HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-12, Page 14TOWN. AND.� COUNTRY J s • tt' PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. APRIL 12, 1973 .. 4. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE • 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE &ACCOMMODATION TO TENT &ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 8. HELP WANTED _VAROLD W. SHORE 1. NEAL ESTATE BNOKen ' 524-727; S N E AT 1 .b 'AIG E 5T G4� cif4 'New Three Bedroom, . Four Level with Carport I11.i .tt,.,ut , orl(plt•tt•d. this -Prestige Home- built h% F.;('thank Bulldir�. Limited is at the stage where %oil. the 11I\er., t,4il , hoose the ,Iual14 and , oboe of t;,rpets and t4'all decor It ha- a );rick :trill, aluminum exterior. and features .1 large living room, dining room. l' shaped kitchen %. ith 'dinette. spat lops master 1,t•dtoort4 :'ltd two other 4),4 (14114(1 -vett betlroorms, tour Prete ,anomic tiled 1):tlhroo114. (till ha•enu•nt tinder both le\el., laun- dry fa( dines. and the newest type „t heating "F:let tri, For, ed :11r' frit ed et •;_(4•S)(4, with 'down payment of : 1, ''4 rNl.nr 4t you have lower pet. ed h,4411e, Inquire about this t onll,aal4',.. trade-in plan New Three Bedroom, Brick, with Carport Idea 1\ lo. ,Iter! near all the -drools told not (Ito tart trorm the business area tilt, new 1114.4111044 feature spacious II\ trig room, Large kitchen 4%ith dinette, three conatortahle bedroom ;111,1 tour (mete cerarilic '-tiled h:,rhroonl Heating is provided h4 I?!e' tri, 1" t' 1'41 ;tlr furnace Full • ,.:-).").)./ oft with ?-1,1100 411) ,1„ vn N H .1 mortgage or the e.1'.ri1 411 4"11r pre.etlt 1,rwt'r grit 1.1 home h'. tr:t•ling I1 "n this ,nt• r` -:r WEE SMALL RETIREMENT HOME ('onlplt•tel% remodelled. twu- bedroomll bung(h)4% In good location Full basement Priced $1.5,900 with terms iyait,ahle iMMEI)iATE POSSESSION SEE THiS Two-bedroom home on heron tit. Remodelled throughout, 'new r(x►f anti new furnace. Priced $14,500 with terni. ,available PRICED TO SELL 'rhreehedr,om brick jlonle ori a Int `i-!' 1'41 Heated stmt('` room. dune( room' garage and sun porch. 'EXCLUSIVE HOME Four-hedro,,rll brick horns' with finished re. room, garage. paved .1rteew;t\ ",ln'd electric heat. REASONAB!,Y PRICED RENTAL INCOME f34'aurilul older home featuring f:anuly..iierl kit, hen. 1 bedrooms. bath Complete 1 -bedroom alit up,. -tale with .4 prl\:ate entrance Full ,l"k,ng price 1 `I. ir14) - „pen for of- _ LAKE FRONT COTTAGE Lo, afar( -ouch of hayfield at Snowden.- A. res On a 1,4 9' x 2,14' .., :h'-"_-k,aIIr,K4n1•:-4-.1)1e4a bath, - A1114 aul,-w1114,•? heel 14 11 h el -e. t r, heat. ftrt'pl.t• t• ..AN 01'T-'rANDiti(; B('Y , • REDUCED TO SELL Brand New t9,001 trailer- 12 •x 1311 with dining room, living morn, 2 bo.droorn suites, broadloom rug Rados ed t.. $7.190. ash MUST GO -1-HiS WEEK MOBI(..E HOME READY FOR OCCUPANCY Stove, vaze ,v fridge, washer & drver. tool Sheri in- ( hided In purchase price Situated in :Ctene-,"t Mobile Park is 12' x 1i0' .with '1' tip at bat k, with '21" erten, "Ion oo liking rx,nl 96 ACRE FARM AT NILE (1 year old house with 5 bedrooms, :1 baths, full basement. fireplace, eler- Irt heat, 2 car garage Barn •111' - x -Or on level land Land all leased for 197.1 season AN EXCELLENT 13I'Y EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT 713' x 1 12' 1. w'ated close to the, �ellnnl` < FIFTEEN. ACRES ,;lust minutes north of Goderich with right of -wax- to the Keach, Well treed and at the right price GENERAL STORE - FOR SALE ('lean well-established store fust 10 minutes. north east of Goderich. Purchase price -includes