HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-26, Page 22,d a », PAGE 8A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURS4AY, APRIL 26, 1973, Dear Ann Landers: My husband, Warren, is an amateur photographer. He has won some important prizes. His specialties used to be children and pets. 1 am his model. From a purely artistic point of view his work is excellent. Warren wants to take a- picture of me in a very dim light, face away from the camera and enter it m a local wmpetition. I am afraid our fancily and friends will ,recognize me. He says, "So what'?!' His point is that I have a lovely body, beautifully proportioned, and I should not be ashamed of it. Frankly. I don't want that much exposure. Warren -Says he'll hire a model if I won't pose. ` I don't want THAT either. What do you say? ---Pardon My Back Dear Pard: Sounds like a case of thinly disguised black- mail. Tell Warren to go ahead and hire a model Then you be on hand ---to hold her clothes. Dear Ann Landers: I wont sleep tonight unless I respond to "Other Side Of The Coun- ter." 1 could have screamed when I . read that Code For Salespeople. It assumes that everyone approaches a clerk with courtesy and r,.spect. The truth of the matter is that 75 percent of all the people I wait on are, rude, impatient and they treat • me as if I were their personal servant. I've broken m neck to help some customers, only to have them walk off without so much as a thank you. I've been called ,a liar for saying we are out of a certain item. I've had'' people swear they never wore a gar- ment, and then I find a used handkerchief in the pocket. I'm fed up with the motto, "The customer is always right." because he isn't. Usually he's wrong, and mean as the devil on top of it. But, like, millions. of other sales ks, I'll continue to 'smile a be pleasant and grit my teeth and keep my cool, because that's what I'm being paid for. ---Fighting To Keep Sane In Seattle Dear Fighting: I_ can't believe that 75 percent of the buying public in Seattle is rude, im- patient and treat sales clerks as if they . were ''personal'. ser- vants." When I visited Seattle a few years ago. I was struck by the friendliness and warmth I found there. And I was very much impressed by the wholesomeness of the teen- agers Something's haywire, lady. You must send out negative vibes. Dear Ann Landers: Here's a word to that chick who flunked everything and now she wants her folks to finance six months of travel'so she can "mature. Listen, girl, it's people like You who give our generation a had name. So you want to drop out for a while and get your head together? Great. But how in heaven's name do you expect to mature if you are still living off your folks? That's dumb. I took the same route two years ago, but I didn't ask my folks to underwrite me. I worked in a lab at night washing test tubes, and atten- ded vocational school during the day. Paying your own way is what really grows people up.. So get off your can and cut the cop-out before it becomes a way of life. Freeloaders can't V ICTORIA VIEViPOINT Room 2 Kindergarten For the next couple of weeks, we expect to be studying about our friend, the farmer. Already we have painted pictures of him,• his animals and. their horses. We are enjoying this unit and our discussions and work and art will center around the farm. Room 3 Mrs. Fisher We have been working on Easter crafts and on enchanted eggs which are made out of plastic eggs. We have also been working on Easter pictures. We have read a story on the Enchanted Egg. Room 6 ` Mrs. Zwaon We are hatching 10 eggs in. our class , room -and we are hoping they will be hatched on Tuesday. We pre making a diary on what has happened every day. 'We are ,drawing names to see who will be taking them home. Room 12 Mrs. Stephen This class is studying about the wind. This is what Patrick MacDonald wrote about the wind. Once upon a time I was blowing the clouds around. It was fun until, I saw some children that were saying, "I wish there was some wind," so I started to blow and they all ran in and -got ,a kite. Then I asked my friend to blow. We took turns blowing until I got tired. Then I went away and did other .favours for other children. Electives The elective groups are still working hard preparing for the Toni Sawyer Operetta. The stage„ setting group is busy making , flowers, tomb stones, caves, fences anf tree's. ' The publicity -group has almost finished the posters which you will soon see around town to announce the operetta. Plan your Vacation now \lake sure this \ear's 'iaCatroll k problem free ahead ri��ht no\ . 1-i\ Up \c)Ur CO'ltage 4- \our _car •vhitte\er is needed to help vou (iet the most out of trouble free holiday The maney y ou spend now on \ our summer rlfropert and equipment will Cost \ ou less than dela\' and incon\ enience. Talk to ‘our I•riendl\ e\perienced Victoria and (tre` manager about the money yuu need today VG The :senior Trust ('r,mpom devoted entirely to cerlinv the people of Ontario. VIC7bRlAandGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Thursday 9:00 to 6:00 Friday Lyle R. Zurbrigg, ,Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich have much respect for them- selves, and this is where it's at.- --Vicki Dear Vicki: Good advice. I couldn't have done bettyr myself. Thank you for the -able assist. North Street U.C.W. meet A buffet dinner was a feature of the North Street United Church Women general meeting. The dishes were prepared from authentic Indian recipes with Mrs. R. Parmar giving directions and assistance. ,Mrs. D. Bundy anti her committee made the arr ngements. Worship with the theme, "Spring" was led by Mrs. S. Jefferson. She Vitas assisted by Mrs. C. 