Township 134 acre's, 8 rtKarSirr+e housct. ith bath and oil fuerla h �, flus, ,m - pleas e g vel tiled ile sou h of Goderich on Highway 21 Goderi 1ownshi ), Concession 16. 80 a es e ti d ijt d. 8 room fram a h silo, new imple t . ed, Ik se, stable cleaner Nutlet o a r1) fy pasture farn., •p y e Goderic wnshiiCt ession 1 80 acre. ) r Kr k e, small farm bui igikof Hullo unshipL1108bies. 80 acres tib. oofhouse ikajwith k r Karns, 40 x 60 48 ac 'vel land new shed w h n with fork r dy East o Clinton on molement stalls 4 mile ighway 8. 115 aylsrai3 .'forth of B Highv(av _'l. - rex- with hatif t i ;u1 with 20 x s implement shed vfield on house barn htTirses, new. 1 mile fr„c� a aes4 -le paved road, 1 ac 1 t w8►t$ and hydro Clint() weekly Clinton m'rnun-y s- esbarn, Ie. 2 a e• from r , 1201 acres d South of room brie furnace, 1 garage. 20 acres of goo hush. N. or beef farm 1 rhile nonigh v4. 12 'it� bai nd oil new hard maple Auburn area. 126 acres dairy farm, .9 roohouse, furnac small well, ntilll"fiouseThul cleaner, silo unloader ath nd oil x 56. rilled soler, stable 2 store ' k hour on acres, on payed oa ce s n 11, Goderic oi • 200 acre dairy farm. 9 room brick house, nd oil f rnace, dairy barn• h . i o a bulk cooler, s ea r l0 60. impleme e k all the 'implement:. Located in ullett Township • -, - 50 acre. n er h nsh,p. rolling 1 y NteV :34 acres South r hath oil hen hou cages. Highway 2I,'7 miles erich, Vns ouse, new in 1 male f Cli on 9 r frame house a a o Acres, paved rci South of C rich a Hi av 21, 60 acres I1 t front `Teat 55 x I. Collo me ownship Maitland Coti- cessio r I$*ar q 20864, barns 8 x d 1 well, 8 room eus it ath and oil furnace 102 acres dairy farm, 9 room house with hath aSd oil furnace, Karn 64 x 70, milk house and bulk cooler, stable cleaner, silo with silo unloader, 30 milk cows, 10 heifers, 150 acre dairy 'farm in Morris Township. 8 room frame house with bath and oil furnace, barn 60 x 72, milkhouse hulk cooler, new drive shed, 36 milk cows, 40 heifers and steers, all the implements. 80 acres Goderich Township, Concession 16, room' frame house, barn 50 x 60, 0 acres workable, 20 acres bush. 2 miles South of Goderich on High- way 21, 154 .acre,, 9 room brick house bath, oil furnace, barn 95 x 55, silo, drilled well. Goderich Township Concession 8, 60 acres good farm land. 41111111111111111= .11111.1.111MIIMIN SHAREN REALTY 'AND INSURANCE LIMITED 140 acres dairy farm in Goderich Township, 8 room frame house, bath, oil -furnace, barns 50 x 105, 50 x 100, milk house, bulk cooler, silos, 20 x 61613 x 40, new implement shed 4 x 72, on paved road. C. SUiiUMA R R 2 CUNTON 4112-1,IM1 SALESMAN FOR K.W. COLOUHOUN METED GUWTON GRAND BEND, ONT. COTTAGES ik LOTS 1.1 lake l.,rts.- from $3,0)0 to $9,000 6 LAKE FRONT COTTAGES, fur- nished, north of Hayfield, 15,500 o 8.35 (51) '1 Cottages---S,Rif h of Hayfield, .3 are lake front, 8,$00 to $55,(00 HOMES BLYTH-5hedruont brick home. har- dwood floors, oil furnace, GRAND BENZ) AREA-- 1-lighwas 21, 3 bed room, full basement, Targe living room & kitchen, tail furnace. treed lot 21,000 GRANT) BEND-- :3 bedroom, alum siding, attached garage • 23,500 SOl'THCOTT PINES --rear round, modern homes, several models to choose Ranch. split level or two storev :30,000 up We also have lake front acreages 14-267 acres Business building on Main tit . Grand Bend. RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. GODERICH 524-7875 SA ROOM AND' BOARD It00'\1 ANI) HOARD available le for rt•,Ion,iblt• and reliable gentlent,tn. cvenult ,21 6681 al -r31 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT .ont.tlned Apartment Telt ri.t1 Hall, 011'-.3.urs I1r1,,Int.tlned F\1 '1' V , - 1:,l .ul,011t,3 Ide.