HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-19, Page 8ti tt PAM 8--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, t y7:i ✓ Figure Skating Club McGREGOR-CASTLE Wed in Clinton t'rllted Church was, decorated 'c, ith w hitt chrysanthemum.ind wrought ir(��rt candelabra for the wed- ding I'm March 1 7 , 147:1 of Mary Lou Ledith Castle and William James Mc iregor The Rev. Dr. A_ •J- Mowatt officiated at the double -ring ceremony The bride is the daughter of NIT. and Mrs. Wilfred Castle of 102: 1-(attenhury St , Clinton and the groom- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. •Jr,iin Nlt(Gregor, .1 Whitehead St., Clinton Wrllian Craig :If Clinton, un- cle of the bride. sang; Walk Hand in Baud. The Lord's Prayer, 0 Perfect Love, Processional ;end Theme from Love Story. accompanied by Murray .1 "all. organist who also played traditional wedding music The hride \vas lovely in her nation, Holmesvi1le, NIrs. Castle revived guests wearing a floor length gown of mauve crepe It waZ styled with a headed empire waistline and with it she wore yellow- car- nations and white accesspries. .Siolor. was assisted by Mrs. McGregor who -chose a floor length gown of pastel chiffon. Her corsage was of white car- nations tinted red and her ac- cessories were black. For a wedding trip fo Florida, the bride donned a dress of yellow polves1t. doubleknit styled with puff sleeves. Over it she wore a coat of brown suede and her ,ac- cessories were also brown. Following their ret urn honw, Mr. and 'Mrs. McGregt.r Will live on the groom -s farm. R.R. "5, Clinton. v Guests were present from, 'T'hunder Bay, NI a n 11oulia • -floor length go«'n-of white lk Island.. London. Hamilton, organza. The bodice, v Bayfield, Goderich and Clin- pire waistline. was h lighted ton. by a victoria, n chine, bib Prior to her marriage, the front, trinmmed with Argentine hride was guest of honour at lace and full wrist length Juliet showers given by: Mrs. Dave sleeves aught hyo wide- cuffs Pugh and Miss Rrend.a Hall for which were made of the same the staff of the Bank of Mon - Argentine guipure lace. The treat, where the hride is em - bouffant skirt formed -its oW n ployed; by Mrs Katherine Hor- ch.apel-length train, which ton, sister of the groom and by draped gracefully from the Mrs- Cathy Lohh and Rhonda. raid -waist. She wore a short. veil of nylon tulle and carried a bouquet of daisies and pink Legion- ladies sweetheart roses - Mrs. Cathy Lohh of Clinton, matron of honour. ,Core a gown greet commander of pink chiffon with empire bodice trimmed with lace at the bodice. around the high stand- up collar and at the Duffs. Her flowers' were daisies and pink eearnatirins ThE-. bridesmaids, Nancy Castle. ,t -ter of the hride Mrs. Katherine Horton, `i Ster cif' the groom and Glenda Gray wore dresses -and carried flowers identit al to that of the matron of honour The I,ttle flower girls. King Twitchell of London , niece of the groom and Rhonda Lohh of Clinton yyore dresses of dainty floral satin -striped pink voile„ with iew'el nerl genie and short puff sleeve- edged with lace. Velvet howl and lace trimmed the bodice and skirt. They carried baskets of' daisies and' pink carnations. Ring -hearer was •Jamie Twitchell of Lon- don, nephew of ths groom. The groom was attended by two groomsmen. • Leonard Jamieson,. R.R. 4. Clinton and Brian Potter of Mildmay. The guests were pshered by Neil McGregor. brother of the groom and Bruce Craig, cousin of the bride. At the reception which followed at The White Car - Ladies Legion Auxiliary Branch 109 held their regular monthly 'meeting Tuesday, April 10 in the Green Room with 45 members present. It was business at hand, with each convener giving her report, 'showing another active month gone by. .App.Teciation notes and thank' you cards received reveals how grateful are the veterans and all others remem- bered by the Auxiliary. The new Zone Commander Margaret Thorndike, Clinton, made her first official visit to the Branch and spoke of the aims, objectives, and some amendments. Local president Ferne Moore thanked the Zone Commander and presented her with a pain- ting. The May meeting will be Tuesday, May 8 and this is the meeting that all members should make an extra special effort to attend. It is ,the nominations and election of the new executive for the next two years. Many hands make light work. Come and help, someone, somewhere will benefit from your efforts. The annual meeting of the Goderich Figure Skating Club was- held in the board room of the Victoria and Grey Trust building on Thursday, April 12. Thirteen interested persons were present along with the President and Board of Direc- tors of the club. The