HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-26, Page 9t happened to stop ac d Village Store last ay as the "Easter Bunny was about to be made. ourhood children were in front of the store so tle girl They ALL asked rushed in, o ,Th. , ere so excited. first draw was Bud nts name. Bud is well h and liked in Goderic 'ea haying been raised in (fp He has built several inGUderich and worked water er Cleaners Shop for • now resides n t Meafordw he has bought Haw - Cleaners soba 5es ins tnd he building He's sure a busy fellow, dull moment for 'Bud'. w he has won an Easter e it to the lhetlto drthema the draw, little Laurie Dwinnell e big bunny with the ear. The sun caught it y, but, "it's all inside,' 'idren said - and she was to pieces anyway. nd draw was for Kenny , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed also of Saltford and prize name was Joan daughter of Arnold at Benmiller area. uldn't have happened to hildren. you made the tour of aches and the shore line n the water damage? looking at the tons of littering on our beaches rd to figure out how they possibly be deposited in eat pieces. ow they can use these I hope, in some way to t more erosion in certain as surely fouled up the andv beaches, but we n't have any stones wash ra few years, of each early springer made it. I met a nice lady last week - (she and her hubby are quite new to Goderich) she said her husband has fished here' for years and was tickled pink when he was able to purchase the little place at North Har- called. ar-called. DON'S Mr. and Mrs. Don Shettler Jived many years in Petrolia. They have four children and four grandchildren with youngest daughter ready for Grade 13, or in Grade 13. Mrs. Shettler as a nurse's aid en- joyed taking care of the older folks for about 10 years. She thinks the little store which caters to the' fishermen with hot coffee, etc; bait and some tackle - and - ice cream and candy for the kids, will keep her. busy for a while. Mr. Shettler enjoys his retirement from the construc- tion and contracting business. He was a Hoisting Engineer for many years. He iS sure he is going to like Goderich and we hope he does. We are happy to welcome such nice people to our com- munity. • Mrs. Shettler has already found the people friendly. She told of two small tots who came often for candy, who came back the other day with a bouquet of daffodils "for Easter " - they said. She was quite touched, but hoped no one was really missing some daffy. Flowers are the friendliest GODERlCt* SIGNAL -STAR -STARS T URSDAY, APRIL 26, 1273-- PAO$ ;$ To wn Council Briefs THE JOLL EE E " p�SOp�t�tlt wsing som •The fate of the old green freight shed at the harbor used in recent years by MacDonald Marine is under decision now by the Harbor Committee chaired by Councillor Bill Clif- ford. It was learned at last week's-' council meeting that the building is being returned to the Town of Goderich this spring. 4. Gus Chisholm of Dearborn Steel Tubing Manufacturing Company (Canada) has infor- med Goderich Town Council that the company's building in the Industrial. Park is presently being landscaped and decorated on the outside. Mr. Chisholm expressed his hope that the company's efforts' to make the premises. attractive will satisfy' council's requirements. Local coun- cillors had been concerned At the regular April 3 meeting of Colborne Township Council ' accounts totalling $10,461.40 were approved for payment. A representative of C. and W. Sanitation discussed with Council a number of methods of loading and transporting garbage, using the present disposal site as a loading station. Clifford ani Bob McNeil discussed with Council,culverts and drains in front of their property. By -Law 7/1973 being a by- law for the submiAsion to a vote on a question or questions un- der the Liquor Licence Act` having been read as first, seconds, third and final time was passed by Council. g the spring flowers is By -Law 1111971 being a by a great tlrriflfcar ae. m.ri —Taw rektil "titi jhar—ch trges„ o f -- 'e them, I couldn't help g • and almost crying - we returned from the to a still bleak north and as we drove into our ay, ONE crocus and loom of snowdrops, only!'' ked as tho' they had al hard to be there returned, but only one Dog Tags in Colborne Town- ship wad amended to read that the second dog tag be $4 and doubled • for the third dog and continual doubling for each dog cemetery workers o $2.50 per hour. led to inspect the