HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-03, Page 12PAGE 12—,GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973 TOWN AND film LASS COUNTRY 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 80' x 2.30' FORESTED cottage lot north cif Kincardine. Sandy beach $4500.00 Phone 482-9859 - 18x SCENIC LOTS for sale Gloucester Terrace Goderrch Overlooking Golf Course Apel' ('haprnans Clinton 482.9410. 452.-082...- 18.19,20 LO'F for Sale in `'altt+rd Phone 524-7896--1 9,17. 18x S.A\;F: t,; N t' ,lu:Ilit\ home, -Till, d \rt Err r tt.►,lo lit t';lnadl.111.i tr Norrie, Lid 1176 Rho Rd - 13urluigtOn Obit 416 639 Mfr gl 1. FARM FOR SALE Small acreage, good land. barn, nearly riew house, electric heat. full basement, located part►s11\ in Dungannon \ illage. Marvin Chirnin Dungannon Phone ;29-79.17--1 7,18,19 - • LOT tor sale with cottage,. 160 -Bruce' St East, lot number 8211. .Asking Prit e $300100 or best 'offer Open house Ma\- .Any offer, write Karol\ Slezak P.O. Box 100, Toronto, 147 Ont—17,18x Nardtman G Strack ltd. Mortgages are our only business. Let Waterloo's oldest and most experienced mortgage firm help you to purchase a home or cot- tage; to use the equity in your home to consolidate debts or to improve it without, embarrassing credit investigation; for confiden- tial, competent service, for mor- tgages from $1,501 to construction loans, call collect, Waterloo 744- 2264. 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE "AS IS" SPECIALS (NOT CERTIFIED) REAL CHEAP (PRICES GOOD TILL MAY 10, 1973) 6 7 FIREBIRD CONVERTIBLE Automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rally wheels. Lic. No. DHNO32 $588 6 6 MUSTANG Six cylinder, stick shift, radio, bucket seats. Lic. No. FK/1802 $45.6 66 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN. Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. Lic. No. FKH2O4 $269 6 7 FOR.D..... GALAXIE 500 Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic power steering, radio. Lic. No. DHH052 ;.348 66 CHEVELLE 300 Sedan, 6 ` cylinder, stick shift, 42,000 miles. Uc. No. DHi1324 $287 6 6 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Two dooriprdtop, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. Lic. No. DHE534 $199 6 5 RAMBLER CLASSIC Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic. Uc. No. FKH433 Q ;88 6 7 INTERNATIONAL, 1 100 HALFTON Pickup, 8 cylinder, stick shift, .36,000 actual miles. Lic. No. A17960 $497, McGEE PONTIAC BUICK x"524-8391' GODERICH 4. REAL'ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EXECUTIVE HOME Attractive 4 level home. West end location, close to schools and shopping. Four bedrooms, paved drive, attached garage and well landscaped. CALL 524-9239 BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Completely redecorated 1 floor home in Goderich, 2 bedrooms, full basement, aid Iaun- dryroom. New shag carpeting in livingroo.rn and master bedroom. 2 storey frame home, close to post office and shopping area in Clinton. Low down payment will handle. roo 1 b T a ke? with gas to , r o and - f 2: asement. er tr et ors Large 1 1 2 storey home on North Street, recently decorated. Oil heat. 15 acres near Auburn, with large modernized home - Large barn'- near paved road. Fully equipped restaurant with modern living quarters in Huron County. FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Champagne is a beverage that makes you see double and feel single. " CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 K.W. Colquhoun Limited 14 Isaac St. Clinton Frame House In Bayfield, 3 bedroom, oil heat, on double. lot, handy mans special, on Main St. Aluminum House built 8 years In good repair, 3 bedrooms with glectric heat on 20 acres of land subject to severence, situated between Bayfield and Goderich on 4th concession. r 34 ACRE HOBBY FARM With two storey fully moder- nized house, steel Implement, shed and garage 30 x 54 with approximately 8 acres of market garden land, the balance with trees and two ravines with natural springs, this property is located on the 5 concession between Bayfield and Goderich. 75 ACRE FARM 15 acres of bush on the Maitland river, the balance ren- ted for crop, the house and barn are in need of repair, this property is near Auburn. 80 ACRE FARM On the 6th between Goderich and Bayfield, with natural springs running through a ravine, a good average frame farm house with all convenien- ces, barn is 36 x 56 frame with attached shed, also a 30 x 52 steel' implement shed and Silo 13 x 35. Terms can be arranged. AGENT •- AL. AMY 482-7219 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED PRIVATE— Small house with 1 acre or large lot, reasonable for cash. Phone 482-7962.