'Proctor, Mrs. E. Pridham and Mrs. D. MacRae. Miss C. McGowan in- troduced the guest speakers, Mrs. A. Whilsmith of Exeter and her sister, Mrs. L. Jackson of Dunnville. These two women attended the world conference pf Askram in the Holy Land last June. This is rI movement begun by E. Stanley Jones. They gave an historical, and geographical outline of the city"of Jerusalem and surrounding country and showed pictures of the land where Jesus carried out His ministry. Appreciation was expressed by Mrs. M. McGill. The U.C.W. president, Mrs. B. Hanly, presided for the business. Announcement was made of the concert by the Stratford Boychoir in North Street Church as April 29th. The annual visit to all the women of North Street by U.C.W. members . will take place the week beginning May 14.• Goderich HighSchool to hold "At Home Dance" The G.D.C.1. "4t Horne Dance" takes place tomorrow night April 27 at the high school. This is the 21 year for the event which is perhaps the most important of the school year. The first step towards the tremendous amount of preparation that goes into the 'formal' took place at the first meeting held this year in the middle of January. School Social Convener Randy Keller acted as chairman for the sleeting. Four themes for this years presentation were under con- sideration. They were: Dream Castle, Alice in Wonderland, When We Were Young and the Enchanted Forest. After con- siderable discussion, the En- chanted Forest was chosen as the 1973 theme. From this point on, the organization took place in three major steps. Meetings were conducted at the school, at peoples homes and the third set of meetings were held with those students who signed the decorating list. Actual decorating began the last week of March and will be completed about one half hour before the "formal" is to begin. The decorating has become greatly involved since the con- struction of the new, gym. This year the Student Coun- cil has allotted,. the Frormal Committee a budget of $900. for the. entire production This includes the cost of the band, decorating costs and food costs. Social Convener Randy Keller stated that he feels that he can stay within the budget for 1973. Randy has estimated that -he has put in about 200 hours in the supervision of this event. According to him, other people have also worked very long and hard, one of them being Anne MacEwan who was directly in The Curiosity Shoppe (THE GREEN DOOR) ANTIQUES AND GIFTS OPEN 10 A.M.I1'O 5:30 P.M. • P.O. BOX.131 79 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH, ONTARIO K. PREVETT Bus. PHONE 524-6661 Rrs. Pi- NE 524-6553 BUSINESS DIRECTORY -DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron -Fuel Injection Equipment Byfield Rd. - 482-7971 Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANT 39-St.,,..David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The' Place To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich • FRIGIDAIRE • WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON • HOOVER Sales and Service JEWELL -BROTHERS APPLIANCES & TV LTD. The Square - Goderich R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 Cards For All Occasions * Gifts - * Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST St. Goderich CHiSHOLM FUELS Distributors For PRODUCTS HOME, FARM, INDUSTRY * Free Burner Service * Furnace Financing * Gasolines & Diesel Fuels 524-7681 OR 529-7524 charge of decorating. Another person greatly involved and described by Randy as "in- dispensable" was Miss McKen- zie who is the Arty teacher at G.D.C.I. "She has been helping - ever since I can remember" stated Randy. He also said "the energy and creativity of these people is unbelievable." Between '50 and 60 people have been regularly involved in the decorating. The night of the dance, sandwiches and coffee are served in the upstairs balcony overlooking the dance floor. The decorations for the "for- mal", are either given away, sold or disassembled after- wards to possibly be used for next year's production. As the "At Home Dance" takes place tomorrow night, consideration must certainly be given to all those who con- tributed in any way, ,big or small, to making it an event that will be long remembered. Farmers Are you thinking about building? FOR A GOOD JOB AT A REASONABLE PRICE PHONE RAY LAMBER3482'3J05 FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See 'or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 524-9442 u 46 WEST ST. Custom Farm Work Anhydrous Ammonia Applying 17r. I!at ; PLOUGHING CULTIVATING PLANTING Goderich SPRAYING, HARVESTING CROP DRYING 529-7561 LAKE RANGE ACRES TIMOTHY J. HUNTER Treat the ramify DINE OUT in the pleasant atmosphere of the CRAFT SUpp it by lh"Ikr$ft ' ARTISTS Mot by Grumb,chor STORE li011 10:00 a.m. to f;pl 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 PHONE 524.6815 GODERICH RESTAURANT. STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN LICENSED UNDER THE hi LIC LIQUOR LICENSE ACT WEST STREET ANNUAL SPRING REFUSE COLLECTION PICKUP A refuse pick-up will be field during the week of APRIL 30th to MAY. 4 inclusive. Please co-ordinate your refuse material with regulargarbagi day in your area. Do not place material on boulevard ir advance of garbage day. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TOWN OF GODERICH - tudy you re of Conten ages e East, the vital us, tt record GosP hens es of tamer] ater ority writte d "NI " Tht d re e.is n Don't let the hot days of summer slow down your get-up-and-go. Stay fresh as a daisy all year long by creating the freshness of spring in your home. Complete comfort control isn't far away, if you already have a forced air heating system. Just add a central electric cooling unit, with electronic filter and humidity control, You can then enjoy your own custom climate with comfortably cool, clean air in every room. AC 1-4250A(n) Total year-round comfort is well within your reach, if you think electrically. Call your Hydro, and find out how the joys of spring can be with you every day of the year! your hydro 1 pa oder slnmi r tht his Feri GNI Dic $011 P„ Tri tki