HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-05, Page 11iM le►, Pow PALA automit INE r, autom)ti ILET matic UTH auto*. roN �EfS GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1873— PAGR 11' TOWN AND olioAss CONTRY ES FOR SALE. er skates. sue null, new /tL cunthrion. 2 9 00 7241 .gl1.11x ('onimantier• {)4 x 11' )els, t'\,t'llt'lll 4)141)1111)111, bathroom ideal forrut- t 999 t(4) 44 hest of w (4) M1, M M( Ka‘. 'Palle! ('Hurt. 313it ('3jffl ( (lilt suit size tilde kelt ,vtrust .411(1 mat1 .trod pants w4) pant, Phone 1: 1. sure treated, holt•, rand pit silos. pole barns, ns. et, Site, till price 4n pit e• 4„,„,1 iu da\s l',td tl,storage tank, (loan- er -on', Ier1111,,e4 .f,trne, 1 I,t.t(wt't, t)h++nc, 291 - ,_)_\ d., tent leader. sleet), mante"4.. .411+3 h\ It • Evellen) ondlt�on :rt ;'4111 .O'er •I1 ,Ix 4e ,H31d quarter inch oak /1(1 smite 1+0th leather al,. like new-, Phone 521 ,11.111", \'[rtl,tll\ tr\ (' & E New urniturt• Chesterfield, (2u4') Chrome set,. coffee miles l'3 (;4dtr)c31 -)21 4:3 Ire ''Suzuki" motor- arinw Sport Sale, arid pen till 311 p in 5 minutes Phone 521-6191 •Itf S of phut(/graph 1 are from the Signal Star at $100 in'dvan(e fur hath i• x ssite,. g I9rtc TI(' Toilet Bow? Cleaner rust, hurt and mii'teral imply place in the t•urrltr i3et tank. Available at i'lurnhing and Heating . Street, 3;de4ich glltl' C,Upphes (robber go Ids3 )paid in plain.,s414led ,n- th price list Six sainple, 21 samples $l 00 .- •!Mail t '1' ') I. No\-1Zuhl r ("», a(nllton. Ont -g1tt v.nr ht3uul embroidery n.trilatlon ,('+filial 4 V4414' 1n,trail 4r Nora 1 4)1`17 .- -�- NE 524.1911 ding con• )u 10 >u at A LENk.-SOL V ER' building maintenance. r specialty products ed. 0 ROOF SYSTEMS i -Rust Metal Seal xy Resurfacer pairing Concrete y other products. R. NANLON PHONE 482-7037 cg 12,13b' KEND SPECIALS e Living Room Group , Kris'hter 2 piece ('hester- +lt4hguard Nylon cover. 4mpani)rn - (hair Scot - over. 2 end table,, 1 coffee hie lamp, and 2 decorator Mattress Special 'It Smooth Mattress or Box $54 95 or Woodstock Mattress or .5)) ASH & CARRY Hox or Mattress .9l') Limited quantity. g 9' x 12' Demonstrator DEADLINE icz FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 3AY('O (Antoci tralalcr,, travel trailers, truck c;wipers, used tent trailers; , :unl)111g a, ees,ories, finati ting, rentals Open 9 AM )i I'M. Friday 9PM, uttler )•\ening, -13)1,nrntetru9t. `'4un(I;t\ '21'M 1Pti1 (441144,1e:id M141)3 l'ahricating, Josephine tit reet. Wtiing1;011, 3')7- 2112 811.15.1)1 llr3 Vinyl 1)avenpolrt with swivel Rocker only s froom Group Triple Dresser and Land - tor, 4 Br'awv(`hest., Panel lv Rox Spring Mattress, Boudoir i,amps and Pair 9.95 - CKSTONE RNITURE APPLE SALE RA ;t),, $3.00 ;1 bushel. small Apple, 1'2lln :1 bushel. 75 Ili potatoes $ 1 75 Phone 521 8017, Art 14'II Fruit Farm 44110 FOUR FO1(MAf.ti, -sizes lu and I2. phony 521-8:51)) ;ate!. 53)11 pm gl•1 Black and white i9111 )1 T\r'. 4)11,m1e I11,)(h' - g)411 41111)31114)11. 1;1 1111 I'h4)tle r'_' l t;�ll;u - g11.15 LADY'S. three -speed I{:411t'gh (4()-\2I4' used one month. :it te'"'44 is Phone 521.9109 --'4 I.1 y lIONI)A XL -250 TI{AIf. BIKE:. '',Viol mile, No inet•haln4:13 (li3W frailties '$8114 mile Mark I{ath• well "),_'1-7111 gl1,I,5x FOR SAi.F 3 \5'hllt Kurt line\ Iti'In ex2tllent ion (Imol) '1)5 )))) tach or ., sur $211111) '1'w4)11'4 -four font Goliath Goat for sale 171) hp inboard motor. sleeps tour, depth tinder, cumpa,. fume in- (li, :rtor. bilge pump, copper eater tanks. toilet and tw')) -\cash hasin,.' les, than 2511 hours use 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATL FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE W.J. HUCHES REALTY,LIMITED REAL ESTATE OFFICE 524-8100 OFFICE 524-9131 GREAT HOMErS IN ERINDALE They're hit) roomy completely hroadluunied well ,planned and ,, frankly well worth much more than v we're asking for there. 