HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-26, Page 3the
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ntario Treasurer John
te has been under
frdom the
for the past
ral and NDP Opposition
use he raised the sales tax
5 to 7 percent to partially
ce the large deficit whirl
in the province at the
nt time. The 7 percent
tax on energy sources
ged as the most conten-
issue of the 1973 Ontario
et. It places the province
rather precarious position
the negotiations: with
•gtrices. Premier
rta on ga' negotiations with
is in his neg Resource Secretary Bert
rta premier Lougheed en- Lawrence announced that ,the
oured to pfeverlt such Ontario Government will tic
,increases in the priceselement a $50 million loansand oil coming into this program to: ---help -property'
ince, but in fact, he owners build dikes and break,
dn't have been all that con- waters to fight the high waters
d about the problems of in the Great Lakes region. The
g energy girlies when he loan will be made through
ed this treasurer to ire- municipal offices and repaid
a 7% sales tax on energy. with property taxes over a
coupled with the fact that
)period of up to 20 years. He
lier'tier. Davis allowed hydro said.the individual loan ceiling
'to increase ''11 percent in would probably be about
past 8 months stems to $2000 repayable at the prime
est action that is lust plain --
government interest rate of bet-
ween 6 and 7 percent.
m Breithaupt, Liberal
A question was asked by the
Opposition to Health Minister
Richard Potter on what hr was.
doing about the problem of
mercury pollution on Indians
eating contaminated fish from
the English River 'Ilystenl. Dr.
Potter said a complete study
has been .rnade c ._Ise report •
and that he would be making a
statement in the House in the
near future. In the meantime
. the Indians are shill eating rnetr-
cury . contaminated fish in that
area. •
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to paws
cial critic,, opened the ••
te on the budget stating
there was no economic
to increase sales taxes. He
• that federal government
reductions µill produce a
ant economy and thus
d have increased Ontario's
nue at the pre -budget sales
r. Breithaupt said the
,Wrnment has consistently
ti calculated its revenues and
jp�nding during; the past few
'"`r and predicted Mr. White
also be out on his
#-'Cajtulation that Ontario will
,�bdve a deficit of about $400
'Anon at the end of this finan-
Wyear. He will probably fine •l
pa final analysis that we
>4htscie an almost: • balanced
1st get, Mr. 'Breitheupt said.
Breithaulrt said the sales
on energl be par--
Re' ars' hard on senior citizens
} others living on fixed in-
s at a time when the in-
n rate is high.
Sargeant, Literal
ber from Gree -Bruce, has
istentty asked—Pcemier'
s to table the log books of
rnment planes, but Mr.
s both inside and outside
ouse would say only that
s a long standing Govern-•
policy not to table the log
and that this policy
d continue. This matter
to the front due to a cum-
in the provincial Auditors
rt that Government planes
,..used to transport
ters,• their families,- and
servants outside the
ince. Mr. Nixon and his
agues. concluded that in
ight of Mr. Davis' adamant
art() table the log book's,
rnrttent planes are being
by ministers and their
ds for purposes other than
ernment business. Mr.
n said the refusal in -
ted the, misuse • of the
es was flagrant and would
barassing to the Govern -
t' if it became public
Jack Riddell, Huron MPP
colleagues, indicated later that
he would have to spend some
time over the weekend contem-
plating his next move. It was
suggested that John White con-
sult with the other ministers in
Government for,- not only does
Bill Stewart minister f
Agriculture argue that the
energy tax puts, farmers at an
unfair disadvantage, but Tom
Wells, minister of education,
knows that school boards will
also be at a disadvantage in
that they are already operating
udder imposed budget ceilings
with no allowance being made
for the tax on energy. This tax
alone amounts to $18,000 that.
the Huron County Board of
Education must set aside in' its
budget. This amount will no
doubt ' exceed the additional
revenue that the Government
will be turning' over to the
Board. The'Boards, as yet,
have not been informed as to
what their individual grants
will be.
