HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-05, Page 10PAGE 10--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 K I N GSBR I DG E K AP ERS 1)anns Wilson returned to Halifax on March 26th to his returned to Hamilton to fit out DICK- and Peter Vanl)iepan- beek left Goderich the 28th ROYALTON-- to start off one tlishir NIr Desniiind ()'Donnell has gt\ en tilt ht. ltfe iit Sailing ;Ind started 4,, work at -The G..' Mr Paschal Calarco, regional Audio\ 1.1131 (1- itlk 11441 AMU' Ntitit.' I 14 (1,t1.114 Ilter i)1 Mr and 111 the t' 1' Radio program \11,Ction to St Joseph's school :it K-ingshrtilge. was g11 en he, ;Ids(' the Department ot edut .it ton had heard of tht Program offered in this school On Monit.o, Nlarch 26, three different schools were phoned and tuned into the station. One school was in Ingersoll. one in Hamilton and the other was St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge The guest speakers were cucci, Grade 4; pupils from St. Anne's School in Niagara Falls, ()ntario Each student on the telephone asktal the same num- ber of questions about Niag:Ara Falls The question topics ranged from the origin 'the falls to the present erosian of - the fall- This program will be Station fai 2:30 p ni -Be sure and cirde this date ,in sour calendar and he tuned 11'1 ',it hi, tune Plans are being made hy Grade 6, 7, and 8 pupils to stage the operetta "-Jack and the Beanstalk- in the near future Plan to ;Attend. Box -s and girls' school volleyball teams are planning plav the Wingham teams this School was dismi;sed on Mondav at 2::10 p.nl. because of Parent - Teacher intervievvs, which ended .8:15 pan. This; was followed by-VolleSliall in the school g\Tii under the direc- tion of 'Mrs. 'Yvonne Sinnett. Films were'shown of the school bus trip to Victoriaville, Quebec :ind plans for this ve:Ar's trip to Maple Ridge, Mrs Joe Courtney 529 1189 British Columbia were dist ussed followed hs the elec- tion of the Executive for St. Sichoot Association. In Town and Country won the first place trophy by in the Lucknow Arena on Sun- day evening taking the series :1 ga riles to 1.. Kingsbridge defeated Lucknovs by a score of 9 to (1, .taking this series two games to laicknow's 1, ,ind winning the Consolation Trophy Congratidat ions, boys! Terry 1)a lton spent the weekend in Niagara Falls and held in the Sheridan Block Hotel 1 )t't roit last week and from there flew to Indianapolis to look at ilifferent milking parlours on the different farms. resident' of Kingsbridge, now residing in London was Years young on March 1 1. Nil-. and Mrs Joe- Macliityre moti(red to London on Sunday and helped their uncle to celebrate this occasion hy taking him "Out to Dinner-. resides with her daughter 'and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne celebrated het': (Donald's father) will.celebrate his 81st birthday on Friday tith, Frank A'ustin will celehrate his 81st birthday on April 1 7th, and Larry Wallace will -be 93. Congratulations!! 13111 Livingston has sold his farm to a lannly now' living M Germans- and has bought.- the share of the Hensall Livestock Arena which was owned by Jack newly elected (Lynda Vassella froni Toronto, visited :it the horne of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred April is Cancer month. Tea:M Cantain of this area is Mrs. Joe Courtney. Please he generous when the canvasser calls at your door. Cancer can he beaten. John Austin, Mrs. Walt.er Clare, Mrs. Joe Courtney, Mrs. Dalton attended the public forum on ''`Third World Development" with Peter Flemington writer .ind dirt:a-- tor of "Man held :it the Knox Presbyterian Church in Many from this area-efiloyed 'the Kingsbridge Youth F).ince held in the Salt ford Valle\ Ila on Friday, NIarih .tii Visiting :it the home of their parents au,: past Wcek end Hamilton,. vs 1111 NIr and NIrs. Joe CoOrtrieS-. -NI rs Ann O'Keefe, Brescia College. Lon- don, Nkath Mr and Mrs. Joe (.)' Keefe, Fran( Hogan, Ridgetown Agricultural College, W till Nil' • and Nit., John 110%s-ard. Miss Rose Nlar\ Hogan, Woodstock, %vith and Mrs. Dennis Hogan. Menibtg-s of the ingshrulge. Catholit Women's League en- joyed .1 delicious pot luck sup- per on !Sunday afternoon following the Annual Nleeting Congratulations to the ile‘V treasurer. Nil', Cyril Au -,1 11): first vice, NIrs Antone Eugene Frayne, third vice. Mrs. Fred (.'rawford, recording secretary; NIrs. Toni Hogan; Frank Itiegling: past president. Mrs. Joe Courtne\- %vas presen- ted with the C.W I, Nlaple Le'al Service Pin for the Nv(,rk -she had done during Iter ferni of of - The C.W I, are,making plans for a card party to be hold in the 1-,)arish H:111 on Friday mediately follo‘ving Lenten I)evirt ions, MatIV fAitn this area atten- ded the Baby Shower for Mrs. .Art Bowler, nee Lynda k'assella, which was held at the honte of her sister, Betty Lou - Mrs. Michael Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. 