'fake the' Norfolk with Its 4 bedrooms, 2 haths and a whole , lot of living. Panoramic (lyingroom, twin closet and hath in master bedroom. NE.ARI,Y NE\V ~'PORE will open in Winghani ('urling ({Ink, 'Thur,. Apr 12111 at 1)130 a 114. and Friday and Sat afternoon,. until further 4/44(3.33 1 SIX ONI.Y cheque A Ater Trite) tors. 3+39 (10 to 89 1111 Excellent w'))rking condition I veal' free ,tir- ice and parts warranty Write: 4r phone for free demonstration :Ind 1)*'li\ery Frank 1{411rrnti. 1 Terry St • lVa1lactbit rg, t)27- 16:32 gl 1-15,1) ,17 IBOA'I' FOR SALE: -- Iii foot fibreglass 75 It I1. Johnston electric: 2 tanks. indoor outdoor carpet; new top; ski liar. with ,mall trailer. --1 -lb SAVE: (; N C quality homes `4;51)0 014 clown, fret 1:italugtlt ('an:►chatia Modular Homes I,td., 1176 Blair Rd , Burlington, ()tit. I16-6:334-41 1(i--gl -1,17 BACHELOR APA((I'ME:N'i'. all convenie'nc'es, Ridgewood Park. 521• 8891.gl-Itf BOAT FOR SALE Phone 52 1-71 11 11111 1,1()I(S1;7. one 411/' )lg11t)1•(•,{• iwo \tar )rid,. reasonable One English, One Western, one pony .saddle ti1art irn St1':1llghi.111. tdl)r41*' 521 7016 141 1 1,A1)IE; h:l\,e \oulr new outfits made for spring and 'un)m1'i: For drt'"tllat`king and Alter:1/1mi, call })fanny. 482-319s - 11 1,1-1 APPI,E7 ti4rthern. Sp‘. Dell+ loos. (.611111. 11a1it'4 50 per bushel :111(1 0.13) 14)1)1g container-, .111\tlrllt' 14 1{o•„ Middleton", 7t))r.t;4)', one mile east Lit (; ntlt Id. n4l't31 rt river 3.31 1.1'1.16 FOR SALE:. Built in Koctavo cup- boards, 9 feet of counter and top' plus a :5 foot kitchen hair 111(1 a 5 foot double sink - cabinet unit. A 22 inc,11 electric stove and :) 11 cu- ft frig., htith Ili white. AtI presently in use. ('lent Stedfles 52.1-6.161 gl-Ix ST EW AR T'S SEED CORN Several top varieties available - contact Jim Fisher 524-6331 or Larry Fisher 524-6432 (0)THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LINE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU Alsit cottage at I)ixmtls I{i•ach. 1).A. Rolston )i") St.- Patrick St Goderich Tropical Fish Birthday? Anniversary? Graduation? Give a gift that provides coun- tless hours of enjoyment to children and adults alike. Com- plete aquarium kits available starting at 10 gallon up to 50 gallon. This week 3FREE-Fish with every aquarium purchased Open weekdays 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. The Fish Bowl MRS. C. ITA4LOR' R.R. 5 LUCKNOW 395-5443 4 j.lsit:›.grs' THE MORE FOR YOUR , MONEY RIDING MOWER!! 1972 Gilson, 8 horsepower, 30" cutting area Regular price mggoo ONLY 3 LEFT!!! SO HURRY $ 500 ARGYLE Marine & Small Engines ( t(1(tPt it I) 1313 3 ritatirl,,t 334,4)4 ,-)�)� 4116 RANCH HOME 20 ACRES Three bedroom ranch home, full basement, re'c'reation room, treed scenic area dust 9 min. from town, school bus at dour. -Taxes $100. In-' terior to he completed. