HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 19GO1)ItRJ, 14 SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAIM 10, 1973—PAGE 6A nwraits 104 DICE e Agee i� LIMITED lent. ilable. HARIIOUI(AlliE`, plus other musical numbers `,ing an 0, i.ng of us music Suri11ay • May D at 7 30 p nt Fir .t ilapt Est ch. Alontreal --17,1d,19 ANI) SALAD supper at nited Church aorr the eA23rd d y'at 5:30 I . lts children 75c pre-schoolers ted free 1 9 KVE Wednesday May 16 Spring Flowers Tea and Sale at Victoria Street Church. I3llke Sale corn- s 13i1 p.m Bring your ,s - for afternoon 1819 THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TEA AND PENNY FAIR at Knox Church, May 30th, 2:30 to 4:30. Prizes' will be on display after May 16th at Denomme Florists. -19,20,21 50th WEDDING ANNIVER- SARY for. Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Armstrong, 120 Sunset Dr. in Knox Presbyterian Church Parlor on the -19th of May from 2-6 in the afternoon. Friends Ftnd neighbours welcome. -19,20 REGULAR MEETING of the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital volunteer assocation will be held at the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, May 14, 1973 at 2:00"p.m,--19 NEW BIN(;(, Clinton 1 i-giiiri Hall 8:30 May 10. Admission $1.00, fifteen regular games $ 10.0(1 each, 'Three Share -'Thr. Wealth games s One jackpot for $170.00 in 56 numbt5ts con- solation. One call and $10 ad- ded weekly if not won.—cgtfn BINGO every .'dtirrdav at Goderich Legion .lull 8:30 p.nt. Fifteen regular games, $12.00 prizes. Four share -the -wealth games with this week's !al kpot $lily,(►( if won in 56 calls. Dour prizes. Adnlissiun $1.(0) --gtf .ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT If you have a hearing problem contact The Zenith Hearing Aid Service by calling RIECK , PHARMACY 524-7241, 1 4 I ne Square. FREE TESTING. NO OBLIGATION. by Shirley J. Keller Spring Tonic, usually a magic elixir which draws out the winter blues and injects springtime hope and en• thusiasm, turned out to be more than that. The third and final produc- tion of Goderich Little Theatre for the 1972-73 season ended up to be a thoroughly in- vigorating experience whicrh left everyone in that gay ancr won- derful relaxed mood so attune to spring and summer living. The show on Friday evening seemed to get off to a slow start through the_ numbers from Cabaret, Can -Can and Gigi. I•t came alive briefly during the Carnival In Flanders number "Here's That Rainy Day" sung by Director Marjorie Dunlop and then fell off again during the Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid and Bombo songs. At last, about half way during the first segment of the show with the trio offering by Marjorie Dunlop, husband Roy and that perennial favorite Bill Cochrane entitled "The Rain In Spain", the tempo of the show hit a delightful high and, maintained • that peak TED PLAYING THIS WEEK ;INCE 1900° NE 357.1960 Fun and Laughter For Everyone EASY DANCING EASY LISTENING COMING "The Ring" Frank & Gus (arry-Oui PIZZA ALSO - PAGHETTI-LAAGNA-RAVIO[I 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH (Near The Laundromat/ 247662 Deliver y Charge e g only 35c OPEN 4 P.M. - 2 A.M. - WEEKENDS TO 3:30 SUNDAYS TILL 1:00 A.M. . Thu. 10 Fri. 1 1 Sof. 12 DUSTIN HDFF e;.wwvw,e 'MATURE ENTERTAINMENT Sun. 13 Only wrg MCC MBRIDGE Maria SCHELL Luciana PALUZZI Her LOMrt DARING!.. FRANK! .. BOLD!.. For the second time the Huron County Health Unit has filed an appeal with the Ministry of the Environment for two students to conduct a cottage pollution study along the shore line of Lake Huron. Dr. Frank Mills, Medical Of- ficer of -Health for the County-, explains that a written request filed earlier this year had been turned down by the Ministry. When the matter came up originally, back in the fall of 