HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-05-03, Page 4PAGE 4—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973 At the Sifto-Salt Evaporator Plant, the students were treated to a complete tour of the facilities by Bob Rae on the far left. Other members of this group are left to right: Mayor Worsell, THE,, SEPARATE SHOPPED Main Corner -Clinton * BLOUSES PANT TOPS * PULLOVERS * VESTS * PANTS * SKIRTS Open 2-6 p.m. Closed Weds,. Don Hurst; B. Barrett, student Ada Breebyk, Chris Lee, and students Lynn Kichier and Janice Hickey. .Tour of Goderich See jail, evaporator plant Twenty-eight grade 12 and 13 students from Simcoe Com- posite School in Simcoe visited Goderich Monday April 30 as part of a geography field trip of the Bruce Peninsula. .The students were" accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Barrett, AiIr. Don Hurst and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lee. Mr. ,t14arrett is the principal of Fan - Aa -we School of:Agriculture in Simcoe while Don Hurst is the Outdoor Education Co- ordinator for Norfolk County. Chris Lee as head of the Geography Department was in - WANTED_ THREE HOMES THAT NEED SIDING Five local homeowners will have the oppor- tunity to eliminate outside , painting per- manently and beautify their property at sub- stantial reductions with the brand new 1973 SOLID VINYL SIDING IN WOOD.GRAINCQLOURS PIONEERED BY B.F. GOODRICH COMPANY Engineered to eliminate denting and noisy defects of old style metal siding, this new product is laboratory tested twice, strong as any other metal siding and provides excellent winter insulation. ,Reinforced by a -color thickness 30 times that -of- spray aluminum finishes, it renders a beautiful textured appearance, restoring the home to the traditional colonial style. As an introductory offer, the authorized dealer will renovate 5 homes at .a reduction of 33% off nationally advertised price as advertised In Good Housekeeping and House Beautiful and other publications. This offer is being made to familiarize property owners with the new plastic vinyl woodgrain colour. This offer is bethg made to familiarize property owners with the new mastic vinyl woodgrain colour. Trained Dealer Mechanics Install the panels right over outside wails, with nothing to remove. The completed work duplicates the natural beauty of wood without Its defects, while eliminating the cracking, peeling effects which have disappointed owners with wood, asbestos and aluminum siding. Qualified home owners desiring to take advan- tage of this special offer should write Robert Haase, Box No. 31 Goderich SlgnaI-Star for a no obligation estimate. NAME ADDRESS._ TELEPHONE MY HOME IS STUCCO () FRAME () INSUL BRICK ( ) OTHir( ) LONDON ,BUILDING PRODUCTS 229 ADELAIDE ST. NORTH LONDON, ONT. strurnental in organizing this trip. Lee is very familiar with Goderich as his grandfather Charles C. was a former Mayor. Currently his father -Ernest is residing here. Goderich Mayor Harry Wor- sell-acted as guide for the tour which showed the students Paints of interest throughout the town as well as special tours of the. County Jail, the harbour and the Sifts -Salt Evaporator Plant. His Worship gave the students booklets of Goderich and samples of- rock salt to take home as -souvenirs. This was the fifth of a series of annual extended field trips for senior • students of Geography at Simcoe. The school board subsidized the trip up to the amount of $200. Each person that went on the trip paid $25 of their own money. The last Bruce Penninsula tour took place three years ago. At the end of the Goderich segment of the tour, the students heartily ,expressed their thanks to Mayor Worsell for his, "excellent hospitality on behalf of the town" and many stated that they would most certainly like to return to visit when there was more time. Possible -leader -s' --- course planned The St. Peter's Youth Group was visited by Mike Dymond, recreation supervisor for Gdderich and by Mr. Wide is, a a social and recreational representative for the South Western Ontario region. They spoke to the St. Peter's Youth Group and other various groups and clubs about the possibility of forming a leader -,- ship course. In. this course all club