minutes of last year's an- nual meeting were read by the club's secretary Mrs. Audrey Ormandy . Mrs. J. Shrier, club treasurer, gave the financial statement for the year and recommended that in future, the club should possibly organize a fund - raising project to supplement club finances. Mrs. Ellen Jeffrey gave the report of the Test Chairman and revealed that 140 National Tests were passed during the year. C.F.S.A. test days were held in Goderich in October, January and February. Tests were tried at Stratford, Mild- may, Walkerton and Listowel. jiSeventy-two C.F.S.A. tests were tried with 42 passes. Extension school was held during Christmas- break, Mrs. Jeffrey reported, with par- ticipation from most of the clubs in the Maitland Group. Club competitions were held on March 10 and 14 with 133 skater registered. This was an encourlaging increase over.other years. At Inter -club competitions in Walkerton on March 4, a total of 14 skaters from this club took part and seven points were earned, resulting in a tie with Seaforth for the team trophy. At the Western Ontario Sec- tionals in St. Catharines 'in early January, Rusty Ormandy, Pam Craven placed second in their dance division. On March 16, 17 and 18 the Western On- tario Invitationals were held in Sarnia, with 11 Goderich skaters participating. Carnival Chairman, Zoie Raithby gave her report and suggested that in the future the club should possibly consider_ presenting a Carnival every two or' three tears only. A decision concerning this could best be 'ascertained by asking parents' opinions on registration forms. The report of the Member- . ship Chairman, Mrs. Cathy Roddy was given. Total club membership for 1972-73 were 227 skaters, 186 of these are figure skaters with the remaining 41 being A Powe -r Skaters, Following the report of the Publicity Chairman, the Club President, Grant Ellison exten- ded his personal thanks to everyone who helped with the smooth running of the Club. He expressed a wish to see more parents and interested.- in- dividuals involved in the club, with less falling in'the hands of a few. - The report of the nominating committee was given by Mrs. Cathy Boddy. She reported that the following people will comprise the Executive and Board of Directors for the 1973-74 season: President, Grant Ellison; Mrs. AUTHORIZED HONDA MOTORCYCLES PARTS - SALES - SERVICE. NOW AT GORD'S SPORTS & CYCLE BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH, 524-9061 i Elect new executive Famous first vice-president, •Zoie Williams, Eunice Deichert, Joy Raithby; second vice-president Vance, Betty Westrnan and Ellen Jeffrey secretary, Audrey Joanne Jasper. Ormandy; treasurer, Jo Shrier. Following some further The remaining directors are discussion, a lunch was served Cathy Roddy, Marj Kotyk, by the social conveners Joy Shirley Surridge, Eleanor Vance and Marj Kotyk. SS buet up g The Huron -Perth County Board's grant percentage, has Roman Catholic Separate increased by $1,390. School Board Tuesday ap- Of the total budget of proved a 1973 budget of $2,607,132, 13..68 per cent is to $2,607;132, an increase of 7.36 be levied against local tax - per cent, or $180,166 over last payers. year. Mill rates established for Jack Lane, Business Ad- each municipality in 1973_, for ministrator, in presenting the separate school support follow report said the maximum or- with the corresponding rates dinary expenditure this year is for 1972 in brackets: Clinton $620.79 per pupil, or, a total of 26.65 (29.65); Exeter 22.59 $1,961,113. The provincial (20.59); Goderich 29.97 (27.97); ceiling on ordinary expen- Seaforth 23.13 (26.13); ditures for "1973 is $630 per Wingham 28.72 (26.72); elementary school pupil. The Bayfield 28.45 (24.00); Hensall increase for the Board is $60 22.50 (22.14); Zurich 29.89 per pupil over the expenditures (27.89); Ashfield 25.50 (23.50); in 1972. Extraordinary expen- Colborne 25.21 (23.21 ); ditures total $582,325. Goderich Township 22.00 The provincial grant for or- (19.41); Grey -24.72 (22.72); dinary expenditures in 1973 Hay 29.45 (27.45); Howick has increased by 1.8 per cent 19.00 (15.00); ' Hullett 21.22 and . on recognized extraor- (19.22); McKillop 23.08 dinary expenditures by .35 per (26.08); Morris 19.00- (12.50); cent. The equalized assessment Stanley 22.62 (20.62); Stephen per -pupil, which determines the 28.19 (31.19); Tuckersmith 25.42 (23.42); Turnberry 25.20 (23.20); Usborne 19.50 (17.09); E. Wawanosh 21.47 (19.47)4 W. Wawanosh 2.2.50 (20.50); Bid- dulph 21.2-5 (19.25); McGillivray 30.45 (28.45); Culross 5,40 (18.57); Kinloss 5.36 (18.05); E. Nissouri 22.00 (20.00); W: Zorra 26.60 (29.60); Stratford 24.25 (27.25); Mit- chell 19.96 (17.96); St. Marys- 