1972, the Ministry had agreed to the suggestion of hiring students to carry out such work. In the refusal to consider the first appeal Health Minister James Auld said that it had been decided that the "Priorities for this year lay elsewhere." _ Huron County health of- ficials have declared more than two dozen cottages along the badly eroded lake front "Unfit for human habitation" because of damaged or even destroyed sewage systems. For the moment the Health Unit is most ,concerned with averting a health crisis brought on by accelerated erosion which has washed out We beds and leeching pits used'for sewage systems. Many of these units were located right on the beach and some are now under water. Dr., > Mills - has termed—the situation "a crisis" in one of his appeals to the Ministry assistance in the needed survey. The Health Unit had hoped that students would. be provided through the ministry's Students Working in an En- vironmental Enhancement Program (Sweep). DRIVE-IN • GODERICH 8 AT CONCESSION RO 4 • PHONE 524 9981 OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. PROMOTE-YOUR ,ENTERTAINMENT GET 'RESULTS THE SUREST WAY The refusals from the Ministry said they "recognized" the problems but explained resources allocated for SWEEP this year were not sufficient to cover suggested programs. In referring to the high water Mr—Auld said "there are even worse areas on the Great Lakes `tVbere large numbers of .cot- tages have been,, flooded or totally destroyed." Dr'. Mills however feels the flooded areas of Essex and Kent Counties could be• reclaimed but in Huron the high water has completely destroyed sections of -shoreline. throughout the entire perfor- ma rice. The audience was warm and receptive during the presen- tation of some o;,j-time fayorites by The Town and.. Country Four, a barbershop quartette comprised of Bill f'anipbell, Ken Campbell George Ribey and Marlen Vin- cent. By themselves and with the entire ctampany backing them up, these boys left audience clapping and cheering for more. Some of the old-time goodies were Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, Making Love Ukulele Style and 1 Only Want A Buddy Not A Sweetheart. During A Bicycle Built For Two, the audience really hec.arrie involved as Jean Knight and Bill Craig rode around the perimeter of the "GDC 1 gymnasium on a sturdy bicycle -built -for -two. Then to add even more audience par- ticipation, some of the cast jumped. down from the stage and went up and down among those present inviting them to singalong. A good many lusty voices, could be heard belting out favorites like Oh You Beautiful Doll, Pretty Baby, If You Were The Only Girl In The World -and When You Wore A Tulip. The final segment of the 'how 'included songs from Camelot, Mary Poppins, Finian's Rainbow and Gypsy as well as a group of Irish stings with the stars being Seamus Doherty, Marjorie Dunlop, two talented Irish. dancers Deidre Hayes and Carrot Scott from The Butler Academy of Irish Dancing, Toronto, accordianist Eugene Bradley and the mar- vellous Town and Country Four. Goderich Little Theatre, ig... richer because of the presence of Marjorie Dunlop, a woman who is a truly talented, vivacious and professional per- former. Because Mrs. Dunlop was alive and vital, the whole -cast seemed to sparkle as the evening wore on. Bouquets to that lovely lady' Amon the best new talents on the GLT stage this time was BAYFIELD RD — GODERICH 524-7711 DINING & DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 11 & 12 Marianne Frayne who sang Look To The Rainbow. Her fresh, youthful appeal is an- chored by a clear, sweet voice with plenty of range and ex- pression. Sister Lisa who performed with Marianne and Betty Rogers in A Spoonful Of Sugar caught the imagination of the audience and captured many hearts. A wistful and