HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-19, Page 10PAGE 10--GODERICH S1G,NAL-STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, ;973 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE (-I r \ ,,11.,111 I).ti a11l,I., \ n• I 11 11,,11-1111 -1. ,1 I -I 41,4 1'11,11,4 4' 3 , ,to t4litril I u ttt y I . ,,0'4,4,,10, bib 11-, 114 lti io 11•,1 _, t :;11.,1,,111, ,' .11111 ,:111111 ., 1114 N. 1 O1 ‘,441‘,„ 11+, 1 41"", 111x1 h loterlor. •1'111'11111 '11,1-• 1e .,•,•gin hl 11, 1 3 Itlel (;Mt' half ton pick-up truck 3'4",1,• ;24-6911--1617 19,6t'331"\'ROLET. .6 cylinder tandard Good running condition. 197 { Llct•nct' plates $100,00 as is !'hone -124.9003 after 3 p.m. -16x 10:12 4 ,11 flonda, 3501) miles.Phone 1,2-u111t between . and 7 p.ni.----I6 '131 \ 4 door Sedan 28;3 V8 A-1 condition Apply 305 /1.11 :11 I+• Sr (hnton, Phone 4M11994 i - 1966 Ford fatrlane, good condition all Iles tires Phone 482.9742 or 182-- li -16 4., REAL ESTATE FOR SALE } (3 3"1"A(; F: 1.('C )n' . 11x0' wits .Iver• 11 joked 113,. 011 ,cies 10 n, ,tt t. ttuate,i near Port Albert. l'r l,e,f to -ell. for information con- rn, ('hi.holnl_ Phone 524- l'HBEE BEDROOM home, two ,'ars ,Ilii N PI A Mortgage, $165.00 1:1t•r month 1A•vers principal, tax and interest t )w ner transferred. ('all ",24,9914 ----1 h t f PRICED TO SELL . '1 1,rta' bed room brick home. on a lot x i+'11' Heated snuly /room, doting room. garage and sun porch. EXCLUSIVE HOME Four- h-dr.,om brick home with 3fini.hefi rec room, garage, paved o'. and electric heat. RENTAL INCOME HHe'atititul (4der home featuring' family -rz.ed kitchen, 3 bedrooms, hath Complete 1 -bedroom apt. up- lair • ith a perm ate entrance. Full a.kina price 18,500 - open for of- fers. MODERN HOME IN V.L.A. I•hree .ear -old brick home on lot 130' i' x 117' Rec room, dining room, three bedrooms, carport attached. \Veli and pressure system. A .LO\,ELY- FAMILY HOME. Only one mile from Goderich. SPLIT LEVEL Beautiful home with 3 large hedrnt,rns, large living room, ref. room,. garage, broadloom floors and I,niv 2 blocks away from school. COTTAGE TYPE HOUSE On lot 66' x•16', with 2 kedrnoms, 2 baths full basement. Located c lose to schools and PRICED RitHT. LAKE FRONT COTTAGE ' Located south of Bayfield at Snow den's Acrd. On a int 80' x 214', with 3 bedrooms, 4 piece hath, winterized with electric heat; and firepla(e. AN OUTSTANDING B1"V IDEAL BUILDING SITE 1. One & one half acres on Hwy. No.8, 3 miles from Goderich Level, nicely treed. with creek across rear of property Beautiful location for a new cour.ntry. )tome. 91" ACRE FARM A1r NILE • 6 year old house with 5 bedrooms, 3 hat hs, full basement, fireplace,,,elec- trlc heat, 2 car garage. Barn 40' x 60' on level land Land all leased for 19.7.3 season. • REDUCED TO SELL Brand new $9,000 trailer. 12' x 330' with dining room, living room, 2 bedroom suites. broadloom floors Reduced to $7,490 cash. MUST GO THIS WEEK MOBILE HOME REAi)Y FOR OCCUPANCY. Stove, fridge, washer & dryer, tool shell in- cluded in purchase price. Situated in Meneset Mobile Park. Is 12" x 60' 1 with •3' til) at hack with 21" ex- tension on living rox)m APARTMENTS FOR RENT Four-hedroorn family sized apart- ment, $175 a month, utilities paid 3A. - PET STOCK I lit Olt \I rl 1' 1'x,1 , ,I, tf; 3' 411 11111441 1.;11111 1'', 1', 1 ,11„31 4 ,o I t 1111 t1 ,„ 1)144•4, I ol, .11111 F�11+1.1� 5A ROOM AND BOARD 1{1)011' -ANI) BOARD .t,.t11.t1111' 1141 1,•,,14,44-1631• .o141 r1'h,11410 9entleltl,tn. ,•44•11111;' , 21 ,,h -sl 141 ,11 4 Two-bedroom apartment with large living room, kitchen & dining area. One •block from square in small apartment building. $150/month, utilities ;laid BRUCE RYAN -- Res. 5247762 B.R. ROBINSON Res. 524-6905 WARREN ZINN R.R. 2 LUCKNOW - Res. 529.7350 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED to buy by June 1 a two or three bedroom home. Apply Box 26. Signal -Star.