HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-26, Page 5itt
° Your
rend Father Jerome
h of London visited
everend Father Ed Den -
and Brother Carl Voll
isted with Good Friday,
turday and Easter Sun-
ratulations to Frances
Gerald Logtenberg,
er and son of Mr. and
e members of the
nnon linite4 Church by
1011 of Faith on Sunday,
15. Visitors with • the
berg family on that day
Mr. and Mrs. Gerritt
rs, Doug Darn tGerda
berg) and family of
(Fern Logtenberg) and
New Dundee; Mr. and.
of R.R. 7
-and familY
Logtenberg and family
erend Father Ed. Den-
', Brother Carl Voll and
ers of the Catholic
n's League visited with
Austin last Tuesday on
st birthday. Mrs. Irene
v of Goderich visited her
r on this day too.
ond Courtney, son of
nd.Mrs. Leo Courtney is
id in the Advanced
nical eight week training
to be held a Centennial
in Toronto starting on
ond Dalton; returned to
orne here on Tuqday,
'17, after spending six
,touring England, Ireland
with Ray arid the -Dalton
es were Mis • Antoinette
of Royal 0 k. Michigan
and Mrs Jerry Vogt
in Londo with Frank
an on Wednesday of last
„and Mrs. Frank Dwyer of
nd with his mother, Mrs.
hy Dwyer and Mr. and , Visitors wiih Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Frayne (Ros;e Mark Dalton over the Easter
la and family. weekend were Miss. Denise
and Mrs. Bob Ellia, ,Dalton of -the- Universjty of
leen 0,Nein) and Shawn, -Guelph. Mr. 'arid Mrs. Peter
lary Louise O'Neill all of 4artin, (Louise Dalton) and
stock and Bernard, •Jerry son Danny, of Glamis, Harvey ,,
Dennis O'Neill, all of Lassaline of Goderich, and
ord spent the weekend at Mark' Lalonde of °Haiti. Mark
, me of their. parents, Mr. secured a position with Dear-
rs. Jim O'Neill. born Steel Tubing Mfg. Com;
pany of Goderich 'and will be
moving to Goderich.
Mrs Joe touring 5294189
the Stratford district for 141/2
Miss Marilyn Maclntyre and
friend Rob Coleman were home
from Guelph for the weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Maclntyre.
Paul Frayne, Waterloo
Lutheran Univetsity, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Frayne.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry
(Ann Doherty) and family of
Downsview visited at the home,
of her brother, Jim Doherty
and the Doherty families. ,
Walter Kelly of London
spent the Easter weekend here.
Terry Dalton, son of
Raymond Dalton has bought
the 100 acre farm* on the 7th
concession of Ashfield Town-
ship from' Clarke Zinn. This
farm was formerly owned by
Gerritt Logtenberg, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Giroux
and family of Kent Bridge
visited this past week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riegling and
the Riegling families.
Mr. and Mrs. John VanOsch
and family of Waterloo visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack VanOsch and the
VanOsch families.
Miss Rosemary Hogan of
Woodstock, Jimmy Hogan of
London and Ronny Hogan of
Sudbury were holidaying
visitors at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Shoana Martin, six week old
dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Martin entered University
Hospital London on Tuesday
April 17 for traction to
straighten her legs. She will be
hospitalized for about one
month. Her parents and family
,..visited her in Loudon on Easter,'
Mrs. Judy .Riegling , and
children of Orangeville are
spending this week at the home -
'of Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Riegling.
Ray and, Jerry Heffernan
spent the weekend in Nashville,
the student exchange to Maple
Ridge, British Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom O'Neill
were pleasantly surprised on
Easter Sunday afternoon when
a surprise party was held in
honour' of their thirty - first
Wedding Anniversary.
IVIembers of their family, Mr,
and Mrs. Bill Gower (Mary
Ellen O'Neill) and family of
Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Harrison (Peggy O'Neill) of
Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Eddie O'Neill and family of
Goderich dropped in ,on ,therni
bringing food for a bountiful
meal, gifts and. a- special an-
niversary cake.
Jim and Larry Gower
remained with their grand-
parents, taking advantage of
the Easter Monday holiday
from school.
. and Mrs. Leo Courtney,
la and Edward of
rich, Mr. and- Mrs. Peryy
,enaghan and Gavin of
Riegling of Goderich were
nd visitors -at the home of
ond and Michael Court-
. and Mrs. Ron Durnin
ev Austin) and family of
on were weekend visitors
Tine of her 'parents, Mr.
IN. Vincent Austin:
. and Mrs. Raiv MacLean
ohn Finleon, all Of Lon-
: were weekend visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
n and family.
s Mary Anne O'Keefe,
'ia College, London spent
eekend at the home of her
ts, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
ngratulations to Roy
e of Stratford, son of Mr.
rs. Jitn Keane, formerly
ingsbridge, who was
oted to Accounting Super-
, Ministry of Transpor-
and Communications for
ancroft District, effective
ne 1. Roy has been with
Parents, neightiours and
friends filled SU Joseph's
school gym to capacity on
Tuesday evening, April 17 to
see the Operetta, "The Magic
Beanstalk" which was perfor-
med by the Grade 5 to Grade 8
pupils. Congratulations to
teacher -S. and pupilg -for
providing such wonderful en-
tertainment. By popular
demand, -a repeat performance
will be presented on Thursday,
April 26 at 8:15 p.m. If you
missed it last time, be sure to
see 'it this Thursday.
