HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-10, Page 6• ,1 PAGE 6--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY W, 1972 ROUNDANo AOOEF1III MARINA From where 1 he i can see the tops of some large trees Last Thursday the were bare - didn't seers to hat e a sign `,.,f a bud. One week later the tiny branches were being lost in the millions of trot teaves - and the sunny yellow -green is beautiful Not all the trees will appear yellow -green in their new coats. If you watch them year after year. sou I.t ill notice their earl% coloring is practically the same shades as their fall colors, some red, red, others ora other pale green - skis i, dif- ferent Take notice. legs. of that lover tree ;rt the corner of ,ocith ar.,i H`igin Ate on S t: corner N'ou will he surprised to see that It Is a light rusty color, gradualft grow 1trg deeper. until it seems to turn to that purply -black Atter that it takes a green hi,,, k , olor and gradually turns back to its spring shade of light brown - hut this Bile i1 is 0 dr:‘ rusty color One of the most in- teresting tree, 1 have ever wat- ched Atone time it was env anchor post or lookkait tree. as I would walk from W1:tlson St along Bran nn Rd to South St. - I knew it was South for sure because Of that big tree. So you can see how surprised I would be when it changed colors so quickly I wouldn't get lost on that route. I remember 'Ates George, bless her, telling me• one time. that it rias an American Beech Nut tree -t hI h would never dyer de%elop more than the husks sitp_e it had no mate in the vicinity Sterile'' Miss Georg -his beer 5,11 'con- t _Ethic -'her who had great faith and encouragement for her hundreds of pupils over the man% years before she retired Actually, • I don't think, she wanted to retire since she felt she still had so many who needed hert think she was right but there is little one can do about I . Miss George. I understand has been quite ill but is home once again recovering nicely. She is too doggoned indepen- • dent or stubborn to lie to a hospital bed if she can help it. Good luck, God speed :your recovery. Altho' you may not hear from them, you have a GREAT many well wishers. Since I am writing; from -my hospital bed;, I have all these cute little nurses wondering what I am going- to say since I said I had only them to talk about. There is a -great deal e can say about these hard working people - and I trust everyone appreciates their hard work as much as I. There is just nothing too dif- ficulL. .troublesome for the -m; One newcomer (patient) con- fided in me that he had been in great pain since he had come in and he had been taking pills up to this time. "Just mention it and they will quickly check for you'', I advised. No, he didn't think he should so loud mouth me dropped the word to one of the head nurses. At once, j heard them- asking him why he hadn't mentioned it and quickly he was made comfortable. It is not necessary to suffer when the nurses and doctors are ready 'to help you. Every once in a while I've heard a big flurry of several people all trying to be so quiet that for a nite owl like me 'I ••know something is happening. The other nite I slipped out of 'bed and peaked out, and in that short few minutes I found that a patient had passed away, been removed from the room, the bed.- everything was changed so fast that all 1 could see was the deceased's per- sonal property neatly leaving the room. Scrubbing up was also quickly and quietly done and very few ever knew anything had happened. The next rush and scurry tur- ned out to be about 3 or 4 needed at the Psychiatric Hospital- Canteen, quite often, and 1 do know there are many who would be willing to help out, but as many of 10- have believed- they had 011 the help they needed. (Mrs Pat) Grace Patterson tells me the REALLY 1)O creed volunteer help with this project. Funds from the canteen are spent on the patients in many ways. Television sets, fur- niture, sun umbrellas, shuffle boards. gifts at christmas and patients added to our section of,, `other importtir►t occasions and the hospital which was already pretty well filled uT. It made nee feel I .should give up my special bed because I wasn't really SICK. But within a few hours everything - was ..changed. around, the hall was vacant again and the nurses were ad- ' mining they'd had a work out! 1 recall one nite long, ago I was given a bed in this same hallway_itnd with a patient who moaned or talked or cried most of the nite. It gave nie a pretty terrifying time until I found next morning the talk had come from what remained of that great big hulk of a man who had been a fun loving, laughing, devil may care •but was now reduced to a big body without legs, his handsome head moaning on his chest, unable to see thro' his big thick lenses. and ' unable ' to hear unless you shouted real loud at hint. I1' you, got close enough that he could see you or he recognized your voice - you were too choked up to answer his happy p_ vgreeting.Stan and Sadie Crawford•were .very well known before ie was stricken but he has some well- known sons in this town who are carrying on in business and their own vocations and I'.riri sure their father, could he know, now, would be very proud of them._ Again, hem.