+I too 11,11 Pll„nt i•\ c11111;!,-.. ).21 'I it. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, fully furnished, includirig 'I'.V Miss NLary 13 Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street. phone 524-8642 ---= 18tf THE: KENT H()USE furnished rooms with living room and Kitchen. priv lieges 'Phone 524-8433 or 524- 7177.---18,19,20,21,22 24- ,1, --18,19.21),21,22 THREE bedroom town botore for rc nt In A'.ul.c,tr,l. 1t.lt ,. Clinton. ,111 per month. All Stilt ie, pail 1' -pylae 3. 2 '17 12 r 1.82 7396 .111) 1 1111 - I,r t't t t .. HALF duplex, heat and hydro paid, 2 bedrooms. Available' in hone Phone :524-9222 after 6 p.m.-�21tf SMALL store or office, close to Square. Phone 524-9906 after 71 p.m -16,20,21 ROOM available. Kitchen facilities. Phone 524-6269.---20,21x A Small Goldmine:- lor a mechanic. Approximately 5,000 sq. ft. of garage working area. Four working bays - office - stock room and two gas pumps. Ideal for small motors or painting. Includes tools and equipment. 43 year credit In business - owner to retire. Good area Terrific potential only $24,000.00 - $6,000 D.P. ,Irith balance on 8% mortgage. Call: Gerrie Gingerich 236-4028 (BROKER) M. SIROTIC REAL ESTATE LTD. Be Your Own Boss ... Own a franchised Breadroute dealership. Includes a 1971 ' GMC Truck and -Walk -In -Van Box In good condition. Route earning $12-15,000 per year. Franchise Route and Truck $3,900.00. Carll: Gerrie Gingerich 236-4028 BROKERS M. SIROTIC REAL ESTATE LTD. ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LiMITED REAL ESTATE -8d GENE -RAL INSURANCE GODERICH RETIREMENT COTTAGE Beautiful year around 3 bedroom, furnished cottage north of Bavfield on Lake. Huron , fireplace. well, large -,.treed lot. 4 -BEDROOM WEST SIDE You will be proud of this new prick two storey with garage, spacious hall and oversize living room with how window for a beautiful view of Lake Huron, dining room,'has, patio doors, 4 bedrooms with lots of closet space and 4 pce. bathroom • up• stairs with 2 pce. bathroom main floor, electric heating, N.H.A. 9 mortgage for qualifying pur- chaser. immediate possession. VLA SUBDIVISION Nearly new brick bungalow, large lot - a well built home, one mile east of Goderich. Family room, living room with fireplace, gas hot water heating, attached garage. DREAM HOME ,IN COUNTRY ideal retirement home close to Point Farms Provincial Park and Lake Huron. Good - two storey reel brick home, drilled well, barn, implement shed. Fifty acres of good land easily rented if desired, owner retiring immediate possession. COTTAGES See us for your summer cottage on Lake Huron. Now is a good time to buy. Ask us about two at Huron Sends (near Kingsbridge) on the lake and one only five miles north of Goderich among white birch trees with good view of Lake Huron Only $12,500. PHONE 524-9682 . 