HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-17, Page 4b • �^ PAGE 4—GODERICH SIGNAL -S'T'AR, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 KINGSBRIDGE.KAPERS CROWNING OF MARY Sunday, Max 1 3 the crowning of the Blessed Virgin '-nary took place during the 10::30 ani Maus Kindergarten to Grade -1 school children walked in the procession with Miss ,Janice Tigert doing the crowning Grades 5 to S school children were in the choir The Kingsbridge Youth Club catered on Mother's Day, N1ay 13 to a luncheon with mothers,' the honorars guests. A large crowd attended this luncheon which Has served in St Joseph's Parish Hall ►rnr mediately following the 111:3i1 a.ni morning Mass GIRLS GRADUATE r.,.. Graduation exercises took place in St. Peter's Basilica in London on Sunday, May 13 for the graduation c lass of Brescia College for thr tar 19'3 Among the graduates were Miss Annie V'anl)►epenbeek, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank VanDiepenheek and Miss Fav Hogan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Con Hogan. Those attending the ceremonies from this area were Annie's Parents. Mr and Mrs. Frank VanDiepenheek, her brothers, Benny and Harry and her sisters Henrietta and Lisette; Fay's parents, Mr and Mrs. Con Hogan, her great aunt, Mrs. WV'illiam W. Hogan of Lucknow, her brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr\ Hogan of Glencoe, her Godparents, Mr. and Basil Hogan and Mrs Thomas Bryan, and aunts and uncles, Mr _and N'1rs. P:i1 Hogan, Mr and Mrs- Austin, Mr. and Mrs. I-eo 'Court.ne\, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C;>>_lrtnev, Mr. and Mrs. .Ioe Courtney, Fay's friend John ('iisoltto and his parents, Mr and Mfrs. •Terry C'nsolito c.f London. A reception yeas held at Brescia College for the families and friends of the graduates. Mrs. Pattison entertained Fay's family and friends in her home a: '1114)) William Street, where Fay has resided for the past three years. Following this everyone enjoyed a delicious smorgasbord supper at the Darlene Restaurant. Ken Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doherty is a patient in the Goderich Hospital. Mrs. Michael Dalton was in the Wingham Hospital, Mrs" Arie VanDiepan is a patient in' Vic- toria Hospital, London and Mrs. Alvin Moran in the University Hospital. We wish these people a speedy recovery. Donald Miltenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ries Miltenhurg caught his hand in the lawn mower at 'his ht,me and received lacerations to 'his left .fingers. He was treated 'and released from the - Wirrgham Hospital. Bill Oanfyke is'conyelescing at his home from hepatitis-. Congratulations to Leroy Drennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan and to Donald Rae Farrish, son of Mr and Mrs. 'Donald Farrish, students attending the F.E. Madill. secondary school in Wingham, Mrs iJe CuJrttey 529-7I8.9 ho sold chocolate bars and on 12- portable television set 1►1 prize draw. Congratulations to Mrs. "dark Dalton the winner of a sum of money in the Knights of Columbus share the Wealth Monthlx [)raw Mass -Nellie VanDiepan, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Arie VanDiepan is now employed at Superior Continental Company in Stratford. Miss Blanche Btlodeau of Waterloo was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omand Heffernan. Nlr and firs John Shear - down spent the weekend in London and attended Graduation Exercises at the University of Western Ontario on :Saturday evening. Re\ erend Father Henry Cassano, Parish Priest in Win- dsor and formerly of St. Joseph's Kingsbridge, was a recent visitor here. .1 r. and Mrs. Edwin Meyers of London visited during the week with her sister, Mrs Den- nis Dalton and with his sister, • Mrs.Clifton Austin Mrs. John Howard and Mrs. John Austin represented St. Joseph's Council of the Catholic Women's League at the 53rd Annual Diocesan Con- \ention held lel Chatham 'on Tuesday and Wednesday, May *t and 9. Mrs. Cyril Boyle of St. .Augustine. Mrs._ Michael Willie ref Wingham, Mrs. John Buchanan .and Miss Helen M Carths of St. Peter's Coun- cil, Goderich accompanied them. -:Miss C'athx Hogan. daughter of Mr and 'Mrs. John Howard ,'orrimenCod work iat the Strat- -ford Shakespearean Festival in Stratford jatginning on Friday, May 11 and will he