HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1973-03-29, Page 22I PAGE 0A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. MARCH 29; 197 3 FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY 1)id `'ou know that North, Amer►ca is t>xperlent ing a Great Religious l(t'i\ 1 uring the 60', religion 'et•Olt'tl to suffer a (1o\%0 hull (it'll(' \\'e heard "God 1.. dead' 'The Bible is Myth . and' , hart h .it tendancc' and ti11I1 1 t\ oh:er ance along . v1 itt. h ti11 1 l;►\ `+ch�lol and 131111. reading sof fere(' .1 great 1,1,s But the :11 , are dittercnt People are turning 'to religion again. People r&,tllic that 'nonev d,x,siCt bring iov pea, e or purpose `1.tri\ are real:; Ind !hat ,.\ en cdu,,ttion doesn't and t', file fllrtllt• \1Ptt1\ :ire r•.e11 111:,on11t 111,1 ot Ih(• ding 1ne ! (•.1 hili;.; t'ftat, it': atter .111 ,,111\ ,111 Ili:;h1111.110 1111 any event th,,l1,„11, lr+lrn t„ reit:41,m `e 5cC ht tort 11:1, there keen ill 11 .1 \k 111111 ,1f I'el1�l, r1, tr„111 \\ ht, 11 to t'h,1o,e \nil whsle \ 111,1y not think „f ,orne tht•\ trills\ are [here. 1, popular •I'O1):A1 ;at.ln1-,00. \\'iti ti, raft. .1), l l I t 1,111 1 :1 s h o t u r l palt1l1-1r\, .l 1rolnF\, t>tt eft I "past rail. and Bonen, 01 Omen tai Religion, and Idt.t,, ,otic c\ en dahhct1 \\ Ith hit- of t'hrt:ti:t ilt\ There Is a 1'6•11:4H111-, Ht•\ 1\ 31 ev terV vv [tire tod;rV '\l:in need, " I I\ ;(1 Ior1 x4111 1, ,et'kin„ It in.., I{el l; 1•'11 1-,'1 t It 11 tr ,v -all that ,itl„11 1,11'i folilld 111 t•I141'i1' 1,11'1 ,it tt•r'rihlt• tt1 rt•.111.'e 1111( Salvation e\ en found in the ('hri,tian }{t Its Tori ire fact telt' ('hristl;ln I{elr'„ion ha, in it at seat ten rclll sou, things-- y;oor1 1hlng,heautlful thin;;; .that (\ill not lA c you eternal Itt'l• Fier e.IreTEN TE-IIN(;S.TInot. i l l NOT S;ivt': t'hor, h Nt111 I ershul► Baptism, ('ont1rmat ion. 1. rollnlc It t 'on111 11 on tier. r1l 111a1 1{ittt;t 1, 1r;t\i1 l )nriat son, K(e1)1n;,' (;t111er1 lZtile rt!' irnnlandnl(•nts• • Good \\•,irk, Belief 1n Creed, Reading the E3ihle \Well -'t 1)1 left? ()tie thing AVh1•n f';i1t1 the :11rt)titIt wits in I'rl,oii t,)r his faith the jailor Isked from his very rle(✓p►t44 .1-t)ar1 "\\Alai u111-4 I flu It) he an,yver was the 1(;ospt>11 irk its -101- 1,le,t . r11 1 1 effect iye form Ilei• on the Lord Jesu, ('hr1-t •;incl 111r1n -halt he Saved t- l(; :t1 That . Ilelit•\1 isn't a srrnpl1 .OK 1 1+•111•\1• there was 0 man n,tmt•d Jesus- Neither is it "I belie% e the Apostles f'reed'. or ',,;nit. such statement of 1 rift[ 1 lilt 1, 0 desperate, ah- '-til'ute i0 011(1enc0. ri I1;►n1 i' t.ttth. in le;trls ('hri-t t, the one dying in your place i'n(I 11,1. \olrr -111, By Capt. D. J. Connor Salvation Army lett, (hrl-1 I,. Gull'. answer The \+;1\ 1., , 1 ,smile. In fact 1u;111\ rest', 1 11 het•;test• than \pant, to 111111 t;,)(1 111 ht, way. inst1,11 ,.t Dens;; totted by God 011001411 '\et cor11- plt•teI) 11t•r te, t \\'It\ ut `;,tl'\,trl,mu 1)0 \ot( ie -ill\ want to have the �1tt ,,t Vie! nil Litt•' \Would \ot;t Ill.e t„ kti t for ,ii re ;1ho111 Ilt•,1\t li •iirli .hit t ht ui chert \\ ould \„ l Ilk(•» 10 h,t\ t• the reoat 1 Itrl,tlltn lite here And y,H1 \,,;1 rc,tltit• and li kilo\\ It- l: e thatt \on [a\t' 3 eet, -1)11'1111»(1 11, t•'1 111,11 11! f,t, 1 \.nl .11c .t •lllli,'I''t{o111 1 2i1 a11i1 11ce,1 LH 1,1 .mil ,1. \'1111 know soli , 111111.0,.15 t• \1111T-311 h\ 11\ 111t'.lit-, 11111, i _o \o11 ,111 1,11lt 1», 1'1111-1, 11'„11t Ii,)\\, t1 111 ill „'.11 -111 1r�11� died In v,'10 t>1:l, c 1It Altered your death for your ,tri God said —1'he surd hath laid ort 111111 1111,00 Olt' iniquity of 11, all" IIsaiah 5:3.61 roll receive 1 lirt-t now'' \\'111 ' 11 ,1 \cit[ all your soul "1;ot1 111• merciful iflul to me 't ,Irl- nrr ;t11t1 ,a\e me ft„►r It*lt.' •;rkt \\•111 you (11)t'11 your hie 10 .It t, ('hila 11- 111 knocks .tall unit• 1 I{e\ ('I.it Ion 1.10) \1'111 yoir RELIEVE on the Lord .le,lt, ('hri,t nov%•' If von \\ill yolt wall htr Sa\ed, you W111 11;1v (' I•:tort tl life (;i►d guarantee, It 1 Ro0l;lris 11)' Li) \\'hen gnu do receive Christ attend a 1111)1e preaching chinch -;11111 ;associate with other (;lire:t1111 ' Cell the Pastor \wt.