4 -BEDROOM WEST SIDE Beautifully landscaped, almost new brick, 2 storey with double garage, electric heating, finished recreation room, laundry room main floor, large attractive kit - CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Nearly new split level with garage, very attractive well maintained, modern home in choice location, gas hot water heating. NEAR SCHOOLS Three bedroom brick bungalow with finished recreation room, electric- heating,' extra large living room, nicely landscaped, large frit, fenced rear yard, ex- cellent family home in West Goderich. Brick 3 bedroom , full basement_ good location, Targe lot, excellent family home, moderately priced. MOBILE HOME 1970 Champion 60 x 12 fully rur- nished two bedroom with ex- cellent view of lake. Sandy bathing area, includes tool shed and picnic table, excellent year round home immediate possession. 19(32 Sky Line 10 x 53 furnished two bedroom, with side exten- sion, enlarging living room, built in stove, wAsher, and dryer, priced low to sell at $5,500. Ex- cellent year round retirement or young married couple. INCOME PROPERTY Park House onWest Street, overlooking Lake Huron. 15 bedrooms, two dining rooms, two kitchens. Great possibilities, Immediate possession. Open for offers. BERT ALEXANDER, 245 Catherine St., Tel. 524-7835 GERRIE A BERNICE GLENN, Dungannon, TN. 529-7924 LES PENTLAND, 152 Ca-noron St., TN. 524-9007 DON ABERHART, 311 Britannia Rd. W., Tel.,524-7215 lummotommalloommok 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 12. AUCTION SALE "THREE bedroom farm' house, all modern cAlmeinem:es, 14 miles nonfat of Goderich on Highway 21. Phone 5'24-7756.---21,22 FURNISHED 4 bedroom home last 2 weeks of June $10).00 per .week. Phone -524.7885.---21,22 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment close to square .Phone 524-9906 after 9 pm -- 21,22 ONE bedroom heated ground floor apartment, near Square. Phone 524- 13662--21 7. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG couple want one or two bedroom apartment by 1st June or before. Phone 524-7427.---20,21 WANI'EI) to Rent three bedroom” house or apartment bi• July 1st. Phone collect 284- V'92. -20,21,22,2:3x WANTED to Rent - Three or &&Aur bedroom house to rent in Goderich. Phone 524-7584 after 6 p.m. -20,21,22 ()NE bedroom furnished apartment, central location. Phone 524- 7744.-21x MARRIED teacher requires apart- ment. Phone 524-2147 after 5:00 ppm.-20tf WORKING couple require house in Goderich area. Phone 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 524-9344, after 6:00 p.m., 524 -93.3.--20tf .1.1..21LP WANTED • VANDA Beauty Counsellor. To buy or sell. Phone 524-7154.j---20,21 ARESALES PERSON required to sell primarily guaranteed mor- tgage investment - for Tax Saving Plans. Apply Box 190 Clinton News Record. Clinton, Ont. -19.2') WANTED a tennis coach to assist as mother's helper for Targe family during July and August. ('all - Collect 1-519-935-44:32.-1920,21,22 AVON TO BUY OR SEI,I, - Write Avon Products. 17 Hawkesbury Avenue, London, Ontario.-- 21.2.3 EXPERiEN('EI). person for Hard- ware Department. Must have thorough knowledge of hardware and related lines. Apply Mr. Taylor, Canadian "i'ire Store, Phone 524,2121.-21 9. WANTED {General) BASS Guitar Player, to complete a Dance Band Trio _now forming. Please phone ,after `i:00 p.m. 524- -8843,-2.1,22. (Y)NlPI.E:'TF, hou,ehulti effects or small lots wanted ('all (' & E: Fur Moire. 521-7231 -wt 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WEBER'S SEWAGE DiSPOSAI, • SERVICE.• We pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc. Modern equipment. used. 15 -years experience. Phone or write Lloyd Weber and Son, 887- 67(8) Brussels--l7tfn WANTED lawns to cut on Satur- days and on holidays. Reasonable rates apply at 91 West St. call bet, ween 4 - 5:30 p.m. 524.6627.