HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-12, Page 12PAGE 12--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1973
At the Ladies Curling windup for the Maitland Country Club
Saturday evening Bill Gardner, right, presents the Jean
McDonald trophy to (left to right) Joanne Muck, Isabelle
Eedy and Maxine Martin.,Nancy Flynn was the fourth Mem-
ber of that rink but was absent. (staff photo)
:~early to) persons- entoyrd
the annual pancake supper last
\'L'ecfne-day evening in the Sun-
dav si hoed room id' Knox
[nue(' Church •
onunitte( in charge \vas
Mr•, Iter,- Andrew, Mrs.
1;er:ticf" tic Dowell. 11r- lames
Schneider and ti1rs. - %Falter
Cunningham They are ve v
;;rats-tli 1 for those who assisted
in .1 t1\ 4%.4', .t make it such a
The 1-o,rtfi \ People rf t he
hool served the
guest- I';1 -tor Alfred Fry of--
fici411I\ opened the pancake
The Baptism Sand Dedication
of infant, took place last Sun
day at Knox I. 'tilted Church
with the minister, Pastor
Alfred Fry in i•harge. Mrs. Nor-
man «'ightman was in charge,
id'the organ and ac•comp inieci' -
.e duet sung bv Misses Lorraine
Chamney and Doris Naylor.
The children .baptized were:
Leona Eileen Cunningham,
daugtir4•r of Mr, and Mrs,
Thomas . .Cunningham;
Stephanie Jane hilts, daugter
of Mr and Mr -.,Austin Pints; '
Karen Eli/aheth Plunkett,
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Alvin •
Plunkett and Karrie Kathleen
Mt('I nc hey. daughter of Mr.
and Mr- -John McClinchey.
AUBURN' 4-H• -
'The sixth meeting of Auhurn
No. 1, t -F1 club was held last'
week at t he home hf the leader,
Mrs Frank Raithbv. The
iresident Maureen Longhurst
opened -the meeting with the -1-
11 pledge ,The minutes were
read by Linda Van Dongen and
approved as read. '
Frank --Ratt•hlw-decd--in--
the disi'u.rion i►f the proper
w:iv to put in a "zipper and how
to "Put elastic in the top of
slack-. This was later demon-
`The roll, call was answered
by ear -h girl telling how they
were going to care for- their
at the
Main Corner Clinton
Open'2-6 Closed Weds.
finished garments The
meeting was closed with the -1-
1-1 Creed
The Auburn Explorers held a
meeting on April :3• in the Sun-
day school room of Knox
United Church. 'I'he•parents of
the girls were ,invited for the
program and to observe them
receive their stars.
'['he meeting was opened •
with all repeating the Explorer•
Purpose which was led by
Tracy Machan, the president.
The- motto was the repeated
and the song -This is my
Father's World was sung. The
offering was received in Easter
baskets by ,'Mollie :McBride arid
Dehhie -Cunningham. Misses
Kirn and Patti *McDowell gave
a piano duet and Vicki Powell
gave a reading „ on
:Spring. A :election of songs
was played by Miss Doreen
MicClinc•hey. A play- w'as
presented with all the girls
taking part, -
Miss Brenda Ball, .Chief
Counsellor and Mrs. Alfred Fry
presented the girls with their
stars. The first red stars were
presented to Vicki. Powell,
Anita Hallam, Tracy Machan,
Patti Mct)owell, Molly
McBride, -Nancy Verheek, and
Lynda and Debbie Cun-
ningham. The first blue stars
were given to Doreen J1efferson,�
Ellen Thompson, •hanic•e Robin-
,son, Dianne McBride and Kim
A reading was given by
• Dianne McBride followed by a
piano solo by Anita Hallam. A
sing -song led bv Miss Doreen
McClinc•he_v was enjoyed by all.
Cake and ice-cream was served
for lunch and pictures were
.taken.. , . :._...... _ .__. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ar-
chambault and Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Fraser of Walton
returned last week from a
holiday in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Miatland Allen
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
William S. Craig an d family of
Clinton • and also with Mrs.