- 16-17x ' 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT URRot'N1) floor furnished apart- ntent. Four roosts include sunporch. Private entrance and yard Heated Reasonable rent. Suitable for a responsible adult- Phone 524-6910 after ti --iii 3'!'llNlSIlFI) ROOM with kitchen and hying room 3>rlt )lege. Phone ;421 si11 or ')21' 7177 14I5,1)1 SNIAI.I. STORE or office, close to Square. Phone 124.99)6 after 7 pan --16 .UOL)ERIC11, TWO - BEI)ROOM 1-101.48E, available May 1st. Phone 482-7786.--g16 6.•A000MMODATION' TO RENT 7. WANTED TO RENT -I'I111i is bet11oont 10wn !louse fol rf•nt 111 1',lu,t.tr,,. I{ It 5 ('lnllon ,!) i 44) Iter month. ,111 1111141,'' 34,1141 )'hone 1'4 r '47 1 1 of 1, ;9,4 .141v44)44,- .:1911 113)011 1.111,' Kit! bion Lenin, inion,. -421 61,49 I'1'vti I ,11.11+111 ip414141, a 111 kill toed, 141 illo11th1. A4,111,11)1e 1nl 1111'W,0,l\ I'h"nt• 11 7111 3 ;;t 111 111' .\'l'r•;f) V44,411,14,-11 bed .1;1)149 room .,4.tl6 143,' N1,i\ 3•4 nl•lhthl� 1'111;,,- '3 6'+141 after ,IN 3' 1)) I 2.1t 4',•41- '-.,1 f{,, I 111 I.,tr til„Int.,lnc4) 1•'11 l' \' 13,!, 1'fl 21 1i1 Lit Ni•:.Alt '1'111-: -411'.-Ila: ,I 16 11•t'• -•t 1t .0 , 3''l 11111 1 211,1 ill for 6t•.itt•d 111 }r i;;,•r-(1,41' .10+i �t"'.,'-,1)t3)h,•43 ) .1n1,'ll,lt• for 11.111-,43111 -,t -411 .11..1) town) 1- 114,. 4444 frlldrt'n1 44:11 t 11,t.th1'r 34, e"t "111 •41 tit I'111tF:F 114+1r 11141 house. ,ill , on 1-111''11.1'- 1411 1,., 1'43 4,1,1 1 Illll,•. "Iib 1t 11914'4 1'1"n,' Itllllt•. ;'1-5 '5111.1 --41 11; 11'Alt 1'111: I' 1"t Kent, 3f, ,t4,:rt. o14,14,444,11- 10444' 11v1111'(1011 kit 11,•11 .111.3 34'1131.11114111 ('10-4' to `•.111.t1'4,- .4, •411:11134' A'• 1y,(,Iv --H 1 ), leis. Phon,• 511-9417l ,1'4'4 4, 31 ill 1'11.111,• 121 943/0 tt 1.\-11);-3- Al'AIli'\11-;N'I' '141 :1')),. 1r 311a1t•. .Ih"1, t' 1'41 kion .111,1 (',ir413,- h4,11 14,',1',•13 -111))4111.41 when ,IA., rl,,hl,• �1"-� 1411 rn',n41,1V A3,311\ I'i1 k, rr Intl ('.11111,1„•11 • (;"diver f1 THREE hedroorn house 114<tilahle .May 1st. Phone 524-7:0)2 --1;16 - ti0l.11).11' 113 )111•:. 1'1111' •11 ha- ,.I: 1111 It'- 1'11 rt•111,•,1 311' ,1111 t"r• -h444.4 "r 1"1)44 Ih1t'.441n11 (411111 w-, til) lip I brio(• r11,'.11- . 4 (Lt\ M. hid, d '. 1411 ),unnu• tirrr,•t. (Hui! ,,ti 111~ Onl,, l'I" Ont (;,,rage or storage accomodation 1111.1 he dr4 Phone 321- 7711 - -91511 • FAMILY with 5 children would like to rent a house or cottage in Goderich, or anywhere north of town on the Take, for the summer or part of it. Reply Box No. 25 Signal - Star. -•-'16- RESPONSIBLE Christian family. 1 three year old daughter, wishes to rent private home or cottage on Lake Huron. 1 week or weekends in ,July or August, Byron C ausey, 589 Markle, Pontiac, Michigan, 48058. !'hank you. ---16 8. HELP WANTED 1•:AItN N101i1' CASH grow cucu111- 14t'4s for 131, k's For information ,tnd cutitr:ul call' or \\rite to 1laurhe ('ronin It It .1 "1'(- water Phone 1342-629,1 441 1.17 RELIABLE representative with car to handle well established fuller brush route in Goderich area. Resident preferred. Above average income for person who can qualify. Phone 237-3663 after .3 p.m. -13:16 EARN MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE - Our Membership Consultant~ "Do". We Do"- We are growing fast after 25 years of service. We pay salary, coin- mission and bonus (to qualifiers) that is the highest in the Automobile Association field. A car is required. No overnight travel. Val (W -e it to yourself to find out what this°is about. No obligation. Act now! Ed Hauer, Elm Haven Motel, Clin- ton, Wednesday, April 25, Noon to 6.00' 1'.M.