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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-19, Page 19
GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 --PAGE 7A FROM THE VICTORIA ST.—BENMILLER BY REV. LEONARD WARR UNITED CHURCHES 1r1 though I walk Ihtot ifte vulby .,1 thr thudow of death. 1 shall feat no ..I 1,„ Thou url with me —23rd Holm of the bodies of a his three young a gas-filled room at St. E., led police to ion that the father ately murdered his hile under the in - rink and had then suicide. Toronto crimes are gainst the demon of ink. Murder and What a trd of sin and heart- quor business has to And still it has its Still people trifle •stuff; still goverg one'the evil and goy siness themselves in ell the revenue of not e'en war itself', such havoc with the has the traffic in Once, perhaps, in n war may blast a leave its desolating d it. But the traffic es on day and night toll of human lives, ens and madhouses, e fair promise of ng life and sending at way that leads to -nd eternl death. tt this man in reality itted this foul deed and suicide- It was did it. It was drink him of the affection • implants in every little children, and especially for thosd of one's own flesh and blood. The creature that once was a man had become worse than a beast, and the/ metamorphosis had been accomplished through drink. It is not alone the brains of men that liquor steals away. It is honour, justice, morality, love, kindlipess, and every vir- tue and impulse of decency and righteousness. It has been scientifically proved that even the smallest amount 'of alcohol stops the co- ordination between brain and hand. A certain admiral proved this when he gave to men of his gun factory a very small a, nount of alcohol and im- me 'ately their sight became affe ted. Can we at this time. afford to look into the question of the ef- fect of alcohol on road ac- cidents? Octoberfest, Carlings, Molson's in their advertising always pushing with a subtle tone: "We give it all, When you're great-. you're great." or "You don't know what you're Hissing" but never refer to the many immoral issues and hur- ting effects brought on through drink. You say what are some of these deadly effects thea Liquor Business is licensed for? The following is taken from the files of, Alcoholic & Drug Concerns Inc. To exploit the Youth of Canada—for its profit. To become responsible for ;'potential killers" on our roads and highways. Alcohol is in- volved in 50% of the serious highway accidents. To add 4000 annually to the ranks of Ontario's 93,000 alcoholics. Approximately one out of every thirteen persons starting to drink will become an alcoholic. Three others will become excessive drinkers. To handicap Canadian in- dustry at a loss of $80,000,000 a year through accidents, short production, lost' time and defec- tive workmanship. To breed and foster crime -- 89% of all criminals under detention in Canada have by their own admission, been, drinkers of alcoholic beverages. ,(C-olborne and Goderich Townships have been dry from a license standpoint. for years and now its citizens will soon, be confronted with the respon- sibility of voting "yes" or "no" on three . questions of No.9 (Lounge); No.8 (Dining Lounge and No. 7 (Dining Room). Let us remember what grave consequences will issue from opening these townships to what could be more outlets than one can imagine. High courts have long ago said that the liquor traffic has no natural rights, that it exists only by special right created through license. What should the voters of these townships consider their duty as responsible citizens? It is t© be honest in their thinking; to be courageous in their action. The indifference of many people to their obligation On the level of government has led an eminent jurist to say:"Not to vote is a species of treason against a public good." WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS Just outside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem is an eroded hill that bears a resemhlance to a skull, and is called (:olgatha. It is said that upon this hill stood three crosses the da that Jesus was crucified. That agonizing day that t hrist. died iS referred to today as "Good Friday" GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 20, 1973 .11(11.1,' 1.; 1 6.