ARROWING PENS • COW TIE & FREE STALLS W TIE STALLS • WATER BOWLS NISHING . PENS • LIXIP PIG NIPPLES i. • ALL TYPPS OF FEEDERS act Henry G err i is Barn Plumbing 8 Equipment 2-9588 Distributor for HYDE PARK Farm Supply Township Roads on Saturday April 7 and the Road Superin- tendent was instructed to call for tenders for a new fully equipped township road grader. Farm drains, and tax arrears were also given con- sideration. At the regular April 17 meeting of Colborne Township Council a representative from Cowan's Insurance Ltd. reviewed with Council Town- ship Insurance policies in- cluding Workmen's Compen, cation. Discussion took place re the Bogie's Beach road, municipal steps to the beach and a parking lot. A report of the proposed sewage works at Benmiller Estates was ordered filed for future use. for a septic tank system at Camp Hermosa was approved subject to the approval of. tht Huron CounryisPealth Unit. The Clerk notified Council of the Huron Coupty Municipal Officers' Association annual Spring meeting to be held May 16. The prices and `costs of graves in Colborne Township Cemetery were increased due to labours' increased wages. Cost of graves to residents is $20 each grave; to non-residents is $60 each grave. Cost of opening graves in Colborne Township Cemetery is $40 each grave; in the Roman Catholic Cemetery is $50 each grave. The Road Superintendent reported on several road projects including im- provements to the' Sunset Beach Road and the Meneset Road, McKee's Hill at Ben - miller and Bissett's Hill at Saltford. He was requested by Council to prepare a special Road Subsidy Allotment. Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority SWEEP project was discussed . Coun- cillor William Bogie was ap- pointed to represent Colborne Township Council on the Huron County Sports Council. Reeve McNeil reported on the Waste Disposal Site meeting at Holmesville with Ggderic•h, Clinton and Godericlj Township. Also discussed was an offer of property on Colborne Township for a. Waste Disposal Site. Councillor Durst and Deputy - Reeve Allin agreed to inspect the Bowman Drain. about the fact the decorative brick called for in the Dearborn plans did not appear to be in- stalled Reeve Deb Shewfelt noted that. the building is "starting to look better alteady" and will j►robably become "a very at- tractive building". Brief discussion was heard at the council table last Thursday evening during the presentation of the Goderich 'Tourist Com- mittee minutes. It was learned the Tourist Committee had decided to give Miss 13 Bradford .and Miss Karen Such first chance at the positions in the Information Booth this summer. Another application from Miss U. Barker was to he answered with word that no position was a-xa ilable at the Present time. Some members of council questioned whether or not the Tourist Committee had the right to make any decision on the matter of hiring staff for the Information Booth, but no hard and fast conclusions were • drawn in this regard. _L.-7 x .r Animal control officer Dick Eisler_ will be provided with a spray gun and hq,lster to be used in 'his w-)rk. It is under- stood the spray from the 'gun'. sill only temporarily blind an animal and therefore provide some measure of protection for the animal control officer in tile event of attack by an animal. A new insignia will also he fixed on Eisler's hat reading "Animal Control Officer". Bayfield Road to the Industrial Park was also approved 4 ♦ • Suggestions for projects for the 1973 SWEEP project are being received by Councillor Leroy Harrison of the Parks Con ttee. M * J. Alex -Wilkins, London, has been appointed Marina Super - N. isor for the 197:3 season at a salary of $100 per week. He will continue to receive 20 per- cent commission on all dockage fees as well as a car allowance during the Marina season. The Marina season will open May 12. It is also noteworthy that two Marina Assistants will be hired to work with Wilkins. The lease agreement for the booth rented by Larry Jeffery at the beach has been revie*ed by ('c"iuncillor Bill Clifford arid Harold Walls subject to review h` 'Down Solicitor Dan Murphy. Rent will remain at $100 for the ,-,eason. The salary of Mike I)yrnond, the town's recreation, director has l►eeri reviewed and settled following the required probationary period. Effective April )16, Dyrnond's ',alar. is $10120' and for the sear 1�w7,3 a car allowance is paid pct the rate of $25 for eight months and $40 for four mon- ths i.lune to September in- clusive) TSE EA�fE- Rep'eatingAfew of our Specials! M * k The annual spring cleanup is set for next week, April :30 to 'blas 4 council has decreed. 