-20nc 11. TENDERS FOR SALE BY 'TENDER iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATES OF SAMUEL HENRY BAINES AND ANNIE BAINES. Lots 2 and 3, Concession 13 and Iota 2 and 3 Concession 12, Township of Glenelg, County of Grey, containing 400 acres, more or less. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including the 28th 'day of May, 1973 at •12:00 o'clock noon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Messrs. Harris & Dunlop, Barristers & Solicitors, DURHAM, Ontario 20,21 Attention Farmers A FOR SALE AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS RRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 t gat CORN 'mileage, 20 ft. diameter silo approximately 20 ft. high, Phone 524-6360.4----21 t' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 130t4EIZ Magestic ('olour- "1' V.'s, Antenna Soles and Ser- vice, contact AIvin'sT.V. , 162 Mary Street. phone 524 1,1081). PAINTING, cement v�urk, and cner<+I cle,cu-up Paul -;21.715,k gI 3tf I )ON'`l' stalk. for le:' ok+' the best Phone Karlo'- I'la tcritti +t .+11\ r dile. Prompt stat'\ he, Lilt 1;113 -o 7,t I )\ I LY ('.\ 1t RENT \ I . Reasonable Rtire. Mt GEE:'S (;radar I, h ('hone 01'Itt PAUL"S 1 DELIVERY PHONE 524-6217 PERMA DRIVE PAVING • ar)d w Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTGRS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 5 2 4-6623 Goderich 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete lob on that new or late model car. Well '-Worth the reasonable ' investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tfn WATER WELL DRILLING. Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free estimates. 5" and up. Phone SI33 or call Collect'855-4605 BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL SAND TOPSOIL BRUINSMA CONSTRL CTION AND EXCAVATING R. No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804 . ACE RADIO & TV Fleetwood Safes & Set vice Repairs to all makes of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 is LARGE CONSIGNMENT -AUCTION SALE TERMS CASH !23b SATURDAY, JUNE 2" Gordon Srindlsy- Farm- 11/2- miles north and 1/2 mile east of Carlow' or 7 miles --north-east of Goderich,-- Ont.- -- - - TRACTORS OF ALL SIZES & MAKES Ford 80000, 144 WD 6, Farmall A, MF 35 3 cylinder with loader, ED 40 AC, Ford With loader,. MM 445 with loader, 8N & 9N Fords. EQUIPMENT MF 36 12' swathe$[, Versatile 12' swather, Ford 615 12' swather with conditioner, 141 No. 16 Harvester with hay and corn head, Fox Slower; Versatile sprayer with 50' boom, A. -C 5-16" bottom +semi -plow, 1-H hay bine, Case 36 plate wheel disc , J -D mower, ski rake, M -F manure spreader, 50 gal of Surfactant Base for Atrazine .spraying, Large section of Snowmobiles, Including 6 new Polaris machines, Riding Lawn Mowers, etc. P e. TO 'PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE GODERICH 524-6451 LUNCH BOOTH ON THE GROUNDS ANTIQUE AND HOUSEHOLD AUCTION To be held for Mrs. Laura Henry and one area consignment, at Vanastra, 2 miles south of Clinton on Hwy No. 4 (former AIr Base) on' Wednesday evening, May 30, at 7:00 P.M. Antiques and Furniture - Oak round pedestal table; buffet and six chairs; chesterfield and two chairs; leather chesterfield; chrome table and eight chairs; beds - wood and steel; dresseiia; chest of drawers; five matching press back chairs; pine kitchen table; pine flat to wall; two cherry drop leaf tables; pine washstand and small tables; pine wardrobe; three rocking chairs; pine jam cupboard; pine drop leaf table with drawer; oak buffet; press