HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 14• . N e, PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 Goderrcn MuducrpaiPonce oftic tar Tom Jarczak has recently been plying talents other than those of law enforcement on behalf of the local police force . In his spare time the officer Long weekend coming With the long weekend coming up May 19, 20 and 21, Goderich Town Council 'has brought forward for study and information the municipal bylaw with respect to the use of fireworks and firecrackers.. `Regi encs of Gode ich s!.ioulc 1 note that the sale o f firecrackers in the town is for - bidden. As well, no person sha' ll sell, ,give or distribute "famil y fireworks (a pryotechnic: device producing quantities c,r effect s of light, sound or smolece by t1, .e combustion of explosive ca. flammable composition and ill - eludes firework showers, foul l - tains, golden rain, lawn light s, pin wheels, roman candle s, sparklers, volcanoes and mine s, but does not incluc le 'firecrackers or articles ( �r devices not classed under t1 �e Act as shop goods) to any pe r - son under the arge of 18. However, a person may se XI1 paper caps, toy pistols, toy ca n - non or toy guns for the use of, such caps, the explosive conte nt of which is not in excess of 25/100ths of a grain per car r. It is also against the law" f or any person to sell, offer for sale, give or distribute to a ny person under the age of 21 E ,ny exhibition fireworks. It is even illegal for firewo rks which contain expIosive cc �m- position "to be displayed in ,St ,ore windows. All displays must ; be., only mock samples. Where the discharge of firecrackers is concerned, the bylaw stipulates that no pe rson shall discharge, fire or set'c ;ff or cause to be discharged, fire .ed or.„ set off, any fireworks. The following rulings are taken directly from the 1 Dylaw passed June 19, 1969: Displays of Family Firework s A person 18. years of age or over may hold a dis play of family fireworks on a ny land belonging to him 'or on any other privately own, ed land where the owner the reof. has given permission for such a display or disch arge of fireworks.- „No ireworks.-„No person shall use ,, set off or allow to be, used or , set off any firework or firework, 3 in such a place or in such a manner as might create dang er or con- situte a nuisance to r any person or property, or to da 3 or cause or allow any unsafe act or com- mission at the tir ne and place for , the setting off of , any fireworks. No person sh all set off any firework or fire• works in or into any buildir ig, doorway, automobile, or other place where such F ,etting off might creat a dam, ;er or nuisance to any ,person C ,r property. No person shall set off any firework or fireworks in or on or into an y highway, street, lane, squa re or other public place; pro, sided that this shall not be di aemed to prohibit a display of exhibition fireworks in a publ k place in accordance with th e provisions of this bylaw. No P iron under the age of 18 yer ire shall .set off any f rswor .k or fireworks except under the direct supervision of has painted the town crest on the number one police cruiser clearly marking it as a Goderich squad car. Jarczak Is safety officer with the local police force. (staff photo) Locallaws about fireworks and control of a person 18 years or over. No person beink the parent or guardian of any child under New store on Square Gerofsky Brothers Ltd. have received permission from Goderich Area Planning Board , and Town Council to erect a clothing store on The Square adjacent to Shore Gift Centre. As well, the Goderich In- dustrial Commission is negotiating with Signal -Star Publishing Company Ltd. con- cerning a building site at In- dustrial Park. The lot which the Signal -Star had originally selected is now believed to be 'too low and the -possible cost of servicing the, land to 'conform to the firm's needs could run excessively high. Several alternatives are presently under discussion. It has been suggested that enough fill from the construction at In- dustrial Park may be available to the Signal -Star to bring the lot up to requirements without much additional cost to the company. As well, a letter has gone out from the Goderich Industrial Comtnission to Linton and Hirst to determine whether or n of that company's lot could be traded or resold to •the,Town. A third alternative is the se lection of another site within the Industrial Park boundaries. [t was learned the Goderich Ps' ✓chiatric - Hospital is presen- tly under consideration as a pos sible agency to take on a cermmics project - for the local Tot mist Committee. While nothing final has been decided, it is thought the Town Seal could be seton certain cera mic items and offered for sale as a -genuine souvenir for travellers through Goderich. Such says the age of 18 shall allow the child to set off any firework or fireworks, except when such parent or guardian or some other responsible person of 18 years or oyer is in direct super- _..uision- and:. Public Fireworks Displays No, person or group of per- sons shall hold a display of exhibition fireworks without first having obtained a permit to do so signed by the F3 Chief or Deputy Fire Chief. _; The application for a permit shall be made at least one week prior to the date on which it is desired to hold the display of exhibition fireworks. A display of exhibition fireworks may only be held by a person or group of persons if such display is under the super- vision of a fit and competent person. A display of exhibition fireworks shall be conducted in a manner consistent with all safety procedures and be held ani—continueeP only while all proper precautions are being observed to keep spectators at a safe distance, to protect public and private property, and suitable fire extinguishing equipment shall be at hand at all times. All unused fireworks and all debris shall be removed by the group holding the. display im- mediately following its con- clusion and safely disposed of. Penalty Any person who contravenes any provision of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offense and liable upon