HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1893-12-28, Page 8f sc 1, heap lot of chool Books in - eluding the High School list required for the opening. 'Orrigg LOCAL. JOTTjNGS. versonal Mermen. Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Bawden, a spending the Christmas with their and daughters in Strathroy, retur home on Tuesday,—Mr. Robt, Ver of Brantford, is renewing acquaint cos in town.—Mrs. John Sand•s, a au absence of about ten years retur here on Saturday. Daring. her 1 ,absence she has retained her physi strength and has changed but v little She will remain, about th months. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Sen tyre in Blenheim attending the weddi of Miss Nellie Seuior.-Miss. Annie left for' Detroit Friday, where she 'w visit friends -11 r D.French left Oshawa': to spend Christmas.—Alb Fenson after a sojourn in Indian He N. W. T; for the pat two years, retur ed home' last week. He intends turning.in the spring -Mr. R. H. Stei bath, of Detroit, and Mr. H. DerriereZurich, were callers 9n the Advoe on Saturday last,—Mr. John E. MoDo ald, of Heusall,who underwent aseve and trying surgical operation a fe weeks ago was removed to his mother residence here on Monday, His many friends will be pleased to hear that is progressing favorably.—Mr. Le Waiper, of Seaforth, spent Tuesday •Q town.—Miss Rhoda .Willis and Mi Ada Powell, went to Ripley Saturda to visit friends durine. Christmas —M and Mrs. Darr. Dyer, spent Christma in Walkerton.=iVir. A Iiiillar, spen Christmas at his homeifn Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. R. Muir, are making• two weeks' visit in Paisley.—Mrs,W Martin, Devon, who has had. a sever' attack of inflammation on the lung for the past week is slowly recovering• —Mr CJm. McNevin has been confine to his bed ` for the past week -Mrs Jennie Pickard, of Brantford Colie, . is spend ng heir �ractroa.t 404. hi fere),i, si ll . • 11rs G. of Stratford; is visiting her par Bits 111' and Mrs. T. Gregory. -Mr Samuels, recently of Exeter, and, who has been' transferred to another point,; was lately relieving Mr. S. Remington, of the Molsons Bank, tows, who was Ill. -Clinton News Record. The following ate turkey and plum pudding with their friends and rela- tives here. Christmas:—Mr. Wm. Verity and wife, of Brantford;:Mr. D. Holleran and wife. of Brantford; Mr: R Bissett, and wife, of London; Miss Ella Howard. Londee,; Mr. J. White,of Detroit; A. J. eTl, St. Thomas;; Mr. and Mrs; E. Dyer. f Brantford; Frank Hunt, of Mitchell; Mr. A. J. "McTavish, representing the Toronto Globe; John E. Tom, I P. S., and wife of Goderieh; A. Spicer. of Rip ley; Roger Crocker, of Toronto; Fred 'Rollins of Detroit; Mrs, Charles Eacrett of Sarnia; Mr. and. Mrs E. Bissett, of Forest; Chas Knight, of St. Thomas; Mr. Aubry Buswell,of Galt; i4lr.John Gould of Piston; Mr William Baker and wife' of St Catharines; Mr. Fred Dunsford, of Saruta; Mr and Mrs. Matt • Ellwood, of elensall; Mr. Thos. Brimacombe, of Stratford; Mr. JohnHarrison, of Varna; ;lir. Bert Gillespie, of Seaforth, "Miss J. Westaway, of Hensel]; Mr WneeDavis, of Mitchell; . Mr. Wilbur Manning, of. Clinton; Chas. Sanders, of Seafdrth; Vote for E. Christie as councillor on Monday next. By all means vote for Spackman for Deputy -Reeve on Monday next. fter son ned ity, en fter ned lo cel ery roe for n.g lilt ill for ert ad n- re- n - of -n -of ate n- re w 's he Lev i 'qU. Oye night urate. ,ou axe inside of thane, wee suet ur 4;entery, A mote avorable day greeted the continuation of Mr, A. Walper's sale on Tuebfiay last. A large crowd was in ati"elidanee and nearly all the ar eyes offered were sold, WesternOntariosalt ;manufacturers met in London yesterday to consider the question of prices, The matter Will be further:considered- at an ad Journal meeting, to be held in Clinton Owing to the unusually heavy rains last week the river raised toe consider- able beighth and by its tremendous force caused