the store, area.'20' x 50', warehouse, 12' x541', one artesian drilled well supjitving water to the immediate neighbours with an annual revenue of $400 per year from water rates, one barn 16' x16' and ,a list of equipment. • BRUCE RYAN - - Res. 524-7762 B.R. ROBINSON - Res. 524-.6905 WARREN ZINN• - A.R. 2 LUCKNOW - Res, 52a-7350 FARM PROPERTY • FOR SALE. Auburn area. 102 acres dairy farm,, 9 room house, barn 64 x 70, new silo 4 x 60, silo unloader, stable cleaner, milk house, bulk cooler, '30 milk cows, 10 heifers. Between Holmesville and Goderich -on Highway 8, ' 150 acres of land, 10 acres bush, plenty water. 100 acres pasture land in Mullett Township. 60 acres cash crop land in Goderich Township. Morris Township. 150 acres dairy farm, 8 room house, large barn, milk house, bulk cooler, 36 milk cows and 40 heifers and steers, all the im- plements. C. Buruma. R.R. 2, Clinton. ' 482-3287. Salesman for K.W. Colquhoun limited, Clinton, 482-9747. SA ROOMANDBOARD ROOM AND BOARD wanted for young gentlemen. ('all 1)ennis at 524.7:181.-g14 1100:11 AND BOAitI) avajlahle for responsible and reliable gt'rltlernatl, evenings 52.1.0(1.4 ).•-g151f S. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY, a new or nearly new• two bedrooni home, cen- trally located. - Phone 52.1- 9882.7-glS ROOM a%allable Kitchen frit'llitlt's Phone ,i21-41209 -I 1 15 '1'11'(1 'bedroom :apartment in Salt - bird, $75 on t►►onthl% A%aIlahle un nlediatel4 Phone 521-70)1 g(_ltf , SF;t.F' ,','stained apartment. Cen- na) Hall. ,incl -(silts 11amltatned F41 '1" 1' .11.9 1.11 supplied Ideal for 'mine Phone e%enirlg• 521- 7510 -gt.9.14 - , .LI(;H"i' 1101'4EKEliPINO rooms full% furnished, Including TV Miss Mary 13' Howell, 12 St. Vincent tit. "Phone 121-'002 -RMI( ('LOSE TO Stll'ARE. nt•w'IV de, ',rated ground floor duplex with two bedrooms, I,rge living room, large kit, hen, )11•14att. driveway. garage. hack yard and garden area .'\ ail.ahle inmuldrately Rt'tit 412.5 Ili) 411'nthl4 f'hone 521- (1517 -81111 NEAR THF: SQUARE at iii \Pest tit , at $12))4))). :► 2nd floor heated' (refrigerator � and salve supplied) apar'tnaent.,',-or'y. not suitable for children) Contact M:ticolnl Mather: 10 West ' St 52.1- 91 )2. --gl ltf THREE. bedroom house, all con- venience, 'on paved road .'1 miles south of Ripley. Ph'nt' Itiplev 395- 5105 -g15,143 •• 75 acre, hand for cash crop on•Il>yv 21, corn or beans. ('nnt;lct Harry ('hisholm at . . 52.1-0:17.1 c;i,t1et'it'h.-g15,1); ' • 'HEATED two bedroom apartment, 1ivrng room, dining room, kitchen and hath, fireplace in living room., Contact Hoffrnever Plumbing and Heating, 55 Kingston Street, Goderich. gl5tf ,\ PA i'riEN ' for item. Heated tw',rbedroonls, Targe living -room kit• ches and bathroom •*•l(ist' to Square available at once Apply -11 (1 Jerry , Phone 5241.9071 after 0 'l,.m. Phone 521.9:300-tf _APARTMENT. Q RINI • LAR(;I APART,MEN'f. on The •,. '". �`;�j1i`iI'1 "tif •_l''i<'t 7i `_i n(r'r "m'p. hell. heated• cable so)))))led when ayaiL4hle $I951)0 monthly Apply Pickett ;and ('a mpbel1, Goderich-g15 TF[I }' E bedroom town house for rent in Vanastra. It 1' ..5, ('limon, $95 01) per month, a1! unlit; +• paid Phone Phone . 1442-97 12 or 48.) ,190 anytime. -1091f • HEATED. Furnished bed, sitting robin. Available Mav 1st. $M5 00 monthly Phone 52.1.6910 after six p m HOLIDAY HOME. Clir>.t',n, now has vacancies for retired people for short or long; duration from $5.00 up. Three meals a day included. Ceriel VarlDamrnt', 108 Ontario .titreet, •(Tinton, Ont. 182- 0041-gI.S,10 A- FOR SALE C - WANTED' ()NE each 3 point hitch 9 1.2 font WANTED good pasture for 50 11:,.