HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 12• s 6, PAGE 12—GODFRICH_SIQNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 TOWN ANIS COUNTRY • SS IF �s 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE t BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. 82 Albert Street Clinton, 'Ontario For Clinton News Record and Goderich tiignal Star — May 10, 1973 Completely redecorated 1 floor home in Goderich, 2 bedrooms, full basement, and Iaundr\Toom. New shag carpeting in ltvtngroom and master bedroom. 2 storey frame home, close to post office and shopping area in Clinton. Low down payment will handle. 15 acres near Auburn, with large modernized home - large barn - near paved' road Fully equipped restaurant with modern living quarters in Huron County FOOD FOR THOUGHT Imported onions are now up in price about 700`1 over last year. CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 III9NTEE JUST MINUTES FROM GODERICH Three-bedroom frame home on lot 155' x 114', with dining room, sun deck, 4 pc bath, 'new roof, electric heat. Hoose is only 8 years old and is located. 2 12 miles south of Goderich. HOME IN SEAFORTH Three-bedro'im frame home on lot 56' x 145' with dining room, 4 pc. bath and onlv4b eks,frtern ,school. Priced $ 14,000. TWO STOREY BRICK On 9 lot 66' x.134' with large kit- chen, 3 bedrooms, full basement, new furnace, and garage, paved drive, concrete patio at rear. Only 2 blocks from school. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW With aluminum siding, carpet in .. master bedroom, living room has shag rug, good sized kitchen and at- tached garage. IDEAL FAMILY HOME. MODERN HOME IN V.L.A. • Three-year-old brick home on lot 130' x 117'. Rec. room, dining room, — 3-bedf ms, carport attached. Well and pressure system. Only 1 mile from Goderich. COTTAGE TYPE HOUSE On lot 66' x 165', with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement. Located close to the schools. 96 ACRE FARM AT NiLE 6 year old house with 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, full basement, fireplace, elec- tric _..heat„ -_2. car- garage. _Barn_40' x _ 60' on level land Land all leased for 1973 season. 51 ACRE FARM Specializing in feeder hogs. Situated on this property is a stone house, modern plumbing, oil furnace, 285' drilled artesian well. Included in the- selling price is a new building with accomodations for 350 'feeder hogs, ,10 ton bulk feeder tank, automatic feeder system, automatic cleaning syate, with lagoon. Barn heated add air conditioned. Total asking price is $28,500.00. MOBILE HOME Ready for occupancy. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer, tool shed included' in purchase price. Situated at 'Meneset Mobile Park, Is 12' x 60' with 3' tip at back with 21" exten- sionon livingroom. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Located south 'k.of Bayfield - at Snowden's Acres. On a lot 80' x 214', with 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. hath, winterized with electric heat, and fireplace. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE K.W. Colquhoun Limited 14 Isaac St. Clinton Frame ' House- In Bayfield, 3 bedroom, oil heat, on double lot, handy mans special, on Main St. Aluminum House built 8 years In good repair, 3 bedrooms with Electric heat on 20 acres of land subject to severence, situated between Bayfield and Goderich on 4th concessions. 34 ACRE - HOBBY FARM With two storey fully moder- nized house, steel Implement shed and garage 30 x 54 with approximately 8 acres of market garden land, the balance with trees and two ravines with natural springs, tWs property Is located on the 5 Concession between Bayfield and Goderich. 75 ACRE FARM 15 acres of bush on the Maitland river, the balance ren- ted for crop, the house and barn are in need of repair, this property Is near Auburn. 