As a matter of interest the
resolutions which I submitted
to the 'Liberal Caucus in
Goderich prior to the by-
election in Huron, were accep-
ted in their entirety by the
Wednesday was the last, Sit—
ting of the House before the their convention in Ottawa last
Easter Weekend break and it weekend.
was unique in that it was the
first time in the. history of the
Ontario Legislature that a bill
was opposed on its first
reading. When Treasurer White
introduced the amended Sales
Tax Act for its first reading the
Liberal Opposition im-
mediately opposed the bill and
forced a vote. The scurrying
then started as the Tory Whip
had to round -up enough of his
colleagues to get •thein back to preserve local institutions
-into their seats for a vote on "
such as hospitals, P.U.C.'s and
the bill. After three-quarters of Will fight for a person's right to
an hour had elapsed, the vote -•
file an assessment appeal in his
was taken and strange as, it or her own County:
may seem, some Government
members refused to enter the .The Liberal party recognizes,
�.��� t-�ey ollposed the tar ,„•j,f.._c:ostxsr:..,,..abut_..�rrlt.e.._s.f~Lk'.i.ce�..__..
These resolutions read as
The Liberal Party of Ontario
reaffirmed its 'opposition to
Regional Government plans
proposed for Huron' bounty.
The Liberal Party,of Ontario
opposes the- replacement of
adequate local services with
regional services, and will fight
increase and wished to abstain
from voting on the bill. One of
the Tories in the house that
day stood up with the op-,
position to oppose the act. John
White; seeing•that,he-.is -lacking
support from many of his own
A . Justified
Dear Editor, o
I 'would like to rc'kly to Mrs.
Haydon's letter; printed in last
weeks _paper in which she
criticized, my comments of the
previous weekregarding the
"South Storm Sewer". •
'Mrs. Haydon accused me of
"manipulating a lot of figures".
The information I used was
changed in np: ,way but was
merely taken from the
preliminary report prepared by
Todgham and Case.
My purpose in writing the ar-
4Z -o•
t •TSF.
APRIL 26, 1903
A charter of incorporation
has beerr granted to the
Goderich Organ Company,
Limited. The cap.ital is
$100,000, and the provisional
directors are ,Alex Saunders,
James Clark, Wm. Proudfoot,
VV.L. Horton and Thos. Elliott.
Tuesday morning Geo. Jar-
dine's wagon had a smash-up
at the dock. 'The wagon was
standing on the G.L.k. track
loaded with fourteen barrels of
stilt, when the train backed •into,
And broke it up pretty badly.
A good number of barrels weir
'also broken open.
. The contract for the metr.i
work, ' consisting of roofing,
ceilings, .galvanized iron, et(
in connection with the new
public library building has beet!
awarded to J.H. wh,
also has- the contract for the
metal work on the new church
at Nile.
Manager Hunt and Vat. -
President Horton •of the
Goderich Elevator Co. were in
Chicago during the wec'K
looking up business. There are•
prospects of a good trade in the
transshipment of corn later on
in the season. -- ,
a1L1i :L 040'; , • .1
must he on a regional basis - -
such as County Planning. This plan for an alternate expansion to the Regional
Assessment office In Goderich with parking. along
The Liberal Government .of Gloucester Terrace has been agreed upon by both Goderich
Ontario will put a freeze on. all Town Council and the Huron County Property Committee.
bed and/or staff reductions in'‘ The proposal will go before County Council at their meeting
.,.hospitals of less than 125ds
be.. , on April 26 and•lf the proposal Is accepted It will guarantee
ticle was simply to point out„
thatat one point Town Council
was wishing to have the
preliminary assessment figures
manipulated. It has since been
pointed out to council that
. their • instruction to Todgham
and Case . to alter the
assessment figures were not
lawful, and that if an appeal
were made, a judge would deal
harshly with both Todgham
and Case and Town Council, if
the assessments were altered.
Therefore •you may ,choose
whatever words- you like,
whether it be "illegal" "ill-
advised" or "unlawful". But if
PHONE S]4-8551
SAVE .40c LB.
Sliced Back Bacon
Pork Chops LB-
Boneless Roast Beef
Ground Chuck LB.
esale Prices — We buy direct
a Judge .were to say•to ole '1
will deal harshly with
you", .I would assume I had
done something "illegal".
In Mrs. Haydon's letter last
week•she refers to a discussion
that`took,place between m,ysel(,
the engineer, Mrs. Havdonrand
the editor of this paper.
She indicates that "I was not
prepared to accept the infor-
mation received locally". I
couldn't accept this infor-
mation because i felt it was
against • the rule's' and
regulations set down in the
Drainage Act so on her advice I
wrote to the engineering firm of
Todgham -and- Carse.
It would appear tome ▪ fr"rn
the letter Council received from
Todgham and Case that 1 "was
justified in not accepting the
local information. As council
has moved to rescind .this
motion at last. Council Meeting
(April 19) no further comment
is necessary.