•4'4 Ferguson No. -19. double. steers around (i(N) to 700 lbs. for in- _t11�t:-. 1 1point ..ilii -t h 1(':�t_'I K�c'r-..._formation. Phone 482.3343. . g14,16 nt•I:Inde Ilvdreen. 3 furrow plough 10'' bottoms. George White F':Irm 11'agnn ihassi-. 12' float trailer Lith wheel type), `4 • 7011 x 20 tires all +n good condition :and d'eadv to work Lyle Montgomery. Clinton 182: 7014V >*1Itf (luantity of cnh . oro for sale Phone 12.1-7023 F'ifte'en -ran grain and fertilizer seed drill with grass seeder on rubber' One Kong'kilde• 12 foot cultivator, both In excellent condition !'horse 52(i-717( after sir p.m F - PET STOCK II(OI'I('AI.4ish.';inane, t'ornplete iw't •t,ppbe., Pat'. i'et Shop. .1541 N1,011 Street, Exeter, Ontarm Open PI .1 nl ((1 ,; 1)114 daily 44nd Friday ''4entng4-gl+ltf D - LIVESTOCK TWO Holstein heifers due soon, also some Mixed grain. Phone 482- :1347.-15 182- :1347.-15 cr TWO rice ponies,►i•art and harness. Two ponv colts. Phone 524. 811.1:3.-15. it 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111U111111111111111111111111t11III1111111I11111111111111111111N11111111111111iN111111111111111111111IlllF. if: I FARM SEEDS _ 1 1 1 Climax Timothy, Grass and Clover Seeds Grown Locally Grown -- Barley (Herta and Fergus,(= Gary Oats, Cereal Mixtures, Centiury Peas. E. -- SPECIAL MIXTURES — As in the past, we will also prepare mixtures to meet your own individual requirements bathed en recent. mendatiens by the -Department of Agriculture. (feeM�:0M Mrep Recommendations far 1973") REb CLOVER — (fee page 27- In Crisp Recommendations) There Is nethine better Mew AID CLOVIR'ler seli.bulIding purls, R. N. ALEXANDER_ at THE SEED PLANT in LONDESBORO 1 Clinton 482-7475 — Blyth 5234399 nttN111Hromnnllnnai11111n111MIttt1111IN IIIIMmtN 81118MINNNIN1NIN1j INMOM INiNNNNINM INIiIININ11ANluU11hI1N1 IMMACULATELY decorated 1 bedroom house on South St. Car- peted 1I%'.Ing room. large kitcht;.r and working area Plenty of cupboards, spacious heck lawn -'Available Mav 1, 1971 dent $110.00 per month heated Phone 521-$5.32 before 0 It 4, -'*I5 4'4' / t FURNISHED ROOtNI with kitchen and !Ring roam privileges. Phone .521.841.1.3 or 524-7177.--g15,16 7. WANTED 1T0 RENT 11'AN't'ED TO RENT C(YITAG13 - Large four bedroom cc►ttagt' or 2 smaller t uttages close together for 2 weeks • (11% or Atigu.t. Preferably located het ween Amherlev and Goderich s l%ia McGee - Goderich 521-8.187, -g15 'I wEti fl' to thirty ft. trailer, mon- ths of May and -lune Phone 5241- -711117. TWO bedroom home, in or close to 01)dt'rich, for two men. Phone 52.1- 79.11, ask for Mark.-gl 5x Garage or storage accomodat ion. Must he dry. Phone 524- 7 7:12.-g tf ELDERLY lady requires ground floor, one bedroom apartment, close to shopping. Reasonable rent. Appy Box 5, Signal-Star.--gitfnc WANTED TO RENT Young businessman requires 3 bedroom house. Good referen- ces provided Phone Stratford' collect 273-1204, 273-2300. -8. HELP' WANTED PART and FULL TIME AITRESS[S HELP k1'AN'I'ED Experienced gra% el trunk drivers A)►ply Sana14' ('.111ra&ting ('umlpa114 Limited, R It 5. Goderich -g15,17 1 11,441' :an outstanding opportunity toi %oil full or part -tune In the motorist ser4ice fle.Id No'im'est- mem Excellent tutu. and repeat ,ommni'slons. ('a11 rile at 11'ingharn 1;- 1 !. '1 and ask for Charlie Lee or write 22 Alfred St. -g15,17 EARN MORE ('ASN grow cuctim- hers for 13ick's. For information and. contract call or 44rite to Maurice Troon( It R :3 '1'ceswater. Phone ;92-02904414,17 tt'EI.