HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-04-05, Page 5AUBURN 4-H fourth and fifth meeting Auburn 1, Nifty Nits as `t the home of the Ie 'dere lonal(I Cartwright. .g was in charge of the nt, Doris Naylor and the s were adopted as('r read he secretary y n. The roll call Was an- by each girl telling how ►mpared the total cost of arntent with that of a adv -made. Mrs. ('art- tuonst rated how to sec bindings, lap �ine ,s arid- plackets The 'nt Mrs. Jim Schneider the discussion of neckline Mrs Cartwright the girls how to install r without the steam and e tailor's hem. The girls ed the fifth meeting roll telling how they could ,rate stretchy seams into arments The meeting osed by the -1.1-1 creed. sixth meeting, Of the its was opened by Doris and the 1 11 pledge. inures were read by Machan. The roll call psw'ere(I by telling how an to care tor their gar - when, they are made in to washing instructions 1rs. Donald Cartwright Mrs. .1101 Schneider .traced how to instal in hands. The meeting 'sed with the 1-H creed. and Mrs. Allan gall and Miss Debbie f Sudbury visited recen- h his parents, Mr. and Alan McDougall. ',Kay Hanley, Mrs. Doris rson, Mrs Leone. rt and Mrs. Arabelle 1 if Clinton visited last day with Mr. and Mrs. d Allen. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973—PAG* 6 Auburn folk have busy week Misses (;ail and have Seers arrived horse last weekend from a holiday spent in Florida. 'I'hev accompanied their grandfather, Mr. Fred Seers and their aunt, Mrs. Elsie Keays of Goderich. Mr. Robert ('hamnev arrived horse last week after spending the winter iit Windsor with his son, Mr. Herman ('harnnev and Mrs. Chamney. FASHION SHOW Over :100 Fashion conscious persons crowded into the, Auburn Community Memorial ' hall last Wednesday evening when the United Church Worsen of Knox United Church presented their "Fashions for Spring 73; show. The guests were. welcomed by Mrs. Ken- neth McDougall and VIrs. Ross Rcif inson and Mrs. Norman McDowell was in charge of tickets at the door. The hall was attractively decorated with bouquets; of spring flower~ and a decorated arch on the platform arranged by Mrs. Fred Armstrong and Mrs. Allan Craig. Mrs. Ted East welcomed everyone on, behalf of the U.C.W. and - presented Mrs. Brian Hallam who was the commentator for the show. The children showed many at- tractive clothes made by Canadian, manufacturers with one feature in common -their { easy care feature. These clothes were supplied by the Jenny Wren Shoppe in Goderich and Winghant. These garments were modelled by Debbie Cunningham, Ken Millian, -Karen Laidlaw, Brent Andrews, Lorie Millian, Paul Plunkett, Patti McDowell, Faye Hildebrand, David Durnin, Kim McDowell, and Donna Gregg Fashions fromftarf en's Ladies Wear in Goderich were modelled by Arva Ball, Lynne 'Turner, Mrs Barry Milian, Sherry Plaetr.er, Jayne Arthur, Lynn 'l'urriT T'i3arhara 1?ropey, Wanda ['1aetzer, Mrs. Norrran•Wightntan, Mrs. Pater Berbeek, Mrs. Dorothy Grange, Mrs, Norman M,•Clinchey, and Mrs. Stanley Vali. The Earl Rawson Style Shop for Men supplied the clothes for the men and teenagers. "These were modelled by Rick Ar- chambault, Murray Wrghtnta11, Douglas Durnin, Maurice Bean,. 1)ana Bean, Paul ('harn- ney, Gerald McDowell, Glen W1ghtnt,in, Barry Arthur , Walter Cunningham ;111(1 Bo) Swartrnan. During the fashion show solos were sung by Miss Yvonne • Bean ;accompanied by Mrs. Emmerson Rodger and Misses Doris .Navlof and' Lorraine ('harnnev accom- panied hc. Lynn 'I'urne+r. Miss Nancy Anderson supplied ap- propriate music on the piano throughout the show. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer was in charge of the second portion and thanked the three stores who had supplies) the clothing. The flowers were courtesy of Denomne Flowt'r shop, Craig's Sawmill and the U.C.W. Make- up on the models was urcharge of Mrs. Allan Craig with Holiday Magic. The door prize, a bouquet from 1.1 C.W. was won by An' drew Kooprnans Gift cer- tificates were won by - Miss Elaine Snell, and Susan Howson frim Jenny Wren shop; Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs.. John Stadelrnttnn from Earl' Rawson's Men's wear; Miss Margaret Franker. and Pastor Alfred Fry from Shaef- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sim- mons and daughter, Miss Mary Lee Simmons of Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan visited last "Thursday with their cousins, Mr and Mrs. 'Thomas John- ston, -,Miss Laura Phillips and Mr and Mrs Robert Phillips. Miss Barbara Sanderson of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of London spent the weekend with the ladies' 'Parents, Mr, ar►d Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. M r. r an l Mrs. Duncan MacKay and his brother, Mr. /John MacKay ►f Kitit til visited on the weekend with Mr. 'and .Mrs. -John MacKay and Mr. and Mrs. John Weir of London. Spring must be here- navigation is in full., swing, on the Maitland River this past weekend with n i nv hoots and canoes enjoyingihe sport. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Miller of London visited last Saturday with his brother Mr. Gordon Miller and Mrs. Miller. OBITUARY Mitis Helen Phillips of H;antilton . passed away on •1'h1arsda‘, March 2M in the Henderson General hospital at thy• agr of 1x ',ears. She was the daughter of the late Orval Phillips and Mrs Philips (nee Lu(Ila Itolonson) of Mitchell. slie 1s survived by her mother of Mitchell, two brothers, .lack 1 ;( Normandy Gardens, London and Fred of Mitchell Also t,ti(1 mei es -Cat 11%. ;1111 ('111(1v Phi11ip; of London 'l'he tone al .:i, held on Sunday h„ui the Ileath-Leslie funeral home in hl it( hell with inter- ment-in nter- rment-in Woodland cemetery, 9ITOR ATTENDS Mrs Maryil Pardy, editor of Horne and ('ountr"y', a magazine pot out . the Federated \ti'orn(n institutes of Ontario, F VV 1 O 1 conduct)( 'a sttc- es,fu,l W.o.(.kshop 011 Parliamentary .Procedure last Thursday in the Auburn ('om- niuriity 114ernyria1 hall. The slay long session was ;attended b\ 2 interested officers from Tiger Dunlop, W 1 , AVinghant, «' 1 Iit-lgrave. Clinton, St. Hclt n�, Goderich i'ownship ;incl Auburn branches. 'The (I;ay.s progr;int began with the review of the origin and growth of the Women's institutes throughout the• world. Mrs. Pardo tlointed out the first ob- jective on February 19, 11197 at Stoney Creak when Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless and Mr. Erland Lee organized, was to promote the knowledge of Household Science. Special at- tention was taken to sanitary conditft►ns in the hcinte and a better understanding of the economic and hygienic value of foods and -fuels. Tudavti anrn is to get a better understanding of human beings .arta ` their relation'hips have -come close to every individual ip a rapidly changing world. Distances are becoming shorter and the problems of one nation have a bearing Upon many others. Great social and economic 'problems 'confront every woman everywhere, with the ensuing difficulties of har- monizing home and country life. M rs. Pardo outlined t he structure of this world-wide organization from the Branch, to the District, to the Area, to the Provincial Federated Women's Institutes oLOntario, to the National -Federated Women's '1nstitues of Canada andhe International, Associated Country Women of the World. A.C.W W. In the 'afternoon, Mrs. Pardo told about interesting and educational meetings and how to conduct them. A .question and answer period followed in which everyone took part. She closed the session by telling everyone to become more aware of presenting interesting meetings. NOTICE STUMP REMOVAL Slump removal machine will be available during the month of May. Anyone , wishing a stump removed from Town boulevartk, will be required to pay a fee of $6.00 per stump. - Please notify Municipal Office, 57 West Street, 524- 8344, by April 20th, 1973. J. Harold Walls, A.M.0°.T., C.M.C. Clerk -Treasurer CARPET - LIGHTING FIXTURES - KITCHEN CABINETS PANELLING - PAINT - BATHROOM TILES & MORE ryrt Pardy,-editor of Home and Country Magazine, seated, spoke to area Women's es in Auburn. Looking over her shoulder are, left to right: Mrs. Eric Raeburn of-aTiger , Mrs. John Banter of Goderich W.I. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott of .the Clinton W.I. (photo h Roulston) DERICH FROSTED er'S Ladies Wear. Floral arranl;erncnt,I"rank Slater from Den0mnte.'s Flower shop, Shampoo and set - Miss Brenda Archamh:aitlt from Mary Anne's Hair Designs. Gift from Robinson's -general store - Mrs. Arnold Cook; An alarm .clock -from Aileen and Elmer Trornmer's Hardware store -C . Hessels. A basket arrangement of flowers - donated by Craig's sawmill - Mrs. Louise Buttell, Gift from Arthur's Furniture store Mrs. Ross Higgins, Gift from Slater's store - Mrs. W. Ravnard. Lunch was served at the;con- elusion of the show by the ladies under the conyenorshili of Mrs. Donald 1laines and Mrs. ,Jack Armstrong. BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Nancy Anderson enter- tained girl friends of Miss Betty Moss last Saturday evening to a bridal shower prior to her marriage this week. She was assisted by Misses .Jennifer and Shelley (range. The bride -to -he was escorted to a green and yellow decorated chair and contests were enjoyed during the evening. Gifts of towels ;and cans were present('d to the guest of honour and she thonked everyone for their gifts. A delicious smorgasbord lunch was served. LOCATED ON 35 SOUTH ST. IN GODERICH ACROSS FROM 'WOOLWORTH'S ee: Creamer The Manager and Stiff of the Toronto Dominion Bank, Stratford honored a nAther of their staff, Miss Betty Moss last. Friday when they presen- ted her with an electric kettle. The symp=athy of thio com- munity is extended to Mrs. Louis Whitfield of Blyth in th* - death of her husband last week in Florida.