- Again, being a nite owl, I like to watch T.V. or read until the 11 p.m. news (at least). Since I have to lie am forced to lie on my back - unusual for me - I have become known as a great snorer. Now, I don't think it anything to be proud of, but, I hear I'm pretty good at it. Anyone want -to challenge this? gr -r -r -r-. I have 'received some nice cards, - one especially convin- ces me you can find a card at Andersons to fit ANY occasion, .WOW. ALSO the flowers are beautiful and since I love them so, I am most grateful. But please don't send any more cut flowers - I am going to. have a big yard with lots of room for that flower you might think of sending and you can be sure a great many will also enjoy it. I've been trying to watch my . diet, buL;..the-feodTh so good I'm having trouble. To make it worse wouldn't you know Edna O. would come along with some of her great butter tarts • and cookies. DARN her! Some of the girls helped me out but most of the nurses are diet conscious and candy and cookies are hard to give away. When I'm not in traction I'm reading or sleeping I swear I'm .going to be 3 inches taller when I get' out - or 3 inches wider! Love Martha. P.S. Again, Thank you ,for the cards and flowers - how can I ever repay you! Here is a little note which surprised me — Helpers are Township of Colborne LIQUOR VOTE The preliminary list of voters utas prepared from the recent enumeration In Colborne Township. This list will be revised by adding the names of qualified per- sons, the addition of proxy voters and the certification of proxy certifldates, on Wednesday, May 23, 1973 between it a.m. and 9 p.m. at the Clerk's Office lot 7 - con. 5 Colborne Township. I hereby call upon all persons to examine the said MM and make such corrections and changes as may be proper. A.W. Hardy, Clsrk-fleturning Officer. 1 numerous other t hings have helped to bring these people back to a normal way of life - 2 hours is so little that each of us can give to. such a great cause. So mama people find time on their hands and__ helping out there has probably never crossed their minds.. You can call 524-7616 any time and discuss it or- come to the -meeting next Monday, May 14, at 2 p.ni. at the Psychiatric Hospital someone will you at the them out. On May 16 at Victoria St. Church the Spring Flower Tea and' Bake Sale. This is always a ,great tea and the. goodies to take home with you are really worth meet door. I)o. try to help going for. Love Marthtl. Huron man at conference The Huron president of the Canada Council for the Blind, Don Webster, Exeter, will - -represent- -this' area- at-'-tr•-four day provincial conference of that organization in Kingston starting Saturday. Mr. Webster, who is very ac- tive in the CCB in Huron will be accompanied by his wife, Donna, who is 'secretary - treasurer of the local branch. Part of the business to be covered at the- conference will be to draw up briefs for presen- tation to the government. This is in addition to social and 'recreational activities which are planned. CANNEL COAL For Fireplaces Available at EDWARD- FUELS Anglesea St. Goderich Residing in Waterloo Knox Presbyterian Church Has decorated with baskets o daisies and carnations for a pretty formal, double Rin Ceremony on April 7th when Gayle Feagan, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Keith Feagan of Dun- das and Roger Kenyon, son o Mrs. Arnold Koch, and the lace Benjamin Kenyon of Kitc-hener were united in marriage b_ Rev. G.L. Royal. The bride, given in marriag by her father, wore a long whit chiffon gown over white French Peau de Soie, fashioned wit jewel neckline, high .4 shirred waist, long full sleeves, and trimmed with white Raschel lace. Her dress was an exact copy of the one worn by :her paternal grandmother fifty eight years ago. Her long veil of lace and net had a tiara style head band, trimmed with pearls. She carried a bouquet of red and pink roses. The brides attendants - Mrs. Dorothy Miller, sister of the bride. , as matron of honour, Mrs. Bev. Whetstone of Goderich and Miss Susan Sparks of Sarnia a bridesmaids wore identica gowns of French Imported lila Peau de Soie. Their head dresses ` were bands of lila Peau de Soie with .veils of lila net. They all carried bouquet of yellow daisies and lilac tin- ted carnations. Colleen Feagan, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Gary Feagan of Toronto and niece of the bride was flowergirl. Her drams- and headdress were the same as the " other attendants. She carried a basket of daisies and car- nations. Mr. Ronald Feagan of Toronto, brother of the, bride was best man for the ceremony and the ushers were Gary Feagan of Toronto, brother_of the -brims and John Kenyon of Bright, nephew of the groom. Blair Feagan,'son of Mr. and Mrs.' Ronald Feagan ofo. Torontand nephew of the bride was Ring Bearer. 