a large portion of thedana to come to disaster. The ;loss to Mr.. Howard will be considerable as he spent considerable time and money during the past summer ha putting it in repair after a ',sit'ililiar washout caused by last spring's. flood. However it is Mr. iloward's intentions to again rebuild it and make a much stronger job, Balkwill, London Ron i ` m^` poky bonds rf ,xraztrl u a`unfted in "ally at St. Marys vest VVo i -"tot sr Ada ,lane,. laugh ter of Mrs. Jam`',Fauson, We wish he young coupll'yery prosper- ty, Friday night lar f, Court Pride of participated in 4 , , supper e :d at the Central ] j".. pleas - an ime was spent andh ]?able ac►d;interesting sreechc,l w, diver- ed by the brethren, Mr. Samuel Bucl{ingiam, ivip for many years has suceessully condi}toted a blacksmith shop hes, , enjoyin;, a large and well deserve trade, has dna- tided to retire from thebusiness. The 'entire stock of tools, ardware, etc,, has been purchased by r. James Dig- nan, who will conduct a business in future, and will 1rae his present place of business, Mr. lignan is well and favorably known it and around Exeter, and is a gentle an and a me. chanic in every sense oche word, Several mem ron, Nee 7365, r K4 P.••••,_v . TIE 111G KPT STOfl, 110thillY Continues all this week. All Fancy ,00ds and Candy must go, no matter what our oss. tE WM EXTE15, To the Public our thanks for the li ral _pat- ronage extended to us duringthe ast year and to say that at ` all times we shall endeavor to serve you well. both in the qua sties and prices of the merchandise we retail, II 1OO TO Tiff • Who have not yet traded with lust --you'll nev- er . know how well it will -pay you , to trade here till yon try. We extend „to you ,all. -.the season's greeting's, and hope f'or sowing trade during the coming year to -our mutual advant- age. ,.. . STEU T.. The World'sF'air with all its beauty and ,ti 'w p}rs wonders Will be repro- w's Opera house, on Wed - ;'rig January 3. This en- hich comes from the atlil'Opo_a'House, Toronto, is on a veru elaborate scale,: the views of'the White City being colored producing a most beautiful and realistic effect. In fact the whole entertainment is vastly superior to those now making a tour of Canada. Mr. W. E. Ramsay's lecture, while being instructive and interesting is also full of humor and his songs very funny. , The latest slang phrase to take the place of "off your base" is"your trolly's off."; Mr. E. Christie wishes it understood that he is in the Municipal battle and respectfully solicits your vote and in- fluence. Messrs Ross and Taylor are protect- ing their stock of shingles from the inclemency of the weather by the erec- tion of a large shed. Don't forget to mark your ballot for Spackman on Monday. He has served youfaithfully in the past, therefore act wisely and support ,hien on Monday. •will pay for the Anvoanx>a from now until Jan 1, 1895.' Subscribe` now and get the balance of the year free. Read our great offer on another page. Mechanics are busily engaged in re pairing the interior of the Oddfellows' block which was sobadly damaged by fire. We understand the front will be. much improved to that of the old ono, by a full plate glass, The Lucan' Record says:—The ap- ,nintrnents of Dr. 1.1 F. Kinsman at the Hotel Lucan, every Wednes- be tal.nu upby his father,Dr. � en, of Exeter, than whotn better man kncwn on stand- ork. The . Mitchell Advocate says.