�-g16 LADIES- enjoy steady year round income introducing friends to the wonderful new Cameo paint tube decorating hobby. Completely plan- ned party selling program. Work at your convenience. Liberal guaran- teed earnings. Bonus &_ prizes Call Nora Currell 524-9687 to arrange fur your personal interview to ob- tain full details.-g8eow Attention Farmers A- FOR SALE CRIB ('ORN suitable for cattle feed, large or small lots.; pric3'd to sell Phone•524-089:3.--16 ( )�F; I. I, 31 3,111111 1111+ h ', I _ toot 1', double 11 ; 3,,,Ini bl'1 b '4' It K"•r neL,nd II rlr,•4•rl' 3 1-1411.44 1,1"nth 1r.. h"tl11r11- 1;4••11 \1 hll ' F'.,nn 12• t1",,r ti.,lli rills 1'.lo''3 1v1„'1 . •-nil ti 1),11i 411 111 :!,11111 1•,4,1441'111 old le obi 114 •,14141, 11''n1;;''ln,1',. ('11114,,1, 1 Tuft -;41143 GOOF) HEAL"i'HY well )red calves beef or dairy per !d reasonable. Ik'Ityered in luta of 10 or more free_ Phone 114 1 ollect for prices or particulars --- Elton M, 1,elland lit 4 Kincardine Phone :193-2211--g16,17 8. HELP WANTED SOMEONE: t, issue Dog and Collect fel' for dog tags 111 Colborne Tow nshil, For further 111 formation phone ('olhorne Tow ti .hip Otftce 524 989.3 • 16, 11.311.1' WAN'I'Ili) F:\),t-rletucil 4r,ttel tlut k ,i ,'t- Apil1\ l'oI11r,1, um.; t'ont31,111\ I.IInll1',I. It I{ 6"111•!1, 11 1 4 1 :- A- FOR SALE (ju•I lit it"t 4.3n for -ole' !'hone 5,'11-T'''21 4- -4 t 1 1'f, FOR SALE gentle 9 vr, old mare with.saddle. $190. or best offer, call after, 6 524-9057---16 - C - WANTED \VAN 1'i';I) good pasture for 50 .tear. around 6011 to 70)) Ise. for in formation Phone 482.3343--gI4,16 D - LIVE -STOCK ONE .Palomino Stallion 3 years old;. one I'aloniino Stallion 2 years old; both of these have good dolor with white markings and can he registered Palominos. Calvin Bisback across from Hudie's saw mill. Clinton, Ont. -16 'i2J 1111111 I I I I111111111111I I I111111111311111111111111II III I I l I IMI I I I11111I II I II IIII II I I1111I11I 11II I111t111111111I I.III I I I11111111111I IIIL FARM SEEDS Climax Timothy, Grass and Clover Seeds = 'Locally Grown -- Barley (Herta and Fergus)= Gary Oats, Cereal Mixtures, Century Peas. — SPECIAL MIXTURES — As in the past, we will also prepare mixtures to Meet your own individual requirements based on recorn- `ations by the Department of Agriculture. (See pages 20 to 32 in "Field Crop Recommendations for 1973") — RED CLOVER — (See pegs 27 in Crop Recommendations) There is nothifig better ' - than RED CLOVER for soli -building purposes. R. N. ALEXANDER • at THE SEED PLANT in LONDESBORO Clinton 482-7475 Blyth 523-4399 totni 11111111111Nllllllltllllll1111llllllllltlll11111iiimIIIIIIIIIIIt1111111111t11111111111111IIIIIIIimilimil1tII11 tinfia YOUNG PERSON FOR 9. WANTED (General) 1 'I I\11'1.1•:1'1: household effc, t. or .:1„1' 1,1) wooded ('all (' .'(i F; Fur 1,1111 '1 :111 gil 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOOKING for Odd fobs, will drive t(q-s for farmers, reasonable, Phone 52493648.-16-17 'VW() LADIES available for spring -li-1111g and light gardening. Write 28 c'o Signal Star. -16.17 STEADY POSITION In "local supermarket Please send particulars to Box 27, Signal -Star TECHNICIAN WANTED We are looking for a licensed mechanic or advanced appren- tice for our service department. Top wages and working con- ditions In a pleasant environment representing Toyota, Canada's leading Import. Contact Mr. A. Marshall, Service Manager, at COURT MOTOR SALES Mornington St. N., Stratford 271-4226 The - HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. requires CUSTODIAN for .EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Written applications stating age, experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superin- tendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, NOM -1 LO. Applicants will be notified if required for Interview. Deadline for ap- plications: April, 27, 1973. E.C. Hill, Chairman D.J. Cochrane, Director. 