-2S S.- .1 -oh n John 1.9:i, )! f roni TIic LII'LVG, BIBLE Then the Poanttii soldiers took .lewts into. the bar- racks of the 1►ttlxce, galled out tiie entire palace 'guard, dressed him in a purple rube, and made a l'L'U\vii of long, 5llat'[) thol'us 01141 putt it on his head. "Then they saluted, yelling, "Yea! Nlllg of the Jews :" And they heat him- on the head -with a cane, and spit on hull and vvent clovvtl oil their knees to "vv'or- ship" him. When they fluidly tired of their sport, they took off, the purple robe and put his ovvu clothes on him again, and led flim away to 1%, crucified. ;\11(1 thev brought Jesus to a place called (;olgutha. (Golgotha means skull. ) \1 ine drugged \Vith bitter hol'hs \\•as of'f'ered to him there, but he refused it. And t}fell they- crucifie(i hint ---andtilrevy (lice for his clothes. It vy1rs about nine o'clock in the ►no►'nitlg when the crucifixion took place." A signboard vvas fastened to the cross ahoVe his head, announcing. }lis crime. 1) read, "The King of the .le\\s " "I'wo rohhe►'s vvGere alsp.crucvified that rimming, their crosses oil tither side of his. .\1141 so the SCH ptUre \vas 1/11 1IIe,i that said, "Ile \\•as ('4untedamong evil men... Afterv;trtis Joseph of AI'i►liathea, who had been 0 54(441 disciple of .Jesus for teat' (�i' the lea(Iel's, 1)oldly ask,' Pilate ror 1e1'nllsslO►1 to ta1n lestls' 1)(d\ down ; and Pilate told hint to go 0110041. So he /1(1114' 0)141 tool: it a\V0\'. \ i('1 (lenlu;, the man vv 110 1lad 04'lilt to Jesus at nighl. came too, bringing 110!)(li'e(1 1to110,(Is ,of enlhalitidig ointment made from my rill a►i,i aloes. Together t il('v wrapped .iestis. body 10 11 long linen cloth sat waled vvith the spices, as is the .le\vish custom 01 141)n'iai. 'The place of ('1'41('111\loll was neat' a grove ol trees, AV'ht're there \Vats a tl('0 1((1111), never used l0'I(o('t•. ill(1 •so, he - (41. the !teed fat' haste h('I((1 t' th(' Sal)hat1, 00(1 because the tomb vv'as close .t1 il/1141, they laid 11in1 there. Walter Hicks, Clinton, died Friday, Aprih 13 in Clinton. He was 65. Born in Goderich Township July 21, 1907, he was the son of William and:Elizabeth (Ginn) Hicks. He resided all his life. in Godtrich 'Township until moving ti Clinton in 1969. • He was a member of Victoria Street United Church. Surviving are his wife, the former Doris Bodges; one daughter, Mrs. Dan (Lorraine) Pitblado, Goderich; one son, Jack, Burlington; four grand- children; two sisters, Mrs. George (Ella) Castle, Bayfield and Mrs. Harry (Mildred) Watkins, Clinton; and two 'brothers, Howard, Clinton, and Maurice, Goderich. Funeral service was Monday, April 16 at the McCallum Funeral Home with Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. 'Pallbearers were Wilfred Castle, Bob Watkins, Don Hicks, Bill Hicks, John Howard and Ronald Howard. Flowerbearers were Maitland Driver, Clayton Laithwaite, Jack Johnston, John Rodges, Pat Ginn and Gerald 'Walters. Albert J.(Abb) Leonard, 199 Cayley Street, died April 16 at Alexandra Marine and Generale Hospital. He had been in ill health for abou, , a year. He was 70. The son of the late James arid Jessie(McI4ay) Leonard, he was born December' 9, 1902, in Goderich where he had resided all his life. He operated Leonard Fisheries for 40 years. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his? wife, the forme. Florence Fritzley; one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd (Dorothy) Atfield, Goderich; four grand- children and one great grand- child; and one sister, Mrs. Margaret Craven, Chicago. Funeral service was Wed- nesday, April 18 at Stiles Funeral Home with Fiev. G. L. Royal officiating. Cremation will follow at Mount Pleasant Crematorium, London. was married to Valentine Fisher who predeceased her in 1941. She is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral service was Monday, April 16 at McCallum Funeral Home with Rev. G.G. Russell officiating. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery, - Pallbearers, were Donald Flunking, Courtland Kerr, Gordon Fisher, Harold Good, Harold Chapple and A. Sanders. Nancy Lee Prouse, daughter of Francis Hedley ' and Margaret (Lee) Prouse, 52 East Street, died April 16 at Sun- beam Home, Kitchener. '.the was eight years old. She was born January 23, 1965 and was an adherent- of Victoria St. United Church. Surviving besides her parents are one sister, Linda Dianne, and one brother, Hedley Ben- son, both at home; and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Prouse and Roy Lee, Goderich. Funeral serVice was today, Thursday, April 19 at Stiles Funeral Home with 'Rev. Leonard Warr officiating. Interment was ° in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mrs. Ethel Fisher, formerly of Colborne Township, died Saturday, April 14 in Goderich following a lengthy illness. She was 86. The former Ethel Neal, she was born January 19, 1887 in Portsmouth, England to Edwin 'and Emma (Travers) Neal. She came to Canada in 1913 and CLINTO N--EXETER—SEAFORTH—G 0 DERICH Frank Mcllwain 200 Gibbons St. 524-9465 66 Hamilton Street 524-8761 or 524-6621 Bob McCallum COME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL IF YOU NEED 'A RIDE. WE HAVE A BUS. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich Phone 524-7345 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET 'near The Square REV. W. H McWHINNIE F.R.G.S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School 11:15 a.m.- Easter Service SERMON: "A STONE ROLLED AWAY" Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study 0 Tuesday. 6:30 p.m. -First Eiaptist Youth Crusaders Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN and WATERLOO 9TS REV PETER G ST DON, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1973 , 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE 7.00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Tues 7:30 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Friday 7:30 p.m. -Youth Night Spiritual ,investments always bear heavenly interest' -.f For further informations about church services call 524-8506 Good Friday- Devotion from 11:00 a.m. till noon SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1973 EASTER DAY Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS.THIS OUTSTANDING SPEAKER WHO HAS SPENT MANY YEARS ON MISSION FIELDS Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls 10:00 a.m. Be part of a growing Sunday - 11:00 a.m. Easter Cantata 6:30 p.m. Successful Teaching Class Everyone Welcome Sermon by the Rector Nursery at 11''it.m. Wed., AprII 25, 1973 Holy Communion at 7 p.m. (chapel) Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C Baker FRCO, LRAM, ARCM Rector: The Rf'v. G G Russell, BA, BD WESTERN & COUNTRY STYLE GOSPEL SINGERS,HEARD EACH 'WEEK ON SEVERAL TV STATIONS HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV LEONARD WARR 10:00 a.m.-Bible School, For All Grades 11:00 a.m.-Easter Worship Service Special Easter,.Muslc by the Choir Sermon: "BEYOND CALVARY" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH YOU ARE AS WELCOME AS THE FLOWERS IN MAY EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING TABERNACLE TRIO of Stratford will be singing at all the services. 10:00 a.m.-See you In SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.SERMON: "YES, JESUS CHRIST AROSE" 7:30 p.m. -BEAUTIFUL BAPTISMAL SERVICE Wed., 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV `G LOCKHART ROYAL, B A , Minister THE REV RONALD C MCCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M CAMERON. Director of Praise EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1973 10:00 a.m.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.---DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon: "THE EASTER LIGHT" (Nursery Aad Junior Congregation) • ' The Sacrament of Holy Communion • ` 7:00 p.m. Communion In the Chapel Good Friday, April 20 11:00 a.m. "THE EASTER DARKNESS" Enter to' Worship Depart to S' 1:30 p.m. -Worship Service & Bibi. .School Special Easter Music by the Choirs ' W-E-L-••-C-O-M-E Mrs' J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Director Mrs. Leonard Warr Benmiller Pianist & Choir Direbtor North Street United ChUrch REVS ROBERT L. RAYMONT GOOD FRIDAY. SERVICE -April 20th - 11:00 a.m. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1973 9:45 a.m. - 10 year-olds and over 11:00 a.m. - Babies to 9 year-olds 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship SERMON: "THE RESURRECTION" Scripture: St. John 22:1-10 CONFIRMATION SERVICE W--E—L—G-0 -AA--E Lorne H. Dotter*, - Director of Music Miss Clare McGowan - Assistant Viallor