HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-24, Page 70 a, o*• • 410. 4' ood's residence In Goderich, 1911,_but where? A New Zealand relative would like to ore about him. The sunbonnetted lady shown picking flowers Is Mrs. Jane Hood. w Zealand la ts prompt reply W.E. ELLIOTT ood, gardener, lived in frame cottage at 371 ,sad from 1897 to 1904, is all that is known 'at this time.,A rnen% tlite family three' ns later would like to re in order to fill in a r two of the family Patricia French,' of outh, New Zealand, ',an enquiry to the newspaper" a few o. W.E. Elliott, •local 'succeeded in locating sidence at the turn of rv, but that so far is a ed by air mail of this ormation, Mrs. French ong a couple of phs of Tom Hood's fsodericlr, one .shaving picking -flower's out in August, 1911. Not date but the picture of e disposes of 371 gad. Arrangement of ws in' the east end is erent. So the pictures Zealand evidently en wherever Hood lived after 1904. If any Goderich resident can recall the place, it would make it easier for the researcher than going all over town inspecting old frame cottages. M mi in reason" for wtshjng ter",, a n d Livingstones who went to Goderich from Scotland is to fill out the family stories of both," Mrs. Franch writes. The Goderich Hood was a brother of my great-grandfather, and David Livingstone the explorer was a brother of my husband's great-grandfather. "We have always known that a brother or brothers of my great-grandfather emigrated to Goderich, and last year I was lent a very old book on the life of David Livingstone, and in it mention was made of the fact that two of his brothers emigrated to G'oderich. We have also always known that another of my great- grandfather's brothers Robert Hood, was a friend of David Livingstone at theological college. He was igoing to Africa with Livingstone, but due to a chest complaint was advised GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY MAY E4. lint—PAO' 7 McKinley busy in .Ottawa n?rt to do so, and went to Canada—whether or not to Goderich we do not know, but we know the Hoods and Livingstones were friends. H.E "Bob" McKinley Huron MP was- a key figure in the debate on a matter which involves the Standing Corpmittee' on Agriculture chaired by Ross Whither. It was McKinley who made the motion "that the Farm Credit Cor- poration consider the ad- visability of reviewing the regulations in co- operation with the provinces in respect to the Small Forms Develop- ment Program with a. view to more uniformity between • the provinces regarding the maximum amount payable for. land by the Corporation under the Act and the Small Farms Development Program." Following considerable debate, the motion was voted on and finally passed. Part of that debate is published as follows: Mr. McKinley: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. May I just take a moment to express ap- preciation on behalf of myself and probably other" members also to Mr. Owen and officials of the Farm Credit Cor- poration. We all know we have problems with constituents from time to time and they have been quite helpful in the past and I trust will continue to be helpful. I am a little bit disturbed by the regulations under the Small Farms Development Program. Authority was given in the last farm credit bill passed by the House a year or two ago for the department of Agsiculture and the Farm Credit Corporation to operate the Small Farms Development Program. We did not see the regulations as they were going to he at that time, they were not in the bill. They were discussed a little but we did not know what the final rules and regulations would be under this program. I • have been advised that in the area from which..I come this Small Farms Development Program "My husband's people practical 1.460,04400,... }_, ami rated from Scotland to ~- g Mr. Owen; could you.give Us Australia when he was 12 years a rundown on who is eligible to old. I went to Australia for a purchase these farms that may holiday 35 years ago, married be purchased by the Farm my husband, and once again on Credit Corporation under the the far side of the world the two families are linked . . By linking the date that Livingstone went to Africa, it would seem likely that his brothers and the Hoods went to Canada around the same time -1841. Whethlr or not they went immediately to Goderich is another thing. What of Goderich , at that period. What attracted them to that paRTC uiair' spot? So many questions are 'unanswered, and yet they are part of the history of your town, and because my ancestors were the first settlers in this part of the world, they are part of the history .of my town, too --one of the loveliest cities one could find anywhere on earth." go solo oost is Ontario's Largest Spring Fair CLINTON PRING ma T SHOWFAIR_ 31� CIINTON COMMUNITY PARK DAYFRI. SAT.JUNE 1-2-3 ME 1 THE FAN CONTEST4 44 14' �"N" 1 44 NN *0014 EoNErTS o. t�""Ih Cam. % aouoN Tows 111 AIM SISIVS Hutson Central 'Apreculturol Society SATURDAY Evenksj. ARE 2 HORSE. SNOW 1:06—.JUDG114411 HEAVY NOOSE TEAMS, PONY TEAMS, EOAOSTINIS• ETC. M I "iery" 61.99, 141..+.r o4 C.r.,neni.r ler AH.rnoen .nd E.Minq POW 'TS . BOIRTA1N ENT Crewing THE ALLAN SISTHIS (,,T `'A. To,nrny Hun/.r Sae,. Alen, Wi$4 Le.' T.I.n$ SUNDAY Affetwem, ME 3 SADDIE HORSE JUDGING AND WESTERN GAI4S Iwo -4,M 1:00 p..,. irsiraws ob.'