Since the editor was pre,vnt-
when the above mentioned
discussion took place, I would
ask her to correct me if any of
the statements I made here are
,Norman Wightmstn
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Wight -
man has shown he has a broad
knowledge of the Drainage Act.
His persistence has resulted in
some new insight into the
South Storm Sewer...and the
value of that, cannot be un-
Agrees with Martha
Dear Editor: with
Reading and agreeing.
Martha's recent article in the
..Signal Star"
in relation to the small neigh-
bourhood store, leads me to -
think that those who buy in
these little stores are linked
together by a common bond of
friendship through the medium
of the friendly family that runs
the business.
The feeling of belonging, he
would ' sometimes outweigh
additional pennies they ay
have to pay f
There tate stores that are
APRIL 26, 1948
• Hugh Hill, well -know rI
• Colborne township farmer, ,+ rt,
chosen at 'the Liberal conyf•n
tion at Winghanl on Saturda
night as the party candidate for
the Legislature in Huron -
illWith clearing water an tht-
the Lionl's Club's "per( h
r v" is getting into its .wing:
The leader to date is Mrs. H
Reis, r132 Cobourg St. Strat-
ford, with a perch weighed in at
1 lb. 7 oz.
The swimming season -at the
lake .was inaugurated on Satur
day, when four boys of ts, -lve
and thirteen years -made t t-
_.__.-..,.teM er
the saving of the Huron County Jall, and its wall, which, has Sonny Mallough•, Donaldi l�. rt•
been the subject for heated debate for some time. The Save McAdam, Billy Brower and
the Jail Society, who have.led the battle to save the wall and George Willis Though th4c leto-
the jail, say they are pleased with the proposal and hope it perature was a• chilly 51!
with approval by Huron County Council: (staff boys- were in -and ,lttt -cit th
water all afternoon.
will meet
Council rescinds
During last week's council
meeting, Goderich Town Coun-
cil quickly and decisively
rescinded a previous motion
with regard to the South -Storni
On the advice of H. M. Ross
and Asspciates Limited, council
unanimously agreed that a
motion • requestin"g a
redistribution of assessment for
the cost of the drain so that no
one -hone one -lot homeowner
would pay more than $25
should be stricken .from the
The matter came to head af-
ter Norman Wightman, a West
Wawanosh 'farmer, wrote to
Todgham and Case concerning
the redistribution of:rtssttssment
SSS motion
requested by council. Wight -
man 'claimed council was out of
order and letter from Todgham
and Case confirmed that it was
an ill-advised motion. •
"Somebody's given somebody
a hum steer," complained
Councillor Leroy Harrison who
noted that the motion was
made on the a4ice of the
solicitor Dan Murphy and the
engineer Burns Ross. "I suggest
it he clarified before too long. -
Mayor Harty Worsell. told
Harrison the matter was under
study at the present time.
At last week's council
meeting, members accepted the
bid of Bruinsnla Contracting,
Bayfield, to clean up the beach
Fisherman drowns
The swift waters of Dine
Mile River at Port Alpert
claimed the life of one Western
Ontario man during the past
weekend and threatened the
lives of one other man and a 15
year old girl.
Ontario Provincial Police
scuba divers recovered the body
of Henry Newman, ,5.2, of
Harriston from about 10 feet of
water about 100 feet offshore
from the mouth of the river on
Friday afternoon. The -
drowning victim had been
fishing with a seine net when
the river current caught it -
about 9:30 Thursday night
pulling him into. the lake.
A second man .had been
fishing with Mr. Newman and
was also pulled into" the cold
Lake Huron water. Norman
Fisk, also of Harriston, was
pulled to safety however. by
other fishermen in the area.
Mr. Fisk ,spent the night under
tlbservation at Alexandra,
Marine and General Hospital
in Goderich.
About one half hour later
.Janet Greidanus: .15. of Lon -
del -dime). was also dragged out
into the lake by the river
current. Nearby fishermen
again managed to pull her to
safety and she was sent for
treatment to hospital in
large and impersonal
• Others quite small
The Economipts who say these
have gone ojit of style
Have failed
word and a
to assess a nice
Arthur Laverty.
Who subsidizes who?
Dear Editor,
I felt that I could not let Mrs.
Haydon's jibe re subsidizing
pass without comment.