80 ACRE FARM On the 6th between Goderich and Bayfield, with natural springs running through a ravine, a,,,.good average frame farm house with all convenien- ces, barn is 36 x 56 frame with attached shed, also a 30 x 52 steel Implement shed and Silo 13 x 35. Terms can be arranged. .AGENT - AL AMY 482-7219 8. HELP WANTED WANTED a typist, efficient part time. Write Box 30 Signal - Star. -18,19 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper able - to maintain a complete system. knowledge of farm equipment and automotive business desirable but not essential. Salary commensurate with experience and ability. Apply N.T. Monteith Ltd., Exeter, Ont. -x-19 SHORT order cook for full time position. Call 524-7711 for appoint- ment. -19 WANTED " PARTS -COUNTER - PERSONNEL for Automotive Sup- ply Store, in Goderich' Please write box 35 for interview. -19x WANTED a tennis coach to assist as mother's helper for large family during July and August. Call Collect 1-519-948-4432.-19,29,21,22 SWING into SPRING with an ex- citing career. Sarah Coventry of Canada Ltd. - noted high fashion jewellery company - has full and part time openings for fashion (home show) directors in this area. No collecting or delivering. Kit supplied free. For appointment call 524-99:4.-19 TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs Representative for short trips surrounding Goderich area. Contact customers. We train. Write W.G. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. MIajntenon.e. _. Machinist Established manufacturer requires a Journeyman machinist, -or the SA ROOM AND BOARD equivalent, in the plant main- tenance department. ROOM ANI) BOARD ayailahle for re-Iron,ihle and reliitble,gentlem,rn. evening, 521-tifi,'{4, —z; I :5tf 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT ,, ,v rr�•, i.1_ rllr,nrrl ,�r.•4 y„, ,, Y.r r.. tri THREE bedroom town house for rent in Vanastra. R -R.5, Clinton,, $95.00 per month, all utilities paid_ Phone182-9142 or 482-7196 anytime. --1; l9tf SELF L;ontained apartment- Cen.: tial Halls and -stair, Maintained. F el 1' V aerial supplied Ideal for couple Phone evening- 32.1-- 7:540 —€4(-.9.tf LIGHT housekeeping rooms, fully furnished, including T.V. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street, phone 524-8642.-18tf THE. KENT . -.HOUSE furnished rooms with living room -and --kitchen. privileges.. Phone 524-8433 or ‘524- 7177.18,19,20 177.=18,19,20 MacKENZIE'S Trailer . Camp 16 miles north of Goderich, attractive, quiet place to relax with seasonal rates $135.00; daily $3.50 including hydro and water, also weekly rates. Washrooms,” showers, playground, swimming. Reserve now: Phone 529- 7536-19,20 Additional experience as a millwright, plpefitter, rigger or welder would be a definite asset. p Excellent pension pjen and other benefits. REPLY TO: BOX24 SIGNAL STAR 9. WANTED (General) 11. TENDERS TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon E.D.T. May 31st, 1973 for the construction of the Falls Reserve MAINTENANCE BUILDING, in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Snider, Huget & March, 37 Allan Street West, Waterloo. Plans and specifications are available at the .above address. The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Marlene R. Shiell, Secretary -Treasurer, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 immimemmosommumameme 12. AUCTION SALE ATHWELL'S Al1CeTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the moat modern auction "methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD�482-3120 c•gt t A CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm implements and some household effects and antiques will be held for Robert McNain, south half of lot 68 and 69, concession 1, Huron Township, 1/2 mile east of Amberley on highway 86, on Satur- day June 9 at 1 p.m. Terms - cash, farm sold. 'Auctioneer's comments: .No reserve as proprietor is moving to western Canada. Proprietor, Robert McNain, Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353, Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392- 6170-19 - RIPLEY LIONS CLUB are holding a consignment Auction Sale at . Ripley on Saturday May 19, Anyone wishing to consign articles for this sale on a commission basis, contact Lion Club Members. Cliff Emmer- , ton 395'.5544. Rod MacDonald 395- 2938. Bill Kempton 395-5220, Bob Fair 395-5029 or auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 or Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392- 6170.