thoroughly en- tertaining effort came by way of Madeleine Edward who sang Feed The Birds from Walt Disney's Mary Poppins. Kathy Jenkins; hardly the world's finest vocalist added much to the performance. Her duet with Bill Cochrance ''I Remember It Well" was only fair musically but it was great dramatically. In I Love To Laugh with the Frayne Sisters and Bill Cochran~, Mrs. Jenkins proved once again to be a GLT dependable ... the kind of performer. who is infec- tuous to the audience and to the, crew. Hardly enough plaudits can go in Bill Cochrane's direction. Mr. Theatre of Goderich, Bill seems timeless and better with every role he accepts. Beecher Menzies' two num- bers - Thank Heaven for Little Girls and 'My Mammy (of all things) may have left Maurice Chevalier and Al Jolson fans just slightly offended, but the audience seemed to love both numbers. What Beecher lacks -in talent he makes up in sheer spontaneous "ham". And Seamus Doherty, the Irishman with a velvety tenor voice capatlle,of booming power and incredible softness, always melodic, was his usual great. When it came to staging and costuruing,.-Carn had just -tin edge on Mary Poppins. Camelot also had one of the best group numbers in the entire show - The Simple Joys Of Maidenhood by the female chorus. (Kathy Jenkins stole the show.) All in all, Spring Tonic was a huge success on three - suc- cessive evenings. Goderich, Lit- tle Theatre rightly deserves to take a bow for another season of worthwhile amateur theatre in town. Dancing at SALTFORD VALLEY HAIL - Saturday May 1 TICKETS - Phone 524-6009 524-8938 FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SUNDAY May 11 - 12 - 13 THE COUNTRY BOYS BUSINESSMAN'S LUNCH is now our specialty Something Different Everyday trbe iLittte. Jinn BAYFIELD 565-2611 ...an Invitation In term, .. ENTERTA: NMENT ODERICH MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION' Germqn Wine & Beer Fest SATURDAY JUNE 9 AT 9 P.M. IN THE GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Dancing to The ALPINAIRES GERMAN FOOD TICKETS '3.50 PER PERSON (Only 500 Tickets Available) Tickets ee Sale at Earl Rawson Styr. Shop .. - - W.J. Deromme Flower Shop Or C.Il ct Den Elliott 524-6503 $III Reid 524-7021. MOTHER'S DAY Featuring a Full Menu Plus BEEF - TURKEY & HAM for your Enjoyment HB.LUPSIDE DOWN /hu 0 in 11 Sot 1.2 ]yam_ Sun. 1 3 Mon 14 `�•/.��Srlw _ Tue. 15 ir . ,! .4. ... 1,...,4._ .. , /, t) //I , N.$ Boiler ;Beach \vow • ._...........• . • .„,_,..4,,_.:.....,--. ,-.. _ ZEE Ikli ,....... ..„„„......, _Ir. 4‘.... -, . IP 'MP 7 01*' .n.....h e --- 1411k 111"...' KINCARDINE - WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. MAY 9, 10, 11, 12 le, RENTADICK ra....a -•rr n. -+.r. wr. R 1-9 WO tIl1 t **IP*: StRIMt610 - a SODOM" M*M1W1A' IWTM:.M—tOu•� TE*RY Mf TT LAMM'W SUN.-MON.-TUES. MAY 13, 14, 15 :,, . ' . i / ' ' I I rh1oiS they do off d F, .;/ l /1v ovally prirah.! KATHY CANNON • ,JOYCE WILLIAMS PLUS ser your s.gnts on ,� ' WOMAINI , SHOWTIME' = • • .m. p duly iii 111 the Game °' imeos et of atrthe T, ,01 -, 0F,FA.1 ROC Ot ort NU AtiVs, ;:ntit0,N Mt T . . WAR AITACM FROM O(!MO SPACF RA 1/0 !FRS IMF `ART'' Q WEDNESDAY Trft MOTHER'S DAY SMORGASBORD SERVED AT 1:30 P.M., 4:30 P.M. and 7 P.M. reservation Required 30 Illi ',(i'APf PO )51 5;,1 ,811 GODERICH rr.r r rZFIcler F'irrITTIFIrr.`iii"ZF•ZarrrZrrIaarl- c rirrZrI+'Z''T-ITIzirrirr4 OWEN SOUND • THIS TELEVISION STAR IS NOW APPEARING REGULARLY ON -THE GEORGE KIRBY TV SHOW Joey Is not only one of the best dancers In the world but his own style of singing and his unique presentation make him a STAR OF STARS! • LADIES FREE MON. TO THURS. INCLUSIVE Entertainment charge from MOO p.m. on MON. to THURS. INCL.- Ladies, Free, Gentlemen 11.25 Friday, Saturday'. Ladies 11.50 Gentlemen 11.50 FREE SATURDAY MATINEE 2 to 4 p.m.