back, gingerbread, and mantel clocks; copper; brass; cast Iron; dishes; china; coloured glass; press glass; vases; Stained glass windows; frames and prints; bedside commode; fern stand; piano stool; marble top com- mode and prlmltives, Misc. • Pioneer chain saw; power lawn mower; hand and gar- den tools; horse harness; collars, whipple trees and neck yokes; tent; and Many more Items. Terms -- Cash- - No Reserve Farm sold RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & LIOUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD - 482-3120 - 452-7289 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SMALL ENGINES REPAIRED lawn mowers, outboard and chain saws Thune 524-9636- -20tf FRANK W. Jackson and Sony water well drilling utility backhoe, soil testing, horizontal earth boring Call Collect 869-4401 or 869-2251 or write P.O.Box 171, Brighter Grove, Ont. -20,21 V ACUU M CLEANERS SALES 8SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 ' gctfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON 'Phone 482-3320 13. SERVICES AY HORN PINES ELEC11l( 86 KING ST, INDUSTRIAL, REST FARM WIRIiG CLINTON 412. PROP. BUDD K SKEITON APPIIAN I n g t s-Moffat-Btal� Sales-Senitt Repairs to all maks 36 Britanniand.t Ph. 5241871 CATERIN TRUCK WIII cater to Auction Sales, to, For Information piton 5 24-9651 STOP TAKE A LOOK •t1 "May is our Fiscal Year End" - We must balanceourt. ventory befalls the end of this month. Please! Take' close look at these units listed - And we will take acloet look at your Reasonable Offer. NOTE- Any Sled cult stock over 90 days must be moved. 1972 MATADOR WAGON y-8, automatic, Power steering, Power Brakes, 35,000 miles, new radial tires - Llke new condition Lic. No. DHE -295. '339 1972 JEEP COMMANDO WAGON Domonstretor,,14;000 miles, fully equip ped. Lic. No. DHE -289. Sacrifice Price- 3995 - , Limited Offer. 1971 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM WAGON Fully equipped with every option In- cluding air conditioning, Radial tires, All heavy duty etc. One owner 40,000 rtilles, Lic. No. AOE-154 Price - '349 1971 FORD CUSTOM Four door, V.8, automatic, Power Brakes and Stwlrtl, Vinyl Interior,- One owner, 32,800 miles, Llc, No. DHF SI PRICED ..FOR.. QUICK SALE 1910 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, V-8, automatic, Power, AIr Conditioning, new tires, One owner, 46,000 miles, Llc. No. DHE 296- 90 Day Unit - Must be Sold - asking Price - 1969 PONTIAC sgqq Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, Power steering, vinyl roof, radio . $ clean car 48,000 miles (90 Day Unit) LIc. etc, a real i89 No. DHH 060- Asking Price 1969 PONTIAC LAVRENTIA $1511 Two door hardtop, V-8 automatic, new white walls, Llc. No. DHB-264, Priced to clear at only - and CHEV. WAGON 1968 V-8 automatic, Power equipped -• Lic- No, FNZ PRICE $1195 OR, 1398 WITH NEW P 1968 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, economical 8, $1015 DHE 290- 9 c. LIc. No. � automatic, radio et To Clear. 1968 REBEL REAL CLEAN $1195 Two.door hardtop, 8 cylinder automatic, radio, white walls, LIc. No. DHE 291 "ThisListing Oil! if a Partial number oI other We have a goexl prlcod from :200.00 ana�' ioniouniti real sharp -trade-Ins arriving TAS' ON THE SPOT FINANCING -TOP TADS DE -IN ON YOUR CLEAN COMP ACT FINA GRAF'SIcE SERA �A�ELIit- r, JE EP —AMIIASSAD0 •� MATADOR -HORNET -GREMLIN mew, BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH CORD MUNROE JOHE CE! EF KI tri aiif and A T( GC TE ut a1 2