('ONIE 11'A(;ON HOS'T'ESS - :1n unusual opportunih' for mature nill\'duals to enjoy an interesting, permanent career whip' your hildren are in school_ You'll be working out of your own home at a lob with flexible hours and trained perform an imtportant7romtnunit4 -,'r% i(e ','o experience is. required 1(111 4ou must have your own car. 11'rite N1rs .1. N1acKallar, 1:3 I'Inehttrst , Cr. Kitchener, Ont--g1:3,14,i5 TOWNSHIP of ASHFIELD Applications will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday April 17, 1973 for caretaker for the new Ashfield Waste Disposal Sight at Lot 10 Concession 6 E.D. Caretaker to be on duty Monday and Saturday from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. Please state salary expected. Donald . M. Simpson, R.R. 3, Goderich, Clerk. 9. WANTED (General) COM,I'I.i''I'E household effect, or - nl,lll lot. wanted. (':111 (' & 13 Fur - WANTED - wive, -521.72:11. APPLY IN PERSON •CAN'DLELIGHT TAVERN 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Bufield..RAgeg ,.. PART-TIME .»'^ - OPPORTUNITY Join the Organization that offers superb opportunities; The finest quality products sold to Industry and Commerce: A unique sales policy l at provides over 85% repeat usiness: Record earnings 'year after year. For over 27 years our volume has increased, our Sales. Team has enjoyed unusual prosperity. We pay full com- missions weekly; no cash invest- ment required; welcome all ages; play:. -times elUrsg-, only' lrtqujries_. treated in absolute confidence: Writs President. The Certified Electric Company, 10 Head St., Dundas, Ontario. Three representatives required for sales position, two weeks training peribd with guarantee and com- missions. Earnings over 510,000,_ per year for the right person. For . personal. interview write _Pox 21, Signal -Star, 37 West St. oderich._ REGISTRAR Outstanding Opportunity for MEN and WOMEN Full Time Sales Promotion Qualifications -enjoy meeting' the public • -must be of neat appearance -must have car We Offer -year - round promotion (no layoffs) -company paid benefits -full training for position -salary and commission while in training - -above average income (incen- tive) for Confidential Interview write Box 21, Signal -Star, 37 West St., Goderich. QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR Established Manufacturer Requires Supervisor to take charge of Quality. Control Program. Successful Applicant will have 2 years university or equivalent knowledge in Chemistry. Excellent Pension ' Plan, Benefits, etc. REPLY TO: BOX 24 SIGNAL -STAR 1,,gDiES be Fashit-,n ('onst•iou4 and #':st�'ted right. 1(ave a new look styled' ,1 for you in than newest spring i►astels at >' t?itl 11.15 _,----- - WiLi, (141 lawn raking and mowing. Phone 521-9051.-14,15x 15 year old hov would like la4yns to cul Phone 521.71214 --g15x S'111)F;.,ti 1' legion,. work during the months of April: M:tv andAunt.. CaII 521-0+i,sli -g1-ix 12. AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE (►f Household Effects :and Antiques for Mrs. Frank Rising, behind 'Sheppardtc►41 General Store on Hwy.21, 0 miles north of Goderich on Saturday April 1.1 -:It --1- Rm.-Approximately 100, pr- of salt and peppers; Admir:ll T.V., 21" Tappan electric stove: ihternation:al refrigerator with across -top freezer, wooden kit- chen table -and 4 chairs; chrome table; chrome chairs; 9 ice. dining -room suite; chesterfield and chair, coffee table: 'end tables; small tables; sm Ie con- tinental bed with headboard; 2 antique chests of drawers; iron bed; mirrors; desk: organ stool: sewing machine; wicker fern stand; wicker table: antique rocking chair: cherry bureau; foot stools; crocks; jugs; frames) - lanterns; 2 ironstone bowl and .pitcher sets: dishes; baby buggy; meat slicer; vacuum cleaner; Gem heavy-duty floor polisher; 5 H.P. rotary tiller; wheelbarrow; extension ladder etc.etc. Terms ---cash. Mike Cumming,-Lauc- tioneer-524-9004. 