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Modernized 2 storey brick home,ex- ceptional kitchen and dining area. Newly installed 4 pc. bathroom, 3 1)4(1400ms plus pannelle(1 playroom. Central location. CLINTON-2 STOREY Immediate possession on this well kept famih't't'n'une featuring 2 baths, sunporch, closed verandah, large kitchen and 4 bedrooms. Central location near all schools. GOOD SOLID HOME 2 storey red brick with spacious Iiyingru4rn, 2 bathrooms, be•drm4n)s, Targe family kitchen, at- tractive family room, full basement. PRESTIGE BAYFIELDF ESTATE Situated on a beautiful double lot. ('lose to lake. Featuring two fireplaces. deluxe Hanover kitchens. Shown by appointment only. • DUPLEX 517,500 Twulhedroom units, each fully ren- ted. ('lose to, schools. IQEAL . RCHER 8 3/4 MORTGAGE Attractive .3 bedr elrn prick home. Ultramodern) kitchen, custom car- peting, ceramic tile . bathroom. Nt:)rlv new. immaculate condition Huv now. 6 ACRES SPLIT LEVEL S11111t' front cu torn built, family 144411, Ing burning fireplace. broadloom thronghottt. Only 5 min 11, 14)w11, '.21)0/11 bus :a1 door Proper - tie, Iikt this are scarce. 'Taxes $250, 2 FAMILY HOME Solid brick, spacious famlh' home or duplex, diningru(n1, IivingroOm with firei)lace, spacious modern kit -chin Upstairs has ilrivate entrance. (;mud full basement. (Tose to GENERAL INSURANCE 38 EAST STREET WEST END BUNGALOW 3 bedroom brick, spa(1ou4 11yingroonl. family size kitchen, panelled rt' re•ation rourn, full ba,enlent, t "quirt BRICK 1-1/2 STOREY Three bedroom home in ex- cellent condition Hollywood kitchen. dulingroorn, garage Well landscaped with (nature tre'a'ts. Two blocks from square. CONVENIENT LOCATION Attractive 3 bedroom home, plus laundry room. Modern cherry kit. chen, sunroorn, and shaded trees. Well maintained home. 2 BEDROOM WEST END Cu,v bungalow. Lot 66' x 165'. Spacious kitchen, luta of cupboards. _Close, to all conveniences.'" Taxes $100. WELL PROPORTIONED 2 STOREY BRICK Beauty 'enhanced by verandah of generous width. 10 principal rooms. sun deck, full hath tip, two-2pc. down, hroAloorn, 4 car 'gara/'e.: large 101 with 100'front.age. CHERRYDALE FARM - 200 acres, 3 storey house 'with 8 bedrooms. Limestone fireplace, beautiful setting with 4/-) mile of river frontage, barn and shed. Spring water with poo j"y\ YEAR ROUND MOTEL FAMILY BUSINESS EXCELLENT RETURN Real opportunity includes charming 2 storey hfick home, cottage, 3 double units, 2 single and self con- tained apt. Located in choice area. Accommodation is scarce in this type of renting. Terms may he arranged. OWI4ER TRANSFERRED Ex,cepts +nal 2 start•v red brick h) n in excellent lot anon Large kitchen, .3 bedroom,. panelled den, well lan- ds) aped lot . with 314144 and bar- becue (;:rage OFFICES, STORE, APTe Solid brick one and two bedroom upart►ner►ts-plus ;tore, three washrooms. three separate heating units. ample parking Reasonably priced. LAKEVIEW HOME ('harming brick ranch h0111e In choice location 1 hedrdnrns. Ideal kitchen. In mg room 26 x 1 -them -lied c,(hng Cie -torn built hone, land- scaped grounds 46 BRUCE ST. Four bedroom hemi• located on 1,1 K I foot frontage Family size kit- chen with new cupboard,. panelled (3,)uhle livin1roon) New -1 p) hath inuue)Ilate possession NEAR SUNSET PARK . I)Iing:tl4w 1.;1!'141' 111I11i 44,444)) ,3:4, 3140 w: -)tel' 114..11 1111' x 11'1 141 x.1111111 )Irnxtl ')'• 0((04 IMMACULATE FAMILY HOME - -i'w4 storey red brick family betties fouir bedrooms, two bathrooms. family kitchen, at- tractive setting, on spacious grounds. Must be seen to he appreciated 53 WEST -STREET, BABY BUGGY like new condition Phone 5'24-6496.—g 14 11 ft , 1971, Corsair Travel 'frailer Phone 52.1-9538--g14 BOY'S blot le, 26" ('('M racer ,tyle with ,Ingle Axed simplicity and 1835 STONE HOME reliability Phone 524-44849 -g14 RIVER FARM First time offered is this solid 9 OFF-WHITE: plush rug 12' x 13', room restored century home. 81) Fringed ends, unde•rpad. Like new acres workable and rented. large oval antique coffee t.ahle hurl Bayfield River flows through nlah/ganv. 4arved legs Large hand property. Two excellent barns, made wooden bedding box Phone garage and workshop. What ever "124 9935 after 5.39 p or all day your dreams may be, this'Gen- Saturllay.