This week tickets were sold
on an Easter Lily. The winner
was Shawn Dalton, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Dalton. •
Grade seven and eight pupils
are 'selling tickets for a draw to
be made on June 6 for first
prize, eight track car, stereo,
valued at $70.00; second prize,
Black and Decker 71/4" circular
saw, value 130.00 third 'prize,
Black and Decker 1/4" drill,
value $19.00. Proceeds will aid
Many hockey fans from this .
area were at ihe Lucknow
arena on Saturday evening to
see the sixth game between the
Lucknovv and Havelock, On-
tario, Minor Hockey Juvenile
After being down three
games to one, Lucknow came
back to tie the series three all
by winning in overtime in
Havelock on Thursday night,
and by taking the sixth game
with,, a score Lucknow 6,
Havelock 5.
The final game was played in
Peterborough on Sunday after-
noon at 4 p.m. with Havelock
winning the All Ontario Cham-
pionship by a score of Havelock
9, Lucknow "6 Congratulations
boys for being Stcond Best in*
Huronview Ladies Auxiliary reports MORE
heartening response to bus plan
The April meeting of the
Huronview Ladies' Auxiliary
was held on April 16.th in the
Craft Room at Huroriview with
president Mrs. Colclough
presiding. The meeting opened
with the members repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison and
the minutes of the previous
meeting were read and ap-
proved. Mrs. Colclough
welcomed. all present and
reported on the project to buy a
Van type vehicle for use of the
wheyl chair residentA, and
others who find it diffiCult to
get into and out of a standard
motor car. The project has been
named "Rides for Residents"
and the response from service
clubs, fraternal organizations
been ihetirtfrning. Some kre
pledging a donAtion of money
and some are planning money
raising affairs. Cheques should
be made out to: "Rides for
Residents" and sent to Mrs.
Wilfred Colclough at Clinton,
Plans for the Blossom Tea,
Bazaar and Bake Sale were
finalized and Women's In-
stitutes are asked to provide
'two loaves of sandwiates,,,three,
pans of squares or three bat-
ches of cookies or a corn-
bination of both. Auxiliary
members will provide items for
the Bake Sale. Mrs. Howatt of
Blyth will be in charge of the
Tea Tables, Mrs. Webster of
Myth will brew the tea, Mrs.
Gourley of Londesboro will
look after the food plates and
Mrs Robinson of Londesboro
will Irw in charge of registration.
Seaforth Institute will be
asked to look after' the dish-
washing and Auburn will be in
charge of the Bake., Sale.
Remember the Blossom Tea,
Bazaar and Bake Sale, Wed -
p in the Auditorium at
Huronview. A silver collection
IA be taken qp fvr the -Tea-.
All 'proceeds will be applied to
the 'Rides for Residents"
Mr. Row N4ie Assistant Ad -
conducted the Election of Of-
ficers for the corning year and
the following are the results:
president, Mrs. Colclougn, of
Clinton; first yice-president;-••
Mrs. Webster of Blyth; second
vice-president, Mrs. McGregor.
of Kippen; recording secretary,
Mrs. Peck of Hensall;
corresponding secretary, Mrs,
Johnston of Clinton; treasffer,
Mrs. Robinson of Londesboro;
press reporter, Mrs. Gourley' of
Members' were present from
Auburn, Blyth, Clinton,
There bqng no further
husinessi,' the meeting was ad-
journed and refreshments were
served. .4
April IS the_ fieleii Evans,
out 'of Conneaut, light, taking
on I I „500 tons at the Salt mine.
The Roy A. Jodrey, aut of
Sarnia, light, toak 'on 18,500
tons of salt on April 19.
Sarniadoc took on 4,200 tons
01 salt aiter -leaving Hamilton
light otr April 21.
April 22 the Roy A. Jodrey
arrived light from Buffalo and
took on 20,000 tons of salt.
One grain boat was in local
harbor April 19. It was the
Westdale out of Chicago,
at the
Main Corner Clinton
Open 2 6 Closed Weds
95 YONGE ST., TORONTO • TELEPHONE 416 864-1090
GODERICH 524-9555
Several new families have
moved to our community. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Gingerich have
purchased the Charles
McDonald farm; Mr. and Mrs.
Joni Shetler and family to the
farm of Mrs. Harvey Webb, Mr.
and Mrs. John Shetler and
family to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff.
Murray's and Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Stutzman Jr. and family
to Mr.. and Mrs. Donald
Murray'bs.., To these new
families wY say, "Welcome".
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner
and family of Lucan spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and.Mrs. Jim Curran and Paul.
Little Heather McDonald of
Goderich spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross
The last Shoot Party of the
season was. held on Wednesday
night with eleven tables. High
prizes went to Charles
McQuillin and Mrs. Frank
McQuillin with second high
going to Mrs. Stuart Chamney
and Mrs. Ted Robinson and
the most "Sh9ots" went to Mrs.
On Thuisday evening, a com-
munity shower was held in the
St. Helen's Hall for Linda
Snowden, bride -elect.
Mrs. James Barbour and
Mrs. Frieda Gontier of London
were visitors on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.
1111 thL' 1,11c.,1
ta,hion, then we
now and entcr ot ten
a,. you like .1nd get
1,1,T. the new stinworth\
decorator booklet
with brit4ht ideas to
brighten or your home.
June ht!
12" portablescome
in Avocado,Tangerine,
BeigelYellow, Charcoal grey
and Orchid.
The VOYAGER E1335 $1 1 9.95*
ChOOSe from a ,a
For the right ,advice, and the right paint see our paint experts.
•The Zenith 12-. portable is built on a rugged steel
chassis to stand vibration. transportation and
rnciving 'around
It I G