HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-12, Page 3Biu
12, Igo
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5 Years
11 12, 1941'
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►rife I i.:t �� i' h food
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Cr, ,tttouit t ht.• rising
.r which h t he farmer was
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intr „ -britt- realized
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i)rlt e• w 111, it must pay
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t, fist rttteit thati
In tht• I,I-t -.t\ tuoltt1) .
!hit' re• -peel to _the
,Jack Riddell, Huron MPP
Minister of Agriculture and
Food, 1 was disappointed -with
his answer for it did not pertain
to my question in any way.
161 her he condemned the
Federal Government for
allowing the importation of
beef from U.S.A. into Canada
at • a time when consumer
boycotts were having a very
definite effect on meat prices in
the States. He also c'ondentned
the ' Federal Government for
allowing..beef which has been
fed diethylstilbestrol to he. irb-
ported front the States into
Canada, particularly •w ' he
us};' of such a drug as ann 1
. in (',anada.
I agree with Mr. Stewart on
hoth matters, but I was
disgruntled with his evasive an-
swer of -sly original question.
However, this is supposedly
polished politics and when
given the chance, you simply
reword' your question and hope.
for a more suitable reply.
Premier Davis also showed
his concern about rising prices,
and spent most of the week in
Alberta attempting to prevent a
rapid escalation of•energy costs
which inevitably would hurt
many of Ontario's industries.
Ile proposed a' National Con-
ference on energy involving' Ot-
tawa and the Provincial Gover-
nments, but it doesn't appear and received Royal Consent by
that he conviflfc'ed Alberta
Premier, Peter Lougheed.
Meanwhile hack on the home
front, Opposition pressure on
the Health Minister, •Mr. Pot-
ter, continued, and as a result seated in the speakers chair.
the Minister is intro(lucing Here ht' listens to the speaker
programs -to bring -/the- health confirm the passing of the hills
costs under control. He plans to voted on previously by the
cut the administrative role of members of the House after the
his- department's medical dot- third reading. The Lieutenant
tors and rely more heavily on Governor gives his consent,
professional administrators. leaves the Chambers, and the
He outlined two .ministry • hills are proclaimed and ready
groups which will divide
tiled icaI and administrative
responsibilities. ' The Health
Standards (:roup would be
responsible for the develop •
stent of criteria and guidelines
for the' health care program,
the evaluation of services, and
the provision of advisory and
technical services.
The Health Services Group
. will he responsible for the day-
to-day adrniniSt ration :of ser-
vices proyi d by the ministry.
.N'tinistr%'-• 1 ersonnel with
medical c alifications will not
he involved with ongoing ad=
ministration, for according to
Dr. Potter, doctors are poor ad-
Dr. Potter; under- constant
pressure by Robert Nixon and
Stephen - Lewis, studied the
latest figures available on the
cost of Oi1IP an(1 now realizes
that the medicare program has'
been” abused and has • been
bilked for untold millions 11,-
1 Mrs
rived last
ir resident',..
the radii
anion 11rS.
operator '
,r in theta
clearing ai
v be expeOi
lame• the•
nd court 45-
-louse. uasr••
-on Saturder
the Count.`
1_ present.hit
lour of his'.
hdaV. The r
made by f'
es has semi
tis dual raps%
n years.
1nounced iR
:-Hardy that
r _Relation
1 bargatninf :
rich OrganCa
has been on
,n of bar
t the God
ing Co.. tad
Public l't1
led estabf
wage and
oft the porn f
the Goderd
he Dominion.
Co. •
5 Years
til 12, 1968
)ur hoursof
miles of ire'
. Captain r
s, skipper
the first shiP11
1 },}arbour this.
mayor Ot
ented the
raditional tot
'fernoon at i
told n(
tis extended
t from the
taking entrl
:difficult. T
II nine miles
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me of the
effect. "Pe'
n order to'
h the ice, �•
lip back s�
ward a teal
more diffie°
ire the t
ore dialling
or customers
n Goderich
phone customers in
Goderich Exchange
have to dial one
e digit to reach some
bets in their free
ling area ' starting
'I 12,
Im Scott, Bell
ada's manager here,
s switching equip-
nt modifications
n customers -will be
uiredto -dial. ,,five
is to reach phones
rting with 524-6XXX.
ive-digit .dialing will
be required for num-
s starting with 524-
X, 524-6XXX, 524 -
XX and 524-BXXX.
tomers will still be
ling t'4le last four
its, ^••
work in the New York construe -,(ion industry. An investigation
has started, to determine
whether such a Mafia ring is
centred in 'Toronto and is
smuggling young Italian .men
into the U.S.
