HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 22PAGE SA--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 19; 3 Dear Ann Landers: I have been keeping company with a divorced man in his fifties. He has Baked . me to marry him. I maife no firm commitment because I wanted to be sure. Recently he had a heart at- tack. I asked him to move into my guest bedroom because he had no one to give him proper care. In thoae three weeks I learned more about this man than in the two.previnus years. First, I, am not to speak at the breakfast table. Second, I am not permitted to invite anyone to the house unless I get his approval. Third,. I am not to purchase anything unless he likes it. I used to play cards on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This must stop. I have enough to do to take care of him. My aunty son who lives out of town is not needed around here. We don't need anyone t each other. If I get lonesome for out- siders I can ago visit his daughter. I forgot to mention --he drinks, straight out of a bottle that originally contained cough syrup. Got the picture? All widows who are contemplating a second marriage ought to in- vite the man to move in for ,a few weeks. Do you agree? --- Somebody Up There Likes Me. Dear Somebody: Not really. A smart widow should be able' to size up a man without sub- jecting herself to gossip. If it. took this experience to prevent a catastrophic marriage for you, however. it, was worth it. Dear Ann Landers: We have followed with interest the con- troversy regarding the propriety of teen-agers enter- taining each other near, around, or on the bed. As coeds Residents of Goderich who are looking for a proven way to �. hose weight and keep it off can nin classes in Goderich. Group classes combine sen- sible meal plan information with proper motivation techniques to produce ,per- manent weight losses from ten to hundreds of pounds, depen- ding on a member's required reduction to achieve ideal weight. —*Omni" classes for Weight t- (.•hers are' held every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in St. George's Anglican Church, 16 Nelson. Street.: announces Mrs. Adelaide Daniels. Whey began April 24. Mrs. Daniels, a well known crusader against overweight and outspoken advocate of eating sensibly, has established over 300 classes - throughout Canada and has helped over a quarter of a million overweight people tackle their weight problems. She always recom- mends a medical check up first. Mrs. Daniels, who lost over a hundred pounds herself seven years ago - and has kept it off - explains, 'I have known the humiliation, loneliness and disappointments of being grossly overweight./ also know how wonderful it was to rejoin the world of normally propor- tioned human beings, with the knowledge, and understanding of how I could eat well - yet never again in my life become fat." 'TN E ONLY WAY ': TO FIGHT A WOMAN,: IS WITH'4OUR IAT: It.'GRAB IT AND RUN/ • JOE'S BP Service Station and . Coffee Shop . 411 Huron Rd:, Goderich 524-6871 Harbor Report at the University of North Carolina we have discovered that it is difficult to attain privacy. elsewhere so we enter- tain in our rooms. Our rooms contain a bed, a sink, a dresser, a chair and a desk. The floor space is limited. Furthermore we figure that whatever could be managed on the bed could also be managed on the floor. It is very difficult to maintain a conversation at eve level with one person on the floor and the other person on a chair If two people want to talk, or even hold hands, they must choose between the bed and the floor. The floor is so hard it encourages people to cushion themselves against, each other. So, a person is probably safer on the bed. Now that you have the facts, Miss Landers, do we clave your permission to talk on the bed? -- -Raleigh Coeds' Dear Coeds: I'm not sure you need permission, but the an- swer is no. Don't campus dorms have 'lounges with chairs anymore? And how about get- ting a second chair for the room? One of the Landers Laws for staving out of trouble is ---remain vertical, with bath feet on the floor and all hands on deck. Junior Farmers -plan formal dance June 1 The March meeting of the Huron County Junior Farmers was held on Wednesday, March 28 at the OMAF offices at Clin- ton. The meeting was chaired by president, Faye Ribey. Gwen Bosman read the minutes of the previous meeting. A bill for $21 was submitted for sponsorship of the 4-H Tractor Club. Glen McNeil gave a report of the annual meeting and con- ference held at the Inn on the Park, Toronto which seven delegates from Huron, attended. The new provincial executive elected at this conference in- clude Murray Pearson of Ox- ford as president, Glen Ruegg of Wellington as vice-president and Carm Hamilton appointed as secretary -treasurer. Faye Ribey gave a report on Catch 44 which was held at the Twin Gables at Listowel the weekend of March 9th. Thirty eight i 38) representatives from Zone 7 attended. Keith Williamson reported on the Zone meeting which was held at the Toronto' Con- ference. A zone executive has been set up. It was decided at the meeting that the county Advertisement Published By SHEAFFER PEN CO. A Division Of TextronCanada Ltd One grain boat and two salt boats visited Goderich