employed therm for the summer months. Nirs. John Howard, Mrs. Jim Gilmore, Mrs. Martin Hen- drik, Mrs -Jim Martin and Mrs. Joe Courtney attended the Catholic 'A ornen's League rn,ieeting in the Sacred Heart School. Wingham. Guest speaker was Doctor Hart Bez- ner of Kitchener. speaking on "The Hight to Life". Slides and films were also shown. Mr and Mrs. Jack McCon- ville (Mary Theresa Austin) and family .of-Scarboro spent the weekend at the home of her mother. Mrs. Clifton Austin Mr. Alvin Moran and family, Mr and Mrs. John Austin and N1r: and Mrs. Joe Courtney visited with Mrs. Alvin Moran in the (.'niversity Hospital on Sunday. .N1r. and :Mrs, Tom Hogan spent the weekend in Welland and attended the wedding of Karla's cousin, Paul Padbury. Little Rh'anda Hogt(n spent the weekend at the home of her grandparents, Mr. ands Mrs. Dennis llogan. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Riegling have nl-,ved from their home in LS►cknow to the farrn home owned by Harvey Kilpatrick cin the 10th Con- cession of Ashfield 'Township. Welcome "tu the community. get a better deal from Your credit union PERSONAL LOANS - S50 to $5,000 - life Insured. Eg. On a Thousand Dollar Loan for 12 months, the monthly payment Is 588.39 and the total Interest Is only 560.68 at our 11% Interest rate per annum. CAN YOU FIND A BETTER DEAL ON A' LIFE INSURED LOAN? FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS - From 9% - up to 120,000 - 75% of appraised value of,,house and lot. Mortgage open once a year - may be paid off In full at any time without penalty. CAN YOU FIND A BETTER DEAL ON MOR- TGAGES? OR- TGAGES? { SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX RENTAL - 14.00 - 17.00 and 515.00 per year - WHERE ELSE CAN YOU DO BETTER? Yes, you do get a better deal from your Credit Union. Goderich Community CREDIT UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH PHONE 524-7931 The Chess Club which met weekly since last fall held their windup banquet at the Bedford Hotel Wednesday May 9. Trophies were presented for each level by Mayor Harry Wor- sell, with the exception of number 1 which Is still to be Grants to local museums will be doubled in 1973 Provincial support to local museums this year will total $240,000 —' twice as much as last year, the Honourable 'Tack McNie, Minister of Colleges and Universities; announced today. Mr. McNie said that the big increase was in line with recommendations in the recen- tly published Report of the Commission on Post -Secondary Education in Ontario. It said that' local museums are expec- ted to play an increasingly im- portant role in the cultural and educational life of the province. There are now 132 local museums across Ontario which receive provincial support. Last year, there were 124. The maximum level of sup- port available to individual museums has been increased to $2,000 froth last year's $1,000. These grants are available to museums staying open for 60 days and 360 hours per year. Museums that remain open for a minimum of 20 days per month for eight calendar mon- ths will receive additional sup- port. Mr. McNie said he hoped by this means to encourage greater use of these museums -- particularly as an educational resource. Museum . incentive develop- ment grants of up to $5,000 will be provided to assist in the ex- pansion or improvement of existing museum facilities. The increased ,grants to the museums is in keeping with a wider effort by the ministry to strengthen cultural resources across the province. St. Peter's CWL plans rummage sale At' the May meeting of St. Peter's C.W.L. the ladies discussed plans for travel'to the Diocesan Convention in Chatham. "' Other matters reported were the Membership Coffee Party following a special Mass in honor of Our Leidy of Good, Counsel on. her Feast Day. Rosaries were given to mem- bers of First Communion Classes at St. Peter's Goderich, and St. Joseph's Kingsbridge. On June 17, a Communion Breakfast for the Youth Group will be sponsored by the C.W.L. following the 8:30 a.m. Mass A Rummage Sale will be held in the Parish Hall on May 26 at 1:00 p.m. The assistance of members was solicited to make this a successful sale. It was announced that religious articles are for sale at the Convent through the cour- tesy of the Sisters. • decided. Trophy winers with