41" A petition has been received from homeowners in the Tilt .ind Bennett Street area concer- ning the drainage problems in that district, HOSTESS - REGULAR OR DIP Potato Chips SILVERWOODS FRESH H� MILK KELLOGG'S 16 OZ. PKG. Corn Flakes The matter has teen referred to the Town Engineer Burns Ross and associates and a —174it r`t-" 3A7tt1-..tits..,fnithr urn°iTrt .,.,.in, -M hie course. IF YOU CAN 1972 PLYMOUTH FURY 1 1 • Two door hardtop. Fully equipped and in real sharp condltlon. Priced for quick sale. $2895 Lic. No. DHE -919 1972 VALIANT Two door hardtop. Reel sharp and spotless throughout. Finished in a special trim with many extras. Very low mileage. $2695 Lic. No. DHE -920 .1971 DODGE STATIONWAGON Fully equipped. This is a very clean vehicle. See it and drive It and you'll buy it as the price Is very low. $2895 Cic. No. DHE -918 19 70 PLYMOUTH FURY Four door sedan, dark blue with vinyl roof and power steering. $1895 Lic. No. DHE -915. 1968 PONTIAC Two door fastback. A real sporty looking car. Maroon with black trim. Seeing is believing - and drive it today. $1095 Lic. No. DHE -913 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Two door hardtop. Dark blue with factory vinyl roof. This car Is an outstanding buy. Fully powered. See it today. $995 1967 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Lic. No. DHH-011 Four door sedan. This car also Is in the well kept class and fully •4Wpped. See it and drive It to believe, 1t. $995 Lio. No. DHH-008 1966 DODGE Four door sedan, TMs Is one of the better kept used cars. Very few Mil match this car In condition.. .Too low to talk about" Lic. No. DHH-007 1965 FORD CUSTOM Two door. Finished in light gold. A real sharp model. "Too low to talk about" Lic. No. DHH-010 W. J. MOTOR miLLsSALES LTD. 121 St. David St., Goderigh, 5 2 4-9 4 4 9 The second Student -Staff Committee meeting' was held Thursday noon,' April 8 in the Board Room. The topics 00 the agenda were a discussion of the present Student Govern. ment Constitution and general discussion of the school year 1972-1973. The Staff Committee is com- posed of Mr. Stringer, Mr. Mur - die and Student Council Ad- visor s M'r. Rittinger and Mr. Work. Members of the Student Committee include the Student Council Executive - Con Melady, Gary Fisher, Rand Keller, Wendy Ryan and Ann Dalton; Chairman of the Athletic Committee - Doug Fisher; representative of Female Athletics - Carole Cruickshank; and Editor of the "Norseman" - Susan Freeinan, We first discussed the 'pros andA cons' of Initiation Day. Judging "by the comments of some, the traditional welcoming of Yeah One students in some cases is a lit- tle too wild! Should Initiation Day be abolished as it has in many area Secondary Schools`' These meetings provide both students and staff an oppor- tunity to share ideas, and problems of their side of life at G.D.C.I. Improvements arise from such communication. Formal decorations are run- ning at full steam which is good - because the big event is this Friday evening, April 27! Today (Thursday) and tomorrow, those students who have attended 80% of the decorating meetings are exempt froilrt -classes, so that they may finish trimming the gym- nasiums into an Enchanted Forest:. The 'Norseman' will come out this week, and the 'Roving Reporters' -are presently digging up little tidbits of infor- mation relevant to the students of G.D.C.I. for, the Spring Issue of the paper. ('ouricillor Frank .Walkom .of Ore Nater, Light and Pollution contr' 1 Committee has receiveH permission for his recommendation that the street light in the front of Jim Don- nelly's home at 10:3 St. George's Crescent he moved to provide a Vetter view of the lake. The PUC is to undertake the moving - at Donnelly's expense. A recommendation that street lighting he extended on SURGET Macaroni,;......... OR Spaghetti SCHNEIDER'S FRESH Chicken, Legs FLORIDA NO MANY MORE I N --S Olt E -F EAT U RAE PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL 10 P.M. SAT. APRIL 28/73 Colonel Sanders and his boys make it finger howl good Buy one Snak-Pak at the regular price. Get another one FREE! Thursday April 26 only. TAKE-HOME SHOP AT BOTH LOCATIONS KINCARDINE GODERICH 855 QUEEN ST., 396-3850 At the Five Points -524-7359 NO LIMIT ON PURCHASES