Eddie Sargeant, (.ihero I
M.P.P., put the government un-
der attack and charged them
with misusing the tax paver
stoney. He even threatened to
get a court order, if necessary,
to , find out how Ontario
-Cabinet Ministers have been
using Government 'aircraft.
He accused the government
or foul play in connection with '
the construction of the,huilding
for t he Workmen Compen-
sation Board (F'idinant Report)
and indicated this was only one
of the n)anv such under-the-
table practices that the Govern-
ntent rias been using to
replenish its coffers.
Sargeant informed the
Government That t he Op-
position would continue to ap-
ply pressure until the members
became embarrassed by their
own arrogance and malfunc-
tions, and some day realize that
their constituents want accoun-
tability brought hack to Gover-
nment. -
Severn l antntendmen ts to
hills passed the t hird reading
the Lieutenant Governor. • This
is rather an interesting
traditional practi}-e whereby
the Lieuten,ltt Governor is
ushered into the Chambers' and
to lecture
Last Wednesday evening two
car loads of local Bahai's and
friends -travelled to Waterloo to
hear Bill. Sears speak 111 the
University there.
Formerly of Philadelphia,
where his CBS television
program "In the Park'' was one
of Americ'a's favorites, Mr.
Sears has made his home tiuc-
cessiyely in .three continents.
First in South Africa,- later in
Israel, the United States and
Kenya. - His wife • and grown
sons share his interests,
frequently meeting him on the
dnrtc)r-t: As a -result • --the _•-air. lanes and in .fact the only.
Minister of Health' has devised ones who would want him to
a form which will he mailed out settle down are the numerous
and which must he Tilled out domestic pets which the Setas
outlining the services rendered family gather wherever they go"°
and the date and amount billed He has written several hooks
and paid. about the 13ahai faith, the most.
speeches in response to popular ones being "God Loves
the -speech from the throne con- Laughter", the hilarious story
" timed, Dr. Morton Shulman, of his early -life, and "Thief in
N.D.P. member of the Ontario the Night," (where the author
Legislature said -that, a Mafia •stets out to st►lye .the greatesL-
ring operates in Toronto and mystery of modern times.
--provides illegal ,immigrants- for `
yr e,•. tit` l'•,t ♦ ; 1 ,:e:',-'►' vitt i•t;{1►:i
« _�;'• I F� ' , •\.•'�w�► �.'/►• � r •",L-
id , e.: 1 1 lilt t r t {i' .' • t .
• High water, 'storms- and erosion ..over.The. wittier. have._ laeeir;eauaing con. -,r
siderable trouble for m11ny individuals and group: this spring and fliidf'rich
Town Council, or more directly Bill Clifford and his harbor committee, arein
the same boat. •
Each spring the sante prohierns crop up but 1973 •will likely go down on
record 'as the most disastrntt- ever.
Mr. Clifford explains that ,,,me gravel pile up on St. Christnpht'rs beach is
normal, particularly around the Elgin Avenue storm drain outlet, but that
many times the 'normal amount has been (lumped by the waters t)f Lake
Huron this season, -
"Usually it costs the town about .$5t)0 to have this bulldozed and trucked
away,'' he explains, "hilt this scar -the are running between $5 411)tt
and $6,000.''
The town has called for tender~ on the project but no decision has' been
made as yet so the final cost is not available.
In 'addition to thy.' storm drain clean up this year gravel will also have to he
trucked from the north end of the beach area where, gravel is so high it has
almost .buried -0 picnic sheltt'r. This extra work accounts for much of the ad-
ditional clean up' costs.
The remainder of the beach area will just be levelled off with a bulldozer.
At Snug Harbor wave action within the harbor has scooped large antotfnts
of gravel topping from the small boat harbor pier along its east side.
The harbor committee hope some of t he clean top gravel from St.
Christopher~ beach can he used to repair this area and that more of the gravel
will. be of use for repairs needed at the C.P.R. train yards.
Discussions Are also to be held with the Federal Goyerntilent (Department
of Public Works) to see if some of the cost from moving the gravel can he
recovered through the repair, ;It Snug Harbor. The Federal Government own
the damaged pier and are therefore responsible for its upkeep. in the past the
Minute .Steaks
(Continued from page 2)
what we destroy no ,natter how ,
hard we try.
'1'o close i wish to `.i`
"Thank You" England) for
preserving the sights of my
history for me to see today and
may. you continue to do •o for
future generations.
