HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 24ICITYTRUST , PAGE 10A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 Benmiller UCW policy on showers The May nieetin* of Ben - miller U C.W. was held in the church and opened by acting president Maudie McBride with a prayer. Gwen Durst read scripture from Hebrews on Faith. Minutes were read. Roll call was answered by mentioning a church you would like to see, sometime near or far from home. The Thank Offering was set for June 6 with Miss Beatrice Campbell as guest speaker with slides on India. Reports were, heard from all conimittees. We passed a motion to send $50.00 to over seas super supply for missions. It was decided the U.C.W. is not 'responsible for showers but wish to make it known to the community that anyone in the community wishing to use the church facilities to `hold showers for young people are welcome to do so. It was decided to buy a new vacu'am cleaner for the church and leave the church housecleaning till after the road work was completed. It was also passed that the 1.' C .W. close the church for the month of July giving people a chance to attend church where they choose while the minister has his vacation. Buelah Long gave r$sume of her recent vacation in Holland and France. We sure enjoyed, every minute of it. Lunch was served by Helen Straughan and a social half hour enjoyed by all. Godetkh' youth to get OFY grant Nine Goderich young people have ioeceived an Opportunity for Youth Grant of $8,500 to organize a hand which will play throughout the area at such places as Goderich Psychiatric Hospital and the Clinton Huronview. The nine piece stage band will be called simply "The Band',' and will -be comprised of Paul Cummings, -Gerdy Pot- zel, Ernie McMillan, Steve -Smith, Elizabeth Scaman, Wendy McAstocker, Ernie Phrimmer, Marie Boyle and Dwayne Linner . who is the manager and booking "agent The instruments to be used in the band are; clarinet, saxaphone, trumpet, trombone, tuba. drum set, organ. There. will . also be one •vocalist. Charles—Kalbfleisch,, will, be helping behind , the scenes. Manager Wayne Linner says that they hope to rehearse two concerts, one to`suit the "Wider generation" and one for the - younger. Practices may he held in MacKay Hall if the town will. approve the application. If they do _not, it is hoped that the facilities at the high school can be used. Concerts in various parks throughout the area are also being planned by 'the group. The Huron County Health Unit will beaided over the summer months by two additional staff members, both Students on field training from Ryerson Polytechnics! Institute in Toronto. Don Hullah, 25, left and Phil Paquette, 18, right, discuss their • • summers activity with Chief Public Health Inspector Jim McCaul. At the moment the students are engaged in a survey of restaurants throughout the County. (staff photo) Two for summer help in health The Huron County Health Unit will have the extra help of two additional staff members over the summer monthr-with- the arrival last Monday of Don Hullah, 25, and Phil Paquette, 18. Goderich Police sponsor special trip Under the sponsorship Of the Goderich Police Association the Safety Patrol squad at Victoria Public School took a special trip to the Science Centre in Toronto on Wednesday. At the Science Centre the youngsters toured the facilities and exhibits and saw the film "Voyage to the Planets". The trip was described by Goderich Police Safety Officer Torn Jarczak as a "little reward for the kids work during the school year." About 25 students, two teachers and two Goderich Police oflicrrs went, on the ex- -cursion7 Constable John Rex- ton accompanied Constable Jarczak. Victoria Public School is the only elementary school in Goderich operating. a safety patrol. CANNEL COAL For Fireplaces Available at EDWARD FUELS Anglesea St. Goderich MORE FOR YOUR MONEY PERCENT INTEREST ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTI FICATES CITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY 7S YONGF S',T TORONTO • TELEPHONE 11E 1364-1090 H. BRUCE ERSKIN.E G O DERICH 524-9555 Both gentlemen are st-udents at Ryerson Polytechnical In- stitute in Toronto where they are- stuttvirl in -the - 'I#rlic•- Health Inspection course. Their summer in Goderich will count as a semester of study since the course is made up sof five semesters in all, first of'all two - academic then one in the field and finally