5.00 arys5.00 (5.00); Blanshard 26.00 (22.77); Downie 28.44 (28.44); N. Easthope 29.04 (27.04); S. Easthope 24..00 (22.00); Ellice 22.27 (25.64); Fullarton 21.70 (20.29); Hibbert 21.54 (24.54); Logan 24.19 (27419); Mor- nington 25.46 (23.46); Wellesley 25.61 (2:3.61); Maryborough 21 83 (19.83); Peel 21.37 (19,37);. The largest item in the ex- penditure list is instruction listed at $1,603,000" or 61.5 per cent of the. total budget of $2,607,132. -In 1972 the actual instruction budget was $1,488,657 or 61.3 per, cent. . Inaddition to,revenue from local taxation the budget estimates general legislative grants of $2,173,306. compared to $2,005,577 in 1972. Sorority plans special events Beta Sigma Phi Chapter met in the board room of the Vic- toria & Grey Trust Co. -Sexteen members were present. Vice-president Verna Kane held pledge training before the regular meeting for the eight new members . These girls will receive their Ritual of Jewels, April :30, at the Founder Days' Dinner Meeting to be held at the Bedford Hotel 6:30 p.m. The coming ritual for thea New Exemplar group Xi Delta Epsilon, being formed was discussed. The meeting for this group will be on May 2 8:30 p.m. at Mrs. Robert Baechlers home. Ellen Connelly was in charge of the topic for the evening and she introduced her special guest NoraP Currell. Mrs. Currell later demonstrated the' popular liquid embroidery method and showed this. and other crafts connected with it. FERTILIZE NOW with C.I.L. • Trees • Shrubs • Evergreens • Roses • Lawn Rolling • Fertilizer • Coco Beans • " Gladiolus and Dahlia bulbs • Grass Seeds (pkg. and bulk) • Flower and Vegetable Seeds • Decorative Stone (white and 3 colours) • Bark Chips • Top- soil (by the load or bushel) • Wilson Insecticides and, Pesticides • Patio Pots'. Planters;• Hanging Baskets • Trellises • Bird Baths • Etc. • Complete Landscaping Ser- vice - Free Estimates • Trimming and Maintenance of Shrubs BOOK,YOUR LAWN ROLLING NOW! ART'ScLe o 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Open 7 Days a week MONDAY THRU SATURDAY TILL DARK SUNDAY 12 to 6 The Village Store SALTFORD Official Opening - Thursday, April 19 Here are Some Examples of Our Specials 3 DAYS ONLY! HOMO99c 2»94c M.IL 3B 28 oz. as 1.00 P�'s�ICOcCOIN BOTTLESSDEPOSIT COLLATE Toothpaste ;� LAY'S sp�q< F� 5 9c Potato Chips 69c SIZE 49c FREE - ticket on Easter Bunny Draw - With purchase of $2.50 br more OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK (INCLUDING HOLIDAYS) 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Proprietors Bill i Betty Reid invite everyone to drop in and say hello 1 CANDIES Fresh for Easters Laura Secord Buttercream Easter Eggs with the yellow yolk centres Delicious. 168 The Square • Delight how children �. with the famous BUTTER CREAM JGGS Finest Quality j a wonderful tri "YOU ARE ALWAYS ASSUREDF FINEST WHEN YOU BUY 1( SECORD CANDIES." COUTTS HALLMjRN EASTER CARDS When you care enough to"' give the very beret.,. CAMPBELL'S A QUALITY HOMES SINCE 11116 524. For a limited time, only- save hundreds of molars on your Home away fromone! (LES 1 err un tui ISI ands alar*ll 'It l l K (uu kuru 1 -' null 1�S I le iron of $:t -t orSx MC su pot pa with p pt�T flame Car II �'ou r ensu l 1-511 truck camel tats. yP -ad e Sir 4,15,1 -Vo yllali Brit 11.15 I 4,IIrl and part for irl Fra 1ti'n 11, dro, atom, ihlel f Pho lite 15�w ter nr CO t) bans Pho T. 1 gei -632 OAT • 11 24.6, HALLIDAY WILD' COTTAGE DISCOUNTS CHOOSE NOW from Hallidays full colour catalog, then make yourGreat Escape to one of our 13 custom manufactured cottages ORDER NOW - Save hundreds of dollars with Hallidays Early Bird Discounts on cottages, winterizing materials, finishing materials, "porches and decks. SAVE NOW - See your Halliday Dealer. He has it all together mortgage money, computerized quality construction, skilled erection crews and money -saving Early Bird Discounts. Send 50c for Cottage Cat; I_r=. . $1.00 for 32 -pg. Horne C:JIal EARLY BIRDS SAVE ON HOMES TOO! Save 7% with Halliday Early Bird - Early Build discount, plus another 2% off on C.O.D. order. The BRANTHAVEN one of 35 custom -manufactured homes. See your Halliday Dealer NOW' D. SAGER CONSTRUCTION 210 MILL ROAD GODERICH, ONT. Phone 524.9530 Visit our booth at the Home Show top Jin she BO foul hg pth hIl Ile n 2 tag Furniture In Stoc OP RF per 50 Chesterfield Suites,Dining Room Suit Bedroom Suites, Occasional Chai►II Living Room Tables And lames' li ALL SALES FINAL Sale Runs From April 21 To April 30 OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. EVERY DAY - FRIDAY NiGHT TILL 9 P,M' (OTHER EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT) WESTLAKE FURNI DIAL 236-A365 ZURICH