As I understand the
situation, developers pay for all
the services within their sub-
divisions i.e. storm sewers,
sanitary sewers. roads, paving.
curbing, water mains, street
lighting etc.
The only time the Town of
Goderich is interested in these
subdivisions is after the new
homes have been constructed.
Then our Town Fathers have
the hand out to collect property
taxes. These taxes are'then ap-
parently spent on other town
projects, such as the Elgin Ave
Storm Se,wer, Court House
Square lighting and so forth.
The money is certainly riot
spent down here on the South
end of the town.
I have lived here on Bennett
St. for 24 years. We still have
none of the services that the
rest of the town take for gran-
ted. - Services that my tax
money has helped to pay for
over these past 24 years.
So - Who Subsidizes Who?
incerely" Kay Leamen
in Goderich. The work of
• clearing the Main beach and a
good part of St. Christopher's
beach of stones will cost the
municipality $6,500.
The stone clearing operation
got underway this' week. The -
peach area was also visited by
R.. E. McKinley Wednesday
and council is hoping to recover
some of. the ,costs of the spring
cleanup at the beach through
-government aid t(o lakefront
municipalities expending un-
necessarily " large sums
following winter. storm damage.
A two week 'time limit was
put on the job with completion
date no later -than May 12. of:
ficial opening day at the local
Decent visitors with Mr and -
Mrs. Ewan. MacLean were Mr.
and Mrs. Ed \1•illiarnson of
Wyoming . and Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Macl,enn of
• Several frons the Ashfield
Presbyterian Church W.M.S.
were Easter Thankoffering
meeting guests at Knox Chirch
Ripley on Monday evening and
Lucknow Presbyterian Church -
oil Tuesday'evening. , -
Sympathy of this community
is extended to the, Blue and
MacDonald families who were
related to• the late Michele
Parets who waq•' buried at
i.ochalsh cemetery on Wed- •
Mrs. Emile MacLennan has
returned home from University
Hospital in London where she
had been a patient.
Preparatory Services •were
held Friday evening at Ashfield
Preshyterian Church and Com-
munion Services were conduc-
ted on Sunday by Rev. Kenneth
Don Wylde who has spent thte
winter in Ripley with Mr- and
Mrs. Lloyd Wylds has returned
to his own home.
Mrs. Jim Bradley is a patient ,
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Mrs. Frank MacLennan is a
patient in St, Joseph's Hospital
The ,114:'tirtrnttra ctrl •ig;t :::: -
heen conducting tests to the
trance channel this %,cep
preparation for dipping. and
expected to begin digging next
TheGoderich branch of Io!-
perial Oil Ltd. has won t`:c
silver challenge trophy in th..
"good housekeeping and safety
contest" of the company in the
London district for 1947 T ht
tt'ophy will he presented at a
banquet on Thursday night at
the Bedford Hotel:.)oe Loftus
on 'half of the (iodertcli
employees of the Imperial 011
'Ltd., will accept the trophy.
Thar' London district iii ludt•..
St, Thomas, • I:; `ldcin:' -Port
Stanley. Sarnia. etc "file
trophy is won the brant'
having the most order!la.‘!-ut
and drivers with the best .stet.
records. .John Thi rpe. reardc'tit
manager in Goderich. •will' he
the chairman.
APRIL 26, 1968
Goderich will ht. getting
building code after 111.
Mayor Dr. Frank Mills I.r„ht
a tie vote of council Thu .1 -
evening in favour ('5 1Im..
the 1'tational building t,.de f r
local construction. "i'he rt,at'1'
as first introduced .April
'der the guise of ay pr,o% intoe!
building code. t» Conn, Ili„r
B,R Robinson. but was rt•,, ,
ted hya4 :3 vote
An Oakville men has .rt
flounced plans to open a travel
agency in Goderich next rnont h
Antony R. Markson, 39..atr1
this week he would set-up
business in the former ('ampul
Shop quarters. East Street al
the Square. early in Ma\
"Ilud” Jerry. of
Goderich. has been appointed
presiding .judge of •I'oront
Greenwood Raceway for the
next four weeks.
Mr. .terry. manager of the
Goderich Racing and Trotting
Association, received the rt(,-
potntment from the Canadian
Trottitig Association
About 1 .400 * heavy-hrer,1
('hicks, $3.000 worth of
mechanics tools, n car, .11truck,
and assorted building materials
were destroyed Friday in a fire
which leveled a frame house' -
workshop on a R.R. 6 Goderich
farm owned by Gordon Brin-