Ella Castle who had recently
come home from the hospital
and is with her daughter and
son-in-law .
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Flamlyn
of Lar , eth'spent Sunday after-
noon with .his uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Tuesday, April 1 7
Annual Report
Financial Report
Election of Officers
ALL Supporters urged to attend.
Several from this community
attended the concert at the
White Carnation at
Holniesville for the Cancer
Society last Wednehclav
evening. ,
M r, and Mrs. Alfred Weston
crf, Torrint(4 spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mr;.
Alfred Rollinson and • her
brother, Mr. Murray R�illinson.
,tips. and NIr;. ''Thoma.
11 tggitt spent- this weekend with
his brother, ;Ntr. •Joe Haggitt.
and Mrs. Haggitt at
Mr,. and Mrs. George Robb
and Mr, and -Mrs. Paul John-
ston..t,ll of London. spent the
weekend with the ladys
Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Mr. Gerrit KIaas is a patient
in Victoria hospital, we wish
hint a speedy recovery.
Nlr. and Mrs. Donald Haines -
attended the baptismal service
at Fordvvic•h -United Church
when Donald Norman Liver-
more. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Liyerfni►re, their grand-
son. was baptized.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson
visited at Newmarket on Sun -
Jay with ihe•ii sen, Mr. Keith
Rohn -150n, Mrs. Robinson and
Kim. whose second 'birthday
they celebrated.
Mrs. Ralph Munro returned
last weekend from a holiday
with her family at Wasago and
with Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert
Younghlut, Bruce, Susan and
Kristen at Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs..Glen Younghlut, John.and
.Jennifer at Ottawa and Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Youngftlut,
Lorie, Barre and Bradley in
London. -
Mrs. Gordon Taylor visited
last week fora few days with
_her--..-(laughtc�r,._.__Mrti. Ronald
Rothwell, Mr. Rathwell,
Michael and •Janice at Parkhill.
Mrs Wes Bradnock 526-1595
At time of writing, the
following are patients in Clin-
- ton hospital - Mrs. Bob Slater;
Mr. William Dodd, Mr. Wilfred
Plunkett and Mr. Sidney
McClinchey. We wish them a
speedy recovery.
• Mr. and Mrs, Bill Eidsen of
Arva visited last Sunday. with
her grandfather, Mr. William J.
Craig and uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Maitland Allen. •
,;M;.;.and.,, vt rs. J. G. McIntosh
• of London spent the weekend
with Mrs. Frances Clark.
Goderich Township News
Pipe -Major Miller top judge
`t,'ipe Major W. Millar, who
has contributed- so much of his
time and talent to the youth of
this area in the past to promote
piping in Canada, was top
judge at the Indoor Piping
Competitions and Games held
at Hamilton last weekend. He
and his wife, Edith, travelled to
Guelph where they spent
Friday night at the home of
their son,- .lames 'and his wife,
James. also a very talented,
and accomplished piper, and
his wife accompanied his
parents to Hamilton for the
games on Saturday..
[ would like to pay tribute to
Pipe Major ,Millar in a very
special, personal way as it was
the "skirl of the pipes" that'
brought us Co .Black's Point.
Pipe Major Millar generously
and freely taught many young
people this ancient and exciting
art and his band was the pride
and joy of Black's Point. and
provided us with many a lively
.houras his bandsmen marched
up and down his spacious lawn,
with the lilting Scottish tunes
filtering through the cedars.
When the Goderich Pipe
Band under Pipe Major Millar
was discontinued a gaiety left
our sideroad that is truly
missed and I find myself still
listening for highland music on
a balmy Sunday afternoon
during the summer months.
Although his .pipes are silent
now, we are proud that this ex-
cellent piper is still a piper at
heart and congratulate him on
being selected top judge at the
games. You are still TOP piper
with us!! (sure would like to
hear them again!!!)
x *
'April showers are not always
rain (or snow -).-Pt linen shower'
was held in horxunr of Miss,
•Janet William-. last Friday
evening in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Wilkin, •Janet is soon
to become, the bride of Wayne
FWIO speaker will.
be in Dungannon
Mrs. Harvey Howson of
Lucknow, Federated Women's
Institutes of Ontario Public
Relations Officer. will he guest
speaker at the 73rd District an-
nual held this year in Dungan-
non on May 30th, it was an-
nounced at the Huron West
District ExecutiVe meeting held
last Wednesday at St. Helens
W.I. hall.