conviction to a penalty not exceeding $300,00. s.J.s, In a statement released Wed- nesday the Save the Jail Society expressed "continuing deep concern" over the preser- vation of the former Huron County Jail which they have been fighting to save over the past months. President Joan Van den Broeck said her most im- mediate concern was the use of heavy machinery near the jail wall when construction of Assessment Office expansion gets underway. Mrs. Van den Broeck stressed that she and the Society were pleased to see ex- pansion taking place in that location since it saved the jail wall from destruction but poin-, ted out that the careless use of machinery could .undermine or damage the wall. She said the Save the Jail Society would be contacting the Official PIan gets third, final reading ° After what is considered by many an unnecessary delay, the Restricted Area Bylaw, the document to put the teeth in the Official Plan, has received the third and final reading and is legal and binding, pending government approval, of course. But this is only the begin- ning, according to Town Ad- ministrator Harold Walls. "There's a monstrous educational process ahead to get that zoning bylaw, across,” stated Walls. The _next move is..to get the bylaw to the public. Every property owner in ' the municipality will be mailed a copy of the bylaw. There is also some consideration being given to publishing a copy of the bylaw in The Goderich Signal - Star, although this is con- sidered expensive duplication by a portion of council. The Goderich Area Planning Board has been charged with the responsibility. of preparing the presentation to the public. -It is understood that after each property owner has received a copy of the bylaw, time will be given for appeals and a public meeting will be called to hear those appeals. c�ntinuing, Concer1 ning the Save the Jail group as well. Pointing out that she recognized these as being only rumors for the . moment, the S.J.S. president said more direct moves in thnear future to resolve the status of the jail could avert such a situation, Mrs. Van den Broeck also announced that the County Council had turned 'down a request by Pendulum Players, a drama group who used the jail court yard last sumrrer, to stage productions at the"\ jail Huron County Council to ex- press this concern by the next regular session of the council. The Society president also said she was disappointed that better .progress had not been made when the Property Corn- mittee of Huron County Coun- cil met with the Jail Committee of Goderich Towr. Council last week. Mrs. Van den Broeck said there had been rumors that a move was afoot to sell the structure to -an American developer and this was conc'er- again this year. Tit given was volved withth sway on 8p COnetretta (ln0 close y She also said the foe turned dow11.1 a r�e�e S.J.S. to shoot documentary on the h the 130 year-old fail. fila in fundahoped to and for showing wising at thec and when it fiajly npe public," she explained. This is the year to goon that summer vacation with a new lightweight canoe or cartop boat Cartop Boats 12' 614' • EXPLORER BOAT TRAILERS 500 lbs. — 4000 lbs. The 2 hp Mate. Evinrude quality in .a mini -size motor with a lot of punch. Thi,�� ' , �^,'' 6'e.5 tion. coo11,1 der,,:itor mou nt.,rj n, e ,er I; S �u -perfect ,:rce$ and dinghies EVIIJRUDEE SERVICE DOMINION RARDWARE 30 VICTORIA ST. NORTH 524.8581 J. M. CUTT FOODMASTER OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. 91 VICTORIA STREET • SPAGHETTI oa MACARONI 79C 1713. SOX DARES 1 LBBAG 59c GODERICH TREESWEET BLENDED ORANGE JUICE 4^O= Za $9c CRISCO 3TILNI3. 1,25 BICKS YUM OR SWEET PICKLES 24 OZ. YUM MIX BICKS cYUM OR SWEET YUM MIX : PICKLES 48 OZ. 89c WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELSROLLS5 FOR . WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE R°`Ls FOR c POWDER SUNLIGHT 5 LB. BOX $1.99 BEANS BRUNSWICK HERRING (Continued from page 1) . tmeilt units were, created last year. At the moment there is only one vacancy available for a one bedroom unit." "To keep pace with last year we require in Goderich 60 apar- tment units this year. With ap- proval of Mr, Dixon's Apart- ment, to date, we will have 49 tnits4" "A, very large portion of apartments are occupied by retired people in Goderich and more will come if accom- mod ation is available," he said Planning ' Board however decided io recommend to Town Council that no action be taken on the matter until an official request for rezoning is filed by. the developer as is the procedure' under board policy. Chairman Dave Gower noted, The set back should he 20 feet now,.not 15, and I could not pyo along with this request as it stands anyway." He went on to say, "If we are going to have these discrepan- cies there is no use in having these by-laws and policies." Bert Such added, "We'll juMt have constant frustration with change and change and change." 31/4 OZ. 1 Oc 84 FL. OZ. FLEECY SOFTENER WITH DUNCAN HINES F CAKE MIX 289c 83c I VIM�MILK •RG 19 FL. PORK OZ. F R / c JAVEX a EACH 2. 1.69 MEAT SPECIALS SHOULDER ROAST LB GSC FRESH PORK BUTT ROAST FRESH PORK 79c BUTT OR SHOULDER CHOPS LB 89c SUPER VALUE BACON La 99c BOLOGNA BY THE PIECE LUCAS AR rHUR WIENERS ,a6 9c FRESH COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS 49c POLISH SAUSAGE Le9 C 99c 89c LUX SOAPc3 BARS R SAVE ALL WAX PAPER ILL 3°F CHEF BOYARDEE 8 OZ. r STEW 4 R BICKS Z F DILL PICKLES2 R WHITE SWAN 60s F SERVIETTES 4 R STAFFORD 19 FL. OZ. CHERRY PIE FILLER FAMILY SIZE 26 FL. OZ. FOR j PLUS 2 F 0 k PEPSI PURITAN STEWS POWDERED OMO 1.69 24 OZ. 2F R DEP. SUNLIGHT LIQUID 69 DISHWASHER POWDCR i99cCREAMETTESUNLIGHT 2 MACARONI FRUIT AND VEGETABLES HOMEGROWN FRESH 8 OZ. BUNDLE ASPARAGUS 39c PRODUCE OF USA NO: 1 GRADE CELERY STALKS 2@69c NEW CROP PINK OR WHITE TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 1 I ef1.00 2 L8.Fll OR PAGHETTI , ri S FOR MOTHER'S HANGING POTS PATIO POT AND PANSIES AY FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS RICH'S 32 OZ. MORTON 8 O. 4's ORANGE s �r COFFEE RICH 279c POT PIES $UN$HINE 12 OZ. - VALLEY FAAM 2 LS• SAQ 3i$ ORANGE JUICE 2R79c F ENCH FRIES. ti