harbor over the past week. The Thornhill put in with a load of grain May 5 at the waterfront elevators. May 2 the Roy A Jodrey arrived light out of Sarnia and took out 20,000- tons of salt followed by the E.B. Barber which arrived light out of, Toronto and took on 12,000 tons of salt. In all 237,450 tons of salt have left/ the Domtar Chemical mine since the shipping season opened March 23. "INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL" • RESIDENTIAL - WIRING CUSTOM TRENCHING GRAHAM ELECTRIC president, provincial director and two other persons represent the county at zone meetings. The other two per- sons from Huron County will be the club vice-presidents and/or the associate provincial director. The fdrmal will be held on June 1 at the Seaforth Arena to the music of the "Revised Edition". The formal commit- tee is to meet in the near future to finalize the other plans. A delegate from Northern Ireland will be visiting . the county from June 8 to June 22. The provincial portion of the membership fee remains at $2,00 this year but it was moved to increase the county portion from 50c to 75c. The April meeting • of the Huron County Junior Farmers was held on April 25 at the OMAF4ffie4,,at Clinton. Themeeting was opened by county president, Faye Ribey. The minutes were given by Gwen Bosman. In the absence of the treasurer a treasurer's report was given by Joanne Maloney. Due to the financial stivation it was moved that all bills be left for 'payment until the next meeting. A report from the newsletter committee was given by Lois Jones who informed the group that a newsletter will be issued very soon. Keith Williamson gave a report on the Spring Com- petitions held at Ottawa on April 7. The zone placed first among the seven zones of On- tario and the mixed curling team and ._basketball players can be congratulated for the fine showing they made for Huron county. It was suggested that the clubs change the date ..of their regular June Meeting so that it will be held when the exchange visitor from Northern Ireland is here. She will be with the Clinton Club from June 8 to June 15, and with the Seaforth Club from June 15 to Juni' 22. The draw committee repor- ted tha-t the tickets on the meat draw are ready. This year's GODERICH 524-8670 The Goderich Bells ash prizes are first, 50 lbs. of beef; second, 25 lbs. of ham; third, 10 lbs. of turkey. The ticket prices are 50c each or three for $1.00. The draw will be made at the Junior Far- mer Formal on June 1. Formal plans were then discussed. Ticket price for the formal will be $5.00 per couple. The Easter Seal Committee would Mks to thank Mrs. Carroll and her pupils tl South Street School for preparing M. velopee for mailing. FINAL OFFER! HALLIDAV E wc„YBVItoHOME DISCOUNTS chi yo, Cha ind he: n' /eh, of ocl ane hiol yet Eat ly air 18: ala tors e 1 AY11 0 N E 35 HOME ANY MOQEOURIS Order Now ! Sive'Now on a quality Halliday Hosie, computer - constructed of 1st grade, kiln -dried lurnber to CMHC spr�c:fic�rtior��, Our 2% Early Bird Discount offsets the Ontario tax increase. Early Build Discount saves you hundreds of dollars more srnd you �It extra 2% off for C.O.D. Act today ! See your Halliday Dealer, for complete discount dieHils, mortgage and building lot assistance. o ` y Soria 51 t o for for us wh the ng� tl d the as lity th Al ec tly or t tic ften is a It c WI ed is The ROSSEAU .. - one of 13 Hall,day cottage models 47 dtffeuent floor plan;. Hallidays E,rrl, ? ci C ,tt,rge D scour±'o:, rushing out r. t d I,r' Vernon to save 5 on ,any r .,t1 tq packages, flruslllrl�t !11 i.i_i�.f 5 �J -;tS Take delivery itis rboi Hallidays Makes Home Ownership Easier Back -to -Nature. . the latest trend in fragrances! Musk...the hottest scent going! LOVE'S MUSKY POTIONS he Bonus Interest May 1 to May 15 DIESEL VIL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For AH Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 482-7971 .Ronald L. McDonald OPTOMETRIST The, Square 524-7661 CHARTERED'ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario Money you move to a Special Savings or a Regular Savings account at victoria apd Grey Trust - at any time during the period May ,1 to May . 1 5 will he accorded full interest (Special Savings 5 ° ;,. Regular Savings 4%) from May 1. This up-to-twd-weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost ... if you act now! For FASHION RIGHT SHOES* The Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich Cards For All Occasions * Gifts * Books' * Stationei~y Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST St. Goderich The senior Trus( Compant devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. VICIVRL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 • FRIGIDAIRE • 'WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON • HOOVER .- —Sales and Servicer' i r 9.00 to 5:00 Monday to Thttrgdav 9:00 to 6:00 Friday .1 2/11r0) ri• h trLd rt,''' <:k m r f < <a FOUR NEW NATURAL FRAGRANCES, EACH WITH A MEASURE OF • Natural blends.r:- woods, -earth, fruit flowers — to please. any woman's taste. JEWELL :BROTHERS Lyle R. Zurbrigg, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich HoIg M. INDUSTRY _ • Free Burner Service • Furnace Finin lfIg * Gasoline* & Diesel Fuels 524-7681 OR 529-7524