HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-12, Page 1:1r
silks this repeat themselves time after time along the
les of Huron County's lake front as high waters and
storms over the past winter have laid waste to cottage
ther holiday property. Medical officer of Health Frank
refers to the 'barrels in the foreground and "Huron
y Septic Tanks" and in fact that is just what these‘
s, and many 'others like them are. Thiebarrels are '—
on the beach and leeching action takes place through
the sand. It is possible that in "their original locations the
barrel type tanks served their purpose, even though' they are
not legal, but now they have been exposed by high water and
are well short of the legal distance of 50 feet from the water
line. This means.the sewage now. runs into the water table.
As a result Health officials, see' a serious health problem
coming tb a head.(staff photo)
rich Memorial Arena is
an assistant arena
r again and the matter
derich 'Town Council •
Recreation and Com-
_Ce:ntre , .Board -in .-.a-
the resignation of Denis
e on March :31, the Rec
at its last meeting
ended'to Town Council
yd Moore of Exeter he
r the position.
st Thursday's council
g, considerable
'on was heard on the
d hiring of Moore - and
ter was turned -back -to
tee for further study.
position of an assistant
anager was first adver-
st__fall. On the first
calling, there were' seven ap-
plications. Three people were
interviewed as a result and the
committee .recommended that
Lloyd .Moore of Exeter be hired
--as •-assistant-•arena--mauagert
There was some feeling,
however, that the' situation.
hadn't been handled properly
and it was decided to call once
more for applications. This
time, 13 people applied (Moore
wasn't one of them) •and all
were interviewed. From those
interviews, Denis Lassaline was
hired as -assistant arena
manager. • •
With-- the resignrttion of
Lassaline, the committee
decided it would be "pointless"
to re -advertise the' assistant
arena manager's position since
two callings had been made in
the past few'rilonths. The (lint-'
mittee reviewed the list of ap-
plicants from the , previous
'callings and agreed to recom-
•rnend-the..._cnost._qualified, Lloyd
Moore of Exeter.
During- the discussions a%
Town Council last week, coon
dr voiced •disapproval of the
Rec Board's recommendation.
Councillor •Leroy Harrison
said the position should have
been re -advertised after
Lassaline's resignation.
"I don't know whether we
should -have re -advertised"
said Deputy -reeve Stan Profit
who sits on the Rec Board but
missed the last. meeting.."But if
'not, the board should have
uron County Judge. dies
Honor •Judge Robert
Hetherington M.B.E.
ry suddenly Thursday,
after collapsing in the'
of Dr. .J.W. Wallace.
Hetherington was taken
xandra Marine and
1 Hospital immediately
he died • without
regaining consciousness about
one-half hour later.
Dr. Wallace reported the
. judge had driven to Owen
Sound in the morning and had
returned to Goderich by noon.
He said .Judge Hetherington,64,
had not been well recently but
added that he'd had no history
of heart disease.
The son of the late Isaac and
Jane (McIntosh) Hetherington,
he was born September 14,
1908 in Goderich. A resident
and lawyer., in Wingham for
many years, Judge
Hetherington was involved in
municipal politics there. In
•-•,--1936 he was elected to
Wingham Town Council and in
1938 and 1940, he was elected
reeve of the town. He was later
named Mayor of Wingham.
Judge Hetherington. was
called to the bench in Septem-
ber, 1964 and was a County
Court Judge, County Court of
He served during the Second
World War with the 99th Bat-
tery RCA and when the war en-
ded he held the• rank of
lieutenant -colonel. He was
decorated by King George Vi
(M.B.E.) for his distinguished
war service.
Judge Hetherington was a
past president of the Huron
Wellington - Huron and
Huron -Bruce Liberal
He is survived by his wife,
the former Louise Thompson;
two sons, Captain ian
Hetherington, CFB Trenton
and Rae Hetherington,
Waterloo; two daughters, Mrs.
Bruce (Jane) MacDonald,
Saskatoon ' and Mrs. Peter
(Barbara) Kalhfleisch,
Waterloo; tw.o grandchildren;
and two sisters, Mrs. Jack
(Amelia) McKay, Leamington
and Mrs. Alfred (Marjorie) Ivy,
Goderich. He was tlredeceased
by one brother, Murray
Funeral service was Sunday,
April 8 in North Street United
Church with Rev. Robert. L.