and group members could par • - ticipate by spending a weekend i� 7 — w lirre4,4‘\ in a camp diussing ideas of leadership and maybe taking advantage of the short vacation.' Most of the costs would be absorbed by the Ontario Social and ,Recreational committee ' and ,the rest by some fund raising campaign. This is likely to take place on one of the weekends in May or possibly early June. For further information please contact Mike Dymond, Goderich Recreation Board. Lease for 25 years Hydro announces new plan on right of ways In a new policy announced this week by Ontario Hydro Chairman George Gathercole, Hydro will make available to municipalities at $1 a year land suitable for park purposes on rights-of-way presently used as corridors for electrical tran- smission lines. The land will be leased for a specific period of up to 25 years, Mr. Gathercole said. "In the event that Hydro requires the land and these cases are likely to be exceptional — it will reimburse the municipality full for its capital expenditures on the park." The new program will not provide -any extra park land for Goderich since the local Public Utilities commission takes over all power transmission .respon- sibilites at the town limits and there are no Ontario Hydro rights-of-way in the municipality of Goderich. When contacted neither Goderich nor Colborne Town- ships had as yet been informed of the new policy and officials were not prepared to comment on the Hydro move until they were officially notified and had the opportunity to study the of- fer. Mr. Gathercole said, "We want to encourage more uses of power line rights-of-way for 'a number of purposes and we consider their function as public parks and recreational facilities as particularly desirable." Previously, he said, the municipalities have failed to take advantage 'of the oppor- tunity of developing these lands and integrating them into their park, system because of the shorter term leases, the risk that their investments on such parklands might be lost, and rental payments -payable. tb Hydro equal to part of the taxes on the lands required un- der our former policies. ..-,._ti T c1 ar llie—rreNV , p ►:itr-t3' tario Hydro will ask no provision for relief of taxes or grants from the municipalities. Lt will need, however, 'to main- tain routine access to the tran- smission, line towers, provision for anti -climbing barriers and any other Safety features .as necessary. These will be built by Ontario Hydro at its own ex- pense. Mr. Gathercc le said, "Many Hydro rights-of-way are now being used in Ontario areas for a variety of purposes other than transmitting power. Several are used as part of golf courses, some as surface lines for 'sub- ways at certain sections of their On May 13 LET HER DO HER OWN THING! You Can Do This With d GIFT CERTIFICATE Let her do her own thing when it comes to picking out a pair of shoes. A gift certificate will save you 'the aggravation of picking out the wrong style and size. She may even keep your selection but not be completely satisfied but she is afraid to return them for fear of hurting your 'feelings. This year let"her do her own thing. SPROULE SHOES Kingston St. (Next to The Club Grill) • routes and some for bicycle paths and walkways. We also are considering setting aside some land for garden plots." One of the more unusual uses is the "Kiss 'n Ride," provision at the Finch Avenue subway stop in Metro Toronto. It gets its name from the fact that cars can be driven across a right-of- way to the subway entrance and spouses can kiss their mates goodby before the jour- ney into downtown Toronto. To gain a better knowledge of the policies and operations of municipal parks, meetings are being held between Hydro and park officials of a number of mInicipalities. Preliminary hearings have been held with park officials of Metropolitan Toronto, the City of Toronto and the Boroughs of Scar- borough, North York, Etobicoke, York and East York. "Municipalities, government agencies and many other organizations including com- mercial users will now have the opportunity of developing Hydro rights-of-way for public parks and recreational pur- poses, thereby expanding their recreational areas at relatively little cost