\e accepted Christ and ,tart to get . Involved with, ('brit right ;t\ ty (Ind 1)11,, V1)11 TWO MINUTES ket1)I'`-"1 NE BIBLE BY CORNELIUS R. STAIN _ PRES. 3EREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO .ILLINOIS 60635 THREE BILLION • WILLS As i i1,; ; ::to i remained oiit''ciiellt -tu 1!i,• i11 of God, his �1akcr, ,ill vv1t11 hien His hi,. \\,i, 11'r froth; h'ahinced be- CaU'I I( centered in God As soon as 1i1' Iiatt'rl(I to Satan, how- t'Vel 01111 ,-ti»'t i1H 1v111 against Gods, all tt: iolt to go wrong. His lite. was no\.\; off center 311(1 out Of balance It. .-✓,i:, no longer sub- IeCt 1001)1:111110! `.x1111. Alienated 1on1 God 11),111 1100 reaped the fruits t)f 1115 !ellelhon, not only Ill hi, hdin,hrlle'Ilt horn Paradise` hut in the 'elf \'.'III ,if his off-” •,l)1llly. Of thi' hist h.. -Jo c ildie1! born into 1110 vv,,I1i1 oneibludgeoned tht> t1tl,1'r to 11ea111 an(i this was but tile' u1_,11 ,ul,ll; Il•rle1)•Goc! had tit 1111311 created .marl In His 0001 '011a1,'" and "likeness„ {Gen. 1 76,21) '..e re,1d later that Adam 1lcyat ,Srth ",111 /ass otnn Iikenc:ss, ,itt> l his image" (Gen. 5.31. Q'nt1 SO IItteri(5.,l0u1111 through elle ayes have hegotter children Hospital board ... (Continued from page 1A) and Dr H Cieslar, President of the Medical Staff. W M Wardley, George T. Young, A P Boutilier and Jim Remington were re-elected to the hoard for a terns of two years. In add bion, the board con- , slats of the following members: A G Barber, Mrs. John G. Berry, Harry Bosnell, J.W. Britnell, Dr. H R Cieslar, K.G. Dunn, I)r. R W Flowers (in ab- sence of Dr. Jackson), Dr. N.C. Jackson, •1.H Kinkead, Dr. K C Lambert, P.S. Maclwan, 1) A McNeil, J A Schaefer, 1 K Scott and C S. Teal. Ininlediately afterthe annual sleeting the first meeting of the new hoard was. held and the following officers were elected: Chairman of the Board, K.G. Dunn; ice -chairman, Mr. D. McNeil; treasurer,' W M War- (1ley, and secretary, E A. Elliott. There was a lengthy discussion of the current situation in' the hospital field and the hoard is confident that the high standard of patient care in the local, fully ac- credited hospital 'Can be main- tained. like themselves, with fallen na- ,tures and wills of their own, until today we have some three hellion wills operating in the world in- s'tead of the one, central will of Gori. This does not mean, however, that God has abdicated, or that the future of the world is now subject to the wills of three bil- lion fallen creat-ures. Nor was` God forced to formulate new plans because 01 the fall of man. Far from it, for despite man's re - hellion -- even through it God &leas been carrying-, out His plan and every true believer rejoices that God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will" (Eph. 1 : 1 1 1. While He does not rule directly in the affairs of men, He very definitely overrules, and as a result "all things work to- gether for good to them »that love - God, to them who are the called according to His purpose" ->rRom. 8:28). Eye. researc topic for Reb»,ek�h Lodge The r6.,-Jral meeting of Goderich Rebekah •bodge No. 119 was held in the Lotl'e rooms on Vie,(I t '. March 22 with Noble (;r;tnd Mr,. Ruby Snazel presiding. During the hrtsiness, Eve it'- helrev lir that God tett research w' as discussed. A donation to thi: worthy- rause forgive- and re,eo.es you its Ifis, hill it rt l en Iii ('hri.f(.►�nd -was given earlier- in the term. \ith hlnl ;t 1�( w Life N1r.i Elva Oshalrlestun v ItIiiVt - .n and '1f the (rllnlittec Y;111 rc11 1Ae lesil: t Flange, '‘)IL (;()Busch Rehek;lhs and tree, \oli trial) -in, deadly hold .rid 4.151•, Otto a ni•vc life e.John I 12. 2 Corinthian, "1 171 tiff \\i' ,1(' 1it:it s' title there .1 great fclt,„intl, kc,vivItl loi.ng 1n�':'i1 i -not the answer tO 111:In. - (1t•1))4, greatest 11)`1(1 .i1,t1, -;td "i art the 5\'ay. the truth It11(1 the Lift•.. 1.1trhn 1.1 (i) 5al\;ttit.