Raymont officiating.
- interment was in Colborne
Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Alex Corrigan, George Patter -
_son, E.A. Ted Elliott, Robert
MacKenzie, Harold David
Thompson and William
A Masonic Memorial Service
was held at the McCallum
Funeral Home Saturday
gone back to the second
Reeve Del Shewfelt asked
council a pointed ,question.
"Walt's wrong with Russell
Prader?'-' asked Shewfelt.
Shewfelt - said Pi:ii Ter had
helped out "when we were
caught shorthanded" and even
worked 011 night long one night
to complete scitne, necessary
"I don't know why wt.
couldn't give a local boy a
chance," 'said Shewfelt. "Ht•
loves this work." .
Councillor Dave Gower
agreed. He' -said -there's a.ttr►-
dancy for young people to leave
the community because they
can't find jobs locally.
"We shouldn't go outside the
community if local people. can
'`be trained," said Gower.
Profit argued that if the com-
mittee had gone back to the
second calling for applications,
Pruder probably would hav(
had the job.
"He was on a very short list
,behind Mr. Lassaline,"
remarked Profit.
Councillor Elsa 1-laydon said
that • • in her opinion,
qualifications should be the
major criteria by which staff is
hired. She_said that if the local
man and the out-of-town ap-
plicant have - the same
qualifications, the local plan
should perhaps be chosen, but
in cases where the out-of-town
applicant, is the best qualified,
the committee should acquire
the best qualified man for the
"i am prepared to approve
the committee's recornmen•
dation,•, said Mrs. Ilaydon.
The lady councillor alAo
suggested it may he time the
town reviewed its hfring
policies.s '
The Signal -Star contacted
Recreation Director Mike
Dymond concerning the matter.
"it. is a $70,000 operation
over there 'and it is business,"
said Dymond. "1 believe the
committee chose the man test
qualified for the position and
that is -the way it should be'.'
.Moore, the committee noled,
continued on page 16
'1'o elate Huron County
Health officials have placed
notices on about a dozen cot-
tages along the shore of Lake
Huron setting the premises
aside as being "Unfit for
Human habitation:
Medical Officer of Health for
the County, Dr. Frank Mills,
said there were many many
more cottages unfit for
habitation but that due to short
staffing the Health Unit just
did not have the time to sign
all the properties.
"We hope by spot signing cer-
tain properties," he explained,
'to draw the cottagers atten-
tion to t -he problem•so that we
''can work together to solve
I heat:"
1)r. Mills estimates .that in
all . 1,001 to 5,000 cotl•ages
along the lake bank are affec-
ted to varying degrees'.
The pi Obiei i arises from high.
'water levels. on Lake Huron.
The lake is the highest it has
. bee'11 in many years, and severe
-stomps over the winter, com-
. hined with the.high water, have
r(-sultt'd in the washing away of
many feet of, lake hank.
This, combined with erosion
on the bank from surface drain
runutf•; has resulted in large
portions of the hank slipping
Almost • ,.everywhere along
1luriln County's 45 miles of
eroded coast line cottages are
threatened with falling from
their perches atop 'tlee lake
In addition the high water
and erosion, hllve washed away
earth leaving sewage systems
exposed and in some cases
causing tile systems from septic •
tanks to empty directly into the
lake. As a result. the Health
• Unit and the cottagers . are '
facing a dangerous health_
situation as well.
"Many cottages were built
with their septic tank and tile
systems between the building
and the lake }lank," Dr: Mills
•:•expla-ins. •-"-Witlt•-tlw erosion of-.
the bank these sewage systems
are left exposed. Many leeching •
pits have been washed away
during storms or have simply
disappeared under the high
- The solution will not be an
easy ode according to health
officials, and it will also be ex-
The most immediate answer
is the establishment of • old
fashioned out-houses,..but colt,
houses built to government ap-
proved plans which are
available from the Health Unit.