'He carried the rings on a pillow of v e e h s 1 c c c s f 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kenyon white Peau de Soie tritnnied with lilac velvet ribbon. The soloist, Mrs. Betty Feagan of Wingham, aunt of the bride sang„'With this ring I . Thee Wed" before the ceremony and "The Wedding Benediction" during the signing, of the register. She was accompanied by Mr: Cameron, organist of the Church. The wedding reception and dinner was held at the Can- dlelight Tavern where the guests were received by the brides mother wearing a long blue flowered chiffon gown over blue crepe. She wore an orchid corsage. She was assisted by the grooms mother whose -dfess was .of -Rose Critrf plene. She also wore an orchid corsage. For their wedding trip to eastern .points the bride wore a navy blue and white suit of Fortrel with an orchid corsage. On their return the couple „Arthur 8-) O GODERICH & OWEN SOUND Floor Coverings - Paints - Wallpapers Draperies - 18th Century -Furniture Refinisher IN GODERICH PHONE 524-8532 MANAGER - CLAYTON ' MIZEN 16 SQUARE GODERICH FINCHER'S 'KaNCARDINE LUXURY IN 'LEATHER An elegant line of fashion ac- cessories. -Superbly styled and hand- crafted in the Tilley Tradition. Our selection includes Mini purses, French purses, 'Clutch purses, Keycases, BIIlfolc s. LADIES' BUTANE LIGHTERS MOTHER'S DAYnSPECIAL Crdwn Electra (Needs No Flint) neg. $1495 We stock an excellent, selection by Bently, Scripto, Sabre and Ronson from $4.95 - 51295 WE CARRY A LARGE SELECTION OF BOX CHOCOLATES Rowntree's BLACK MAGIC, DAIRYBOX, CADBURY'S MILK TRAY And a full line of MOIRS FANCY .BOXES CARLTON GREETING CARDS & GIFT WRAP FOR ALL OCCASIONS - COME IN AND SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF Mother's Day Cards COME 114 AND BROWSE - WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION -0F GIFTWARE THAT'S GUARANTEED TO PLEASE ANY MOTHER PINCHER'S OPEN NIGHTLY TIL 10 SUNDA YS 10 A M TIL 9 P M -will reside at 275 Herbert St., Apt. 5 Waterloo, Ontario. Guests were . present from Goderich, Mattawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Sarnia, Waterloo, Bright, New Dundee, Platt- sville, Sundridge, Wingham and London. Area girl wed in London Gloria JeanLutz, daughter of Wrn. Lutz, R.R. Auburn, was married in London Thursday, April 19'.to Adolf Gunter Asz- Mies of Wesselburen, Germany. The couple is residing at R.R. 3 Lambeth. Festival '73 COMING SOON RED CROSS BLOOD CLIFk WED.,PtiMAY l6th,NJ �OMION ROAD MACHINERYw it Kdvertisement Immo • — NEW LOCATION_ MacEtIAN INSUAAMC[ AGENC1 • — 56p FAST Si. SERVING GODERICH AND AREA Auto - Dwelling - Commercial. i • 1' ,+ ell tats *we u yes aI • .•s ,1 01 u. ,els •a �1Ls r PPI 1e UV, t • • • •.i 11110 • , n •11 Or • •• VII 111. • •• esu •`. MI Ica •a w X11. •• • ,r • .5 4 se oi I Of 1111, SIS •a •t! is se ea as •• Is N •1 ass ■5 is • ■1 ,as •a �• 4 ea w0 119 ■9 in i 42 • allMIas Ng OOS r M% t is , _ r1i .a 11111 •' Il- MI. ■a el■ . w•••.- :. Wilt Ile •9 5 "' t(! 11 •.. SI • wp.•rr•rl1►►7� 1 i% eta 1 1 111' !t . 1 II sq Don Parker Baggies are for looking good Don Parker baggies sit new bag! New silhouette, Newest for a new season,Y we have them In sm bolder plaids, Ilso In the leg with a wide cuffed bottos But, snug In NIS ' and Ming they're supposed Is. thanks to the Ron Pee fit that won't pit Pick a pair In kiitt permanent part or Koratron from 111,1 Earl Rawson S!riE SHOP ' The Squats RA�iSON � S�AIfwIN1� TWICE THE SPACE - TWICE THE STOCK OPENING GRAND SALE At Our NEW Base LOCATION THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET NOW LOCATED ON HWY NO. 8 SOUTH OF CLINTON VANASTRil Scarf -es PAINT Top Quality Interior 'Exterior COMPARE AT 13.95 GAL. $7.77 MEN'S LONG & SHORT SLEEVE Plain- Color- Floral DRESS SHIRTS 51.97 to°f2.57 JUNIOR MISSES BAGGIE, JACKET SETS REG. $29.95 OUR PRICE $' 9,97 MEN'S FORTREL KNIT PANTS PLAIN - FANCY PATTERNS 312E3 TO 38 7 REG. 11.97 8 t 9 MATTRESSES d BOX SPRING FUL79 DOUBLE REG. 109.00q, Lash I MISSES - LADIES SNEAKERS Navy, White, Black,' Light BIW $ 1.77 and s 1.91 Infants- children's short sleeve SUMMER T SHIRTS 4 7c Mfrs Seconds As Low As BATH M SETS COMPARE AT 6.57 sat. Our Price As Low As 41 SEWING MACHINE 1 SALE & SERVO UNIVERSAL by WHiTE acnes These are Nationally Advertised in Vogue- Simplicity McCalis Mag Will do Ziz Zag - Button Holing and Blind Stitching COMPARE AT 179.97 FREE GRAND OPENING DRA 1st Prize - 1 2" Portable Electrohome TV 2nd Prize - Swivel Rocker Value 59,97 3rd Prize - Wool Blanket Value - 7.97 ngr nbe Jo d n is a �1 a shift 'of 11 e 11 titi ry ds t gist( s F. escil oto spen of Con ork oria 'eia n, . Jo ter tceel Mrs. L t i a Mil Mrs. Meted s as Telt* ence tche s. C ed t day, omel ichtt in and 0' gat_ visi other day r N it at and (Fri 'of L of he alton igrattt Paul bo) Clio turda Inst e C e for lace eve onor f the evere f Kit ass a.m n �ridg( embe cat( Iridgc . Jot ed -to ing 8llof and mily don AN For A pies ic INTO