Yours faithfully.
Greg Markwln.
•11 Qaei'hs ink. 1'de
.-1<ingsthorpe, Northampton
,l boi:1 .Seal i f'orel Ili 11
Dear Editor, -
I rend with amazement
engineer i;ritnell's remarks
concerning his tumbling metal
(iovernin.ent has paid for repair work clone by the municipality on tixttires at
the local harbor owned by the gcnvernrrient. "Heartily ends•
At Town Council meeting last -week the town fathers; H
the thoughts of Goderich Elevator and Transit Company president George
Parsons which he had sent to ,the town in a letter.
.'Apart front the physical damage to ships, 'docks, etc.” Mr. Parsons pointed
out, "which when finallv tallied could he pushing toward the $1.tlt►tt,l)titt stark,
a,great damage this Company has sustained is that we do not e\ptet 1 the ,}tip
companies to entrust their vessels to Goderich Harbor fi,ir winder- ,rnr:it:,' ,t 0'
"1 wottI(j hone you would help us press for some immediate 1 ttnr. 1;1,1ntcd
-there are wave -studies in progress' but it may he- vears hetnre hnrt+;t44r;tc',
- works its way through to w ,helpful c•onclusion," he noted.
"One does not need to be an engineer to see that the surge'prtehlent w.1- 111,4x)
made when the walls that contain the harbor.,were sheet piled presentun.: , er
tical faces. Previously the surge dissipated itself through slime tit the
work docks and on the beac'ht&s of ship island. The gahion wall at the hat k of
the harbor should never have been constructed with -a t ertical tat
"This is a correction that can he made imrediately and ecnnnrno .ill -.111re
the wall was severely damaged by the prows -of two, run aw;(\ freis;htt'i and
will require attention anyway." •
"The strong recommendation is from our own engin'er., • V tl l i,t'lten
Engineering, who are very knowledgeable whert' harbor const rut ficin
toted. Thc'v suggest that the Galion wall he removed, the area tit i t,c11
hack and a' beach restored. This could he (tori' at the same tints• .1- t ,flan
ned construction work for which we recently signed a contract
A copy of the letter has been sent too Huron M -P. Hot) McKinley. Mr Pm sons
has asked the member of parliament for his help in pressiitt; the mat -ter for im-
niediaate action. -
masterpiece nt .inet,otu. rlt' ap-
parently suffers no em-
barrassment from the fact that
the original retaining walls
were constructed many decades
ago with minimum disruption
to the natural beauty. of the
area, and what's more stood
the test of time.
During the past very open
winter, with prolonged mild
spells and frequent heavy rains
it was interesting to note htiw
our county gravel roads
remained in satisfactory con-
dition without L2 Ask graded,
yet now the spring is upon 11s
these same roods are graded
two and often three times n
week at a very considerable
cost to the tax•pnyw, nt'tid road
users have to contend with
cloudy of dust, flying stones,
and the hazard of driving on
loose gravel. Engineer Britnell
states his formulas - ' a road
which carries :900 vehicles a
day is scheduled for binding
three times a wt'i'k during
March and April. '
The sad fact is that this
despoilation of our country -side
and .waste of public monies is
approved by a cot4cil who
claims it cannot afford to main-
tain an historic master -piece -
the Goderich .fail..
Yours truly,
Donald S. McKee
happy week. Even worthwhile "
if1 one didn't bring home the
longed for plaudits
The price too,
I'm so glad you sent inc t he
set. 1 didn't know of it and was
so disappointed when i opened
my paper and saw no Tour- 0"lr►cerel
da filen( ni'wc. Couldn't under- Mrs. Gr,lce Tolbert
stand it. •tt)H Park St :\prt
The daily game chats are in- Cumberland, Md, 1' - A
terestingly written, not all P S. •' I;'tr!
alike. They have helped me fill 1 went to Young Canada week
in my program which a friend 1955 to f969 from i'ittsburgh
vent me. Pa tnisse(1 1111;8. `11ope 0.11 can
1' didn't find the first firme• read this ok at 7.9 writing
on Thursday - Tilbury-tiin
nnover somett('5 comes hard •
nor the last nn I't ttl;1\ -
Hastings -Kettle {','lilt
hope i get the I:t•t on' t, tt h
the semi-final,. finals and plc
Lots of with ill- new
venture i net '-,i„ it like
►1111d doii-'
Dear Editor,
It was with great delight 1
yaw the Young Canada Hockey
Week Daily News.
What a wonderful idea. A
truly worthwhile keep sake of a