—Six teen years ago acommon sewing nee- dle entered the left foot of Mr. Geo. Da- vidson. of the Hicks House, and has since then caused any amount of troub le. Sometimes it would be located in the thigh, next in the 'body, and then would take a journey perhaps down one of the legs, At times Mr. David- son was a great sufferer from its of feces, but it will trouble him ; no more for it worked its way out of his ` right arm, near the elbow, on Tuesday last and it, will be preservedas one of the curiosities of the age Sheppard's World's Fair will be seek. in Drew's Opera` House on Wednesday evening Jan. 3rd and should be greet- ed by a large audience. Both the press and public are loud in the praise of this entertainment and pronounce it the best of the kind eker,given in Can- ada. The views which are colored are said to be both elaborate and: most realistic, the scene of the Liberal Arts building• at night showing the Search light, being especially 'good. An op- portunity will also be given to see Mr. W. E, Ramsay, the popular artist in a new role, that of a lecturer, in which he is said to quite, uphold the high repu- tation he has gained as :a comic singer, he having no equal in that line in Can- ada. Mr. Ramsay as well as delivering an interesting and humor- ous lecture, introduces several songs which always meets with hearty ap realise., He will doubtless be welcomed here by a crowded house. The year 19,00 will not he a leap year simply because, being a hund- redth year, although it is divisible by 4, it is not divisible by 400 without a remainder. This is not the real reason, but -a result of it; the real reason being the establishment of the Gregorian rule, made in 1.582. The nineteenth century will not end until midnight of Monday, December Si,1900,although the old quarrel will probably again be renewed as to what constitutes a cent- ury and when it winds up, and thous. ands will insist on a premature burial of the old century at midnight of De - ember 31, 1890, But, as a century means 100 years, and as the "first cent- ury could not end till a full 100 ycars had passed nor the second till 200 years had passed, etc., it is not logically clear why the nineteenl'?- r Ilktury should be. curtailed and 4 if 'before we 00 have ti 3 shad the , t r s. Don't forget the field ae councillor fo 'Yarew Awl's". J. GRIGG—Just in time, scholars. J. A. S'1'EWART.=Holiday Sale. DREW'S Opera ,House.-Sheppard's World's Fair. y„ . Sale of Blood Horses, , . k^.. Also top -buggy, cutter, road cart, harness, etc., at Trivia- Memorial Church shed, Saturday next; at 2 p. m. Rev. P. H.-Fatt,Trop, Sale of73ev. '. E.f. Watt. Horses, top buggy, road cart and stable outfit.. Saturday next, at the Trivia Memorial Church shed. Mr,; John Gill, abet. A Remarkable Avent a - Some of the lovers of croquet amused themselves right heartily on Christmas day by playing on the lawn of Mr. J.P. Ross, the ground being' in .splendid con- dition the grass as green as in the fall and the weather fine for out door amusements. Nomina.ttons. Tne nominations for Reeve, Deputy - Reeve and Councillors took; place, in Town w Hall, on Friday 'evening last.. The hall was comfortably filled shortly after 7 o'clock and at 7.30 the meeting was declared omen by Mr. M. : Eacrett, town clerk. After a few brief remarks from the Returning Officer, the follow-. ing nominations were made:—Reeve, Dr. Rollins, Wm. Bawden, R II. Collins L. H. Dickson, T. H. McCallum; Deputy Reeve, H. Sp tcktnan and W. G. Bissett; Councillors, T. B. Carling, E. Christie, A. Q. Bobier, John Sweitzer, R. S. Lang John Taylor, and E. Howard, Irmstallation of °Steers, In honor of St. John's night (Wed.) Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., held their regular meeting', when the following officers were installed for the ensueing ;year, viz. --.Br)..- R. H. Collins, P. M.; Bro, 0.H. Sanders, W. M; Bro. J.3, Rn:ght, 8,,W; Bro. Jos. Davis J.W; Bro J. P. Ross, Chap ; Bro. B S; O'Neil Treas; Bro. M. Eacrett, Secy; Bro. W. Levett, S. D; Bro. J. A. Stewart, J. D; Bro. Jas, Purdon, I.G;Bro,W.T.Hawk shaw, 8 8; Bro Glanville, J S; Bro D A Russ, D C; Bro :Robt Knight, Or- ganist; Bro Wm Brooks,; Tyler, Vestry Resolution: At a yestry meeting of.Trivitt Mem- orial Church congregation held in the Church Hall, Thuisday evening, 21st the following resolution was moved, seconded and carried, "That this" Ifvestryneannot let this opportunity pass "without passing a'vote of sincere sym- pathy that oeca,ssion should have "arisen