9. WANTED (General) • \VAN'i'ED information on anything, caged a obi -ski" or a "skl.hol,' " ('all 524-9106 after Monday --16 15,16b' E 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED • WOt11.I) like to hahysit Fr 1441144 nights and Saturdays. Phone "421 7482 after 5:00 p.r6 g16 12. AUCTION SALE TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Antiques and Househdld Effects at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. 21, one„ mile South of Goderich on Thur- sday evening, April 19 at 7 p.m. Nine pee.' dining room suite with china cabinet; kitchen cupboard; 5 pce. bronze set; washing machine; frig.; Ige. bronze, table; ' marble -top com- mode; pine washstand; pine chest of drawers; 2 desks; wall -clock; night stands; bunk beds; 54" bed; chesterfield and. chair; 2 dining-roomtables; crocks; bottles; lamps; dishes; quantity of primitives etc. etc. Terms - cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer 524-9064 AATHWELL'S lae'__., 16.410.111 AUCTIONEERS and LIOUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO -WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 1a1 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ROGEll Magestil' Colour 'i'.V.',, Antenna Sales and tier vtCe, contact Alyin'� 'I' \' , 1312 Mary Street, phone :51 1 - 9089. ---g t f PAULS DELIVERY PHONE 524-6217 WATER. .WELL DRILLING Tom Lang, proprietor. Latest modern equipment. Domestic, industrial, municipal. Free estimates. 5"" and up. Phone 524-8033 or call Collect 855-4605 - SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING - SERVICE Income Tax Returns Business - Farm - Individua Record Preparations' LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEUGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. Clinton Phone 482-7988 4g."11 . t o Iii 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 11A1'11 ti'OL'11 rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners Call Superior Nlainlenttnce, phone 524-8892, Goderich --Seoµ VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gctfn PERMA 'DRIVE PAVING and Sealing ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways-Parkirfg Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 524-6623 Goderich To be held at 103 Richmond St. Heneall, for the Estate of Mrs. Alberta McBerith on Saturday, April -21 - at- 1:15- p.m. Furniture, Appliances and An- tiques. • Terms -Cash -No Reserve RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE AUCTIONEERS & LIQUIDATORS "Brucefield-482-3120 .482-7269 I 1 I 1 1 t 13. SERVICES AVAl1A 7777I.AM)SCAPI NG (See us first) We sem .. smaller landscaping aridly 44 tenancy work_ Bobs Landacap40 It :1 Auburn.. Phi 6455 - g16,19 onp }3 3 t\ I I .l' 4'111 RENTAL It11,�111111111, 0,44 1;11d,�n1 h 111i "I''"-1.44'11 AUCTION SALE 1:00 Sharp - SATURDAY, APRIL 28 Herb MacAdam Lot 23 Maitland Con. 5 miles south of Godwi or 6 miles north of Clinton on Hwy. No. 8 FARM MACHINERY I -H Cult, Disc plow, land roller, Letz grinder, N-1 maps spreader, side rake, 2 sets of drag disc, harrows, myon Md rake, trailer, large section of tools, 38' of 12" 1 -Beam oil troughs, Rabbits cages, Wisconsin Air Cool Motor, drilla,* lumber, table saw, steel roofing, chains and cables, elc, LARGE SECTION OF ANTIQUES SUCH AS: Glass ware, rocking chairs, lanterns and crocks, bells, 2.111, Pets, library taaaaaaaaa"ble, set of 6 chairs, chesterfield, 8 day* wash stand etc. FARM EQUIPMENT TO SELL SHARP AT 1 O'CLOCK BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE PHONE