-19 WANTED Rhubarb; fresh. Phone 524-91,06-19,, COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call (' & E Fur- niture, 52-1-7231.—gtf 10. EMPLOYMENT, WANTED WEBER'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE.- We pump septic tanks, cesspools, etc.- Modern equipment used. 15 years experience. Phone or write Lloyd Weber and Son, 887- 6700 Brussels-17tfn WILL do typing in my own home. Phone 524-7756.-18,19 WILL balayit ..Monday througT?. FOUR roomed apartment, spacious, Friday„`, 300 Huron Road. Phone private entrance. Phone 524-2349--I9 •524-8480.-19tf AVAILABLE June 1st. One bedroom - fully furnished bachelor apt. - nicely decorated only $67.00 monthly. Phone Jack Cummings - - 524-8951.-19tf - FOR RENT 3 bedroom cottage - Adams Beach (10 miles N. of Goderich) during July. Write Box 34 Signal -Star. -19. 2 BEDROOM APT. close to square phone 524.6231 before 6:00 p.m. and 524-7132 after 6:00 p.m. -19 - 7. WANTED TO RENT Garage or storage accommodation. Must he dry. Phone 524 7732.—gl 5itf TWO city appraisers require apart- ment or house in Goderich or im- mediate area by May 12. Write Box • 29, Signal -Stat. -18,19 EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT 76' x 132'. Located close to the schools. FIFTEEN ACRES Just minutes north of - Goderich, with right-of-way to the beach. Well treed and at the right price. BRUCE RYAN Res. 524-7762 B.R. ROBINSON - Res. 524.6905 WARREN ZINN- -� R.R. 2 LUCKIOW - Res. 529.7350 WANTED: Large quiet older house, by professor on one-year. leave; reasonable condition and reht. Phone collect 416-827-2648.-18,19x WANTED to Rent by July lst>-2 or 3 bedroom house 'with yard. Possible opption to buy. Reasonable Rent. References available. Apply Box 36 Signal Star. -19x 8. HELP WANTED N. AREA SALES PERSON required to sell primarily guaranteed mor- tgage investment for Tax Saving Plans. Apply Box 190 Clinton News Record, Clinton, Ont. --19,2219,22 GARDENING - done for summer. Phone -524-9424.-19 - • RELIABLE man -will mow lawns anywhere- in town limits, reasonable, rates. Phone 524-9166-19 11. TENDERS TENDER INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Interior and exterior maintenance Projects at various schools in the County. Maintenance Projects will involve all construction trades. Tender forms and specifications are available at the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton. Deadline for tender submissions is 12:00 noon, May 25, 1973. R. McVean Plant Superintendent CLEARING AUCTION SALE - of farm machinery, some household ef- fects and antiques, will be held for Walter Black, lot 17,.concession 3, 'Huron Tints, - on - Thursday; May 24 at. 1:30 p.m. Terms - -Cash. Proprietor - Walter Black, Auc- tioneers - Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353, Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170-19 CLEARING AUCTION SALE - of farm machinery, some household ef- fects and antiques, will be held for John McLean lot 25, concession 8, Huron Township; -on -Saturday -June 2 at 1:30 p.m. Terms' - Cash. Proprietor - John McLean, Auc- tioneers, Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353, Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170.-19 - ESTATE AUCTION ---Auction Sale of household effects and real estate will be held for the Estate of the 'late James Cornish,' at the residence, 290 Broadway St., Kin- cardine on Saturday, May 12 com- mencing at 1 p.m. sharp. Property will be sold by auction at ap- . proximately 3 p.m., subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Property consists of a comfortable compact frame bungalow with living . room, handy kitchen, two bedrooms, three piece bath, full basement, easily heated, situated on Broadway Street, lot 11, approximately 35 ft. x 87 ft. Terms on household effects, cash, on real estate, 15% down and balance in 90 days. Administrator .and auctioneers not responsible for accidents in any way connected with sale. Administrator, James Cornish, Jr, Auctioneers, Grant McDonald Ripley 395-5353 and Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170-19 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Class "A" ,Mechanic • MODERN FACILITIES • ABOVE AVERAGE FRINGE BENEFITS APPLY TO PAUL SCHUTZ Schutz Chrysler, 12. AUCTION SALE A CLEARING AUCI'ION SALE of household effects and antiques will be held for the estate of the late Bert Thornton, on Monday May 21 at 1 p.m. Terms - cash. Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392- 6170, Grant McDonald, Ripley 395- 5353.-19 CONSIGNMENT SALE will be held at the Teeswater Arena of household effects and antiques on Wednesday evening, June 6 at 7:15 p.m. Articles will be sold on a corn - mission basis. For further par- ticulars or anyone wishing to con- sign Articles, contact" auctioneers Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater phone 392-6170 or Grant McDonald, Ripley phone 395-5353.-19 CASH AUCTION SALE - of }lousehold effects and antiques will Cbe held for Mrs. Rev. John Hill, at Pine River Manse, north-west cor- ner off highway 21, Concession 4, Huron Township, on Saturday May 26 at 1:30 p.m. Terms - Cash. Proprietor, Mrs. Rev. John Hill, Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353, Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392 6170-19 ATHWELL'S .eiket kzit .z.zei:so:1111 AUCTION SALE of household furniture, ap- pliances, gardening tools -and hand tools, to be held at'420e.. James Street, Clinton on Saturday, May 19 at 1:15 n. m. Full Listing in next week's edition. - Proprietress: Mrs. Myrtle Read Rathwell's Auction Service, 482-3120 TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Antiques & Household Ef- fects _ at the Auction Rooms;" Hwy 21, one mile South' of Goderich on Thursday evening, May 10 at 7 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; beds; dresser; chests; vanity; small tables; piano bench; oil lamps; hanging Tamp; frames; bottles; coffee grinders; gramophone; commode; buffet; 4 dining - room chairs; kitchen chairs; rocking chairs; ' wooden tools; coloured glass; brass candle holders; crocks; jugs; - Tasco Astronommal Telescope; Swiss, Schmidt Rubin rifle; Lee Enfield 303 rifle; bayonet; washing machine; tools etc. etc. Terms - cash Mike Cummings auctioneer 524-9064 ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Household Ef- fects of the (late , Mrs. limey McLean, 84 Waterloo St. Goderich on Saturday, May 19 at 12 noon. eao Eight pce. carved dining -room suite with extra Targe table and a bowed -front china cabinet; hsirvest table; 4 settees; 2 love seats; antique secretary desk; 5 matching Victorian Chairs; Vic- torian parlour table; oval parlour table; 2 round parlour tables; platform rocker; child's rocker; 4 chicken -coop chairs; small tables; 2 hall, trees; blanket box; 2 antique dressers; 2 spool beds; Iron beds; Iron crib; trunks; fern stand; framers, shutters; books; oil lamps; banquet lamp, miniature •easel; chesterfield and 2 chairs; wardrobe; frig.; combination coal and gas stove; gas space -Maters; tote wear; art glass; dishes; pots and pans; rugs, garden tools etc. etc. Terms - cash --house sold Mike Cummings auctioneer 624-9064 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR YOUR LANDSCAPING needs (See us' first) We specialize in smaller landscaping and main- tenance work. Bobs Landscaping, R R 3. Auburn. Phone 524- 6455.---816,19. CALL early to have gardens tilled, grass fertilized and storm windows removed and cleaned. Phone Norm Leddy 524-6973.—g17,18x .DAILY CAR REN'1A1, Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 - g l 9tf 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ROGER Magestic Colour '1'.V.'s, Antenna Sales and Ser- vice, contact Alvin's T.V. , Mary Street, phone 524! 9089.—gt f • PAINTING, cement work, and general clean-up. Paul Lassaline, phone 524,7158.--g 13tf DON"I' settle for less take the hest. Phone Karlo's - Plastering at anytime. Prompt service, Lucas 227-450:3.