Ideally, the Medical Officer-
fficerof Health, suggests, miniature
sewage treatment plants should
be installed, with perhaps
groups of cottagers in a certain
area going together, to pay for
what will be an expensive
presently pushing the Ministry see these students conduct dye
of the Environment for help. • tests on the sewage systems
"They don't seem to under- along the lake because many
stattd," Dr. Mills notes, "that were built before proper per -
even though we have a high mits were required and there is
hank along the lake in our area ` no way of telling just where
we have. problems. They seem . they are located:
to be only concerned about the Dye tests • would show if
flood plain areas in southern • seepage was occurring, where it
Ontario and don't understand was and how serious the"
that the very bank they think situs on was. •
gives us protection is also ' Further inspections are being
creating our problems." carried out by the Health Unit
The Health Unit had applied as time is available and more
for two students to conduct an' cottages will be signed by the
environmental `study regarding officials.
. cottages in the area and had "What we need is some sort
their application approved last of an All Terrain Vehicle,"
year only to -have it cancelled, Chief Public Health Inspector
at a later date. "'They will have Jirn McCaul suggests, "then we
to reconsider;" Dr: Mills said. could esti along every foot of the
Health officials would like to (continued on page 16)
(;clerkh 4`Ii .vnshIp .Council
has been "flooded" recently
with •various applications for
the establishment of tourist
camps and trailer parks.
Several pieces. of .rorrespon-.
Bence have been received by
Council frolil c_onlpanies and.
-private individuals to develop
land along the Maitland River
for use as tourist havens. Most
of these applications are being
held, pendirig ('ohncil's
decision on how much the
Maitland River Conservation
Authority should he involved in
the matters.
The .most recent application
to he received by.council is one
from ,Ray W. Bush representing
Kampgrou rids of America
l('anadal. KOA is a franchise
company involved with cam-
',grounds in the united States.
Canada and :Mexico.
According to Mr. Bush. this
i'i,mpa-ny-does not --in any -t%8V
(0 1) the campground but serves
the purpose .of controlling it s
franchise owners such that they
provide • c:onsistant and high
standard camping facilities for
the camping public."
Mr. Bush presently•has an Of-
fer to purchase on a tent and
trade cramp now owned by H.
C. NTacAdartl. This camp' is
located l-lighw.ay.8, lots 2'3
and 24 of Goderich 'I (wi ship
and Hu ron C'ou n ty. The
necessary permit to run such a
business has already been given
to • Mr.. MacAdanl, and. what
Mr. Bitsh requires is the Town-
ship's approval to expand and
upgrade the existing site to
KOA standards.
- The proposed facilities wouId
conform to any present local
'regulations and would consist
of 'the following basic- services.,
central service huildint*• con-
taining washroom, laundry,
recreation and- More facilities;
initially 106 camping sites with
.50 --per-cent • having electrical.
and water services: and
development of the river
shoreline for swimming. A
playground area is also plan-
• N4r. Bush requires a decision
from council before May 1,
197:3 since this is the closing
date on his offer to pur-
Aii her such application was
received from the Bayfield Golf
Course of which lion Sarnways
-is the owner. Mr. Samways
wishes to establish about 96
sites ,where the present driving
range is located.
Some of the applications
received by Goderich Township
Council are borderline to affec-
ting the Maitland Valley Con-
servation Authority powers. On
Matt e rS concerned with
changing the shape of the river
)ba nks in any way, the
Atithori1v should he consulted
to "air" their feelings;about the
...changes. according to • Marlene
Shiell, secretary -treasurer of
the M.V.C.A.
Goderich Town Council was host Friday evening at a wine
and cheese party convened by Special Committee Chairman
Eileen Palmer. The event brought all the town's boards
together with council and also served as an opportunity to
honor retiring board members and council officials from the
1971-72 term of office. Those who received a small token on
behalf of their efforts In the past were (back row, left t0
right) Jim Skoech, planning board; Ed Giesbrecht, planning
board; Paul Carroll, recreation and community centre board;
(front row, left (aright) Trevor Ormandy, tourist committee;
Mrs. Martha Rathburn, recreation and community centre
boprd; and Fred Salter, planning board. Carroll • and
Glesbrscht also served on col ncil during those years. Ab-
sent for the presentations was Reg. Jewell, also a former
fown councillor. His Worship Mayor Harry Worsell and Mrs.
Worsen greeted guests at MacKay Hall during the evening.