-gl•Ix tleman's Estate is the ultimate. An early sale would be a benefit to you as this year's rent of 51,800.00 can be yours, and due to owner's change in plans he has offered this property at a realistic price. Until you inspect this, you won't believe that $42,000.00 can buy so much. INCLUDED IN nig PRICE THREE EXTRA OTS With this family home. Offering you nice Targe kitchen, 3 bedrooms, nursery, broadloomed den, entertainment -size living room. Also features Targe workshop, garage, full basement with new gas furnace. YOUR OWN HIDE -A -WAY ONLY 52,900.00 DOWN Here is the property you have ,been waiting for. Twenty acres of beautiful scenic land, very secluded, second growth maple bush and cedar 'groves. Complete privacy. Only a few minutes from the Bluewater Golf Course. A never -failing creek flows through this property to add to its value. LAKEVIEW -DIVISION One acre SUBtreed lot located near Bayfield, excellent for permanent home or a year-round retreat. Last available treed lot in this exclusive subdivision, 4nd can be yours for only $5,900.00, YOUR OWN FIFTY ACRES Of rolling hills and trees, ideal for ski-dooing, camping or just plain relaxing. Your own private hide -a- way. Look no further. Located'on a good road, near Hullett Wildlife Reserve. AGE PLEASE? ARE YOU young enough to enjoy and old enough to appreciate this lovely two bedroom home?,Features new siding, Targe bright family room and compact kitchen. Perfectly situated on an extra large lot, yet close to uptown and schools. Don't be disappointed - see it today. JUST LISTED BOGIE'S BEACH Beautiful cottage site, just a few steps away from one of the best sand beaches in the area. This cedar treed lot is accessible year round, and is now offered for the first time at only $3,000,00- as owner has other interests. QUIET COUNTRY LIVING • - ELEGANT, YET PRACTICAL Solid spacious 21 /2 storey '.love at first sight' family home. This property is' located near" Holmesville on a one -acre estate. Must be sold as owner moving. Ex- cellent terms available. WANT SOMETHING A LITTLE BETTER? - Then run to the phone and make your appointment to see this home designed for easy family living... This spacious, 2 storey, 4 -bedroom plan incorporates many unique features, such as formal dining room and spacious living room with log -burning fireplace, and other important features that we will happily show you with a per- sonal appointment, OVERLOOKING LAKE/ HURON See this electrically -heated wooded -setting lakefront home. You'll be impressed with the log burning fireplace, quality carpets, rich panelling, modern deluxe kit- chen - and dining room. Located south of Goderich. RIVER FRONTAGE • 100 ACRES Suited for Church Camp or Tourist Development. Twenty acres of maple bush, sixty-five acres of Christmas trees, balance in springs, creek and rolling land. Located on the Maitland River, near Holmesville. Vendor anxious to sell and has offered excellent terms. PRESTIGE HOME Well proportioned ' store'., natural hurtling fireplace. '`3 large bedrooms, haths & garage 13eau!v enhanced by verandah, si reviled porch, patio. swimming pool &changeroom Central It/ltl4rl ,+n we'll landscaped grounds 2 STOREY $13,990 Attl'activ( horn,. In 1112''(mnl. 141 burning l4repla.e. dining roorn Well IAnned kit, hen 1;40i'(3 Ilasenie't x049( 04 3ilrlla, t• ('lose to ell rmnye'nlln/t, iter $171 GOOD FAMILY HOME Tw4i-'t(rrev home, sp.), iuu, kitchen. fou r bed rooms, three pie, e bathroom Excellent 3''at 1411 