The president, Mrs. Harold
Gaunt St. Helens,. „ was , in
•t•harge of the meeting and Mrs.
Graham McNee of Dungannon,
secretary -treasurer read the
minutes which were adopted as
read. • -
The curators of the branches
met with the district curator,
Mrs. Gordon Taylor, to discuss
their work during the past year.
The presidents of the branches
•were named and a nomirl'ating
. committee with Mrs: Cecil
' Elliott of Clinton as convenor
was picked.
The. District Annual pro:rem
was' outlined and discussed and
it was decided that the district
directors would help with the
fashion parade -of wedding
--dresses. Mrs. Ivan Wightman
of Belgrave was named com-
mentator. Members v were
present., from Auburn, Belgrave,
Blyth, Clinton, Dungannon,
Goderich, Goderich Township,
Londeshoro, St. Helens, Tiger
Dunlop and Wingham.
Sd,erts I71r! ewlt�•
e )pap again.W(
Y It'se t(
fors ons whist by
1406 M. Tos wee ll
M he soaked? You re
rte nos ora'
Rhode. The shower was well
attended with friends and
relatives of the bride, including
her Aunt, Mrs. W. McClinchey
from London. A verb' pleasant
evening was enjoyed by all.
* * «
One of our busy young men
in the township, Bruce Betties,
suddenly found himself ground
to a stop and hospitalized for 4
clays last week. We are happy,
however that his health
problem has been diagnosed,
'remedy prescribed, and he is
back in action again. We shall
not be seeing quite so MUCH{ of
Bruce in the future however,'tt
his doctor has ordered him TO
lose considerable wctighto Stay
on that diet, Bruce.
* k k
A Canada Council
Fellowship in the sunt of
$4,50().0() has been awarded to
Ronald Allen Barnett for 1973-
74, plus travelling allowances
to the U.K. or wherever his
research studies may hest he
pursued. Ronald, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Barnett, Black's
Point Rd. graduated from Clin-
ton District Collegiate in 1956.
He also received a Canada
Council Fellowship in 1972 in
the sum of $3,500.00 'plus
travelling expenses. These
awards -are granted on four
main factors: Academic merit;
Training and background;
presentation of program of
work, and comments by univer-
sity referees, (i.e. former
professors and Heads of Depar-
tments.) -
Ronald holds an Hons. B.A.
from the University of 'I'oronti►
in Sociology; a Master of Arts
degree from St. Andrews,
Scotland, in Classic.~; a
graduate M.A. in Classics frim
the University of Toronto in
Classics and will be entering
his third and final year of his
PhD programme nOctobers
While his majorext field is
Geek, he will he writing his
thesis on comparative epic, in-
volving several linguistic
groups. i.e. Meso -American
IMaya, Nahuatl, etc): Indo-
Eurofiean. (Greek, Latin, San-
skrit, etc) as well as Celtic,
Sorne of his research in Celtic
yvill probably be at the School
of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh,
some time during his final year.
Ile plans to spend some time
this summer in Mexico, fur-
thering his studies in Spanish
and ,linguistic research. He is
also an ardent student of an-
thropology and archaeology- of
Mexico and South America.
In conjunction with
Education Week, parents of
Holrnesville Public School had
the privilege of visiting the
school and sitting in on classes
with their children. While
many interested parents "atten-
ded the school -on this special
day, the principal was a little
disappointed with -the -response.
A lot • of work and special
preparation - b teachers and
children alike goes into such a
program and it is rather
discouraging' .when some
parents • just cannot arrange
time out for something that is
so important to children.
With-- so many >,
parents it is difficultv
such a day c•onvenie
therefore an eveningis
in hopes that parentsh
least get together.
I2th, a progressive ,.
planned for this pu
,plan now to attend
how important it ri
YOUR parents to t»
YOUR school function,
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