-18" SA ROOM AND BOARD a act a�.lt0,j.1M AN11,ti0AltD n\ ail:Ihlo re,pon,ihlt' ;Incl reliable .gentleman, evening, .721-6651.—g17tf MODERN HOME IN V.L.A. Three-year-old brick home on lot 1:30' x 117', Rec• room, dining room,. .3 bedrooms, carport attached. Well and pressure system. Only 1 mile from Goderich. SPLIT LEVEL Beautiful home with :3 Targe• bedrooms, 1 large living room, rec. room, garage, broadloom floors and only 2 blocks from school. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW Witli aluminum siding, carpet in master bedroom, living room has shag rug, good sized kitchen and at- tached garage. IDEAL FAMILY HOME: • COTTAGE TYPE HOUSE On lot 66' x 165', with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fullbasement. Located close to the schools. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Located south of Bayfield at Snowden''A Acres. On a lot 80' x 214' with 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath. winterized with electric heat, and fireplace. , EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT 76' x 132'. Located close to the schools. IDEAL BUILDING SITE One and one half acres on Hwy., No. i, 3 miles from Goderich, Level nicely treed, with creek across rear of property. Beautiful location for a new country home. 96 ACRE FARM AT NILE 6 year old house with 5 bedrooms, :) baths, full,,basement, fireplace, elec- tric heat, 2 car garage. Barn 40' x 60;, on level land. Land all leased for 1973 season. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE Clean well-established store just 1(3 minutes north east of Goderich. Purchase price includes the store, area 20' x 50', warehouse, 12' x 50', one artesian drilled well supplying water to the immediate neighbours+ with an annual revenue of $400 per year from water rates, one barn 16' x 16' and a list of equipment. MOBILE HOME , READY FOR OCCUPANCY. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer, tool shed included in purchase price. ' Situated ir, Meneset Mobile Park. Is 12' x 60 with 3' tip at hack with 21" extehsiori on living room. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Four-bedroom family sized apart.- tpent. 8175/month, utilities paid. Two-bedroom apartment with large living room,.,kitchen & dining area. One "block from Square in small apartment buildings $150/month, ut,rilities paid. BRUCE RYAN -- Res. 5247762 B.R. ROBINSON – Res. 5246905 WARREN 71NN -,R.R. 2 LUCKNOW -- Res. 529-7350 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT THREE bedroom town hou-a' for rent in Vanastra. lilt :5. Clinton. '+95 or) Ix'r month, ;ill utilities paid Phone 1525)712 or .152-7.15)6 anytime—g,SOtf HEATED. Furnished bed sitting room. Available May 1st, $851)0 monthly Phone 5124-6911) alfter,.-tx p111-12tf SELF co 141 fined apartment. ('en- tratl. Holds anehstairs Maintained. FM T.V. alerial 4uppliod. Ideal for oiiple- Phone ,evening, 521- 7511i WORKING girl wanted to share apartment -and expenses. Write Box :32 Signal -Star. -18 ROOM available. Kitchen facilities. Phone 524-6269.-18 LIGHT housekeeping 'rooms, fully furnished, including T.V. Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street, phone 524-8642.-18tf 7. WANTED TO RENT Garage or storage accommodation. Must he dry. Phone 52.1- 77:12.—g15tf - MARRIED COUPLE need apart- ment in Goderich. Call 524-21:12 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. -18 TWO city appraisers require apart- ment or house in Goderich or im- mediate area by May 12. Write Box 29, Signal -Star. -18,19 WANTED: Large quiet older house, by professor on one-year leave; reasonable condition and rent. Phone collect 416-827.2648.---18,19x WANTED TO RENT Young businessman requires 3 bedroom house by September 1st. Good references provided. Phone Stratford collect 273- 1204, 273-2300. 8. HELP WANTED LADIES ---enjoy steady year round income introducing friends to the wonderful new Cameo .paint tube decorating hobby. Completely plan- ned party selling program. Work at. your convenience. Liberal guaran- teed earnings. Bonus and prizes. Call Nora Curren 524-9687 to arrange for your personal interview to obtain full details.---g8eow WANTED a typist, efficient part time. Write Box 30 Signal- Star.-18.19 ignal- St.ar.--18,19 8. HELP WANTED EARN Extra Cash for your holidays selling Varida Beauty Counselor Cosmetics. For infor- mation phone 524-7154.-18 PAYROLL CLERK required by the Huron -Perth County R:C.SI.S. Board - Previous experience in senior position desirable - Accurate- typist - Duties to commence June 1, 1973 Direct written applications by May 10, 1973 to J.J. Lane Business Administrator Box 100 Seaforth, Ontario 9. WANTED (General) t'OMI'LETF.. household effects or smolt lots wanted. ('all C & E Fur- niture, .721-72:11 —gif 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WEBER'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE.- We pump septic tanks,, cesspools, etc. Modern equipment used. 15 years experience. Phone or write Lloyd Weber and Son, 887- 11700 Brussels.-17tfn RELIABLE man for lawn mowing. Phone .524-9166.-18 WOULD Iike''work cutting lawns. Phone 524-7237,-18 WILL do typing in my own home. Phone 524-7756.-18,19• 11. TENDERS TENDER for SCHOOL BUSES Seated tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon E.D.T. on Friday, May 18, 1973. Tender forms and specifications available on request. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S. Bodrd Box 100 SEAFORTH, Ontario, NOK IWO J. McCann . . J. Vintar. Chairman - Superintendent GODERICH INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION , TENDERS - for CONSTRUCTION o1 STREETS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Mr. J.H. Walls, Town Ad- ministrator, 57 West Street, Goderlch, Ontario, will be received by him until 12:00 Noon. TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1973 for the construction of ap- proximately 1,050 L.F. of roadbed on Huckins Street and Mooney St`reetr In the Town of Goderich. The work Includes approximately 5,400 cu. yds. of earth excavation and the supply and placing of ap- proximately 2,450 cu: yds. of granular base course Class "B". Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained at the of- fice of the undersigned. A certified cheque In the amount of $500.00 must accompany each bid. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES UNITED Town Engineers 41 West Street ©dderlch, Ontario NIA 2K5 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR YOUR LANDSCAPING needs (See us first) We specialize in smaller Landscaping and main- tenance work. Bobs Landscaping, R R 3. Auburn. Phone 524- 6455.—g18,19. ---12. AUCTION SALE ATHWELIL'S AUCTIONEERS end LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 egtf 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE CALL early to have gardens tilled, grass fertilized and storm windows removed and cleaned. Phone Norm Leddy 524-6973.—g17,18x CUSTOM WORK—PLANTING - AND SPRAYING CORN AND BEANS. Contact Gary Dauphin, Dungannon. Phone 529- 7146-17,18x ROGER Magestic Colour Antenna Sales and Ser- vice, contact Alvin's T.V. , 162 Mary Street, phone 524- 9089.—gtf DAILY FAH RENTAL. Reasonable Rates Mc(;EE'S Goderich Phone 521-5:191 gl9tf Ihere to Bug it RELCO SewiDg Centre (APPROVED DEALER) .40 WEST` ST. 524-8431 P E.R M A ' DRIVE PAVING and Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 524-6623 Goderich WATER WELL DRILLING Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free estimates. 5" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call Cotted 8S5-4605 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PAUL'S1 DELIVERY PHONE 524-8217 RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete fob on that new or late model car. Well .vorth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SCREENED TOPS9IL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tfn BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL SAND TOPSOIL BRUINSMA CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATING R. No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804 ACE RADIO & •TV Fleetwood Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of .. Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 g • HURON PINES ELECTRIC• 86 KING ST. INDUSTRIAL, RESIDENTIAL FARM WIRING CLINTON 482-7901 PROP. BUDD KUEHL SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 4824320 ATHWELL'S � yl �J� III 1.:411 Twilight Antique Auction Of an area Estate and two consignments at Vanastra, 2 miles south of Clinton on No. 4 hwy. on Wednesday, May 9, at 7:00 p.m. SHARP. Furniture and Antiques - cherry office desk; butternut chest of drawers and shaving mirror; 9 pc. oak dining room suite; walnut serving table; pedestal round oak table and 6 matching chairs; pine jam cupboard; hall bench with large oval bevelled mirror; burley walnut hall mirror and stand; burley walnut hexagonal table; Maple 3 pc. bedroom suite; spool hat rack; gramophone; dominion pump organ and stool; barber chair; 2 pine wardrobes; commode; wash stand; marble top commode; rocking chairs; odd chairs; 5 matching chairs; writing desk and book shelf; rope bed; cradle end -crib; blanket boxes; steamer trunks; school desk; 3 cabinet redios;,'21" G.E. T.V.; Rogers Majestic 21" T.V.; Singer portable sewing machine; black leather platform rocker; 5 pc chrome kitchen set; picture frames (oval, 3 matching