1;ilbert Fravne, Lucknow during the Winter nionths moved hack to 'their' horny here on Saturday,' March have returned to their liorne„..af- Beta Sigma Phi meetin l'1121.111:01.tetc: Si(gt1.11.111)11,1,1k•It:,t;(71, tt..7.11e1:.:(iii„: were members for the new Exemplar The Ritual of Jewel officers President Verna Kane, Vice -President Roberta 'Ishis chapter ss 11 1 bc inmie tip Machati, secretary Shirley Nur- (d. girls who lia‘e been in the 1111:1 II, treasurer Alison Ritual of Jewel Chapter tor 1.)oistsalswas decided that Beta Those elected were President Theta would donate the monev Lorraine Itacchler, % ice- to send a child to the Retarded president Barb Moss, secretary Summer f'ainp for two weeks. Karen Sturdy, and treasurer A letter is being forwarded The Founder's City will be held on Aptilt„i place and unit at meeting '1'fie program 0444 next r,ttti scheduled for Apri'll then adjourned to the Bar for coffee. SEAFORTH MOTORS SEAFORTH tHONE S27-1750 or USED CAR LOT 527-0450 OPEN TILL 9 EACH NIGHT Cow hathri w. 1971 COMET COUPE 1970 IMPALA CUSTOM Two door hard(op, 8 cylinder, steering, power brakes, radio, automatic 1969 CHEV IMPALA Two door hardtop,.8 cylinder, auto% ahly PArt MR. AND MRS. B. E. BOWMAN Two door hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio Local couple weds at Bethel church 1969 IMPALA Four door sedan, 8 cylinder, automatic 1969 ORD FAIRLANE Two door hirdtop, 8 cylinder, automat 1969 CHEVELLE Two door hardtop, 6 cylinder. automatic 1969 CHEVROLET Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic 'Bethel Pentecostal- Church, Bonita Marie Hov becarne the wile of .13riati Eric Bowman. the double -ring ceremony arnirl large houiniets of glads and daisies Saturday, March 2.4.0 The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bowtrian and the bride is tilt; -daughter Of 'Mr,. Lynda St. Don presided at the organ and acconipanied the soloist.. Robert :Watt. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore :t long white gown of ricau de sole with lace Inserts :it the neck and lace trim on the hell sleevess. Her at - tactic(' cape formed a train. She •v1/4 ore a three-quarter length veil attached . her seed pearl crown, ;ind carried ,,a white. with lace over red roses 1sith''rOse huds on the .sdk streamers. Maid (it howl( Brenda Cilatier, fioderich, She wore a su•flshine Fellow po.N-ester satin gown with Tong sleeves and a ruffled stand-up ollar. The dress was trimmed with a white daisy chain. The carried a bouquet of yellow entred white daisies. Groomsman Nli•as (;ary Bowman, Kitchener. fishers were George }1n\:. brother of the brute, Goderich, and Bruce BoNymah, brother of the groom. Goderic•h. The wedding reception was at the Maitland ('ountry ('lub where large daisies floated in red colored water in glass goblet s. The bride's mother wore :r long sleeveless gnw►t. of pi.rlk flowered sheer nylon crepe and corsage of pink c:►r•natjOns. "rite groom's mother selected :t long sleeved blue floral gowvn of ►tvlon georgette and a red rose corsage. For her honeVmnon trip. the bride changed tct.�a burgundy knit iwnt suit with a cream colored knit pullover top awl :t corsage of red roses. ,The couple is residing In ( ;oderlch. Prior to hc;r marriage, the bride was feted .11 showers given by NIl? Brenda i;laiwr. Miss Marlene Bennett and Miss Alice Gerrity, and the Bethel Pentecostal ('hurch Young People. 1968 PLYMOUTH Sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic 1968 PLYMOUTH Two door hardtop, 8 cylinder, automat Olt 1971 FORD CUSTOM 3/4 TON 8 cylinder, 4 Speed, power steering 1967 FORD 3/4TON 6 cylinder, 4 speed. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED - UNITS PRICED TO SELL PLUS A NUMBER OF OLDER VEHICLES irst Mortgag 3 lit pen t from Kinsmen donations ATTENTION GOLFERS TRADE IN YOUR OLD CLUBS NOW ON NEW LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL _SHAFTED _CLUBS WE GIVE TOP TRADEAN ALLOWANCES GOOD BUYS ON USED CLUBS Mondav night was Past President's Night at the Kin- smen hieeting and featured Im- mediate Past President, „Don fillet/. in charge. " During business- session, , it was learned,' tha't the proceeds from the bar at the game Will 1:>4:. donated to the cystic fibrosis fund. 4$ 1 On to the International Kinsmen members also Relations Project in Kenya for Our Golf Shop Is Well Stocked With set tor July 18. Pat Patterson., a Life Member of the Kinsmen 'as, w -ell as a member, of' the K.I0 Chili will .be in charge 'assisted Kinette Barb Shewlelt. The Kinsmen expresser] their deep appreciation to these tvir-16 hard w.orkers who spend many hours on this • annual • project. It was , decided to donate 1st LINE EQUIPMENT - By The World's Leading Manufacturers pledged up to $500 tri cover anv deficit in connection with the c.hildren's summer camp for the' Association for the Mentally Retarded. The Octogenarian it is Mfg. Sugg. List * OUR PRICE p WILSON STAFF 8 Tons 3 woods EXECUTIVE eel & oght hand) $375. $360. $360. $330. • the vocational training program being carried on there The next meeting will centre around the initiation of new members into the Kinsmen TIC 1104)1 tliot Stree ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 75% of Appraised Value •NO BONUSES .NO FINDERS FEES 21 MONEY FOR NOME OWNERS • MORTGAGES OPEN ONCE A YEAR WITH NO RENALTIES 2nd and 3ral Mortgages Easy, quick approvals rower UNI -MAX (lef. & night hand) SPALDING GARY PLAYER ARNOLD PALMER CHARGER 8 Tons 3 woods KNITS add something new for SPRING • BOOMS WHAT YOU NEED '2,000 to s 100.000 pAymENTS YOU CAN WORD 4 41i Loons on homes, farms, lots, corteges, commercial buildings. Money for home improvements, consol tciat ion of bills, in fbct for ony pur- pose Write or telephone collect to 10 p todoy. 24- hour locol service. Priompt Investment Corp., k,330 Boy 9586 Evgs. 1416-239-4913. Goderich Community LI bui Credit Union 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODERICH 0 pal PHONE 524.10 sERIficE When and Where You Need It on 141( POWER PACT PLUS FOURS SPALDING ,7 -PCE. SETS 8 Tons 3 wooers Cbmpare at 824$ men's & Ladies' 33.33 SPECIALS ON ODD WOODS EA. $6.75 SUITS SPORT COATS BLAZERS SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS • Good Selection Of 11 & 7.pce. Sets. !:-.; Putters, including Pings.& Bullseye, Shoes, Bags, Carts, Featuring Bag Boy, Rainwear, etc. MANY USED GOLF CLUBS WE REPAIR GOLF CLUBS OUR SELECTION OF SLACKS IS THE BEST EVER - OVER 400 PRS TO CHOOSE FROM Watch For The Opening of Our New John Deere Service Centre In Blyth • . . To. serve the formers of North Huron '' Many Other Utiodirortlsod Special Sots of Irons end Woods At Trotrtoodoes Scrimp BOS MARTIN, DICK DUKE 2 PROTESSIONALS TO SERVE YOU,A, Huron Tractor 4xeter) Ltd. is pleased tO announce they hove purchased property at the intersection of Highway 4 and County Road 25'in Blyth as the site of their new Joh,n Deere Service Cen- tre The new service cenfre, to be opened later in 1973, wirl employ a parts manager and three qualified mechanics to look after Ihe service and warranty 'needs of our customers in the north Huron In addition to qualified staff, there will be a COMPLETE stock of parts for all John Deere machinery, plus accessories which you may require. A delivery vehicle will also be operated out of the new Blyth Gou Service Our NollAlerk 61111.4'flIAL AN! PLANNING A SPRING WEDDING? We are agents for Freemans Pormal Ren- tals, for all occasions. .9 service Centre to serve our manycustomers in the Goderich, Chn- Sales will continue to be handled out of our Exeter location, but once you have purchased John Deere equipment from us, set' vice wilfte provided at the more convenient loOtion depen- ding on whether you are closer to Exeter or Blyth We at Huron Tractor (Exeter) Ltd. look forward to providinQ you with even better service in the future, and if you ore cotn- templating new or used equipment this spring, we urge Y01) consider the fact that service will bow be ovailable to, you at _ Blyth. ea fa If --..Dbop . 'Y lib iii wawa Pickett & Campbell Limited "The Store for Mon" CLINTON GODERICH KINCARDINE WE EMPHASIZE THE SERVICE AFTER THE SALE AT HURON TRACTOR (Exeter) LTD. •