►rp, through Faith in head the 01er1- tioned that ,a n1;tt•hine is in Huron (' 1)11110 11,•1;":; 0.1t1 zy Eve in 1hilrlri•n Plans were hill for the an- nual d1•,sert 'r;ir(' party and bake sale (1 k 1 1.6 plac) at MacKay Hall Wedn1•,dav A1Yril the i 1 th at 1 '.(11 p 01 he Brussel Lodge No :115 will he 311'-.(•, w'iah the Small Weddings oil Large Weddings • - A couple of shots or a full wedding album RAIN or SHINE Outdoor or Studio shots at same price Eric Carman Photography 524-7924 ., BARGAIN BOX ON THE SQUARE, GODERICH BOYS' FIRST QUALITY JeanJackets EA, 4.29 100% POLYESTER CANADIAN MADE PRINTS & PLAINS Boys'Slacks PR 3.6 7 100% POLYESTER, WHITE ONLY, 32-42 Men's Slacks $7.9 9 travelling gavel next meeting. Fritlowing•the. meeting an.nn= joyahle time was held by playing Five Hundred. Sister. Elva Oshaldeston and commit- tee served a salad plate lunch. "Despite the cut back that is being so. highly publicized, we did get .an increase of 5`54, over 1972," said Tim Elliott. "`Chis increase does not cover the total increase in cost since salaries represent about 70- 75r4 of total cost and our set- tlements were considerably higher than "While it will be extremely difficult, the hoard feels that by continuous review each month we hope to make necessary changes it staffing, with anyr-.. minor reductions in staff being taken care of by attrition," con- tinued Elliott. The hospital currently em- ploys the equivalent of 1 �5 7 people with a 197:3 payroll of.. $1,1:32,17:3.00. "This obviously, represents 0 major industry in the town Of Goderich,.". said Elliott. The board of governors ex- pressed appreciation of t he many people and organizations in the town who have made contributions » in money or equipment during the past year. "They have helpc'1 to make our hospital the fine institution it is," said Elliott.` There's still hope for your "crippled hand" "And He looked around on them all • and said to him, 'Stretch out your hand." (Luke 6: 10a In the above Bible verse we see a man of tremendous faith. lie had a -hand that was crip- pled. .Jesus looked at him and said, "Stretch out your hand." At the Lord's command, he raised his hand, and it was restored. All of us have different kinds of "crippled hands." Wc>'rre handicapped . by things that keep us from` 'enjoying the fullness of life. And Jesus, still today, is willing to heal and restore us. What is -your crippled hand? Is it fear? Fear is a crippling - dii ease that troubles . many people. But Jesus .says, "Don't he afraid" .... "All things work • together for good to _them that love Goch:" (Romans 8:28) Is loneliness your crippled hand? This, too, can be a crushing burden. One doesn't have to be out in the desert or on a mountain -top or. in some far away part of the world.. to suffer this way. -One can. be surrounded by 'hundreds of people and Still -feel that nobody cares. But God does! He is your greatest Friend. Jesus said, "Remember, I will be with you always," (Matt 28:20)_.and "I.will never leave you nor forsake you." (Heb. 1:3:5) What is your crippled hand? Is it some sinful habit? All of us suffer greatly from doing 1wrong. We don't have the capacity to cure ourselves. Rut .Jesus, our merciful Lord en- •dured the punishment for all sin and He willingly and freely offers forgiveness and new life to all who penitently come to Him, The Bible'says, "Christ Himself is the means by which our sins are forgiven" John 2:2. Is inadequacy your crippled hand? Have you come to the U place whet -6 you feel you can no longer make it in your own strength? Then say with the Apostle Paul, "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:1:1) Is worry your crippled hand? Do you- let the problems and the burdens of the future wear you down? Jesus invites you to, "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) Yes,.Jesus still -today is ready to heal ups of the things that `cripple and incapacitate us. We can he "more than conquerors through Him that loved us." .Jesus says, "Stretch out your hand." In