11. TENDERS - THE BANKRUPTCY ACT • SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be accepted by the undersigned until 12:00 Hoon Wednesday, April 25, 1973 for the Thpstee's intterest•ip the' following p4•operty; y Approximately 114 acres on part lot_, 22 and 23 Lake Road West Concession, Township of Stanley County of Huron Facing on Kings Highway No. 21 approximately X10 miles north of Grand Bend. There is a poultry house with relevant equipment which is designed to handle 21,500 birds which is the major asset of this property. 443 A partial barn and silo are near the poultry house and.the attractive farm house. / CONDITIONS: 1. Tenders should be accom- panied by a certified cheque made payable to the undersigned for 10Z of the atilount of tender as deposit, which deposit, will be returned to the bidder if the tender is not accep- ted and forfeited to the undersigned as liquidated damages if the tender -.is_accepted and the. sale not -com- pleted by the purchaser. 2. Only sealed envelopes marked "'fender - Snider" will be accepted. 3. The highest - or any tender will not necessarily be -accepted. 4. Persons wishing to inspect the premises may do so on April 19 or 20, 1973 between tile. hours of 9 a.m. and 12:00 noon at "Snider Farm" R.R. 2 Zurich, Ontario. 5. The tenders will be opened at 12:00 noon April 25, 1973 at the of-' fire of the Trustee, W.L. Butler & Co. 34 Young Street, Kitchener. Additional .information will be - available upon request 'by telephoning:. -g15 Alan Butler, 578-1990, ' Estates Manager William L. Butler,' C.A., Trustee 34 Young Street Kitchener, Ontario ti 12. AUCTION SALE 4 AUCTION SALE for Gordon McClinchey South Half Lot 28, Con 3 East W. 13/4 miles north of Auburn, Thur- sday April 12 at 1:30 p.m. • AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS ' BRUC - IELD, ONT. • Offer t most 'modern au methods LICENSED : • DED - ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 • cgtf 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE PAINTING, cement work, and general clean-up. Paul Lassaline, phone .524-7158.-gl3tf `' DON'T settle for Tess take the.best. Phone Karlo's Plastering at anytime, Prompt service, Lucan 227.4503.-g,c,7,t f ROGER Magestic Colour T.V.'s, Antenna Sales and Ser- vice, contact Alvin's T.V. , 162 Mary Street, phone 524- 90 9.—gtf DAILY ('AR IRENTA1, Reasonable Rate's McG E E' S Goderich - Phone 52.1.8:491 LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE g19tf' 12:30 SATURDAY, APRIL 21st • GORDON BRINDLEY FARM Lot 3 Con. 9 Twp of Colborne 11/4 mile north and 4/2 mile cis(' of Carlow or 7 miles northeast of Goderich - TERMS CASH TRACTORS"- Nuffield; MM445 with loader; MF 35 3 cyl. with loader hyd. bucket; 8000 Ford; Farman A; MF SO gas; MH 44; Ford 3000 with loader; MH 33; AC ED4O. EQUIPMENT -. 200 gal. sprayer with 50' boom; 1H No.38 4 row corn planter; Case PTO spreader; 20' Van Date silo unloader; JO mow; Oliver mower; 1H 3=14" bottom plow; AC 4-16" semi mount plow; IH 36 plate wheel disc; IH 8' Haybind; 19' Triple axle float with fifth wheel hitch. WE NEED MORE CONSIGNMENTS IF YOU HAVE ANY CALL BRINDLEY- AUCiIDN.SERVICE ATHWELL' Estate Aucfjon Of Sa1 property, shop equipment tools, of Oliver Pocock, Benmiller on Sau day furnrtureforths a , Properly_ 1 acre of lard with 4 bedropm trams et t1;tt Ilying room, dining room, kitchen, full base hoop meen• ( nace, drilled well, 40 x 30 heated