to cause the Rev. F. IL Fatt, to tender his resignation as rector in "charge of this Parish, and this Vestry "hereby feel that he has shown himself "honestly zealous in every good work, "and in the welfare of this congrega- "tion and can only•add that wherever "Mr. Fatt may „o from Exeter, we wish a"him evt,ry blessing aX,'d r,oay God 'Ispeed hien in his,good -,'work" Vote e for Ealbor; Fr,stDeputy Reeve of. Stephen, who has serlved in that ea. pasity for the past 12 years faithfully and honorably. , ) s ing don't won the storekef may deper., below co They an OUR LOW Are like the Sun, --an e erybocly. 'The Sun and the Y says the old fable, and the Sun t e victor, We think our sunshine will win in its strife again; windy words. We wish our many customers, ', Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. P. S. We pay for Turkeys 9c, Geese 6,-c, Ducks 70, Chicken 56, per 1b. D, Apples Go, Green do. 50 to 75c per bag, Ratter 20,c, Lard 13c, Tallow 6c and Eggs i17c. . STO STORE HAN110 E, SENSILE CHSIMAS PF ES Ekt3]_ll. o.: 1 Do, bordered l'd'k'{y2 5i cents, Japangese silk order- -. Furs escript- .ced in clear. a Po L. nutria, 5 r� 919 °r.. Your. ed 10 ci .of all ion red price Fur cap beaver, etc., fur sets boas, muffs °s fur mantles a n d capes. Ladies' mantles 50 per cent. less than regular prices to clear. Men's o- ver c o at s -vercoats and suits, all reduc- ed in price. We have given up looking for prof its on fur goods for the balance ofseason. the Boot and shoe stock large and complete. Rub- bers, overshoes, rubbers and sox for men & boys. 1 gym..-.,.. _--.•., Now is the time to buy Stoves and Furnaces. If you want either of these articles, why`at; buy from us? We compete with dealers all through the county and defy ` - them ' to meet our prices. We keep the largest assort- ruent. W . i:ci �z>tee every stove -2 furnace we sell. Iota! ltoM plNy IF YOU WANT TO w '' t Buy or.Sell a inn IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell T'(iwn Pro rty IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or LendlIVI naey IF YOU WANT Collections Iaiake Call at liar. Jho, Specimen's Real Estate Agncy. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers :'will receive the best adyice in seleting land or town sites. Also agent for. Allan Line and State Line Steanhips. Office– Main Sti et, E ,Cher: Obi;., ""` Address:-OHN SPACKMA1 x 44 ra, ; ---,, This wonderful discovery is the best known res idy fo Biliousness and all Stomach and Liver Troubf , stitchas Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Indi estion Impure Blood, etc. These Lozenges are Ipasan and harmless, and though powerful to prc ote a healthy action of the bowels, do not weaken liepills. IP vett' tongue Is context your 2need! Rini:. AT ASL , lT1UJG srost3 . Inusenr The -undersigned wis to inform thegeneral pub that he keeps constantly in stock all kinds of ' building- material, uildingmaterial, dressed and un- dressed lumber Celled. ,, On a3io High La. Pine Shing Special. note- a0 y.13. C Yg is acknowledged to be t� most durable timber tb grows; especially for slii des, SAa' • 36 to 40 years. It is said Sly- those who know, that they will last from 36 to 40 years in any climate. ; JamesWillis LUMBER MERCH 1:;1, learasemyloorpla THOROUGH EQU 1 PM ENT$, 'PRACTICAL COURSE, LIVE TEACHERS, • ,d T,rIOROUGH WORK,'' :Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Farm; produce, JOHNSTON, G. G. Opposite Hawksllaw's Hotel Under the guiding hand of the Principal of Vie FOREST C77.'Y DUSTINESS sold srrol T.HAND SCHOOL of LONDON who has had special propgration tor his choson penssion, snares succors to oVery student. !laving Spent, fifteen years in the cl��,,ss,room and five, years in business and officepraetice ho should hnow how to prepare you>;r; people for }rosiness,: It pays to attend, a school thot has a, standing amens business men, College re -opens Tuesday January ind, 1894. J. W.W1✓STEityE,LT, Bit iNax, r