Mayor Worsell are: Dennis Little (level 3), Jim Kingsley (level 2) and Rick Kingsley (level 4). (Staff photo) The Colborne Township Recreation Committee are going ahead with plans for Bus Service to transport children to Goderich for swimming lessons this Information in this regard will be going out to parents as soon as the Registration Forms are received. Tiger Dunlop' Women's In- stitute May meeting will be in the Carlow Hall Wednesday evening May 23 8:00 p.m. - The 4-H Girls will be showing their books and gar- ments made at the classes of 'Sportswear from Knits and the mothers of the girls are cor- dially invited to the meeting. We are pleased to make men- tion that one of our .highly esteemed Colborne ')township Residents in the person of Mr.. William J. Westlake. of R.R. 4, Goderich, was guest of honour at a surprise dinner at his home on Saturday May 5 to celebrate his 80 Birthday. Thirty-six persons were present including 'his ' four children, Mr. and Mrs. ,.Roy Fowler (Pearl) of Corunna, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Westlakev and Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westlake of Dundas, gran- dchildren and • great- grandchildren and friends from Ailsa Craig, Goderich, Kit- chener, Sarnia and Sault Ste. Marie. We really "DIG" our work! . Backhoe Service . 'Bulldozing . Basement Excavation . Dump Truck Cleaning Out Fence Bottoms SEPTIC TANKS Sales and Installation And just because, we haven't listed your requirements above ----that doesn't mean we can't do it ---Just give us • a call. "BIG or small we dig them -all" Gaeten Jacques 524-7,104 ��x GODERICH 524-6240 Mr. Westlake has been a resident of Colborne Township since 1925 and is well known and his many friends, join in wishing him continued Good Health and more Happy Birth- days. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Falliner at Carlow over the weekend, were Mrs. Peter Boldt of Victoria, B.C. Miss Ann Boldt, RN of Pangnirtung, Baffin Island, N.W.T. and Mr. Gordon Jamieson of Cambridge (Galt) Ont. DISPla Residential Lighting• r Electric Heating "INDUSTRIAL • COMMkRCIA1., RESIDENTIAL - WIRING CUSTOM TRENCHING 1101 GRAHAM ELE(TII 62 CAMBRIA RD. N. GODERICN Custom Farm Work Anhydrous Ammonia Applying a �,•�=- - '��- SPAAYINI , ,-'� HARVES • ti i. CROP IR rf rfa 5297! LAKE RANGEA(RES TIMOTHY J. HUNTER PLOUGHING CULTIVATING PLANTING Goderich (THESE ARE NOT FIRECRACKERS) For those who wish their own displays at home oral cottage, we have the largest selection in the area of fir displays and individual fireworks (Fireworks will NOTi sold to persons under 18 years of age I, OPEN Evenings 1111 10 Sundays Till 9 Holiday Monday - 10 a.m. to 9 p,m, For—magazines, film, batteries, greeting cards ands, variety of gifts. PINCHER'S 16 THE SQUARE 738 QUEENS?, GODERICH KINCARDINE BLUE'S SUPERMARKET SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES ON THE SQUARE FRESH LEAN Groun d Beef OPEN 8 A M. SHARP TILL 10 P.M. 6 DAYS A WEEK HOMEMADE - COUNTRY LB. IDEAL FOR 89 Pork STYLE Sausage Le: $ 9c BA RBECUE FLORIDA Celery Hearts BUNCH 5-c HOME GROWN Leaf Lettuce BUNCH 29c GIANT PKG. Spic & Span BONUS - FREE BATHROOM CANISTER 99c MOTHER PARKER'S Tea Bags 2CUP 100's 69c MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED Dinner Ham 21/2-3 Ib 9 tB. SILVERWOOD'S Fresh . Milk 3 QUART BAGS HOMO 2% 99c 95c MORTON'S BEEF -TURKEY CHICKEN- SALISBUR TV. Dinners 2 R$1 DEL MONTE Fancy Tomato Juice 48 OZ. TINS 279c DUNCAN HINES Cake Mixes - TW PKGO 99c VALUABLE COUPON. THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO BUY A 5 LB. BAG White Stfgar WiTH A $6.00 ORDER c LIMIT 1 C • UPON PER FAMILY ROSE HOT DOG - HAMBURG OR SWEET GREEN Relishes 12 OZ: JARS F� 3$J' Coca Cola, Tab, Fresca 24 TIN CASE s 4 9 KRAFT JET PUFF Marshmallow WHITE OR FRUIT FLAVOUR 11 OZ. 25 BAG c WE E. SCHNEI WIEN 1 L B . VAC 7 9 PACK JAFFA ORANG SIZE 141 DOZEN 75c - WESTON'S SUPREME BREAD WHITE - WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 24 OZ. LOAVES le. -9c FRESH HOME GROWN Aspara TWO BUNG, 65c Lasi CCI SUNMAIO HOLDEN •SE RAISINS 15 02.5 3 PKG. RED ROSE COFF REGULAR OR 1 LB TINS; 99C BLE COUPON VALVA THE REGUU� 2.5c OFF PRICE OF. Blee's Own Instant Gu Coffee 10 OZ. JAR 81.41 BOTII COUPONS REDEEMABLE TILL CLOSING SAT. MAY 19, 1913E la Pr ai g in au tt tl to If fr c Q co