and Insulated with a Property selling subject to low,reserve. If not previoush before auction property selling at 3:00 P.M. Shop Equipment 200 amp, 4 volt Lincoln portable with continal gas engine; Comet bench grinder 1 t tic .gas welder and cart; floor model drill press; Pitistool , - Lincoln 200 amp yielder; Atlas 10" F steel lathe; pry comet portable air compressor; tire changer; wolf electric grinder; Siox portable electric grinder; Weil . sander; 2 steel workbenches; 1/4,1/2,3;4 in. drive sockets* & D 3/e" drill; 6" vice; 1/4 H.p. buffer; tap and die sell;C Pneumatic impact wrench; 2 bolt cutters; Anvil; 2" adj pipe threaders; pipe vice; 14 pc. grey wrench set;lu 20 ton jack; 1/2 ton chain falls; B & D 7 in,.saw; 4" Hine gun; jack all; pipe wrenches; pipe cutters; 4„ 10 chains; tire repair centre; Snap-On chestP andtools;assortment of hand tools. Stock -(New) 200 Ib. of welding rod; 150 ft, of roller chat sizes; 150 ft. of flat chain; forks; shovels; threaded rotes. trical-parts; Hydraulic hose; 2 sets manure spreader olio Belt; 10 sets of plow shears all makes; sections 6 guards;, tubes; cultivator points; rake teeth; 100 harrow teeth; 944 oil; 2 wheel barrows; 5 wheel barrow wheels; Targe gly.olts and- round steel; 24 10. aluminum ladder; axe shovel pi hammer handles; 81,000.00 in bolts, nuts and waahera; fi Snapper lawn mower; qty. of barn boards. Furniture- Admiral 22" T.V,; Heinlzman cabinet grand pint electrohonee humidifier; writing desk; dresser; 4 match chairs; tables; electric dryer; etc. - Car- 1966 Fury II Plymouth Terms - Cash No Reserve Lunch 4, RATHWELL'S . AUCTION Auctioneers and Liquidators SERVICE 4823120I 16 • USED CAR BU ING Try. .USC �,OIIYRt 'ems -,'%1 w► DURING OUR INVENTORY BALANCE CL-EARANCE SALE (OUR FISCAL YEAR END IS IN MAY -ONLY 3 WEEKS AWA% As well as freshly arriving trades we have some very goodie( cars that have been sitting too long and must be moved.Santt vehicles are being sold below wholesale due to the We ,cannot get them in for reconditioning fast enough, but* MUST make, room for new arrivals. Why not try the car and)) us for price! PARTIAL .LIST - • 1970 PONTIAC LAURENTIAI • Two door hardtop, full power; 30,000 original miles, probe] one of the nicest you'll find. Arriving shortly. 1970 AMBASSAOOI Four door, V-8, Factory Air, one Owner, 46,000 miles, Pow steering, new tires, etc., What's your offer. 1969 PONTIAC Two -door hardtop, 48,000-m11es, V-8,3 speed, automatic.potw steering, vinyl top, like new whitewalls, etc., etc. Priced 'clear. - 1969,PONTIAC LAURENTIAN '.1695 ' Two door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio. new whitewalls, wheel discs, certified. To Clear. 1968 RINI Two door hardtop, 6 automatic, walls, discs, real clean. 1 968 CHEV BISCAYNE WAGON s10/5 radio, white S 1 195 V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, automatic, radio, Ziebart undercoating, (could stand a paint job) As is for quick sale before reconditioning. Only 1968 AMBASSADOI Four door, 6, automatic, radio, whitewalls, cer- S, 095 tilled. AS IS SPECIAL 1969 CHEV HALF.TON 9 Long box, Fleeltside, real good runner. $ 1 19 Needs' paint job. To clear at only 1964 AMBASSA00I s495' Four door sedan. V4, automatic, fully certified. 1964 FAIRLANI Two door, 6automatic, radio, new s?9$ tires, 66,000 miles. (Ladies car) As Is All Demos Priced To Clear GRAF"S' GRAF'S-or FINA SERVICE IIJEEP -AMBASSADOR -JAVELIN -0 s=0» MATADOR—HORNET—GREMLIN 524 SAYFIELD ROAD, QODERICH JOHN GORD MUNf10E -E1 P• IE PHC 0, C brick Fire BR RR 1 52 ere R PPR( WES •R Lang, eqt trial, es. 5 Pilon elle SI TJ L *DE' ORK Wri Na P