NEAR HOSPITAL Three hedr'u'nl home. generous sized kit, hen. 11\ Ing and dining room Enpty this ,ilnllnel /1► its spacious verandah Irlllneihat)• pos,es,ion THE HOUSE . WITH EVERYTHING Most attractive we31 maintained split Itve'l 1101110, the({1,,onl den. _' h3th4, family rrlonl. I+)g burning fireplace. Choice West end 10, anon MENESETUNG PARK Mobile home, two Bedrooms, family size kitchen, Targe livingroom. Large sun dock with view of lake. 11/2 SLOCKS 3 FROM SQUARE Two storey brick in g4,4141 condition Presently duplext'O with :►II 4on- veniences. Garage and sen porch HOLMESVILLE - Good starter three-bedrom horny Well landscaped, located across from Holnu'svllle central school EXCLUSIVE LAKEFRONT Beautiful setting 4n well l:lnd1. soaped spacious lot, two bedrooms. two screened port ltes 5to414' log burning fireplat`i'. per‘ ate 1)4•44'" tO beach, share 119 tont fresh well ATTRACTIVE RANCHER _ Park -like setting in this treed lot, 110' x 132'. Well maintained, 3 bedro<'rm home in good location. Raised patio, full basement. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS -lust listed, nearly new, :1 bedroom, split level, large family kitchen, finished rec room. Priced for quick sale HANQYMAN'S SPECIAL Central location, low price $4,500. OFFICE SPACE Building in desirable location to be converted to'office. inquire re rents APTS FOR RENT Two 1 bedroom apt, $1 25 per monthimmediate possession CHOICE LOTS West, end near Robertson s, hoof. .2 lots 66' x 125', 2 lots 67' x 91) 1'. 1 lot 71.6' x 1:32' and 1 lot 67' x 1.15.7' 38 EAST STREET The location for all Imes of General insurance. For excellent ser\ Icy nd yom.Ma('Epetativi premiums, 211114:424 af)on wan. DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY Near Hayfield Right of way to lake 197' x I29:t' DONALD MacEWAN 49 Bruce St. 524-7685 EBB M. ROSS �. 92 Newgate St. 524-8786 DEH SHEWFELT 342 Mill Road 524-9581 RiTA A1,1,,N 154 Essex St. 524.8480 , JOAN. GiESBRECHT R,R.6, Goderich 529-7192 5•1hth plate glass mirror, frame, ran be cut to 4 ft. square^ new railing, two pieces 6 ft., four pieces, 4 ft one piece, 2 ft. 2" with accessories: four fiherglas window boxes, 5 ft 1" long; flathead' Ford Marine engine, K; or will trade for two wheel utility trailer 1 ft x H ft box, three Adjustable reclining bus seats, good .condition for patio, boat ,Ir trailer; 12" exhaust fan; riding mower to be assembled., tool box 4n tasters, 42" high, 18 x 21, four ,helve,`, quantity tiberglas, assor ted, overhead canopy 6 ft. 7" x 2 ft also fihe'r" glass sink unit for boat. Phone 524-624)) -g14 2A ARTICLES WANTED WANTED--Cornercabinet )aro cupboard and dry sink (:'all 524 611() after 5 ---g14 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A BAILEY Real Estate 82 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario 436 1 1 2 storey, 3 bedroom frame home in Clinton with gas heat and car Mort 2 block, from uptown ('urnpletely retie, orate(' 1 flour home u4 (luderuh. 2 bedrooms, full, hast'nlent, and L•tundryroonl ,New ,hag Carpyt,ng in livulgroonl, and master bedroom 2 storey frame home. ('lose to post office and shopping arta in Clinton Low down p:)vn►(•nt will handle 3)ELUXE WESTINGI{OUSE :30" t bedroom brick yen4er llungalow Electric Range --hike new, features on Walker titree't with gats heat. everything 'hut ,elf clears was hardwood floors and full basement '31367.1)3) will take $189 00 (all 52.1- /4061---g14x Large 1 1 2 '.1)lrev 34001)• 411 North Street. recently decorated ( 61 heat TWO Harding all wool rug;. one 9x1)), nil(' 1(0x15 both dust\- rosy. Full 2 'storey, '4 ret)111 home on Golf set Campbell 