faith, grasp hold of His unfailing promises and you, too, will feel His healing and restoring power. Key 73 Calling our cow lo a�M� WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in=s formation about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscrip- lion to the Signal -Star CaII her at 524-9525 Seven days.TM'without being at. the Huron Men's Chapel ,makes one "weak". • THIS SUNDAY ROBERT DRYBURGH • WILL. SPEAK DOROTHY SCOTLAND WILL SING WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR - 2 p.m. HURON NEWS CHAPEL, AUBURN - 8 p.m. Evil Prevails When Good Mon Do Nothing 11.0 JUESE FAREWELI MRS. TREVA K. WAGNER Mrs. `Preva K. Wagner, 60, of :32 Marion Ave. S.E. died' at 2:25 a.m. Friday in Massillon City Hospital after an illness of four months. Mrs. Wagner was born in Brewster and spent all her life in this area. She was a mer her of the ladies auxiliary of Nor- folk '& Western branch of the Brotherhood of Railway Train- men, 0 member of St. John's United Church of Christ here and the Women's Guild and U.R. Welcome class of that church. Her hUshand,1• Louis Wagner, died in February 1970. Surviving are 4t three daughters, r Mrs.. Shirley Schneider of Massillon, Mrs. George (Beverly) Kailas of Amherst and Mrs. James (Donna) Long of Canton; a son, Louis E. Wagner of Diboll, Tex.; three sisters, Mrs. J. L. (Lois) Rowland, Mrs. Thelma Kanney and Mrs. Lowell (Ar- vada) Ayars, all of Massillon; a brother, Dr. Leon A. McDowell, of Madison, Tenn.; and seven grandchildren. The funeral will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Gor- don-5hai(lnagle-Hol linger Funeral Horne with her pastor, the Rev. Robert (amber, of- ficiating. Interment will he made in Massillon Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral 'home Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. H.G.• "SONNY" BRADLEY Rev. G. L: Ithyal conducted the funeral service ,on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. for the late Henry George "Sonny" Bradley who died at the age of 56 on Satur- day at his 82 Gloucester Terr. residence. Born September 6, 1916 at Paris Ontario h.e lived at Paris, Gravenhurst and then in Gdderich since 1927, He ob- tained his education -.in Gode ich. M Bradley was a licensed mechanic and machinist having served during the Second World War as a vehicle SUNDA Y SERVICES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W. H. McWHINNIE F.R.G.S.» Organist Mr: -Frank Bissett- - - • 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worshir "Passport to Heaven" Wednesday 8 p.m. - Prayer & Bible Study Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.—First Baptist Youth Crusaders Have You Heard of Key 73? ALL ARE WELCOME z Yea Ihou*h 1 walk Ihtau`lt IA, rorNr of the shod.* of dew[ !shall epi ) fol for Thuu urs with me _13.1 Halm mechanic with the RCEME corps: He was discharged at London on January 26, 1946. He married Lenore Stothers at Dungannon June 25, 1941 an isjtirvived by his wife. He is an adherent of 'Knox Presbyterian Church. o surviving are children Sandra, Mrs'. William J. Rooney, of Vancouver, William G.. Bradley, Goderich, and Cheryl Ann, Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Ottawa. There are also three grandchildren. Mr. Bradley is also survived by four sisters, and three brothers; Mrs. Margaret Bridle of Clinton, Arthur, (Bob) and William of Goderich, Otive, Mrs. Lee Maorcroft of Toronto, Mabel Mrs. Charles Haddad of London, Lloyd Bradley, Mount Forest and Dorothy, Mrs. Thomas Woolvett, of London. His mother Mrs. Mabel Bradley of Goderich also sur- vives. Pallbearers were Carlyle Bannister, John Graf, Len Jenkins, - Roy Bentley, Ross Cummings and Ron McGee. Flower hearers were Jim Bradley, Gary ,Baxter, Brian Stothers and John Schneiker.., WILLIAM OLIVER ALLIN Rev. Leonard Warr conduc- ted the funeral service from Stiles Funeral Home yesterday for the late William Oliver.. Allis who died March 24 at his residence in Colborne Town- ' ship. • Born ° May 1, 1909 in Colborne Township Mr. Allis 1' The