and. no risk of losing their investment." Minor soccer practice begins Tuesday Goderich Minor Soccer organizers this week announced that practises for the minor teams will begin Tuesday May 8. Squirts will report to the' field at Victoria School,- Atoms to the Secondary School field; Mosquitos to Robertson iemoria l -Schon I -and-Bantam.,,_.. and Pee Wees will practice at Agriculture Park. Practises will be. held each Tuesday beginning at 7:00 p.m. throughout the season unless the youngsters are told other- wise by their coaches. All coaches and officials for- merly with the Soccer Association are asked to'return all equipment, uniforms and balls to St. Mary's Separate School for collection as soon as possible. The equipment is needed for the upcoming season. Small Weddings large Weddings A couple of shots or a full wedding album RAIN or SHINE Outdoor or Studio shots at same price Eric Carman Photogruph 524-7924 Norimmw FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS" GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524.9441 FURS LIMITED KITCHENER • REFRIGERATED FUR STORAGE *roe Pick -Up & Delivery CaII The Fashion Shoppe-Goderich-524.9431 or Kitchener 742-3554 Collect — 9 Water St. S., Kitchener DO YOU NEED. A WATER WELL??? DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU - - 73 years of successful water development. = "Tfie Th8artiibde7rt ; `last -equipment °arattable'-.— - Highly trained personnel - - Fast service and free estimates' - Guaranteed wells at lowest cost, PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED ' "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE BOX 486, WINGHAM - OR PHONE 357-1960 _. � M er is Is" in tian matiol died was rain en to i orthy p forty d an)ung tort in,tru ing th 'ring the cehet a forth come oly Spil els' is ori er, was r ir. JE rther le they esSur t tuber i `nt. Ear a witn( ..urrect'� JustL ominat ed as lscario r ten d, g came it as' ere in peak t Lem. that pack. JE was t They set up was a the ed the Ontario NOTE. 1, AT A,, T,MES SHOWN O E PROCLAMATION «05 OF WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE ASKED TO TAKE NOTICE AND GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF RE:LIO,UOR LICENCE ACT VOTE Township of Colborne PUBLIC NOTICE IS GIVEN OF THE FOLLOWING VOTE TO BE TAKEN: FOR THOSE PERSONS WHO EXPECT TO BE UNABLE TO VOTE IN THEIR OWN POLLING SURDr, 5 ON ON THE PEGUUA POLLING DAY, ADVANCE POLLING WILL SE HELD FROM 11. A.M. — 8 P.M. (Standard rine), 12 A.M. —9 P.14 (Daylight Saving Time) ADVANCE POLLING_ SATURDAY. MAY 26, 1973 REGULAR POLLING WEDNESDAY MAY 30, 1973 F11OM 8 A.M. — 7 P.M. (Standard Time) 9 A.M. — 8 P.M. (Daylight Saving Time) SUBJECT OF VOTING QUESTIONS: 1. Are you in favour of the sale of beer and wine only under a dining room licence for consumption on licensed premises with food available 2. Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises with food available? Aro you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge licence for consumption on licensed premises? 3. PUBLIC MEETING FTHE OR THE ONEGATMVE REF 1HE NAM SPF THE THEPF"SONC1 BEANY El(lAP (JE {tEtEHE Ot '")` ENCEaET�pfiviP�O WEDNESDAY MAY 16, 1973 at 2 P.M. at the , U.4v.;HI1 OF C.OLBORNE CI.ERg rD.s.T) GODERICH R.R.S, Ont. �N o0 ,. ADh T , REVISION OF LIST OF VOTERS :vie ARDS OANDAT OE CERTLFFIF 0 ON C kNP M SSPC R t CATER4' R T f (NOTE FINAL DATE) WEDNESDAY MAY 23, 1973 from 8 A.M. — 9 P.M. at �he CLERK'S OFFICE Ont. �.. o ere (DAYLIGJIT SAVING TIME) POLLING TO BE HELD AT (REGULAR POLLING DATE( ALL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP POLLING SUB—DIVISIONS ( 1,2,3, and4) are to be STATIONED- AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, CARLOW. ePf°PfOI OFFICfAL COUNT INE ADOITIOIV OF THE VOTES CAST.FOR EALH SIOE TAKEN FROM THE STATE MENf *.E °I ►5 THURSDAY MAY 31 , c 19731 at L 12 NOONA (Standard lTime) or 1 P. M • (DAY Ties) 5`rin6 at the CLERK'S OFFICE, GODERICH R.R.5, ONT. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN GODERICH RR 5 ONTARIO APRIL 30, 1973 RF TUANING OFF IfFP $IONEO: A. WII,AtER HARDY UN Waite tzerlan k Coll rte A I as re, gree I (nary. sionarii ).an+ I in RE WIL1 tfield n Mei IAL f A Silver lodlet t May May EVIL A re la YE FI, R