'Tournament. full A3ht•rt Street with gas heat Priced set of irons plus 1 woods Phone for quick rale - ,, 514-)31134. --gl-1 Fully' equipped restaurant -wIt11 modern bvulg quarters In Huron 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT C4n11t\ ACREAGE CLOSE TO GODERICH 77 acres located 1/2 mile from Dunlop on paved County Road 25. Productive farm land or ideal site for new home. Five acres of birch and maple bush. Large spring -fed pond big enough to develop your own private fishing retreat) You can't go wrong on this property as owner is offering easy terms and 8% mortgage. SAND AND GRAVEL AT NO CHARGE when you buy this 50 acre farm, ideally located. There Is an eight _,.room house, garage with workshop, bank barn 80' x 70', im- plement shed. Thirty-one acres workable. Some bush. Under- priced at 1122,900.00 for quick sale, and looted only 12 miles from Goderich. JACK' BILL CUMMINGS CLIFFORD GODS PItCH 524-8961 FORMAL itE.N'1'A1,7 for all o) aslon, Pickett 'K Campbell Ltd Clinton and (3oderirh.--�:gtf AFF'01,1)iNC, for rerit Harr s2-921)) -1414 11413 To itEN T —x+1."10 per d:lv rents you an electric rug shampooer Removes spots, grease. etc Service Uolnlnion Hardware, phone :4;34- 8581 --g4l 4,34- 85N1--g41 t f F3e•nniiller -1 :it on w hl, h ,Ituated a m0(lernlierl 1 hedr+)Om borne anti hearted \4orksh))p FOOD FOR THOUGHT nic)• to bt' (11131441:int 3/111 ;t's More important r,t be nice CONTACT MASON BAILEY PHONE 482-9371 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED ' REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE GODERICH PHONE 524-9662 FOUR BEDROOM .- WEST SIDE Nearly new brick, electric heating, family room, utility room. 2-4 pce. bathrooms, stove, frig. Close to schools. Immediate Possession. Price S32,500. OWNER TRANSFERRED West side close to schools, one year old brick 3 ' bedroom with finished recreation room. Large kitchen and dining area with patio doors. Electric heating, nicely lan- dscaped, shrubs, trees, etc. Im- mediate possession. PRESTIGE HOME Well proportioned nearly new brick on large lot at- tached garage: family room, fireplace, VIA subdivision. gas hot water heating. full basement. NEW — WEST SIDE Nearing completion on Eldon Street, 4 bedroom. 2 storey brick, with garage. -1-niece bathroom upstairs. 2 -piece washroom main floor Electric heating. dining :room with patio doors Mortgage NIA HOBBY f'ARM $20,000 Three bedroom ln, k home. barn, implement shed. w1th At Good lot anon within 3r\e mile, southeast 4f 3',tderlrh V.L.A. SUBDIVISION E:\ctlient huildulg lot. 12") r MOBILE HOMES Glendale Knight -2 bedr,ton1 fullv furnished. Includes 44141 sfled 19t;N model like new 4•'(1191 ,11 Owner kW.. mg area filet reduced to $f3,1(4(1 Immediate (i'„e,slorl make 11, an offer 1970 Champion 60 x 12 fully fur coshed two bedroom with ex colic n,) view Take 7'andl bathing area, includes t)1ol shed and picnic table, excellent veer round horse for only $7.9i43) Immediate possession 'COTTAGES Near Bruce Beach, new :3 bedroom, electric heating- Large lot, good sandy beach FARM -50 ACRES Good two storey red brick home, Karn, drilled welk- imple1nent shed, good land, close to Goderich. INCOME PROPERTY Park House on West Street, overlooking Lake Huron 15 bedrooms, two dining rooms, two kitchens Great possibilities,/ im- mediate possession Open for of- fer, WANTED We invite your listings of all property,, houses, fare_ s cottager+, businesses, etc. BERT ALEXANDER, 245 CatherIn• St., Tal. 524-7838 GERRIE $ BERNICE GLENN, Dungannon, Tel. 529-1924 LES PENTLAND, 182 Camoron St.. Tel. 524-9007 DON ABERHART 39 Britannia Rd. W., TN. 524-72111 A