two more academic. The students will be in Goderich until September working in the fields of Rabies Control, Septic Tank inspec- tions, Trailer Parks, Beach in- spections, General Inquiries 'and Restaurant Inspection. Since their arrival Messrs Hullah and Paquette. have been inspecting restaurants to help build a'health unit file on food establishments throughout the County. To date the Health Unit has hen working-witho iI sucli' file and it is hoped with the establishment of a full background catalogue on eating establishments better health rule enforcement can be carried out. --Mr. Paquette is' not farfrom - - home working in Huron being a natiye of Ripley. Mr. Hullah is from Toronto. FOR THE FINEST IN - HUNTING FISHING b SPORTS EQUIPMENT —SPORTING GOODS —HOBBIES —CRAFTS HUCK'S spOff1'ING"GtiODS 73 Hamilton St. 524.6985 PLEASE HELP us.I.- Moot of us become so involved in our personal plans that we tend to forget the constant need for blood. This can result in serious blood shor- tages. Your blood is needed now. Please attend and support the Blood Donor ,e Clinic. Blood comes only from people ... LL,,•,can't be manufactured. Won't you help ensure that blood will be on hand to meet any emergency? BLOOD DONOR CLINIC at the SMALL AUDITORIUM Goderich Collegiate WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 2 to -5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY BLOOD IS LIFE ... PASS IT ON Goderich WI names delegat The 'May meeting of the Goderich Branch of the W.I., was opened by repeating the Ode and Collect. Mrs. G. Morley, the President, thanked all who, had helped to make, the past year a successful one, and asked for their continued sup- port in the corning year. Roll call was "Bring your Hand- book". Mrs. E. Sitters read the minutes, treasurer's report and correspondence. An invitation, to attend the Belgrave Branch W.I. meeting on May 15 was received. Delegates, will be Mrs. G. Morley, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Mrs. E. Sitter, Mrs. P. Blun- dell, and Mrs. L. Bannister, to the District Annual, to be held at Dungannon, on May 30 were appointed. Suggestions, which came, forth from the Planning Meeting,' held at Mrs. G. Morley's home, were discussed. The June meeting, of the W.I. will be held in the McKay Hall, on the regular day, in the form, of a Pot Luck Luncheon`; at 12:45, with the meeting following. Mrs. B. Crawford as Resolutions Convener, conduc- ted a Study 'of the Handbook, emphasizing, the importance', that each member, "Study" and "know" the Bylaws, and what being a "Good Member," means. She spoke on the Motto—"A Woman's home, should be the centre, of her World." The Resolutions, to be voted on at the Area Convention, were brought up. Mrs. J. Moss, gave an humorous reading, on "Mama Spanks." CANNEL COAL Tor Fireplaces'- .Available at EDWARD FUELS Anglesey St. Goderich Mrs. H. Anderson reported Lunch Was served on cards and flowers, sent to sick members. A R Beach and her after the Institute Gt sung. RED CROSS BLOOD CLip* WED., MAY 16th Advertisement Published By GODERICH -BUILDING CENTRE OPENING.- MAY 14 1_ For The Third Season "THE KALEIDOSCOp ._l MAIN STREET — DAYFIELD - Gifts For All Occasions Handcrafted Articles FRAN LOGAN, Proprietress LQWER INTEREST RATES Now Available On 1ST. AND 2ND MORTGAGES Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIA and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For, Representatives In Your Area Phone SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS AND _CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head , Office 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont, —We Buy Existing Mortgages for Instant Cash - NtP /1 //ii • " Jl1M,,, wi '1 1///://11 .,�l,�/r/ d/u4/ ' NIP //:////i/ ,.,Iffy '11 , 1I \ I ‘ I ' +L '�1 �, Give r. a night off Take home a supper of delicious Kentucky Fried Chicken. SPECIAL MOTHEIt! DAY ONL FLEE 26a BOTTLE PiE P S , 1 los ON01 LOAF OF GRECIAN BREAD (WHILE THEY LAST) With Every Purchase of A BUCKET 'BARRE'L OR THRIFT ICI "Colonel Sanders makes it finger -Hokin' good!" Coron.I Sand.,.' R.up. e I �' A CANADIAN COMPANY TAKE HOME SHOP AT BOTH LOCATIONS KINCARDINE GODERICH 855 QUEEN ST., 3984850 At the Five Points -524-7359 de .40 he let on per Al mild muE Chi e. N hter Arr g .s Van] ith n b� ryA ed taa t -to d th or; Col Col for fro efoi ase whi at 880r ednl ronin • Cal ime, er, ght ith nsall Part Pre tens bein no asst 1fIC ed AN