HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-12, Page 16PAGE 16—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 Jim McCaul, Chief Public Health Inspector for Huron, examines one of countless sewage tile systems left open to the water of Lake Huron by erosion and high water wave ac- tion. These systems, if used, would dump waste materials directly onto the beach and into the lake creating serious pollution and health problems. Such systems will have to be rebuilt or alternate sewage treatment methods found. (staff photo) The .stamp of disapproval ... (Continued from page 11 County shore line and inspect the cottages properly_" For the moment Health I.n- . spectors are going to cottage sites by way of any roads passable down' to the bank but they admit inspection on that basis is spotty. 4 Health Inspector McCaul was out again on Friday touring cottage sites and, .meeting with some cottagers to discuss solutions. "Some owners are lucky," he explains, "they will be able to .make alterations to their present sewage systems to replace the washed ,out por- tions, but others may find there is no solution short of, finding more land somewhere and pumping their sewage further . up the lake bank to treatment beds there." • In some cases the Health In- spec-ar fears there just may not be a solution of any kind. "Last year and even earlier some property owners along the hank saw these problems developing," Mr. McCaul ex- plains, "and took' telps' 'to arrest the erosion." "They built cement break. walls, placed gabion baskets and tried just about everything you could think of but it did no good. The seawalls have been undercut by the water and- the lake is even washing stone out of the gabions." AU along the 45 miles of Huron's coastline there are damage and health problems. The most minor occur in the north,, and then the situation gets more and more serious as the coast moves south until the erosion reaches disaster propor- tions at Poplar Beach near Grand Bend. In this area cottages, some worth many thousands of dollars, are sitting only a few feet from the fast erroding bank or even- hanging over. In order to save these bluffs the steep slops would have to be altered to a gentle incline. It is estimated that such an New bylaw near ready ... (continued from page 8) ' Board in connection with a proposed multi unit dwelling. The building would go on the same property Mr. Hayman proposed an apartment 'otilding oh last fal-l-:--..He.,,told the hoard that his plan "con- forms with the 1958 zoning by- law and conforms basically with the new by-laws- which come into .effect with the of- ficial plan. , Mr. Hayman told the meeting he felt there was a strong need for three bedroom rental units in Goderich. "The building would he within one quarter mile of the High. School, one third mile of the Public• School and one half mile of the Separate School," he ex- plained. If constructed the building would represent a population increase in the area of about 63 persons, an estimated, 25 of whom would be High School age or younger. Mr. Hayman also pointed out. that there were other multi unit dwellings in the area, on Bennett Street. The additional traffic flow, A Great way to Warm-upwinter ... MOFFpT 30" Electric Range go* Now Only $')')flOO see this special at DOMINION 111111 BODEIICN =0 VICTORIA Si. NORTH s24-4Ss I he said, would only,lrnount to seven vehicles over the number if the land were used for single family dwellings. "It has been argued that multi family dwellings depress land values in the area," he oh - served, "hut that is just a myth." The building would consist of 14 units of about 1200'.square feet on two floors. Parking is provided in the' plan for 14 cars. Planning Board solicitor Da'n Murphy asked the contractor, if he was aware thatthe new Of- ficial Plan was being used as a. guideline for new building per- mits. Mr. Hayman confirmed that he did know but pointed out, "It's not in effect vet." Mr: Hayman said his presen- tation was merely his first step toward 'applying for a building permit so Planning Board agreed to table his _proposal atfir jitans for sfUrther Study. Mr. Murphy pointed out to the board that the Court of Ap- peals in a recent ruling has upheld the municipalities right to turn down requests for per- ynits if' they do not conform with a pending plan. Planning Board also heard a letter from the Save the Jail Society - lawyers, Byres and Kenny, requesting an ammend- ment to the Official Plan that would zone the area of the for- mer Huron County Jail "park land." Some members of the hoard felt the move was only being undertaken so that it would make it more difficult to issue a building or demolition permit in the area but agreed to follow board policy and ask those proposing the change to present their arguments and studies in support of the change. A letter from the Town Council recommending that Planning Board approve a zone change for Suncoast Estates subdivision of 58 lots from "D" to "R 1" was presented. The hoard reviewed the area and agreed that the lots were properly serviced and could justifvahly be zoned "R 1". The motion passed unanimously. Members of the