sets; and many more); oil lamps; gone with the wind lamp base; alladin lamp (glass base), brass jardineers; clocks (4 mantle, chime, kitchen, 2 marble, 10 small clocks); crocks; wicker fernery and Ism stands; oval and rec- tangular mirrors; and many, many more Items. Estate of the late Mrs. Barbara Snefl. -Terms- Cash No Reserve This Is the most outstanding offering of antiques in one auc- tion. All antiques in average repair. Note: bate and sale time. ,RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & LIQUIDATORS B°RUCEFIELD - 482-3120 • - 482-7269 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PAINTING, 'cement work, and general clean► up. Paul Lassaline, phone 524-7158 1;1:141 DON -I' settle for Ie„ take the hest Phone Karlo's Plastering at anytime Prompt service, Lucau► 1127 150'1 g.c .7,t f HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Supp for Maintenance, phone 524- 8892. Alberich ---cow ELIVERY Peter Prevett 2 4-8 5.5 3 r 524-6661 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262=5748 gctfn SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service ._Repairs to all makes% 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 — 17tf s 14. NOTICE TO (REI A l l persons having atonia the Estate of Widow, late W ido late of the Ta Goderich, in the County d who died on or about the% Aprii, 1973, are requited toil sane with full particulaa4 undersigned by the 264h4) May, 1973, as after that assets of the estate will distributed. DATED at Goderich this 27th clay of April, lg;l ['REST and EGe Barrisien, :33 !Montreal Godeiick; h. Solicitors for the -Estate.-I6, a NOTICE T0. CREDIlON All persons having claims.; the Estate of ALBERT LEONARD, Fisherman, la+ied Town of Goderich, inthe c a Huron, who de on or aboit ilith' tits\ of April, I9'1, required to file the same eiit particulars with the undersignei �2 the rh day of May, 1973,4 that date the assets of the. will he rhstrihuted 1)ATEl) at Goderich, this :SUth day of April, 191 PISEST and EGL Barrister) 33 Montreal Goderich, 3 Solicitors for the Estate•IP.ii WE CAN SAVE YOU By -presenting this ad after you have'made the dee, wail give you a 2% Discount on your purchase on any ole • following automobiles until' May 10, 1973. 1 97 3 MATADOR (Demonstrator) Two door hardtop, fully equipped including V8, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, elec- tric rear defogger, vinyl top, in- dividual seats, plus many other ex- tras. Lic. No. . DHE297. Regular selling price '$4895.1 Sale )Price 1 97 2 JEEP COMMANDO Wagon, four wheel drive, big 6, custom interior, oversize tires, radio, bucket seats, etc. Lic. No. DHE289, Regular selling price $4674. Sale Price 42 409 1 9 7 1 AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM STATIONWAGON Scarce model, completely equipped with every option a wagon should have, including radial tires. A one owner. Over $6000 new. Lic. No. ADE159. Our Price 1.970 AMBASSADOR Four door sedan, V8, automatic, power steering, air conditioning. New whitewalls., A one -owner. Lic. No. DHE296. Our asking price 1 969 PONTIAC Two door hardtop, V8, 3 speed automatic, power steering, vinyl top, only 48,000 miles,Lic. No DH H 060. 1969 PONTIAC-LAURENTIAN Two door hardtop, V8, automatic, radio, brand new oversize whitewalls. This,car has con- siderable amount f highway miles but is in tip tbp shape. Lic. No. DHD264. Well worth -- 1 968 REBEL Two door hardtop, economical, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, etc. LIc. No. DHE291 driven Tess than 10,000 miles per year. 1968 AMBASSADOR Four door .sedan, economical 6, automatic, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. Lic. No. DHE -290 To clear 1 968 CHEVROLET WAGON • Biscayne, V8, . V8, ,imiloinatic, power brakes, power steering, radio. (Ns paint job). With mechanical fit s. Lic. No. FNZ657 Painting extra. z K471 964395 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 V8, automatic, radio, good runner and fully safety checked. Lic. No. We have several uncertified units to be sold on an "ss Is" t✓ e and some exceptional clean low mileage cars that 01 arriving shortly. $-343 s249 S 189 159 pis 101 I19 491 GRAF'S FINA SERVICE JEEP-AMBASSADOR-JAVELIN-A� MATADCIR_HORNET-GREMLIN 524" BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH JopN 4 GORD MUNROE RVI( At LES uth (` ext hone a co► • 1 re CO 139.1 ral co rd 13� OTI REO 241 TICE ns h to of EY,1 Gode who l v of toil rswi day to the blain at Gc y� of PI s fi ILL( CHA manic e o and I nt fo ton, 4.721 tht Van hot .m. CI OY� II an y, M Inisl Roos 'e 1 1131 sot OPP MOF We mune; coin• ea. 1 ve c 3.00 eekl: ore te.. nclue 1ST] Tec iND IRTI SLE 1 or rs. ton ---1 19_ each H cit tvri Mo