. M. Slbbin'., 6.cr.N.ry Tn.w►.r PO I , Clin.eA, on4.rie Small Farms Devel,.r::aent Program? Who is eligible to purchase these farms? There would sell it to him on terms seems to be some difficulty We would pay the owner about that aspect. $20,000 in cash or in a pension, Mr. Owen: I think perhaps I the buyer would put down a should start with the other $200 deposit, and we would sell side, who is eligible to sell first, it to him with $19,800 payable because I am hoping to tell you over 25 years, but he does not • who can buy. Any farmer who have to mortgage all the rest of was farming when the program his land. started, who was farming what If he is a farmer with more we considered to be an assets thari that, then he can uneconomic ,unit, a unit that come and get an ordinary loan would not produce him a to buy it. reasonable living, and who had Mr. McKinley: Can he get an some sort of alternative that ordjnary loan, Mr. Owen, would not put him in a worse without worrying about the position than he was when he Small F.arrn Development was on the farm, qualifies. It Program'? could be that he is ready to Mr. Owen: That is right,. but retire and take his equity out or the vendor in this case, it' he that he is going to 'another' job meets the qualifications, can or something else. So he has to get the grant to assist him to meet these criteria and be relocate. willing to sell the farm or sub- It may be also that the ven-, stantially all of the farm, and dor may sell the farm through that means he can keep the the Ontario ANDA Program, homestead, within the ceiling forr'example, and he would still set in that particular province,- t eligible f and in your province it happens to be $20,000, he can sell it to anybody and get his grant. The only limitation we have is if the purchaser is not a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant, then the vendor will not get, a grant if he sells -to him. If the purchaser is going to continue to operate that farm as a separate unit, independent of other land, then there would he no grant because there would not- be any logic in paying a grant to one man to get him off a farm on which he cannot make a living and put anotheran on it. Those are about the only two significant limitations of who can purchase. However, there are some purchasers who can get 0 special credit deal, any low-income farmer whose total assets are less than $60,000. n Ontario, if his whole farm assets are less than $60,000, he Can deposit $200 with us and -we will buy a farm up to $20,000. First, he and the ven- dor agree on the price... Mr. McKlnley: Excuse' inc. When you say $20,000, are you talking about 100 acres'' Mr. Owen: We are talking about the sale price of the farm regardless of the acres. Let us say that he has decided he would like to buy this farm from somebody for $20,000. What would happen then is that we would buy the faun for next week for quite a bit of $20,000, and concurrently money, too, and in that way go well beyond the 120,000 sale, provided the planning board would let him do it. Mr. McKinley: I would have to say that in the area where I come from, even without the house and the barn, it would require an expenditure of more than $x10,000 to• get it, and I think in the future it is more likely to go up than it is to go down. Mr. Owen: 1 think these figures, though, are much easier to negotiate upwards than they, would be' to reduce, so that as the program goes, I think we can see some adjust- ments coming. Mr. McKinley: I would hope - that what you have said is correct and some action in that regard would be taken. Along that line, Mr. Chairman,' I have a motion I would like to move that I would hope the Commit- tee would find acceptable: It be a ig► e or assistance to seems to me there should be relocate elsewhere. more uniformity in the Mr. McKinley: It seems to me ►mounts payable within the that the main difficulty in different provinces. I realize volved 'here is the $20,000 this has to be negotiated with figure that you are willing to the provinces and I have in. pay... eluded that in my motion, MMMT. Owen: Yes. which reads as follows: I•move, Mr.. McKlnley: ...which ex- seconded by Mr. Wise, that the plains pretty well to me ,why if Farm Credit Corporation is of no use in our area.. review the regulations in co - Mr. Owen: These figures operation with the provinces in were subject to negotiations. respect to the Small Farms We started off with $20,000, Development Program with a and that is the maximum figure view to more uniformity bet - we will use for calculating the ween provinces regarding the grant because the grant is maximum amount payable for $1,500 plus 10 percent of the land by the corporation under sale price, to.a maximum grant the act and the Small. Farms of $3,500. However, we were Development Program. willing to negotiate with the -in- This motion is an endeavour dividual provinces on figures to make the -Small Farms above $20,000, as longus it did Development Program more not change the grant from I;ne workable in the areas where it province to another. is needed.' I realip we are not Ther.cifore, the figure allowed to ask for more ,)money negotiated in- Ontario, ' was but I believe the way that $20,000, while it was $30,000 in motion is worded it does not do Alberta and British Columbia.' that. There ' outld not be any I am sure' that if the Province lowering of regulations. that of Ontario had wished a higher you have with the provinces figure, they could have now and it would be negotiated negotiated the • higher figure in the way that we would like it without any difficulty. to be.. The thing is, though, that' I have run into occasions in this $20,000 is for the man to the past where a son wanted to . sell all or substantially all of take over. the ;father's farm..oL- his farm. It is quite possible for maybe 100 acres but $20,000 him to sell all the farm except was no good. You have other the hom: stea.i for $20,000 and provisions that would make in _many areas of Ontario he (continued on page 8) could sell the homestead the festival '13 COMING SOON Opera Sudsy, May 27 Flea Market —*"ANTIQUES GODERICH PALADIUM 3mllesSouth on21 FREE ADMISSION LUNCH WAGON EVERYONE WELCOME [4ECIALIZEAii LEGAL, MEDICAL OR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY! Did you know that Conestoga College offers a two year ecretarlal program at CLINTON? Some grade 12 graduates with good typing and shor- thand may complete the program In one year! Send the clipping In now. Thr, I would like information on this full-time program designed for high school graduates or equivalent. Name Address Phone -- Pleas return to: Registrar, wog College, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, 653- 2511 Ext. 261. 1 GSS-LME This is your chance to save 'OM on fine quality furniture IT'S OUR YEAR END AND WE'RE JAMMED TO THE DOORS - SO WE MUST CLEAR AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE BEFORE IN- VENTORY. 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