GODERICH 524-6451 TERMS CASH AS FARM IS SOLD AUCTION TALE Gordon Brindley Farm >n, LOT 4 Con 9 Twp. of Colborne 11/2 miles north and }.'2 MNsg3 of Carlow or 7 miles north east of Goderich, 1'2:30 NOON SATURDAY, APRIL `II TRACTORS M - M 445 with loader, M -F 35 3 cyl with loader, 6000 Ford,J4 M with plow, I - H 35 4 cyl, M -F 65 high arch, M -F 50 with loads, 2-8N Fords, M -H 44, M -H 33, 1 - H WD 6, Ford 3000 with loaded A -C ED40, 1060 Nuffield with loader EQUIPMENT Hydrostatic "400" versatile swather, 10 sets of wheel disc,(. Hay conditioners, I - H: hay bine, J -D & Oliver Mower, Fox blower with pipes, I - H 4 row corn planter, Case P.T.O. Manua Spreader, Van - Dale 20' silo untoader, 200 gal, sprayer with5' :boom,' 18:4 L. 30 dual wheels; -A.0 5 -16 furrow plow, 244 furrow plows, 4 - este of Drag Disc , I - H No. 16 'Forage Mu• vaster, 18' Triple axle 14 ton fifth wheel float; 1 - H No. 9, t( Cult. - 2 snowmobiles, .Trapper Bike, Riding Lawn mown TERMS CASH TO PLACE CONSIGNMENTS CALL BRINDLEY AUCTION SERYKE BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL SAND TOPSOIL BRUINSMA *, CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATING R. No. 2 Goderich Phone 524-9804 HELP WANTED A new Manufacturing Industry In Clinton to require Production Line Workers Involving a variety of produc- tion jobs, In assembly and construction-related,tasks. Present starting rate $2.50 hour, progressing to $3.11 an hour. Application forres available at the Canada Manpower Centres in Goderich and Huron Park. APPLICATIONS will be received from STUDENT -S. SUMMER ,EMPLOYMENT as MARINA HELPERS. Snug Harbour- 2 required Please state age, qualifications, and experience. Apply to: De$dline Noon• April 30th, 1973 Chairman, Harbour Committee; Town of Goderich 57 West Street GODERICH, Ontario RUSTPROOF Let us do a complete job on that new or late model car. Well .vorth the reasonable investment. See us at ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC SCREENED TOPSOIL * EXCAVATING * BACKHOE,WORK * GRAVEL and FILL * CEMENT and GRAVEL LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON - 482-7644 tin ACE RADIO II TV Fleetwood Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of Radio IL Television 60 P.ICTON ST.W. FRANK WILCO'X-524-7771 g SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis -Moffat -Beatty Sales -Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd., W. Ph. 524-7871 -17t1 524-6451 f► -�� --111111►- - -�- - - -+►- -+rte Why should you buy that car now There are probably many reasons, but our three main reams right now 'are: • SALES TAX INCREASE • REDUCED DEMO PRICES • SHORTAGE OF LOW MILEAGE USED CARS which means higher trade -in -value on any good clean car, PLUS, we have a good selection of new cars, particularly II Hornet -Gremlin line. Of course our Buyer Protection Pltllb free. See us for details. FEATURE BUY DEMONSTRATOR TI 1 DERS NC tM s 00 for uroa rd of nr lop s1 Aneln ucat ntarlo slx act or ileal avalil the ab s1 0 acct Trans; B( VICE 1t 1411t13 111, 111 Irl), LICI ICI year , qui 'ck a repll RY S. R61 29 re 1 RO' EST n, ,1 Iii 3111 h. i1 14.44 1', 11 Ala Guo Llai n, 217 0) t• c91,,:a,114, V,',$1-4 ,-, 1,1 n:! Itff trA,gh 4' fro i t get• 411,1 the, 0)'54',)-j'4444(4'. In 1972 Jeep Commando, 4 wheel drive equippedwith a floor shift, bucket seats, custom Interior with rear psir seat, oversize Ground Grips, radio, two tone. only 1°°°,,,A1 00,1 This Is an all purpose vehicle for summer, winter, vacs or general driving. And, the price Is right at $4025. H 1 think it is, try buying a used ono' GRAF'S FINA SERVICE ,JAVELIN -M X JEEP-AM[3ASSAt�p` MATADC'R-HORNET-GREMLIN Mows 52011 BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH JOHN GORD MUNROE