Board took no action on a request for a building permit by Eric Krom- mer. The request had been referred to the board by Town Council. Building inspector Roy Breckenridge supported the ap- plication despite what he ad- mitted was one nonconforming item under the new zoning by- laws. The building would he a total of eight feet short on its side lawn allowances. Planning Board plan to discuss the matter further at a later date. CAVE ... so more will lie! HEART FUND undertaking would cost bet- ween $250 and $500 per foot of --lake hore. It would also_mean that t'liecottages built atop the bluff would have to be moved -back. The cost of updating the 'broken and ineffective sewage. systems must be borne by the cottager and the price tag. will be high. Violation, of signed. property can cost anywhere from $25 to $500 under the' Public Health Act. There are no sure • fire- solutions iresolutions in sight and as -the summer season approa"t tf€s, with active use of these cot- tages, the shore waters of Lake Huron face almost a guarantee of heavy pollution. NI WS 16-4-11110 WOO 4401 boa ihno 4411.4 *dime ,ot p..o.e..ut.W.r011gr0rww 1MwM1yrraMNMl ft IMO 0 .0041 VOW se Chief Public Health Inspector with the Huron County Health Unit, Jim McCaul, posts a notice closing this cottage near Kintail because of a dangerously eroded sewage system. The building itself has also suffered considerable damage from the high water and erosion. To date about a dozen such notices have been posted by the...ealth Unit as they begin the huge task of inspecting sewage systems damaged by erosion and high water along Huron's 45 miles of lake shore. In all there are between 4,000 and 5,000 cottages. (staff photo) South Storm Sewer.. (continued from page 10) in section 1) were assessed $111 each. Altogether this total is $4.:1711.00 which will be added onto the general leve. The 25 major landowners will con- tribute to this addition to the • Ievv as well astheir previously nrent Toned additions. "The drain was illegally initiated. It should have been initiated under the provisions of R.S.O. ch. 136, sect. :3 sub - sect"... 1 which states that a nia jority of. landowners,, must sign a petition initiate procedures. "If a drain is required for a road in the.control of the town under R.S.O. ch. 136 section subsect' 2 (h), the petition may he signed by the engineer or road superintendent:: !ebek1. greet Deputy At the'r`egular , 3rd in the Lodger Hall Mrs. Marg District Deputy pt Ht' 'on District 4023 mode her official vin as a number of the Rebekah Nu. 1l1 DD.p talk on Unity and others. 'hhe Morning get Lodge N. 315 8 presented the travel in an imssive m alt A goodpreattendanceh enjoyed playing cards rich was served by ml Iu cGee an commj Pulls r4e (Continued from pill was prepared to move and fannly from Guderrch to establish ►►anent home here, The minutes of the Recreation, and Co Centre Board reveal was md !by D013 secondeoved by Doug C that Moore be hired>d per year and that Moore's acceptance position, Russell hired as assistant The motion was def Deputy -reeve Starr asked why that mote been defeated and thea that he possi told sinblye that parrocouldt. Board session was in tee -Of'. e -Whole. "��'ouFhld you believe qu Toped Profit. The motion presen council was moved by8" ford and seconded.bi Donnelly that Moorebt at $6.5111► i) r year, be to take the annual cou arena managers,, have wont h probation period $500 increase after six and after successful co of courses, an additi crease of $5110 after tie year of employment. 411.11111 • M.CUTTFOODMAST 91 VICTORIA STREET Buy one basic piece each week only each -With each *5.00 purchase Wide range of - - beautiful matching completer pieces on sale at all times TIE WEEKS FEATURE DINNER PLATE GODERICA OPEN NITELY TILL lOP BONNIE 1 LB. PRINT MARGARINE 61OO STUART HOUSE 25' FOIL WRAP 2F 06 R ASTRA LiGHT 6i /z O2: TUNA 2 89c DELMONTE--PKG. Of -4 - PUDDINGS 59c DETERGENT - 24 FL -OZ. MIR LIQUID MONARCH SPONGE 9 OZ. 4,i99c MIX PUDDING VIVA PAPER TOWELS 2 ROLLS 5n, FOR MARTINS 48 FL. OZ.I JUICE APPLE 2p ROBERTSON'S WHOLE 19 FL. OZ. 1$1.00 BABY CARROTS CORN SYRUPBEEHIVE 2 LB. K.P. ASST. 16 OZ. F89c RELISH '- R - PURINA 10 LB. BAG - p , KING SIZE 5 U. BOX CAT {HOW s2139TIDE SALAD DRESSING 55t MUSTARD 29c MARGARINE $ 1.1 TOMATO 39c PEANUT 1.19 VIVA BATHROOM TISSUE6R°iFOR SCOTTIES FACIAL INNES CANNED 19 01. 4 R 1TOMATOES TISSUE3is HEINZ 14 OZ. WITH 0 $ BEANS PORK STOKELY'S KERNEL CORNF 12 0_L.. 4 HEINZ 41/2 OZ. PKG. F CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 489'c ) FAB PRE PRI ED 2 LB. 10 OZ BOX NOW ONLY FROZEN FOOD FRENCH FRIES °L° a" 99C BLUEWATER Cod Fish stick: 10 O_PKG.59c s.o. Rainbow Tr t $1.29 1 • 79c CARNATION Hot (Iiocolate MEA CHUCK __ORDER STEAK: La.99C SCHNEIDERS SUPER VikLUE WIENERS LB. 79c BACON X899C SCHNEIDERS 6 OZ COOKED MEATS y VAR. BRANDED RIB 2:F STEAKS Le $1.29 SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE99c ROLL CHEF'S PRIDE PKG. OF 2 PIZZAREG. $1.19 NOW 99c PRODUCE ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE POTATO S 1ALGB.$ 1 FLORIDA RUBY OR WHITEf 0R GRAPEFRUIT 1 ONTARIO FANCY MCINTOSH so. 8 APPLES BAG SUNKIST NAVEL 1l's ORANGES2%99