--g,c, 7.t f PAUL'S 1 DELl VERY PHONE 524-6217 RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well .vorth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tin .Where to Buy it RELCO Se'wjQgCentre (APPROVED DEALER) 40 WEST ST. 524-8431 g PE R M A -. DRIVE PAVING and Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 5 24-6623 Goderich WATER WELL DRILLING Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free' estimates. 5" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call -_ -- - - - Collect 855-4605 BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL SAND , . TOPSOIL BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATING. R. No. 2 Goderich Phone- 524-9804 . ACE RADIO & TV Fleetwood Sales &-Service Repairs to all makes of Radio,& Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 g i SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON 4 Phone 482-3320 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE HURON PANES ELECTRIC 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WiRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL DELIVERY Pet or Prevett 524-8553 524 6661 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctln Rent-a-TiIIer MINIMUM CHARGE - S3.00 HOUR S2 HOUR AFTER FIRST HOUR $24 PER DAY - We will deliver in town 524-7144 BRECKLES LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT (Next to Drive -In Theatre) Sales ..& Service - _ SIMPLICITY . - Lawn & Garden Equipment 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of ALBERT JOHN LEONARD, Fisherman, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 16th day of April. 1973, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 26th day of May, 1973, as after that date the assets of the estate Will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 30th day of April, 1973. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich,Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -18,19,20. 13• SERVI(ES SKELT O APPLIAN Ingl i s—Moffat-8te11 ill Sales.-Servitt Repairs to all m 36 8ritannragd,t. Ph. 524.1111 14• NOTICE TO (II All persons havi4og buy the Estate of HAIv� Wades, late of.jh t, (; -derich, in the Countd who died on or aboutt�k April, 1973, are same with hill requital', uiadk eulti undersigned byte 16 -May, 1973, as after s assets of the estate t distributed. DATED Goderid this '27th dap of April it PRESTat and Ba:. 33 Montta Goderd Solicitors for the Estate_ NOTICE TO CR AND OTHERS All creditors and ot}a claims against the euat DEWAR PIGGOTF. is C'ity of Grosse Pointe, in Michigan, deceased, wlq,, .'tlth, 1964, are requiredt such claims to the uncle,., ciliary Executor together. ticulars thereof byJunel, after which date them Said 'deCea ed and her distributed by such) Executor having regard claims of which the said Executor shall then hast PHILIP MARE\TAI', Executor of the Estated deceased, c o WILSON. WALKER, MON'FELL4, & PERFECT, 33 L'mrer West, Windsor, On. solicitors. -19,20,21. NOTICE TO CR iN, THE ESTATE OF( OLIVER ALLI,N,L(TFO TOWNSHIP Or 001,1 THE COUNTY OFR All -,persons claiming , above Estate are ream/ ward (all particularsof to the undersigned phot .31s1 day of May, 1973,t. date the assets will beds [)ONNELLY I 1E5 Godard Solicitors fordf 19,'20, 21. How would you like to own one of the hottest cars in town for the price ... Yet - still keep -your cool "?)s, ONE ONLY V 8 GREMLIN AIR AMC / Gr • 304 V8 engine • Disc brakes - • Power steering • Custom radio • Bucket seats • Factory air conditioning • Heavy duty shocks, springs Heiner sway bar • Heavy duty cooling • Sports steering wheel Stock No 73-288XA ALL FOR ONLY $3 Plus Frei AMC Buyer Protection PIO • Heavy dull • HeavY dutY • packaInsulationo • Talbds ar aro • .gynchro'10 or • Slot stssl 00 Rally skis IAI •• Interior sots - • D70X14 tlr0. 468 35,,, TINA GR A F ' S SERV JA��11N� VIJEEP-AMOASSAD M11N ." MATADOR -HORNET -ORE Mii"eter n9 t3AYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH._.., )00 GORD MUNROE „ it Ht 9 �e be hl Se ,1 To 'Ht eqi rti e be tG PF A bstt of -Pet IV 19 itte wet 780 HS Alle at ME •w Ont RS Cl Gibl yn. 'aul" anol sphe Pul Alex to 11 1, B At , <tot Br y, :At 3to R3 01 • a, sits 8011 ty rs. 'x A SAE RED ge, Phi 91 RED Sett fort Ph, Rd. Arne re. i int, •Riv, 19