free Methodist Church Park St. at Victoria' Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls Phone: 524-9903 10:00 a.m. Be part of a growing Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Miss Hester Dougan from Faith Mission 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service - APRIL 2ND TO 6TH 4:15 p.nl. - Youth Program 7:00 p.m. - Evangelistic Services Everyone Welcome CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUND,AMENTAL REV, R: BRUBACHER, Pastor 10:00 a.m. - Bible School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Y.P. Word of Life Club 7:30 Evening Service Wed. 8 p.m. •PRAYER MEETING COMING - SUNDAY APRIL 8th REV. PAUL POWERS MAGIC WITH A MESSAGE WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church. THE REV.. G LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A , Minister THE REV RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M. CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1973 Sermon: "THE LEAST, THE LAST, AND THE LOST" • (Nursery and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. P.Y.P.S. - Enter to Worship - Depart to Servs 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL.. 10:00 a.m.—ADULT STUDY GROUP 11:00 a.m.—DIVINE WORHIP, had been a resident fat his life making his 6,6 farmer. He was an Benmiller United Churc)t Allis was unmarried. He is survived by brothers; Roy , CIi6f Clarence all of Colborne? ship. He was also pied by two brothers; J. Allis of Seaforth, in lye Gordon Stanley Allh Oshawa, in 1963. Pallbearers were Alton, Harold Erring Errington, Wilmer Hari nolo Allis and AlbertVi Interment *as in Co Cemetery. IFYOUCAR ENOUGH GIVE. G EN EROO Sl WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario Bob McCaII,N Reprtsentative 11 Cambria Rd„ Goderid Phone 324-7345 T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON—EXETER—SEAFORTH—GODERI h Memorials Markers Frank Mcllwain 200 Gibbons St. - 524-9465 • and Cemetery Lettering Don Denolnmt • 66 Hamilton Street 524-8761 or 524.6621 COME TO A GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL.` -! IF YOU NEED A RIDE, WE HAVE A BUS, Bethel. Pentecostal Tabernac Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN and WATERLOO STS. REV PETER G ST DON, 'Pastor • SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1973 - 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 7.00 p.m. EVENING SERVICE Sunday Evening Service will be a Water Baptismal'Serria Tues._7:30 p.m. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Friday 7:30 p.m. — Youth Night Tact is the art of raising the eyebrow instead of laismg• roof. ". . For further information about church 'services call 52449 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1973 LENT IV ' Holy Communion at 8;30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon at 11 a.m. The Chancel Guild will take a special part in this service Sunday School and Nursery' at 11 a,m. Wed., April 4, 1973 HOLY COMMUNION at 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. (chapels - Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C Baker F.R C.O., L.R.A.M., A.R,C M Rector: The Rev. G.G. Russell, B A , B D ChoVictoria Street United HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV. LEONARD 00 10:00 a.m.—Bible School For All Grades 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service - Sermon: "FINISHED" BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH 1:30 p.m. -Worship Service & Bible School W E L—C--O—M—E Sunday - 7:30 p.m. APR.'8th. cturlislM Come and see a thrilling presentation (colored P1 the LEPROSY .MISSION (Canada). North Street United Church REV. ROBERT L. RAYMONT SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1973 9:45 a.m. - 10 year-olds and over 10:50 a.m. - Babies to 9 year-olds 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship (Hymn Sing) Guest Speaker: ' Rev. Roy T..lordisan Hyatt United . Church, London - (No confirmation class today) W--E-1--C_0—M—E Lorne H. Dotterer - Director of Vies Mies Clare McGowan - AsNNant